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S03.E05: Double Jeopardy


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"Good Night Audrey Parker" is possibly one of my favourite quotes of s3.


There is very little on this show that makes me happier than any combination of the mains being sweet to each other, and the Duke/Audrey interaction is basically the entire reason I like this episode so much. I love that whole scene, and would not mind at all if "Duke and Audrey drink and talk about their roles in the plot arc late at night" was a regular thing. Some melting of my heart also goes on at the end of the episode, when it becomes clear that even Duke didn't know how much it mattered to him that Audrey thinks he's a good man.


Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. This is the real start of the "what are we going to do with you, young man." arc. I've got sympathy for so many of the terrible choices he makes this season, but still. What are we going to do with you, young man.

There is very little on this show that makes me happier than any combination of the mains being sweet to each other, and the Duke/Audrey interaction is basically the entire reason I like this episode so much.

The problem for me is that it doesn't make that much sense in context. Duke was just seriously pissed at Audrey for forcing him into the situation where he had to kill the Troubled guy and didn't ever ask him directly. In this episode, she's using him as bait to draw out the vengeful woman and again doesn't ask him directly. From the day she arrived in town, she's used him and demanded that he drop everything and help her, and yet she ditches him without a thought when he wants or needs something. And all this is happening within weeks of the wife he was just starting to reconcile with dying in his arms after being shot down in the street. So his crush on Audrey and affection for her in this episode don't really work for me. Maybe a little more after she in this episode talks about knowing he's a good man, but not until then. I think it says a lot about their relationship that she falls asleep while he's giving his heartfelt speech about how he's glad he got to meet Audrey Parker. That sums it all up.


Actually, though I recall Nathan getting a lot of hate in this season, Audrey's the one who irks me because of the way she treated both guys, but especially Duke. While annoying Nathan is one of Duke's favorite hobbies, I don't think he'd be cool with being used as a human shield to help Audrey avoid dealing with Nathan, and I'm certain he wouldn't be cool with Audrey hanging around with him so she can keep Nathan away because she's afraid that something bad will happen to someone she loves (which makes it seem like she figures Duke's in no danger there. Ouch.). She's making unilateral decisions about what's best for Nathan without letting him know what's going on, and she's using Duke to do it without letting him know what's going on. This is potentially dangerous because she doesn't even know how it works. If it's based on her true feelings, then she's not protecting Nathan by keeping him away, and all she's doing is hurting him while he doesn't even know about the potential risk. If it's based on who she's spending time with and appearing to care about, then she's putting Duke at risk without letting him know about the risk. All that's really coming of this is making herself miserable, stringing Duke along, hurting Nathan, driving Nathan to take stupid risks, and stirring up more strife between Duke and Nathan.

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Well I liked this episode because it had a lot of Duke in it and I like how they got rid of the trouble, even though it was really weird, I have to agree that it really ruined Audrey's character me, well not just this episode really this whole season. She took away Nathan's choice to go with her into the barn and used Duke as an emotional shield.



And she's been treating Duke like crap since he beginning. He saves her life in the pilot and then 2 episodes later she threated to throw him in ail if he doesn't do what she says. There was no thanks for saving my life.



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