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Team Stark -- the quintessential straight-arrows, sharp-edged fools.

Team Lannister (Not Joffrey!) -- "We are very complicated. And we All Hate Each Other."

Team Greyjoy -- We raid, not fight. Fighting's for losers. Attack when you have the advantage.

Team Tyrell -- All roses have thorns.

Team Martell -- Vengeance shall be ours, and after our enemies are dead we'll have a festive where everyone gets laid.

Team Tully -- ??? The perpetually lost. Some to death, others to insanity -- and one to a stupid Frey marriage.

Team Renly -- Because who wouldn't want Masques and Dances and other fun things!

Team Stannis -- Do what is right. Bow to your king.

Team Targaryen -- Dragons. Because Dragons.

Team Night's Watch -- Because, goddammit, someone has to defend the realm!

Team Littlefinger -- You didn't know I was That Sneaky, did you?

Team Gendry -- "Fukkin' ya!"


Claim a team, rewrite the saying, or explain why I'm clearly off my rocker.


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I'm definitely Team Tyrell. This family (or the women anyway) seems to hold the best balance of good, kindness, political-savvy, ruthlessness, and practicality of any other group. Although I am disappointed in Olenna's decision to team up with Littlefinger.  Up until that point, they've played a pretty flawless game. With the Lannister's financial trouble, Team Tyrell might be the richest family soon to boot.

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So far I was Team Stark, but this season Team Martell is starting to look good.


What about:


Team Varys - Someone has to serve the Realm

Team Wildlings - The Free Folk know things (like lighting the biggest fire the North has ever seen)

Team White Walkers - Always the artists

Edited by arry the orphan
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