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S09.E07: Lisa Leslie

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Comic Heather Anne Campbell; former professional basketball player Lisa Leslie.

The intros were: Wayne--Drum & Bass, Heather--Rhythm & Blues, Colin--Rock & Roll, and Ryan-- Drunk & Disorderly.

Games were: Weird Newscasters, Song Style, Newsflash, What's In The Bag?, and Living Scenery.


This episode's Newsflash was that one with the teeth! Yikes!! I skipped the segment when I was re-watching. ::smh:: Is it me, or has this game become a Fear Factor, Jr., in that they find the grossest things. It doesn't have to be outtakes from Too Cute!, but dang!


The style for Song Style was: Justin Timberlake.


The news folks for Weird Newscasters were: Ollie Wannacracker as your anchor, Lucy as your co-anchor, Ramoo as your sports guy, and Lumpy Garoo/Carou ( I suppose if you are Canadian) as your weather guy.


Heather was fun and the show was pretty good over all!

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