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Posts posted by cynic

  1. 2 hours ago, Popples said:

    I'm torn on the Ginny/Mike thing. On one hand, I'd love to keep it as a mentor relationship. On the other hand, I'm projecting my feelings about MPG on to Ginny and wouldn't mind seeing them go further. I just hope the show lasts that long....

    I think I'm probably doing that too. I've always thought MPG was attractive, but the extra bulk, the beard, and the character are really doing it for me. I don't know why. I don't normally go for beards or athletes, but I'm seriously crushing on Mike Lawson to the point that I'm starting to think I might have a fetish for shin guards. I can totally see why Ginny would like him, especially since he's been her guide and comfort during this scary time. On the other hand, it would be refreshing to have both characters realize that pursuing a relationship wouldn't be in either of their interests right now and maturely agree to be just friends for the time being. They both have some work to do on themselves. But I for sure want to see some hot Ginny/Mike action before this show goes away, because their chemistry is on fire.

    • Love 6
  2. This recap "Everyone is on the #Bawson train, except for Ginny" made me really think about the Ginny/Mike dynamic, especially this part:


    And this is how I know for sure that Ginny is oblivious. Mike sits next to her at the bar and does everything EXCEPT tell Ginny that he's in love with her, and she doesn't even bite. He asks her why she told him she was going out with her brother, and Ginny responds with some B.S. about not wanting Mike to feel guilty interrupting a date if the guys went out for drinks. Mike even calls her on it! He says "OK, we'll go with that."

    The real moment came, however, when Ginny said "Part of me wants you to leave for the same reason you want to leave." Mike looked at her expecting some confession of feelings, but Ginny never delivered. Instead, she spewed about the team not wanting her to be distracted, or whatever.

     I don't think Ginny was so much oblivious, but rather suppressing her feelings and avoiding the situation. I thought her "part of me" answer indicated that. She didn't say it, but Mike is a distraction to her. I actually really loved this entire scene. I thought KB and especially MPG were great in it. Lawson had clearly accepted his feelings and was ready to be open to Ginny about them if she gave the nod. At first, this made me root for them to get together.

    When I rewatched it though, the imbalance between them actually started to bother me a bit. MPG feels so much older, more mature here. The way he was speaking to her was even still very mentor-ish. Plus, he's more ready. He has more experience. He's been through all this before and he has realized that having someone in his life is a priority for him. He's also in a different part of his career. He's thinking post-baseball and he ,frankly, has less to lose. Ginny doesn't have a lot of room to make an error here. Her dreams could be lost very easily. And she doesn't seem to have the experience to feel confident in her feelings. It's got to be confusing to have feelings for someone that you look up to so much. 

    I wish that we could be certain of renewal. Then, I'd love this to be much more a slow burn. I'd like to see Ginny learn better how to navigate both her personal life and her professional life. A relationship with a good guy (like Noah seems to be) would be a great start. On Mike's side, I'd like to be more confident that he has such strong feelings for Ginny because of her and not because he feels so uncertain about everything else in his life. Perhaps the writers will do that anyway. It seems likely that they will have this pair pull apart now that Mike's not being traded. Ultimately, I do root for them though and I will be sad if this show gets cancelled before we see the end of the Mike/Ginny journey. 

    • Love 8
  3. 6 hours ago, Nanrad said:


    TBH, I don't think the show is turning into a romance about Mike and Ginny. I just noticed last night how vested I'm in in EVERY storyline and interaction. Like with Al and Oscar, Evelyn and Blip, Evelyn and Will, Ginny navigating the criticism and proving herself, Ginny's relationship with her agent, brother, teammates, coach, and organization. Ginny's relationship with Mike whether it be the catcher/pitcher dynamic, friends, or something more. 

    Like, I care about it all. And even if there wasn't a romance/slow burn/or whatever between Mike and Ginny, I'd still be vested this show--equally vested. IMO, the storyline doesn't strengthen or weaken the show because it's a well written show regardless with some great characters.

    ITA. This show has managed to make me care about almost all these characters and storylines. (I just can't seem to get into the brother's deal.). I even enjoy Oscar and I didn't think that would happen watching the pilot. I would enjoy this show with or without the romance SL, but I love the Mike/Ginny chemistry, so I'm all in for that.

    As for male/female friendships, I think the show has done a good job with the close and platonic friendship between Ginny and Blip. I do wish we could see Ginny interact with the other pitchers though and wish Tommy was still around for this reason.  

    • Love 6
  4.  Even Sarah Palin has some concerns over the Carrier deal.


    ...When government steps in arbitrarily with individual subsidies, favoring one business over others, it sets inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent. Meanwhile, the invisible hand that best orchestrates a free people’s free enterprise system gets amputated. Then, special interests creep in and manipulate markets. Republicans oppose this, remember? Instead, we support competition on a level playing field, remember? Because we know special interest crony capitalism is one big fail....



    But know that fundamentally, political intrusion using a stick or carrot to bribe or force one individual business to do what politicians insist, versus establishing policy incentivizing our ENTIRE ethical economic engine to roar back to life, isn’t the answer. Cajole only chosen ones on Main St or Wall St and watch lines stretch from Washington to Alaska full of businesses threatening to bail unless taxpayers pony up. The lines strangle competition and really, really, dispiritingly screw with workers’ lives. It’s beyond unacceptable, so let’s anticipate equal incentivizes and positive reform all across the field – to make the economy great again....

    • Love 1
  5. Whew, lordy, that was hot. 

    While I think it's probably better for them as characters and the show as a whole for Mike and Ginny to not go there (yet anyway), I'm going to be hella bitter about that almost kiss if this show gets cancelled next week. 

    • Love 7
  6. If Trump wants people to give him a chance, he needs to stop the crap like this that swirls around him. 

    Per reuters article from yesterday:

    "Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who helped write tough immigration laws in Arizona and elsewhere, said in an interview that Trump's policy advisers had also discussed drafting a proposal for his consideration to reinstate a registry for immigrants from Muslim countries."

    And then Trump surrogate today with Megan Kelly

    Higbie: Yeah, and to be perfectly honest, it is legal. They say it will hold constitutional muster. I know the ACLU is going to challenge it. But I think it will pass. We’ve done it with Iran back a while ago. We did it in World War II with Japanese. Call it what you will… maybe wrong, but…

    Kelly: Come on, you're not proposing we go back to the days of internment camps, I hope.

    Higbie: No, I'm not proposing that at all.

    Kelly: You know better than to suggest that. That's the kind of stuff that gets people scared, Carl.

    Higbie: Right, I’m just saying there is precedent for it. And I'm not saying I agree with that.


    Kelly: You can't be citing Japanese internment camps as precedent for anything the president-elect is going to do.

    Higbie: Look, the president needs to protect America first. If that means having people not protected under our constitution have some sort of registry to understand, until we can identify the true threat and where they are coming from, I support it.

    • Love 3
  7. 3 hours ago, vibeology said:

    The number of stories I've heard from people who don't make it that far in history class is astounding. In APUSH if you start with Columbus, most people don't make it past WWII before the semester/year runs out. My high school history class (Canadian so a few less wars) made it to the 1960s and then we were out of time. My US History class in university had to rush to finish WWII. This isn't something that gets covered for everyone everywhere. And of course history is cultural.

    Rufus wasn't alive for Watergate. He probably knows some stuff, but as someone a few years younger than Rufus should be (based on Malcolm Barrett's age) I can honestly say I know a basic outline but not much else. I've heard people use names connected to the scandal like Halderman or Ehrichman but I have no idea who they are and how they're connected. Add to it that Rufus has other interests and would have had to study physics at a pretty high level to be a part of a time machine creating group and I can see how this wasn't something that stuck for him even if he's encountered it before.

    I am a little older than Rufus and I was an honors student all through school. We didn't cover Watergate in any of my classes. We were lucky if we could get Vietnam in. I feel bad for kids today. There's even more history now!

    I know the reference to Deep Throat, but I must've picked it up from movies/books/tv. Still, even though I'm a big nerd, read tons of non-fiction, and love history, I still couldn't tell you much about it.

    • Love 6
  8. This show is starting to hit its stride in my opinion. I love that they varied the formula a bit here and that we're getting some answers so soon. Rufus is my favorite character, so the focus on him was great. When the show first started, I worried that Rufus would be a third-wheel/sidekick/comic relief to Lucy and Wyatt (especially if they went the romantic route there), so I'm really pleased that hasn't been the case. I'm enjoying Lucy as well. Unfortunately, Wyatt still doesn't work for me at all. Two out of three ain't bad, I guess.

    • Love 5
  9. 3 hours ago, attica said:

    My greatest objection to the episode is how photoshoppy all the team nude shots were. I'm assuming MPG had body-double approval, because his new body was quite, quite good.



    Was that a body double? I had just assumed that it was photoshopped to hell. If it's a double, that would be another reason why it looked so weird and unnatural. The pose was awkward and it seemed like his head was popped on there. I also didn't like how stylized the photos were and how it seemed like every little imperfection was smoothed away. We've had plenty of peaks at MPG's body on this show. It's not like he isn't hot on his own and he doesn't seem particularly shy. Considering the show made a point to contrast him with a younger hardbody in this very episode, it was strange that they chose to make the photo look like that.

    • Love 5
  10. Thanks for the explanations, guys! 

    6 hours ago, Password said:

    I loved the episode but I'm somewhat puzzled about Mike's story with his dad. Was Mike and his mother previous to his marriage? Why didn't the dad try to get Mike to stay, was his wife an issue? And Mike's mother, she used her kid to get money from his dad, when she should've gotten it anyway. I hope we get some clarity on this in future episodes.


    I got the impression that Mike was the product of an affair and the wife didn't know about him. It was confusing though. 


    Most hilarious part of this episode was Ginny asking if anyone wants to see her cutter. I died every time.

    I loved that bit.

    • Love 8
  11. I know zip about baseball, so I appreciate the explanations. Even with them, I feel like I miss some stuff, like why would it matter if she's never pitched relief? How is it different? I do think I would prefer if they didn't use Ginny as the audience surrogate though.

    I really liked this episode. The plot wasn't groundbreaking or anything, but I thought the execution was good and I liked that it had more humor than usual. Even Oscar's bits were okay. And I especially loved the team coming through for Ginny at the end.

    My favorite part of this show is Mike Lawson, so the flashbacks giving more insight into his character worked for me. In present day, I love how he stands up for himself, but ultimately does what's best for the team. I don't know if him moving to first is realistic or not, but I'm assuming that he will stay a catcher for the duration of the series for the pitcher/catcher relationship. I'm still rooting for him and Ginny too. 

    In the shallow end of the pool, all the partially clothed shots of Mike make the show very pleasant viewing for me. In a show about a female breaking barriers, I guess it's appropriate that the guy is the one that seems to get objectified all the time.

    • Love 12
  12. I agree. I think what some people mean by "shoved down their throats" is it being acknowledged at all. The show isn't heavy handed with it, but racism is a real and influential part of our history and I'm glad the show doesn't completely gloss over it.

    • Love 7
  13. I just binged the first several episodes of Pitch and feel like I've spotted a unicorn. Not only is the show centered on a young black female and her journey, but it also seems to be setting up an OTP-style romance with her costar that looks like it will be healthy and based on mutual caring and respect if it does happen. However people feel about shipping aside, black females have gotten such short shrift in both having their POV stories told and in being seen as romantic figures l that I really hope this show runs with this ship. Plus, the leads have great chemistry and a lovely ease with each other. 

    On 10/16/2016 at 6:47 PM, possibilities said:

    Is anyone watching "Timeless"? One of the three people in a team of time travelers is a Black man, and they are making a point in every episode (there have been only 2 so far, but it seems to be something they're serious about) that wherever they go in "American history" it's going to be rotten for him. He's allowed to express disgust and anger, the two white people he "travels" with are sympathetic to the problem, and they are also showing specific things from the relevant time periods.



    Timeless has a bit of a throwback kinda goofy feel in a Voyagers! or Sliders kind of way, I'm digging it though. I'm a sucker for time travel stories in general, goofy or not, but Rufus is what really sold me on it. I was worried that he would just be a token sidekick, but the show is pretty balanced. Rufus is important to the show and he has his own storyline and motivations. And yes, they tackle race head on. I appreciate that because those types of considerations are rarely addressed even when there are poc in the stories (unless that's the point of it all) and the perspective is just refreshingly new as well as being personally relevant for me. Of course, some people don't appreciate it as much it seems. I've seen a few complaints that the show is trying to portray white people as bad and/or force guilt over racism down their throats. Oh yeah, there was the more "reasonable" complaint that dealing with racism was a realistic storyline for Rufus or any other poc, but the poster doesn't want to deal with stuff like that in his scifi, so the answer was that the show should've made all three leads white as to not intefere with his enjoyment. Smh.

    I can't seem to edit out the video embedded in the partial quote.

    • Love 7
  14. I don't have super high quality standards for this show, but man, the actress who plays the siren is really bad, like distracting bad. Her line readings are terrible and she's not believable at all. Worse, she has zero charisma, which is a big problem when playing a supernatural being who is supposed to be able to have people in her thrall.

    3 hours ago, 2Old2BAFangirl said:

    Not loving zombie Damon for the final season.  It's not fun or entertaining.  It's just sad and annoying. 

    And making it even less fun is the idea that he should be able to fight the ancient, mythological creature's mind control and blaming him because he can't.  It makes me unhappy with the characters I love blaming him and saying he's given up.  And has he really given up?  I don't know...applesauce penguin. So am I pissy with characters blaming him when maybe they're right?  I don't know. Not fun.

    And then, to top it off, bring Tyler back for 2 minutes so Damon can kill him.  Great, like there wasn't already enough to hate on him for - yep pile on Tyler's death.  Not fun.

    I will say something positive - the beginning Bonnie and Caroline scene was lovely.  The Wickery Bridge flashback was really cool, I'd love to see more of that night!  And the "Can't spell Damon without Damn" was awesome.  

    Yep, that's it for me tonight.

    Yeah, there were some good things in the episode like Caroline and Bonnie's friendship and I also loved the moment between Enzo and Bonnie, but I'm so disappointed in the final season treating Damon like this, especially considering he's not doing it of his free will. After giving up on this show for several seasons, I was tempted back by the better treatment of Bonnie and her friendship with Damon. Well, where the hell are heck are they planning on going with their relationship now? I don't see them coming back from this and that is depressing as heck. 

    • Love 1
  15. 23 minutes ago, Meushell said:

    I like Amy, but that scene was weird. I don't think cleaning up was rude, but it wasn't necessary either. Getting angry at Sheldon was rude. The party clearly wasn't over for him or Stuart. It was kind of strange to see Sheldon being yelled at for doing more of what people want out of him.

    ITA, especially considering what happened with Stuart. It seemed really weird to bitch about what looked like very minor cleaning that could've waited another hour while the guys were bonding and Sheldon was genuinely making an effort to heal some of the damage he's done.  Amy knows what it's like to be feel awkward and excluded. You would think that she could cut Stuart some slack even if she thought he was over staying his welcome. Also, going by what we've seen of Sheldon over the years,  I really doubt that he doesn't do his share of cleaning normally. If it's not a recurring pronlem, let him have his fun, dang. Even if it was, waiting until after the guests go home would be the polite thing to do. 

    • Love 7
  16. I can't help comparing him to his brother.  Aaron Ashmore plays a good guy on Killjoys that can and has done shady things but he has a ton of charisma and is my favorite character on the show.   For me, Shawn is just there.  Not good, not bad.  Just...there.

    I can't stop myself from comparing them too. I flove Aaron Ashmore on Killjoys. This guy does nothing for me. I'm hoping he grows on me as time goes on and his character develops.  In contrast, Aaron had me within minutes in Killjoys pilot when he smiled with bloodied teeth while being beaten.

    I am starting to like Merrin's character , the guy who almost quit,  and even Beth (despite hating her on TWD, I hope she never sings here). 

    I even like the Da guy and am interested in his relationship with Hayes. (I'll just be over here at my table for one.)

    Hayes herself is still a little hit or miss for me, both in writing and acting.  (I didn't like Agent Carter either,  so maybe Atwell just isn't my taste.) 

    At least her brother didn't appear in this one.  For some reason,  he totally bugs me.

    I do think I'm in for the season.  It's fine for a mindless procedural

  17. 9 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

    You know who else was a brilliant female prodigy who brought the SCIENCE! to our hero's team while being beautiful in a non-intimidating, girl next door kind of way?


    ....and she lasted through the series.

    Astrid wasn't a prodigy who brought the science. She was a junior FBI agent who basically was assigned to nursemaid Walter. He was the one who brought the science on that show. She did show some tech ability at times and had other talents, but she was mainly there as an audience surrogate so Walter could explain stuff.

    2 hours ago, marceline said:


    Astrid was criminally underused on "Fringe." 

    Yes, she was.

    • Love 6
  18. More casting news

    Oona Yaffee will play "wise beyond her years" ten-year old, Molly.

    Jerry MacKinnon will play Jake Wells, a socially isolated research analyst obsessed with unexplained phenomena and fringe theories.

    And Rachel Melvin will play Alex Norwood, a brilliant female prodigy who will bring the science! to our hero's team while being beautiful in a non-intimidating, girl next door kind of way. 


    Oh wait, no, that's Simmons who sciences stuff on Agents of Shield.


    Oops, still wrong, that's Caitlin who sciences stuff on The Flash.


    This is her!

    • Love 12
  19. On 7/12/2016 at 5:38 AM, FurryFury said:


    I did like the episode, it had that eerie and melancholic quality that was missing from season 2....

    That's it! That's what I've been missing. This season has been very good, but it feels so different and I couldn't quite put my finger on why. I miss that sad, dreamy quality season 1 had. Plus, season 2 is just more "out there". I still enjoy it a lot, but I do wish that it hadn't lost that season 1 tone.

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