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Posts posted by sabretooth

  1. 4 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    I don't hate Melissa Rycroft, but I don't see her value. Maybe she's more valuable behind the scenes.

    I actually thought her tip this episode about how to get the curvy-walk-hips-thing made sense. Like that's the kind of feedback/instruction these ladies need. Things like "more power" or whatever are just so vague. 

    • Love 21
  2. 5 hours ago, lasu said:

    Eternal Flame had me cracking up, but Josh's I Get So Emotional was fucking hilarious. It's been getting better each season, but someone in production has a delightful sense of humor and I hope they never leave. 

    I was cracking up at the Oscar acceptance speech music playing behind Fessy's deliberation speech. 

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  3. On 7/16/2020 at 6:54 PM, Jillibean said:

    The bunker seems like it was absolute hell on these people, and I feel bad for appreciating the genuine friendship and camaraderie that seems to have come as a result—but I do. It reminds me of the old days of the challenges, when mostly everyone got along and had fun together with only a few exceptions instead of everyone being pretty cutthroat and looking to start fights to gain attention and followers. 

    Same here. It seemed like this cast gelled together mores than in previous years. 

    I'm surprised that there was only one injury during the cross country skiing portion. There were some pretty gnarly falls happening. I was also half-expecting Cory and the others who removed their skis to get penalized for doing so, but then I realized that Teej's instructions never actually said they had to keep the skis on, just that they had to strap them on. 

    I had to go look up how long ago it was that Johnny stiffed Sarah on the money because he looked so different in that flashback clip. That was only four years ago. Johnny looks so much better now.

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  4. 23 hours ago, MaggieG said:

    I just realized all the guys complaining about not having a skull. That's what happens when you throw Jay in 3 times

    This does not seem to be a very strategic thinking group, so the realization that the more red skulls one person gets the fewer there will be for the rest of the group may have flown right over their heads. 

    And Wes/Johnny acting like grownups and expressing regrets over their rivalry getting in the way of a friendship hit me in the feels. Real adult behavior is not something often seen on this show.

    • Love 3
  5. 2 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

    And the mission critical question of the day: why the f does Bananas have underwear with his own name across his ass? Did he buy them himself? Or were they a gift? The mind boggles. 

    I wonder if the Bananas underpants were gear from another Challenge that he's repurposed or he's wearing gear from this Challenge? I know I've seen the guys wear stuff like that before, especially for swimming/muck related events. 

    That poor producer in the middle of the Big T injury mess. She remained calm in the midst of the crazy, but the look on her face screamed "I am re-evaluating my life choices." 

    • Love 3
  6. How long did those noodles stay on the floor? Are they trying to entice the ants from the Big Brother house to also star on The Challenge? 

    Reading this article on Stop Being Polite puts Nelson's whole dig about the port-a-potty in a whole new light. (TL;DR the potties in the bunker stopped working, so production brought in port-a-potties in rather than fix the plumbing.) 

    • Useful 3
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  7. Jay kind of looks like a scrawnier version of Cole Sprouse from Riverdale.

    7 hours ago, lasu said:

    I think Wes is actually crapping in his pants over the Josh situation, and not for the reasons discussed on the TV.  I think Wes is terrified of Josh making this a thing and then being partnered up with him in a Rivals situation.  I honestly don't think Josh is smart enough to think of this, but Wes certainly is!  I wouldn't even be surprised if that's the reason he's turning up the heat with Jordan - would you rather be rival partners with Jordon or Josh??  Again, Wes is certainly smart enough to think of all of this, especially since he knows he would be unlikely to be Rivaled with John.


    I never thought of this. OTOH, Johnny and Wes together could be kind of hilarious as they try to keep the other's scheming under control. 

    • LOL 1
  8. 20 hours ago, J-Man said:

    Apparently it does include making television commercials however, because seemingly every business in America has at least one quarantine- or COVID-related ad running. 

    I work in advertising, and I'd be willing to bet that many of those ads are using stock footage or b-roll from previous shoots with remotely recorded voiceovers. The editing and such can all be done by art directors and video editors working from home. 

    It's interesting that PW's eldest daughter and BF are both on the ranch instead of hunkering down at their home(s) in Dallas. 

    • Love 5
  9. The one security guard had a look of "I do not get paid enough to deal with this shit" during the Maddie/Ashley fight. 

    22 hours ago, Eolivet said:

    And if there was ever any indicator MTV either has an airtight contract or does not care about contestant safety, it was that Cold War challenge. Contestant gets hypothermia? It's all good, man!

    I would have liked to have seen production do more to balance the water temperatures between rounds to ensure that the playing field was even. The first group had 61 degree water, then the next groups were in the 50s. I'm also surprised that Tori was the only one to realize that if her breakers added ice that the water would be colder when their group went in. 

    • LOL 1
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  10. On 3/3/2020 at 12:13 PM, anna0852 said:

    Now that we've gotten a mention of TK's mom, I would pay real money for them to cast Emily Proctor if we ever meet her.

    That would be fantastic. Those two had such chemistry on The West Wing.

    I spent TK's on-screen time trying to figure out what is on the medallion on the chain around his neck. 

    • Love 2
  11. On 12/19/2019 at 9:43 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

    The threats to kill are so interesting in light of the fact that there was more security there than at a New Kids on the Block concert circa 1990.

    I like that phrase! Showing the security is definitely new for this show, but a regular occurrence on The Challenge. And it appears that here we have just as much security for one-third as many people as The Challenge, which is interesting. 

    I need more on this Jeremiah/Gus off-show backstory. There's way more going on than they are sharing with the rest of the class. 


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  12. On 12/18/2019 at 7:44 AM, Eolivet said:

    And the fact that you could time out on a puzzle? Heck no, screw that. You Mensa candidates stay and complete that until you snap and start beating each other with puzzle pieces or TJ comes out, a la Phil Koeghan on Amazing Race in the middle of the night two days later, and eliminates both teams for being complete morons.

    I thought the puzzle time out during the gurney carrying challenge was fine - but give them at least a half hour, especially if the teams are so far apart and you're trying to "fake" an equalizer. 

    Timing out on the puzzle before the swim? Uh uh, you stay and complete that challenge until Teej comes out and tells you that you are the dummiest dummies who ever dummied for not figuring out that Slot A goes into Hole B. A Phil Keogan guest appearance in this case would also be fine. 

    And its been 20+ years, but it's still TOO SOON for a Bills joke.

    • Love 1
  13. On 11/28/2019 at 8:44 PM, drafan said:

    WTF is "traveling mercies"? All I can think of is Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and we all know she doesn't wear pants....or have fun friends.

    For a hot minute I thought Jana was being thankful for the Anne Lamott book. But then I realized that Anne, while a wonderful writer and hilarious twitter follow, isn't the right kind of Christian for the Duggars. 

    • Love 4
  14. On 10/11/2019 at 9:33 AM, peachmangosteen said:

    ETA: Oh, but also seriously how did Turbo not get kicked out? He pushed Jordan and then also put his hands on Jordan's throat. 

    And I think Tori also engaged in some laying of hands when she inserted herself between Turbo and Jordan while they were fighting. The show probably didn't want to have to throw three people off due to a fight over a piece of styrofoam.

    I was wondering why they didn't give the cast helmets for this challenge. A styrofoam piece of equipment - while conceivably softer than plastic - will still hurt if it falls onto someone's noggin. As much as I really don't like these people at times, I don't want to see anyone hurt. 

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  15. Last week CCR, this week Ben E. King. I wholly applaud MTV pulling in some classic music in the soundtrack to this show. 

    Was Josh one of the ones having a bitch fit about Faith and the pots and pans? If he was, that's a heaping helping of hypocrisy considering he did the same thing on BB. 


    Oh my god Wes is not only playing the game, he appears to be trying to win!

    Surely you jest! Doesn't he know he's just supposed to passively wait until its his turn to be eliminated by those have been self-deemed more worthy of the money?

    • Love 6
  16. I got stuck on MTV using "Fortunate Son" as the music overlayed on the team intros. If your theme is "War of the Worlds," why pick a noted anti-war song as your intro? Are we being trolled? 

    Was that Turbo going after Paulie in the previews? Turbo could squash him like a bug!

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  17. CMT must be paying their Blur Editor overtime for this series. We're hitting Bachelor in Paradise levels of blur in some scenes. 

    I don't expect the show to show an unrealistic situation where everyone is BFF, but there was an awful lot of awkward hostility at the dinner party that made it uncomfortable to watch. NASCAR cannot be happy that a series featuring some of their drivers wives is airing some dirty laundry.

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