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  1. During All Access Lindsay did let it out that Alek was into Emma and Alek totally crossed his fingers when asked about getting Emma for switch up lol.
  2. They might comment on the duel between Alfonso/Witney and Maks/Meryl. They even pimped about the duel in the promo for the special.
  3. Yeah and Alfonso said on All Access that he and Chris were texting to see if he was going to dance because he said he walked in on them yesterday(Sunday) when he first injured his calf. Plus Alfonso and Witney were rehearsing this weekend for the 10th Anniversary special.
  4. The writers finally give me the Rick I've been craving for and they saddle him with Myrna for it, UGH. I really need Rick to wake the fuck up cause Rick and Myrna are the definition of anti-chemistry and Karla is just not good. She only has 2 facial expressions. Myrna is a total psycho and no doubt once Rick wakes up she's either gonna try to kill him or Caroline.
  5. God Im hoping Rick was too drunk to get it up and just past out instead. Then Myrna letting him think they did sleep together cause I've been wanting a Forrester/Spencer heir forever so Myrna getting a baby instead would piss me off to no ends. Hate the character and dont like the actress as is I dont need another reason to hate her.
  6. To go from Rick/Caroline angst goodness yesterday to Rick/Myrna pukefest today was just wrong.
  7. She could come back totally different. They were pretty cute together If not Amber how about Phoebe? Like she somehow magically been alive all this time and Rick was the only one who knew. That could be the ultimate payback for molesty Ridge.
  8. Caroline and Ridge is just too molesty for me. Rick and Myrna round 2 Im not here for. They were boring enough the first time around. Bring back Amber who I dont even like but at least she has history with Rick or hell why not Kimberly?
  9. Ah Grandpa Ridge is so in love........with himself
  10. So St. Ridge basically said he's using Caroline to get the CEO position from Rick. Congratulations Caroline, you're being used like Rick said you were.
  11. Caroline would be head designer if it wasnt for nuRidge's big ego. He's just using her to get her to draw for him. Mentor my ass. He lost his "gift" and he cant man up to admit it to Rick.
  12. Caroline had to prop the Rick and Myrna relationship but it didnt work because no matter how hard they tried to make Caroline look like a bitch and evil towards Myrna majority still loved her new attitude.
  13. I really want Caroline as Forrester head designer if nuRidge drawing hand stays broken. Hell I want a Rick/Caroline vs nuRidge/Katie showdown over it.
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