Meredith Quill August 7, 2014 Share August 7, 2014 Discuss Heartland Here! Link to comment
TheRealTC August 8, 2014 Share August 8, 2014 Great topic. As a fan of the show, I'd just like to make a huge request before any discussion starts: Can everyone please use spoiler tags when talking about crucial information in episodes? Heartland is seen in over 100 different countries around the world. Not everyone in every country is lucky enough to be on the most recent season. So be kind to others. Do not adopt a "too bad for you" attitude; that makes things ugly and unfriendly. Fans in Canada have been able to see all 7 seasons. Canadian fans know stuff about Season 7 that fans in the U.S.A. do not, for example. Can you imagine how frustrating it would be if a major plot point was spoiled on these pages because a fan outside of Canada was taking an innocent peek at the message boards? It would be not so great, wouldn't it? The spoiler tags are a way to avoid such unpleasantness. If a fan wants to know plot details they haven't seen, they can choose to click to remove the spoiler tags. It's as simple and painless as that. Everyone wins. I don't expect everyone to care. I don't expect everyone to say, "Great idea, TheRealTC! Of course I'll use spoiler tags." But if most of us do, I think this board could lead by example and be one of the friendliest and most polite on the entire site. So let this be a troll-free zone, and let the discussions begin! 1 Link to comment
M-L-C August 9, 2014 Share August 9, 2014 (edited) "My Future's In The Garbage", Well, HOT ASH, I used to like you a lot. You were one of my fav., character's, I loved the moment when you put Mindy Fanshaw in her place, (classic Ash). "How bout the right's of fans who went to see a bunch of L^A*M*E movies and now WANT THEIR MONEY BACK",...she shoves her hand in Mindy's direction! (BAH~hahahahaha), BUT, Ashley, what you did to our, (er.. MY) Odelicious (CALEB) please girl. I hope your new found ambition of becoming a Lawyer, leaves you penniless and in debt for the rest of your life, BROKE. May you only get those cases where you are defending the creepiest of creeps and loose! I don't like you any more Ashley (HOT ASH), because of what you did to Caleb. But Cindy you crack me up! May Andy dump you like a bad habit, may he cheat on you till you can't see straight.... After returning and getting his hopes up for 'ONE LAST HOORAH', was very cruel! Come to think of it, that is how my last guy pal left me!....(WHO DOES THAT), sicko's that's who! Twisted unusual Sickos To Ashley, may you end up like Sarah Craven (AMEN!) Edited August 11, 2014 by M-L-C Link to comment
TheRealTC August 9, 2014 Share August 9, 2014 Gee, M-L-C, why don't you tell us what you really think? ;-) Link to comment
TheRealTC August 9, 2014 Share August 9, 2014 She's an orphan; she's a runaway; she's the new kid in town. And she's wormed her way into the hearts of the Fleming-Morris clan. Gab about Georgie right here. 1 Link to comment
M-L-C August 9, 2014 Share August 9, 2014 (edited) Keegan Connor Tracey; "Her Character Really Stirs Things Up". My uneducated guess would be that she is (A) a relative of Georgie & Jeff, maybe an Aunt who want's to bring Georgie home with her and takes Peter & Lou to court for custody (wouldn't it be funny if Keegan hires Ashley to represent her, bah and, they loose!) oh boy, but, I know (shhhhh) Ashley probably hasn't completed Law School, so that's out, but hilarious none the less! or (B) She is Georgie & Jeff's mother, before you shoot that one down. Do you remember when Jeff visited and he saw the picture of their quote unquote parents. Lou said something like "you miss them, Georgie told me", do you remember the look on Jeff's face, (it was one, of somewhat, shock, like what Lou think's she know's isn't the truth!) For what ever reason she comes alone without their dad; and because of whatever happened between them, she has turned to alcohol and has been in several rehabilitation's but, to no avail, she's a lush! Jon McLaren; Did you see the pic he posted on twitter "with these clown's on set" Him, Graham & Kerry, Graham has a beer and their in a bar, (hmmmmmmmmm), and did you see the tweet,.."Caleb is in a bar and there is a sucker punch, but he's not hitting or receiving" and then there's this JEWEL of a tweet,.."We have scenes today in a cowboy bar and, hey! Look who's here Cassandra (Kaitlyn Leeb) and, she has a new boyfriend." Again my uneducated guess is that he, (Jon McLaren) is Cassandra's new BO! I bet the sucker punch is involving him and, Ty & Caleb bail him out of jail! (that one was tooooo easy!) Victoria Pratt ; I'm thinking she's Lisa's Sister, Ben's mother. I think she comes to Heartland to celebrate Jisa's marriage and, my uneducated guess tells me Tim is in love with this beauty. If that's the case, I hope Tim will relax a bit and lay off of TY & Amy for a while! He can be such a jerk. Before anyone hollers at me because of the age difference, look he's 50'esh BUT, she's not twelve, twenty, thirty, she's 40'esh, so it is possible and foreseeable So, there it is MY UNEDUCATED GUESS Edited August 11, 2014 by M-L-C Link to comment
M-L-C August 9, 2014 Share August 9, 2014 (edited) So, there it is MY UNEDUCATED GUESS How about your thoughts, what do you think, Edited August 11, 2014 by M-L-C Link to comment
M-L-C August 9, 2014 Share August 9, 2014 yeeeah,....WELL,.....HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Link to comment
TheRealTC August 9, 2014 Share August 9, 2014 M-L-C, if you do want to "cover up" spoiler info, you can use the spoiler tag option. Look for the "no" symbol (as in "no parking" -- you know, the circle with the line through it). The tags should bracket the specific spoiler info. Link to comment
TheRealTC August 10, 2014 Share August 10, 2014 (edited) With Season 8 of Heartland currently in production, use this space to make the wait less agonizing. Speculate away! Note that this topic will most likely include SPOILERS since what people post might include stuff that happened in Season 7, which only Canada has officially seen. Edited August 10, 2014 by TheRealTC Link to comment
TheRealTC August 10, 2014 Share August 10, 2014 Latest from the Blog Whisperer: Team Heartland unfortunately lost to Team Hell on Wheels today in their annual charity softball game. The final score: 12-9 for Hell on Wheels. See the tweet. (And yes, that does appear to be Shaun Johnston in an old-fashioned nurse's uniform.) Link to comment
M-L-C August 10, 2014 Share August 10, 2014 Pretty funny stuff,...1 of the H*O*W guy's was wearing a "Brian Wilson" beard,....(Brian Wilson, . a Dodgers pitcher),....Hahahahahaha cool Link to comment
M-L-C August 10, 2014 Share August 10, 2014 Jisa is married Speculation about JISA Now that Jisa is married, they need a Honeymoon!, I would love to see Lisa's home in France, and I would like it if Jack finally came to terms with traveling and enjoying France. Would it be wonderful if the writers dedicated 1 episode to their honeymoon!...(I would Love that) Hopefully we get the chance to see Fairfield!....I don't know if I want Lisa to sale it,....I can't wait to see how the writers play this out because they need their own home. If indeed Victoria Pratt will be Lisa's sister maybe she can take over Fairfield and run it for Lisa, a partnership. BUT, JISA needs a place all their own, and maybe they can travel all over!. I mean my father & step-mother have a motor home and because they are retired now they have visited a lot of America's National Parks, just not all of them yet. I would like to see JISA do something of the same but, in Canada! I would love to see more of the amazing scenery like in Banff, or all over that we (outside of Canada) don't have the pleasure of seeing. When they got lost in 718, going to Montana, their connection in the truck was funny and I want to see more of that! I LOVE JISA Link to comment
M-L-C August 10, 2014 Share August 10, 2014 "O'dell,..Odell,..OH ~ delicious,..O'Delicious,.. or O*DE*LISH*OUS" I am surprised that we don't know more about Mr., Oh delish...! I really want to know more about his past. Why was he on his own at what was it 16 er...17. What happened? Does he have any siblings. But, I think, more than that I want to see our OH~Deliciousness happy in love! Either bring back the gal who smacked him while dancing......(I forgot her name), BUT, day~Um she's got the right amount of spunk for Caleb and I really liked her. She is a great friend for Amy & a great Lady for Caleb,....OR bring back Charlene,.......don't hate me, but she's got spunk too and in 718 they did have a bit of a somethi'n, somethi'n going on.. I loved it Please don't leave Caleb a lone with no one to care for his adorable De*Lish*ousness. He is way too good of a guy to leave hangi'n Please Heartland, Bring Him A Lady! Link to comment
M-L-C August 10, 2014 Share August 10, 2014 (edited) *TAMY* ~Well you only need the light when it's burning low only miss the sun when it starts to snow only know you love her when you let her go only know you've been high when you're feeling low only hate the road when you're missing home only know you love her when you let her go ,and you let her go. Staring at the bottom of your glass hoping one day you'll make a dream last but dreams come slow and they go so fast. you see her when you close your eyes maybe one day you'll understand why everything you touch surely dies but you only need the light when it's burning low only miss the sun when it starts to snow only know you love her when you let her go only know you've been high when you're feeling low only hate the road when your missing home only know you love her when you let her go. Staring at the ceiling in the dark same old empty feeling in your heart 'cause love comes slow and it goes so fast well you see her when you fall asleep never to touch and never to keep 'cause you loved her too much and you dived too deep well you only need the light when it's burning low only miss the sun when it starts to snow only know you love her when you let her go only know you've been high when you're feeling low only hate the road when you're missing home only know you love her when you let her go.......and you let her go.......and you let her go.......well you let her go.......'cause you only need the light when it's burning low only miss the sun when it starts to snow only know you love her when you let her go only know you've been high when you're feeling low only hate the road when you're missing home only know you love her when you let her go ..............................AND YOU LET HER GO.~ song by Passenger I wanted to add this song first because #1 I love it, but, it shows the depth, and maturity of Ty & Amy's relationship. I've put a lot of thought and consideration into this and, I hope you like it. My speculations may or may not match your own. That's okay because that is what makes this topic (and all the other ones so amazing). I for one, am glad that we have a chance to express what we think could or could not happen. For this, I wanted to tug at your hearts, hopefully I have accomplished that; BECAUSE, all of us love "TAMY' I will start with Amy Do you all remember in Season 2x1 It's Amy's birthday, We are introduced to Caleb, and Ty is getting beat up in Calgary. Jack get's a call and we don't know who it's from until Jack arrives to pick up Ty. When they arrive at Heartland Caleb and Amy are on the porch, sharing an intimate moment, and out steps Ty Well you only need the light when it's burning low only miss the sun when it starts to snow only know you've been high when you're feeling low only hate the road when you're missing home I will never forget the look on Amy's face....betrayal, defeated, brokenhearted, torn between 2 lovers. Amy is in her room looking out at Ty and Ghost Horse You only need the light when it's burning low.only know you've been high when you're feeling low only miss the road when you're missing home Ty is her light, Ty is her high & low, Ty is her road home. That was the first time I knew that they were meant to be. Ty has given her so much to think about though. He left her yet again, to find himself, was it season 3x18 and he returns in 4x1..with Blair attached to his back side (I think so,...), anyway Amy sure has had to deal with a lot and it's no doubt that this can create a lot of insecurities. So imagine 718, arrives and both have just dealt with trusting each other,.I may receive some hate for what I'm going to say, but that's okay...Because I love TAMY.Amy had to go,.Ty was reckless in gambling $5,000. on a race that they could have lost. As many times as Ty has left Amy and now this,...(yes I know They won).....Amy has to go to find out what exactly she is capable of doing with horses. She has become a woman and she needs to make here way in this life with or without Ty. She can not be the little 15 yr old darling that we all grew to love, any longer. She can not expect to live off of Grandpa forever. Lou has found her way and made her mark now, it's Amy's turn. I see her leaving as being positive, and enlightening. She will return a much better daughter, sister,grand-daughter & WIFE! (we hope). She needs to know who she is without all the comforts of home, which only experience can teach. My hope for Amy:"ONLY HATE THE ROAD WHEN YOU'RE MISSING HOME" I hope she's missing home so much that while staring at the ceiling in the dark her mind is so fixed on Ty, that she can barely sleep, barely breathe, and barely carry on. I want to see her Jumping into the lovingly, open & waiting arms of her MAN! Maybe she misses home so much that she can't wait for the plane to land, so she PARACHUTES down onto HEARTLAND and trips out of the parachute, runs crazy fast, & jumps into Ty! YEAAH. Because she know's she loves Ty, she just doesn't know herself, and that is what she needs to know more than anything else! Ty, her Man ~Staring at the bottom of you glass hoping one day you'll make a dream last but dreams come slow and they go so fast you see her when you close your eyes maybe one day you'll understand why everything you touch surely dies,.....only know you love her when you let her go,....................AND YOU LET HER GO~This song, and the look on Ty's face was more than I could take (OMG) crying. .Again at the risk of being hated all over everywhere......I will just say itTy had to let her go. not just for her but, for him as well!....He needs to experience some of that missing that he put Amy through so many times before. He needs to know and trust that she will come back for him. This isn't a time for him to get all stupid and find a warm body to make up for Amy .He needs to know that He can make it. This time for himself. If he can't make it 4 months without her he will never make it with her for a life time! He's a man now,....He's grown up.....he can do it. With all that money he just won (because he wanted to buy the little or at least contribute to it) he should go and buy the ranch! Get it started while she's a way, and then after they are married they will have a home to come home to! And then he can carry her over the threshold of their Place instead of Jacks Place!..... Ty & Amy both embody this song in such a way that it still chokes me up. this song is so perfectly theirs. I don't have a shred of doubt that when Amy does come home, they will be more in love than they were before, because they know what it's like to carry on without the other. They will be stronger & happier, and they will be ONE! Edited August 11, 2014 by M-L-C Link to comment
M-L-C August 11, 2014 Share August 11, 2014 (edited) "Hot Child On The Ranch",.Inspired by the hit song in 1978, "Hot Child In The City", by Nick Glider,...(this is my rendition) ~Danger in the shape of somethin' wild. Stranger dressed in black, (He's) a hungry child. No one knows who (he) is or what (his) name is I don't know where (he) came from or what (his) game is Hot Child (on the ranch), Hot Child (on the ranch), runnin' wild and lookin' (macho, manly, hardy), so (macho, manly, hardy) Hot Child (on the ranch). So young to be loose and on (his own) young girls (ie,., Amy, Ashley, Kit, Blair) want to take (him) home, when (he) goes (motorcycle riding) the girls all stop and stare, when (he) goes down town (he) walks like (he) just don't care, yeah Hot Child (on the ranch) Hot Child (on the ranch) runnin' wild and lookin' (macho, manly, hardy) Hot Child (on the ranch) [...] Huh, Hot Child (on the ranch) , (he's) kinda dangerous a young child runnin' wild ~ Boy did Ty Borden turn Heartland Ranch upside down when he rode into town in his pretty Blue 1957 GMC Apache, and, (WoW) if he wasn't a bit rough around the edges. What is it about the 'BAD BOY's' that is so appealing. Their bad news and, more times than not they never grow up. BUT, not Ty. He took his past and made it work for him, instead of against him. He sure had a lot to deal with and, with time & Amy's, & Jack's help he has dealt with it just fine. One of my fav., moments with Ty was when Jack asked Ty to go motorcycle riding with him. Ty didn't want to,. and there was that ever proverbial stare down, and yes, Jack won that one! Jack took him to the end of the road and told him to "Shove Off", That moment is when Ty grew up. For the first time someone gave him an ultimatum. In his heart he knew where he needed to be, he just needed a little shove in the right direction. And, look at him now! Watching him grow throughout the years has been a pleasure to see. He always comes back to Amy. Their's is a love story that every young girl dreams of (The Boy In The Loft),......He is by far (next to CALEB of course) my fav., character. I can't wait to see what the writers have in store for my HOT CHILD ON THE RANCH! :-) Edited August 11, 2014 by M-L-C Link to comment
TheRealTC August 11, 2014 Share August 11, 2014 I absolutely loved the episode The Road Home in Season 4. It's got to be one of my top ten favourites. Jack's ultimatum was a huge moment in Ty's life that can't be overlooked. One could certainly understand Ty's bitterness at the time, but one could also tell Jack was seriously cut to heart when Ty said, "No offense, Jack, but the moment I moved out of your loft, my life became none of your business." We knew Jack was just a convenient target for Ty's frustrations and lack of focus after his messy break-up with Amy. I'm so glad Jack was persistent and willing to dish out some "tough love" to the guy who used to live in his loft. Leaving Ty at a literal and figurative crossroads was a stroke of genius. Ty thrived under Jack's leadership and role modeling. I think it's the first time he ever had a real man in his life to show him (for lack of a better term) the "art" of manliness. I think that's what Ty had probably been looking for his whole life after the absolute train wrecks he had before in Brad and Wade. The protective streak Ty has in him is so appealing, but M-L-C is right: he was really rough around the edges when he first showed up. Jack was able to take that raw material and really mold it into something very positive. It makes me wonder how much influence Jack may have had on Scott all those years ago... (back-burner thought...) Link to comment
Laura-Lee August 11, 2014 Share August 11, 2014 I'm absolutely with you on this (It's KerryJamesFans from Twitter btw).I'd love to know more about why Caleb was out on his own... maybe his parents didn't approve of his rodeo lifestyle choice? I think there's possibilities for so many storylines for Caleb... I just hope they use one, him being happy in love would be a brilliant one :D 1 Link to comment
M-L-C August 11, 2014 Share August 11, 2014 Well 'Howdy Partner',....Right again, He can't end up like Tim just say'n Link to comment
TheRealTC August 11, 2014 Share August 11, 2014 Caleb has admitted to being on his own since he was 16. We also know he's from Okotoks, which is a small(ish) town just outside of Calgary. It would be great to know more about his family. Parents? Brothers? Sisters? While we're being told that Georgie will be getting a "long-lost" relative thrown into the mix in Season 8 , I think it's high time for someone like Mr. Odell to have a family life expounded upon. And they can do the same for Lisa while they're at it, too, as she's been without any connection to her own blood family since they dropped the "Here's my nephew" storyline. It's like both she and Caleb can't really exist without a connection to the Fleming-Morris clan. (Well, they tried to give Caleb a life of his own when he married Ashley; look how well that turned out...) 1 Link to comment
Maherjunkie August 11, 2014 Share August 11, 2014 Is it me or does Lou seem prettier and less annoying? I always thought she was whiny and bossy but the affair with Caleb seems to have lightened her up a bit. Agree or disagree? Link to comment
TheRealTC August 11, 2014 Share August 11, 2014 I always thought she was whiny and bossy but the affair with Caleb seems to have lightened her up a bit. Agree or disagree? Whiny and bossy at times, yes. Worry-wort, too! Good thing Peter knows her moods and has the patience to put up with them. But I think motherhood has mellowed her a bit. I'm on Season 7, so I have seen all there is to see of the series for now. I can say that "uptight" Lou hasn't really reared her ugly head since she blew up at Peter over the loss of the Hanley place. (You know, back when she thought he was completely downplaying the loss of her dream house.) For Lou, I want to see her self-confidence restored, as it really took a hit in Season 7. She went on a book tour arranged by a publisher that was interested in publishing selections from her Mom's the Word blog, and it kinda flopped. Sales weren't great, and some of the reviews were less-than-flattering. I've always preferred the "take-charge" Lou, especially when she lets her protective streak shine through. She's been protective of Amy, and of all her business ventures in the past; I want to see confident Lou back. As for her looking prettier, of course these things are always subjective, but I agree that she's maturing quite nicely. 1 Link to comment
TheRealTC August 11, 2014 Share August 11, 2014 View the teaser trailer for Season 8 here! (You'll need Flash to view it.) The Blog Whisperer has also announced the official release date of the Season 7 DVD: Oct. 7th. Of course the trailer gives away absolutely nothing about what to expect in Season 8, but I guess that's why it's a "teaser" trailer. 1 Link to comment
M-L-C August 11, 2014 Share August 11, 2014 (edited) "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh NEW YORK [ ... ] A New York State Of Mind Before I tackle Samantha Louise Fleming-Morris, I should warn you that I am taking the road less traveled. I'm hoping to give you a lot to think about but, again you are not required to agree with me at all. I get that. This is just how I see Lou, (feel free to tell us how you see Lou), so here we go. (For whatever reason I always like to begin with a song, I hope you don't mind), so here we go! ~ Ohhhhh New York - Ohhhhh New York. Grew up in a town, that is famous as a place of movie scenes, noise is always loud, there are sirens all around, and the streets are mean. If I could make it here I could make it anywhere that's what they say, seeing my face in lights, or my name on marquees found down on Broadway, even if it ain't all it seems I got a pocket full dreams baby I'm from NEW YORK, NEW YORK, concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do, Now you're in NEW YORK these streets will make you feel brand new ,big lights will inspire you, here it for NEW YORK, NEW YORK, NEW YORK. On the avenue, there ain't never a curfew ladies work so hard [ ... ] ~ song by; Alicia Keys We see Lou for the first time, in New York. She get's a phone call. Her dreams, and everything she's worked so hard for is about to be put on hold! She must have had big dreams, because she left home for New York. Not all of us are suited to stay. Many of us take the risk, and venture out to become who we want to be. When we stop dreaming, we stop living, and we just mosey on with the choices we've made. The phone call is from Gpa Jack. We didn't get to hear the conversation, but we got to see the look on Lou's face, and almost, the inability to breathe. We knew what the call was, something to the effect, (Lou, there's been a serious accident. You need to come home). Think about that!!! She didn't leave home to party it up somewhere and live off of friends. She found her niche, and she was making her way in this life, doing what she loved to do. I say good for her. How many of us have had a dream, but we were too afraid to go after it and we got stuck. Lou returns home in shock, and sees her sister in a coma. Think about your reaction, how would you have handled that! I'm surprised the writers didn't have her in a nervous break down. She came home and is expected to pick up where her mother left off, fixing everything. That would've knocked me for a big loop and Lou does struggle to make sense of it all. She struggles in her relationship with Amy, & Jack, she struggles with, "Where do I fit in", she struggles with the Heartland Business. Mind you she just came from New York where she was somebody, now she's what? The house keeper, family accountant (trying to put a budget in order) No big lights, No name on Marquees,.but she's home!!!! Season 2 comes along and her business mind is in over drive. The Dude Ranch (The Corporate Equine Retreat). In 2x5 the "Corporate Cowgirls" are coming. Snarky bunch weren't they. Lou has been home for 1 year & 5 months, (give or take). One of these delightfully snarky corporate cowgirls now has Lou's old office and received a pretty 6 figure income! (Let that suck the air right out of your lungs). What would you have done? They go on a trail ride, and camp out in beautiful Alberta, Canada. One of them ask's Lou this stunning question, "So Lou why did you come home, [ ... ] implying that she gave it all up for 'THIS'. (OMG) I so wanted Lou to smack her, and tell her off, but Lou rose to the occasion, and handled it very dignified. I was proud of her because, I know I would have lost it on the poor girl, who didn't know that Lou's mother died and her sister was in a coma. That was the moment that I truly began to like LOU! With all her quirkiness, and irritability. I love her. She has definitely come, a super, long way. She is a woman in charge now and you know what, I like that! She really makes me (shake my brunette head at times), but YES I LOVE HER! Edited August 12, 2014 by M-L-C Link to comment
Maherjunkie August 12, 2014 Share August 12, 2014 Wasn't she bullied by some mommy blog bitches? Link to comment
TheRealTC August 12, 2014 Share August 12, 2014 Latest tweet from the Blog Whisperer: Day 15 of 15, yes the last day of filming 808 and 809. Except for 1 scene it's all in the vet clinic; lots of Scott and Ty. Tomorrow (one would suppose) starts the next block of filming where they'll tackle episodes 810 and 811. That means they'll have crossed the half-way point of filming Season 8 (since there will be 18 episodes this upcoming season). Link to comment
TheRealTC August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Full-on speculation mode here... (which is probably redundant of me to say). So we've seen leaked pictures from the set of the Season 8 premiere, and we know we'll be seeing Val Stanton again. We know she's living practically full-time in Florida now, based on what Ashley has said. We also know Val loves to run interference, and that she probably still has designs on Jack. We know little about Jack's time in Arizona when he was recovering from his heart attack. While Florida and Arizona are on opposite ends of the country, what if Val had decided to "drop by" on her "old friend" to cheer him up during his convalescence? And what if Val "innocently" brings it up during the gathering (or whatever it is that they're celebrating) in the Season 8 premiere? Jack would be a little tongue-tied, one would think. Lisa would wonder why he never brought it up. And Val would just grin like she knew exactly what she was doing... Link to comment
isabellesarahbeth August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 That's a interesting speculation about Val-Jack& Arizona. That's always like Val, to say something at the wrong time then grin about it. I am wondering why the writers decided to bring Val back for Jisa's 2 wedding/reception. My hope is that she doesn't interfere with Jisa at all, in fact, it'd be nice if her and Lisa would get along for a change. Link to comment
M-L-C August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 And wouldn't be like, "Hudson's Own Mother Theresa", to shout out what a great time they had in Arizona before Jisa announces their wedding, in front of everyone...! (Grrrrr),.....I don't like this, not one little bit! Link to comment
TheRealTC August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Val and Lisa getting along? Hmm... It would require a great deal of change on Val's part. She doesn't strike me as the type who would be overjoyed to hear that Jack and Lisa got married. She might try to mask her dismay that she lost out on hooking Jack with an indignant "How come you never told me?!", but when has Val Stanton ever been known to be gracious in defeat? But we know so little about Lisa outside of her interactions with the Bartlett-Fleming family, it would be nice if she and Val got along for a change. I mean, really, does Lisa even have any gal-pals not living at Heartland Ranch? (I guess she has friends in France, and she has her business connections, but fat chance ever meeting them in the show...) But all-in-all, I am happy to see Val again. (Though I bet Caleb will be none-too-pleased to see her!) Link to comment
TheRealTC August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 (edited) And wouldn't be like, "Hudson's Own Mother Theresa", to shout out what a great time they had in Arizona before Jisa announces their wedding, in front of everyone...! (Grrrrr),.....I don't like this, not one little bit! LOL, M-L-C! Yes, it would most certainly be typical of Val to do it right at that moment. (Like she still thinks she has a chance, or something.) In all honesty, I do think she likes Jack a fair bit, but she just has a nasty streak that is so self-serving that Jack would never be able to reciprocate anything other than a strictly platonic friendship. It was mighty big of Jack to stand by Val and support her through her illness earlier on in the series. We never saw him ferrying her back and forth to appointments and treatments and such, but the fact remains that he did do all those things for her. Whether Val had hoped something more would come of it is anyone's guess; in any case, nothing more did come of it. But Val could always play the "I'm eternally grateful to you" card as a way of trying to insert herself back into his life. ("Oh, Jack! You know, I never thanked you enough for all you did for me.") Any excuse to be around him can always come back to her life-long need to show she will never, ever forget his support for as long as she lives. Will Val the "vulture" have a chance to circle around, or will JISA tell her (in no uncertain terms) to buzz off? Edited August 13, 2014 by TheRealTC Link to comment
TheRealTC August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Looking for a song you heard on an episode of Heartland? Chances are good you'll find it here on CBC's Heartland Music Player. Not all the songs are listed, but many of them are. You can listen to all the ones that are listed in their entirety using the Player.If there is a song you heard that isn't listed and you want to know what it is, ask here on this forum. Someone, somewhere, is bound to know what it is and who sings it. Happy listening! Link to comment
TheRealTC August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 (edited) What we know so far about episode titles for Season 8: Episode 801: There and Back Again, sw: Heather Conkie, d: Stefan ScainiEpisode 802: The Big Red Wall, sw: David Preston, d: Stefan ScainiEpisode 803: Severed Ties, sw: Ken Craw, d: Bruce McDonald Episode 804: ??????? d: Bruce McDonald Episode 805: Diamonds and Rust, sw: Leila Basen, d: Anne Wheeler Episode 806: Steal Away, sw Pamela Pinch, d: Anne Wheeler Episode 807: Walk a Mile, sw: Mark Haroun, d: Chris Potter Episode 808: The Family Tree, sw: David Preston, d: Chris Potter Episode 809: Pike River Cull, sw: Heather Conkie, d: ? Episode 810: The Heart of a River, sw: Heather Conkie, d:? Other pieces teased by the Blog Whisperer: 1) Amy is back in the very first episode, so put away any thoughts that she's spending lots of time in Europe with Prince Ahmed. 2) Prince Ahmed is coming back in season 8. 3) In fact all the principal characters from season 7, including Caleb, are returning, except of course for Mallory, who's no longer on Heartland. 4) We have a new horse character - Gypsy - who's going to delight everyone. 5) Fun Amy and Ty scenes will abound...Here's the scene description from [a] call sheet: "Amy & Ty catch up; they're out of practice." If you're not following Heartland on CBC on Twitter or reading the Official Heartland Blog, why not?! (Well, okay, if you don't want to be spoiled too badly, I guess that's a good reason...) Edited August 13, 2014 by TheRealTC 1 Link to comment
isabellesarahbeth August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 I think that's the reason Val acts the way she does around Lisa. Val likes Jack, but Lisa is the one who 'got him' so in a way, she tries to make Lisa jealous. Link to comment
isabellesarahbeth August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Episode 4 is titled: Secrets and Lies Link to comment
M-L-C August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Jisa = The Bald Eagle!, Val = The Vulture!~; Crowds of vultures swarm a.round 'DEAD Animals',... er meat (Val swarms around Jisa hoping for some DEAD DRY, MEAT,...from her gossip and nonsensical talk) The Eagle, (Hahahahaha) witnessing the swarm of vultures swoops down from on high and steals the meat, (Jisa will swoop down on val and snatch that carcass right our of her mouth, before she even knows what happened) GO JISA! Link to comment
TheRealTC August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 Thanks, Isabelle! Link to comment
M-L-C August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 From Season 1 to 6 Jack has been the source & picture of strength. ( I got no song tonight,...I'm all sung out), He's always giving someone a little bit of Jack~wisdom, encouragement, and a positive scolding. Even when being poked at by Tim. Tonight on 6x17, Jack has been poked at, pushed around and taken for granted (by Tim) one too many times! He lost it, The first time I (we've) seen Jack weak. We watched him being crushed under the weight of, and the possibility of, loosing everything. Everything that he worked so hard for (for Lou & Amy) was about to be gone by Tim. The life of Jack was sucked out of him when Stumpy called and told him that Tim purchased some of his feed; exactly the thing Jack told Tim 'NOT TO DO'! In Jacks mind everything was on the verge of being gone. Put yourself in Jacks cowboy boots for a moment, (What would you do)? When it looks like you are about to loose it all, are you still strong? I'm not. The important thing to remember is this: ~Be very careful not to follow every stinking thought that comes into your (our) selfishly twisted mind, because your (our) thoughts and feelings 'WILL NEVER', dictate your (our) truth~ Jack was faced with that too. He acted on what he thought/felt was the truth. Sometimes when we act too hastily we end up paying the consequences, and sometimes the consequences are greater than (what we thought was truth)! I feel so bad for Jack, because I can relate. ( I need a mental health day) Tonight's episode was quite upsetting, but next week (!@#$%^&*) This was just the beginning of Jack falling apart. (what do you do when your faced with a very serious circumstance, that seems to knock you for a loop & sock the wind out of you, leaving you speechless & motionless ?) We surely have to be careful with what we accept as truth, before we act on a lie we have convinced ourselves of. =) Link to comment
M-L-C August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 "THANK GOD FOR SEASON 7" Link to comment
TheRealTC August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 "THANK GOD FOR SEASON 7" M-L-C -- you can say that twice and mean it. People are going to be yelling at their TVs when they see episode 618. Fortunately, UPtv viewers will be seeing 701 the following week. (But will they be frantic just as Canadian viewers were?) I think it's time to start a Season 6 and Season 7 discussion thread! Link to comment
M-L-C August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 True that!,...You couldn't be more correct "TheRealTC",....We need it (yesterday) Link to comment
TheRealTC August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 No, it hasn't premiered yet, anywhere, so don't try looking for it on TV or through online sources because you won't find it... But -- the teaser trailer is out there. Episode-specific topics might emerge, but this is a good place to start talking about Season 8. Link to comment
TheRealTC August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 Canada has seen it on CBC.The USA will see it soon on UPtv (Aug. 27th is the announced premiere date.) Big, big, things are in store for the characters in this season. Give your thoughts and opinions about anything that has to do with Season 7 here. Keep it classy! Link to comment
TheRealTC August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 Just a quick (but important) note for USA fans watching on UPtv who like to set their DVRs: don't set it to record "new" episodes. Your system will decide that Season 7 episodes shown on UPtv are not new because of their original airdates, which would have been in 2013 and early 2014 in Canada on CBC. If you set your DVR to record only new episodes, it will not record the episodes that are being seen for the first time on UPtv. Link to comment
TheRealTC August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 (edited) (Original airdate: Oct. 13, 2013) The search is on for Jack's treasured trucks in this episode. (Ol' Goldie?? The two-toned '72 Chevy that Lyndy bought him for their anniversary? Tim, say you didn't junk them!) On the bright side, there's Georgie's adoption notice. On the ... bright side(?), Georgie punches Olivia! On the very bright side, Ty finds a dream. Could there be a ranch for Ty and Amy down the road? We also meet Dr. Tricia Virani. We'll see more of her and her troubled daughter, Jade, this season. That's all I'll say for now. I simply must re-watch the episodes from this season while the USA viewers discover what's in store for the Bartlett-Fleming-Morris clan and friends. Edited August 14, 2014 by TheRealTC Link to comment
isabellesarahbeth August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 People are going to be yelling at their TVs when they see episode 618. Fortunately, UPtv viewers will be seeing 701 the following week. (But will they be frantic just as Canadian viewers were?) I would've done anything to have seen episode 701 a week after 618 aired. UPtv viewers have got it good!! 1 Link to comment
M-L-C August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 (edited) Did you see today's blog, posted by the ever elusive "BW",...if not, now you can; ; in it BW chooses these adjectives to describe Season 8, " HIGHS, LOWS, LOTS OF FUN, A LITTLE MISERY, LAUGHTER, TEARS and of course continuing adventures of life on a horse ranch " She even added a very interesting clip of Chris Potter, (Tim) directing a scene. btw, he looks quite relaxed in that directors chair,..(haha). Some of those adjectives I don't, very much like .......hmmmmmpf Edited August 14, 2014 by M-L-C Link to comment
M-L-C August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 I don't envy my Canadian buddy's at all! But, I also remember watching 7x1 and it really (gave me relief) while infuriating me at the same time. UGH TIM! I have a real Love/Hate (liking) of Tim,...all through season 7 he reached a new level of annoying 1 Link to comment
isabellesarahbeth August 15, 2014 Share August 15, 2014 The "A little misery" has me worried. 1 Link to comment
M-L-C August 15, 2014 Share August 15, 2014 (edited) In lieu of today's Heartland Blog, I thought it might be interesting to introduce you to, Chris Potter ~ The Director ~, not the actor (Tim) Chris Potter has directed many episodes of Heartland and, some happen to be my fav; 3x14 - "The Happy List", Relationships clash. Amy clashes with Ty when he buy's a rundown 'Norton" motorcycle. Ashley clashes with Caleb when he leaves for the rodeo and is severely hurt, BUT, Val asks Amy to help her show jump again. (Who laughed when she falls of the horse in front of Jack, while she shows off,....Hahahahaha) 4x15 - "The River", There is a bear hanging around Heartland and, getting into Lou's Jam. Amy faces a lawsuit (by Stuart) {grrrrrrr}, She also is riding Spartan when he senses the bear near by. He rears up, and Amy falls hard, blacking out. Amy has a vision (of sorts) of and little girl, who is Marion riding her horse Cinders. Ty goes in search of Amy and, finds her. {this episode is one of my favorites. I loved Amy's vision and I love how the writers keep Marion in the show,....genius} 4x16 - "Never Surrender" , Caleb's friend Bryce, a paralyzed military vet & ex-rodeo star hires Amy to sell his roping horse. {another fav., episode of mine. Did you know that the actor playing Bryce is 'NOT' paralyzed. WOW, what an amazing job he did. I would really like to see him come back. What Amy does with his horse is pure genius. I loved it so much} 5x13 - "Aftermath", Ty almost hits a wolf on the way home with Jack, after he spreads his dad's (Brad) ashes. Ty & Jack get in an accident and Jack goes for help. { again another one of my favorites. OMG, I think I cried the whole episode. And, what was up with that random driver who drove by, UGH, what an attitude but, he did help them in the end. & Ty's vision's of Amy, - holy moly - awesome stuff} 5x14 - "Working On A Dream", Amy helps Tim in "Mutton Busting", to help Tim's image in a custody battle with Miranda over Shane! {Tim, what a Jerk} 6x13 - "Waiting For Tomorrow", Mallory show jumps Spartan, (Jeremy trained her, and used her, like she was just a piece of trash....Boy I hate that guy, more than I do Chase). During one of the jumps Spartan breaks a leg when he lands funny. { YEP, you got it, another favorite,...I cryed a lot in this one too, as Amy was remembering all that she and Spartan had been through,....OMG sad stuff}. 6x14 - "Lost And Gone forever", Jeremy killed his horse (but we don't know that yet), Ty's future as a vet is in jeopardy. Caleb helps Georgie to figure out how to play the recorder. An amazing moment between Caleb & Georgie! I LOVED IT SO MUCH. {But, what happened to Ty, because of Jeremy & casandra not being completely truthful just yet. She let Ty take the fall......It's fair to say that I don't trust her at all} 7x7 - "Best Man", Joe, Ty's friend returns and asks Ty for $5,000., & breaks into Scott's clinic and attempts to steal drugs to sale on the street. Joe is bad news for Ty. {wouldn't it be interesting if he returns and wants to get even with Ty,....hmmmmm I wouldn't be surprised} 7x8 - "Hotshot", Amy & Ty babysit Katie when Peter & Lou leave for on a business trip. (Hahahahaha, Amy, really, doesn't like to babysit!) Jack takes Georgie on a fishing trip at his cabin, where they find Jade. (hahahahahahaha, she steals Jack's truck while hijacking Georgie,.......Ohhhh that girl) Tim is fishing with Jade's mother and flirting too! {YEP, another fav. because I like Jade,....crazy as she is, I like her} 8x7 - "Walk A Mile", Ty makes strides in his vet skills. Justifying Scott's opinion of him { BW gave us this news on Twitter & the Blog} 8x8 - "The Family Tree", Georgie gets a visit from a long-lost relative, and some very interesting things develop. {BW gave us this news on Twitter & the Blog} So as you can see Chris Potter is quite the Director. Season 8 should be a true treat with him directing these two episodes. I truly can't wait for 8. Though we in America will have to wait 4 weather seasons to pass before we will have the honor of watching the PREMIER!......(SIGHING) but OH so Stinking excited! Edited August 15, 2014 by M-L-C 1 Link to comment
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