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S01E06: Not an Ice Cream

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Zoe and Sam's new baby is extremely cute.

I am very unclear on what the government is doing and why and whether the Children are one step ahead of them or just getting what they need from them. Part of the problem is that the Children's power seems to have no limit and they seem to have no scruples about using it and yet they have not simply forced everyone to let them have their own way in everything.

What did they do to David? If they can give him amnesia why kill Rachel instead of doing the same to her? 

How did Nathan discover that self-harm allowed him to hide his thoughts from the other Children and why don't they notice when he is missing? How does he avoid thinking things he doesn't want them to know when he's not hurting himself?

Susannah's discussion with Evie about the merits of individuality vs the collective of the Children felt like it was trying too hard without having built up a robust argument. The hive mind isn't something the Children chose, it is part of their physiology. There is no moral superiority in rejecting it in the same way that a human is not more or less moral for not participating in it -- they simply can't do it.

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