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Scientologists in the Plague Times: CoS and COVID

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I've noticed they're been up to some real sneaky crap this year.  

Financial Fraud -- Church of Scientology received at least $4 million in PPP loans:  https://www.orlandosentinel.com/coronavirus/jobs-economy/os-bz-coronavirus-church-of-scientology-ppp-loans-20201207-eqcmfxv3pzbl3i6r6mkidpx33m-story.html

Fake Missionary Work (you have to read between the lines with this one, since it's a pro CoS piece -- but we know from other instances how they create photo Ops rather than actually help people) -- Scientology Volunteer Ministers Reach Out to Needy Families with Food, Supplies and a Holiday Gift for the Kids:  https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/532205757/scientology-volunteer-ministers-reach-out-to-needy-families-with-food-supplies-and-a-holiday-gift-for-the-kids

Subverting politicians:  Gov. Mike DeWine accidentally promotes Scientology health literature at coronavirus briefing -- https://www.cleveland.com/open/2020/05/gov-mike-dewine-accidentally-promotes-scientology-health-literature-at-coronavirus-briefing.html

More Fair Gaming:  Sicking the grotesque Kirstie Alley on Leah Remini on The Howard Stern Show:  https://okmagazine.com/news/kirstie-alley-sparks-nasty-feud-leah-remini-shelly-miscavige-scientology/


Although they're facing some troubles now too. Clearwater is fighting back by taking action against all of CoS owned but empty properties -- https://www.tampabay.com/news/clearwater/2020/11/16/clearwater-to-create-registry-of-vacant-downtown-properties/


Anyone else have more detailed information about what they're doing under the cover of the Pandemic?

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