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Posts posted by LuvizBlind

  1. On 8/27/2023 at 5:48 PM, ybrik said:

    I will keep watching despite the show kind of dragging because I love the Arthurian legends. 

    Me, too. I've watched and enjoyed both episodes. I'm hoping the pacing will improve, but it won't prevent me from watching even if it doesn't. 

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  2. I binged the whole show yesterday. I really enjoyed it.  A cross between Big Brother and a good cooking competition, who knew?  Loved the ticket machine.  I got annoyed with some of the game play getting in the way of actually judging the food; but I was happy with the final 2. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

    ...in a good way. After Andy, Derrick, Jackson, two seasons of Paul, and All-Stars 2, the universe owes us a few more not-horrid summers.

    I'm not nearly as hopeful as I used to be.  It seems that for the last several US seasons I've checked out earlier and earlier in the season. But dang it! I'm with you - the universe owes us!

    I always kept up here regardless though, you guys are apparently a harder habit to break.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Jobiska said:

    I commented on the last episode and I feel it's true on this one that the whole Gabi arc is really being presented in a disjointed and confusing manner and I think they are dancing around other stuff that happened that they don't want to show.  I do agree Gabi's not perfect and also that Ashley's horribleness makes her look better, but, I don't know, the whole thing just seems off kilter somehow beyond all that we have been shown.  


    Me, too.  I've thus far avoided bring this up, but I really do wonder if some of this tension between them is racial. And after the fiasco we've seen in this franchise just recently...  maybe they are editing some things out so as to not provide all that ugly fodder to Social Media?

    • Love 3
  5. 15 hours ago, APK said:

    Gabriella should be old enough to know that you never express any personal thoughts to a co-worker. Plenty of people, in a number of workplaces, have no problem sabotaging  your career for their personal gain.

    My thoughts on that were that Gabby had been trying to smooth things over with those she clashed with during the night of drinking.  She felt bad about her own behavior, but also had some legit problems with those involved. So she began questioning herself as to whether the problems were caused by her all along, and not the others.  Her separate convos with each earlier hadn't gone well, and she wasn't getting any real feedback.  I do think that the fact that she looked for blame within herself first before just blaming it on everyone else is somewhat commendable, and isn't seen often.

    As to workplace confidences, they definitely can and do happen.  The problem being, you need to be sure your relationship with the other person is solid enough before spilling any of your problems.  Gabby has been on rocky ground with Ashley from the outset, so she definitely shouldn't have gone that route with her. 

    3 hours ago, Meowwww said:

    ETA I don't know why Gabi even told Ashley anything about what she was feeling.  That was strange.

    Definitely strange to choose Ashley of all people, but man - I certainly empathize with the way Gabby was feeling at the time. And co-worker issues when your work environment has you trapped in a small space in the middle of a vast ocean has got to amplify the feelings a hundredfold!

    • Love 10
  6. I'll be happy with an Angeria, Willow or Lady Camden win. But I think I'm pulling for Lady Camden slightly more. 

    ETA: Loved seeing Kornbread again, and yes! I do hope she comes back.


    • Love 4
  7. Those were my thoughts exactly. :)  And yes, she was very nasally and used um quite often.  She does mention Vic and reference her child though, so I suppose she may draw in their fan-base and shippers.

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  8. 12 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Awesome! I’m currently bingeing (and loving) Australian Survivor, so these will be next on my list.

    I hope this is another case of the copy outshining the original.

    I really liked BB AU and am looking forward to seeing US comments when it airs here. I know we'd all love to see some format changes to our BB.  I'd love it if our 'Big Brother' was more of an actual entity like theirs, and most of us seriously miss the food competitions!

    • Love 1
  9. On 1/9/2022 at 12:17 PM, joliefaire said:

    Illegal to swim?  Illegal to even be in a river?  Does anyone know if this was historically accurate, that these Germans (or Dutch, as I've seen them described) came from someplace where it was illegal to swim?  If so, if its accurate, what the hell kind of law was that, I mean, what for?  Anybody got the actual facts on that issue?


    From the article:

    "While some users left comments similarly wondering whether or not such a thing could have ever been true, user OhSassafrass shared in a reply that Germany did indeed once ban swimming in response to widespread death by drowning. That said, as user Shawmattack01 shared in a later comment, this was the case at one point in Germany but was no longer law during the period of time in which "1883" takes place.

    So, while the statute Josef references is historically accurate, the fact that Josef claims such a thing to still be true seems to remain a point of contention for viewers with knowledge of German history, compounding the overall confusion over this scene."


    • Useful 2
  10. I have to concur with this sentiment.  I've stopped watching shows and feeds completely earlier and earlier every season.  But with this season's crew, I'll probably just watch the Live evictions.  I get all my info from my own personal feed watching and the BB Summer gang here-which are often way more interesting and amusing to keep up with anyway.  If it wasn't for this thread (and previously TWOP) I'd have ditched this show a long time ago!

    • Love 8
  11. On 2/5/2021 at 4:51 PM, CountryGirl said:

    Oh - I can't wait for this one!

    I know it was very, very loosely based on history, but I loved the portrayal of Catherine in Reign. Megan Follows just slayed.

    ForthrightDistortedFlyingsquirrel-small. tumblr_n4l4m5n2k61tybv8co1_250.gifv


    I just binge watched that whole series recently.  I had watched it initially as it aired.  I thoroughly enjoyed it all over again; caught a few things I didn't the first time and had several 'wtf!, I don't remember that!' moments.  Can't wait for this series.


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  12. 16 hours ago, Callaphera said:
      20 hours ago, Ellee said:

    Just out of curiosity .... has there ever been a season where you (people with the feeds) have not watched them?  

    I've consistently had the feeds since Season 6, although occasionally it was through 3rd party access rather than direct pay.  That said, I have found myself opting out earlier and earlier with each passing year.  I had high hopes for this Season, with a few of my favorites playing; who either weren't anything like I remembered, and/or were voted out way too early (DaVonne is still in, but is playing horribly with terrible reads).  I blame all of this on the whole 'new school' style of play, AG, Casting and the whole idea of 'influencers' rather than just regular people playing the game and doing whatever they could to make it as far as they could and win a pile of money.  I also feel the game has stagnated.  It's just the same old, same old every damn year.

    • Love 6
  13. I haven't been watching the show or the feeds for a while now.  What the heck is going on with Ian?  Why did he say, "if I go home on someone elses blunder..." and why does he think he's being evicted by accident, as a poster upthread indicated?  I am majorly confused!

  14. 16 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    That's pretty much how people meet these days.  And what the guy in this series did isn't because of online dating.  In fact, the woman* who emptied out her husband's 401K to buy a restaurant with Smith met him in a karaoke bar.  He started putting the moves on one of his employees next except she was smart enough to realize the immediate I love yous was creepy.

    Online dating was just one of the methods he used to find women he could scam. 

    I know Kara said she wanted love an affection in the way she didn't get from her husband, Jim, but the fact that Jim seems to have stuck it out with her is love. 


    I get that he met some in other ways; but he also typically had online profiles on various web sites and apps.  Not EVERY woman he was involved with or F'd over is featured in this documentary.  I did a bit of dive into the background on this jerk.  And yeah, it also sucks that the one woman featured screwed over her husband for the sociopath; but he also took her back...  There's all kinds of screwed up people out there; and I am not sorry I watched over my daughters and what they were doing, especially on-line.  They are all happy, healthy and in a great marriage or relationship now.  They have also recounted  about how some of their friends got seriously hurt and/or harmed by not being careful with the online thing.  ymmv

    • Love 2
  15. Yes, and I like the idea of everyone voting HG's for eviction also.  I've seen that in international versions, and it works well.  Who voted for who is not revealed; just the #'s.  Highest 2 or 3 (or more if there are ties) vote 'getters' are up for eviction, then everyone votes again voting 1 person out.  Occasionally a twist is thrown in where someone can win the opportunity to 'block' someones vote; or to win the ability to double your personal votes.  I also definitely think they should bring back the Food competitions!  They really, really need to seriously change up the format of this show.

    • Love 3
  16. I'm watching both also.  Love Fraud pisses me off on one hand and scares the crap out of me on the other.  I've got three daughters, two of which were all about dating apps and the like, no matter what I said to dissuade them. 

    • Love 1
  17. 19 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

    I think she looks pretty good in that pic, but I agree that it's not surgical. Just contacts, better skincare, and some makeup. Some people are blessed with natural beauty; those of us who aren't, have to make a little effort. 

    Also to add to this; some people aren't photogenic.  I look pretty decent in person, but take horrible pics.

    1 minute ago, choclatechip45 said:

    Xmas should use the veto on  and put up Ian he has been wanting to self-evict for days. 

    That'd be really awesome.  But this season sucks so far, so I'd be shocked if it did. 

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  18. Never gonna happen, but I'd love to see something like the person that gets evicted gets to drag someone out with them ala Sequester.  It entertained me for awhile as I considered whether X-person would drag out a nemesis, which would aid X-person's friend or alliance; or would X-person drag out an alliance member or 'friend' - which could either be, "I'll spare them the heartache of staying to be the next target" or "Oh hell to the no, if I gotta go, so does he/she.  And it spiraled from there to...  well, you get the picture.  Hey, I had to do something to fill all the time I'm NOT watching the feeds this season!

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  19. 19 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Oh, no. Not the B word!

    She really wouldn't want to hear what I call her, all the time; because I legit have had 'her name' in my freakin' mouth.  Not every minute of every day, but every time I turned on the damn feeds.  I have zero tolerance for her type of game play, and I really detest whining crying victim player's.  Damn, I think my BP just went up 3 ticks.  I think I'm at the point I can't even hate-watch BB anymore, I'm getting too old for this. 


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