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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. 5 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

    If I’m any kind of charity or foundation and Bravo approached me with an opportunity to film (with the explanation, of course, that it would be good exposure for said charity or foundation), it would be a hard pass.

    Seeing Princess Grace’s portrait was a travesty, knowing who she was. I would be livid if my group was in any way associated with that show and I saw what went down.

    The Homeless But Not Toothless dinner was bad enough. 

    I so agree with this. It was a beautiful party wasted on these women.

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  2. 17 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    The stuff with Serena makes no sense. If she was free enough that she could decide on her own that she was going to be staying in Gilead why was she even in custody in Canada. And then the reverse, if she is now a Gilead global ambassador, why was there talk about taking her back to the detention centre? Not to mention people can't just show up in Canada and say they are ambassadors and get to stay. Especially if you are the ambassador from some bullshit country that no one actually recognizes.

    Also on a much more minor note, why was Nick talking to June on a landline? You would think someone who used to be involved with surveillance would have some concerns about people listening in on his calls.

    Yes, yes agree. Why does the hospital in Gilead look so modern and even kinda high tech.

  3. On 6/2/2022 at 3:39 PM, Kirsty said:

    So, the first four episodes were really gripping and I'd recommend them. But (so far) the second half of the season is not, and I couldn't recommend it. The show obviously never had enough material for eight episodes, so there's a lot of padding.

    That said, I can see why Toni Colette and Juliette Binoche took part in this show. Colette is fantastic. She brings Kathleen to life and makes her imperfect and very relatable. And her story -- business woman in corporate America works all hours to keep her husband in the life he's accustomed to -- is not one I've seen before. I like the money angle to this story. I like the portrayal of Kathleen's stress and the way she's doing absolutely everything and holding it all together while Michael literally fucks around.

    I can also see that Binoche's character is unusual and... I don't know if unlikeable is the right word, but Sophie is definitely hard to like. There's way too much time spent on her and her cans of product placement. To me, the only interesting thing about those women who fall in love with convicted killers is why? What's her damage? Why would this French movie editor with a husband and child commute from Paris to Durham to make moony eyes at a man in prison who was at the very least involved in the deaths of two women? But the show doesn't seem to be interested in that question. Instead we get some guff about complicated love from her colleague. I think that's utter bullshit. Complicated love is a normal long distance relationship. Sophie's relationship with Michael, on the other hand, is something only a qualified professional could explain.

    Still watching and want to until the end. Your post is really good. I agree and watch this with a lot of annoyance. 

    I really hate Mike

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  4. On 3/16/2022 at 10:12 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    The music on the show is one thing they get right every time.  I love me some Bread!  Pardon the pun. Lol. (Check out the Best of Bread. Awesome!)

    I agree. Thank you

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  5. On 9/24/2021 at 3:08 PM, jmcd44 said:

    This is extremely unverified, but in the LLR Facebook group I'm in (never sold/bought LLR, just loved the documentary), the claim is that the doctor/one of the doctors at Obesity 4 Me in Tijuana is related to Deanne and her sister. 

    I could've watched four more episodes at least.

    Watch The Way Down on HBO. It is about a registered dietitian who started in weigh loss and ended up with a church and cult. She is based out Nashville. 

    Tip: watch her hair.

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  6. 17 hours ago, MerBearStare said:

    When Meredith was wearing that plunging snake print shirt, I realized what her new implants remind me of: the Community episode where they're all telling scary stories and in Troy's story, Pierce's butt is sewn onto his chest.


    (Please note: I don't make fun when it's something naturally occurring or beyond a person's control, but those implants are a choice.)

    Yes so funny

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  7. 4 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

    Did anyone else think that dog lady looked like Roseanne ?  In her interview with Andrea ?

    Oddly I really thought she sounded like Roseann

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  8. 4 hours ago, mandymax said:

    I tend to think that Cindy is remembering her high school days and her interactions with Kate's mother as she WISHES they were - so popular, all the boys wanting her, Kate's mother looking up to her - especially given the context in which she shared these memories: while assuring her "nerd" daughter that she surely had lots of people who wanted to be her friend and that she would one day be just like her mother (Cindy).  Her gazing off into the distance while saying that Kate's second husband once wanted HER kind of sealed it for me - like she was daydreaming.

    I'm so curious to see how they tie all of this together!

    I distrust the mom too. Wouldn't there be proof about homecoming queen though?

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  9. I want more discussion about the Morman church. Details we would like to know. 

    Heather and to some degree Whitney only talk about about surface things and they just repeat the same old things. Every episode Heather tells us about her divorce. Whitney talks about breaking up two families.

    Give us more details and maybe a little about the Morman underwear.

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  10. 21 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

    So wow, Lisa, you are really really really really really busy being a business woman building that brand.  Like wow, so really really really really really busy that you must talk about being really really really really really busy that you must make goals about saying no because you are really really really really really busy.  None more busier than Lisa!

    I know people like this.  Usually the same people who never watch TV. We get it your life is busy and I have all the time in the world.

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  11. 1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

    I love this show, its quirky and whimsical and but grounded in an often tough reality. Its about the struggles of decent normal people trying to find meaning and fulfillment in life while also paying the bills in a society which often makes that difficult. Its about finding some mystery left in a world that seems thoroughly explored. I really hope we get another season, there are still so many mysteries left unsolved! 

    Great to see Dud and Liz finally make their peace with the ocean...without a shark showing up! So will Dud have new knowledge now that he was struck by lighting?! The Lodge works in mysteries ways!

    I love your take on it. It is how I feel about this wonderful show.

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  12. 13 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

    After the behavior in the Berkshires, particularly with  Ramona’s hideous ribbed knit cold shoulder top and her bare ass and nightie at dinner, capped off by Bethenney telling Ramona to stick a metal straw up her vagina, and then bullying and hectoring Tinsley about her rocky relationship, I really have a hard time understanding why Barbara is so awful.

    She may not deserve an apple, but as stated previously, half these bitches don’t deserve an apple. It was rich for Ramona to tell Barbara to  shut up and listen when you consider that Ramona never does. And frankly, Ramona's accent makes her sound rougher and less educated than Barbara’s Why is it ok for all of them to behave like screaming banshee trolops, but Barbara is somehow offensive? She was no more evil about the shark room than the other fishwives, but Dorinda felt free to go after her. Is it because Barbara's packaging isn’t as stylish and swank? Does that make it ok fir them to gang up up on her?

    It was kind of gross to see Dorinda start winding up her drunken tirade to shame Barbara  for the work she does. Firstly, it’s honest work that makes Barbara independent and not reliant on a man, his money or his alimony. Secondly, how is Ramona’s tacky knock off jewelry business any less tacky? 

    Frankly, most of these bitches just got lucky spreading their legs for the right man and striking it rich at the alter. And notice how none of them can seem to find a man or hold on to a man now in spite of all their best efforts. I am just really mystified as to why they feel so superior to Barbara. The mystery continues when they all feel like they are in a place to give Tins relationship advice, of all the crazy things.

    And in an unrelated matter, I thought Beth’s dinner party outfit made her look like a cross between Morticia Addams and Cher..and not in a good way. 🙄

    I totally agree with you about Barbara. She is not that bad and certainly her behavior is not as bad as some of these women.

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  13. 1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

    The one good thing about American Woman being cancelled is that she and her sisters are speaking again.

    KFB thoughts:

    Once Kyle pitches her new show to Hallmark and it is picked up, I have a feeling their relationship status will change back to silence again.

    The show is called Sisters and it is inspired by not based on real life. This show is about 3 women who happen to be sisters. One sister marries the heir to the Hilltown Hotels, one sister is addicted to Crystal Meth and has a dog named Queensley, one sister marries the love of her life and her husband starts a successful real estate business called The Company.


    Very funny description. I saw an episode of American Women and it was bad. 

    Why would anybody risk estrangement of their family for a sitcom? Kyle's values are messed up.

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