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Posts posted by dinkysquid

  1. 3 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

    I am much more interested in Joy's new dog - she loves them as much as I do...

    Count me in on that. Personally, I would be more interested in someone adopting a shelter animal.

    But that's just me.

    • Love 6
  2. 5 hours ago, cinsays said:

    Watch Kim Kardashian?  I'd rather watch grass grow.  Why do they think she is someone we'd want to see? or hear?

    Oh, come on! Grass growing is way more interesting! And more intelligent. Yeah...what exactly is with the guests lately? They run from the ridiculous to the ridiculous! And that shopping stuff? Please! It's NOT QVC and doesn't ABC commercial us to death anyway during the show? Anytime now I see that shit, I check out.

    Wow! Jed must have had an extra espresso today because she just WOULD NOT SHUT UP!!!!! And ladies? When you are all talking on top of each other, we can't hear a bloody thing or know who is saying what. What's wrong with their director? Why isn't this being addressed?

    I see Alisha Tyler left The Talk.

    • Love 3
  3. Sheesh.....so some poor schmuck is going to take that on...marrying Grimace?!!! Sir? You have my sympathy.

    This show is excessively riddled with commercials at the best of times but I agree with other posters about how Trevor's segment seemed especially shortened by ads, ads, and more ads. And if that wasn't bad enough, then they bring that bloody shit out to sell. Greedy much? I PVR anyway so I can zip through all those annoying ads but still...seems like I'm zipping some days more than actual watching! What is with ABC these days that they've had to up their ad quota? Too much now, guys! Trust me...you don't need anymore!

    The line up of guests for this week is pathetic at best. What's going on? All the C-listers going on vacation already? A KARDASHIAN?!!! A BLOODY KARDASHIAN?!!! What? Carott Top wasn't available?

    • Love 10
  4. Maybe it's just me but I found Kevin Hart to be slightly judgey when they were discussing the recent dust up with Kathy Griffin and Bill Maher, especially towards Bill Maher. I really thought he would cut his fellow comedians some slack. I refuse to believe that he has NEVER uttered a word, phrase, sentence and afterwards immediately experienced regret. 

    On Thursday's show, I wanted so much to be able to reach through my TV and throttle that annoying woman - and you all know who I mean -  when they talked about Comey's testimony. Why doesn't she just admit it for once and for all, YOU VOTED FOR TRUMP!!!! The way she constantly defends him, how could she have not?!! She just needs to STFU. She is starting to bug me in a Hasselbeck way and trust me...that's not good!

    • Love 11
  5. My biggest complaint about this show is how the characters will do and say the most STUPID, DUMB, IDIOTIC, ASSINE......ETC. THINGS and I can not list them here because it would take too long. I know it's a TV show and yes, we are supposed to "suspend our belief" but come on! It leads me to think, what the hell are these writers getting paid for? To crank out ridiculous situations and have these characters react in ways that no one would NOT IN A MILLION YEARS?!!! 

    It's a zombie apocalypse....not a plague that made everybody suddenly stupid....or did it?

    I think Kim used up all her emoting on that indigestion scene. So don't look for anymore in future.

    • Love 2
  6. 11 hours ago, candall said:

    [Sidenote:  did anyone catch Alicia on TD, when Cliff Curtis was praising Kim Dickens?  She focused on the ceiling, then scrutinized the floor.  Her eyes did everything but roll out of her head.  LOL]

    I did. How telling was that? I'm trying to remember if Kim was this bad in Deadwood but it was too long ago. I'd have to re watch a few to see.

    Agree about Madison treating Nick like he's the second coming. Wasn't this guy a useless, lying, stealing junkie POS? Mummy has a short memory.

    • Love 2
  7. Nancy Pelosi was quite the disappointment, for me. I found her very "subdued" -  her voice sounded like she had a cold? Was fighting a cold? Whatever, she wasn't the most interesting guest. I was expecting a more passionate diatribe against Trump.

    • Love 6
  8. Oh....great. View Your Deal which only means they're going to be selling more shit. 

    What is this? QVC?!! What's the problem, ABC? Not enough commercials? That's surprising because it feels like EVERY FIVE BLOODY MINUTES you're taking yet another break!

    I hope Pelosi has her Trump wrath stoked up. I love Kevin Hart and Bloomberg should be interesting. Niecy Nash? Not so much.

    • Love 5
  9. Sunny made me bolt up and take notice when she completely mangled the pronunciation of the Canadian province featured in the musical Come From Away. She said "Newfindland" the "find" sounding like "fin" in "Finland" when it is "New-FOUND-Land" or as it said here, "Newfundland."

    Would they have not checked this before going on air? 

    Star Jones is still an obnoxious, arrogant snob and didn't it seem like poor Vanessa Williams hardly said a word? And as far as Kathy Griffin goes, as other posters have pointed out, they did way worse to Obama for his entire term so can we all just cut her some slack and move on?

    • Love 6
  10. 13 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

    On The View's Facebook page they're showing Whoopi hanging that raggedy grey scarf around that poor teacher's neck.  Blech!!!

    <Gag> Ewwwwwww....that scarf just grosses me out!!! I don't know why - maybe it's because she wears the stupid thing CONSTANTLY - but it looks like it could stand up and walk off the stage by itself. 

    Jed's outfit? Somewhere a little old lady's favorite drapes are missing.

    • Love 3
  11. 3 hours ago, May Jacks said:

    What was wrong with Jedimotormouth today? She was on 10 bending over backwards to defend trump. 

    Did she put some uppers in her coffee today because she was louder and more obnoxious than usual and would not SHUT UP. And I am sick and tired of her hypocrisy - admit it....YOU LIKE TRUMP! I bet she voted for him. She must have because no one else sticks up for him like she does.

    Can we start a petition to get her removed? She really, really annoys me. 

    I too thought the segment with Sara was "staged." Just something about it didn't feel authentic. 

    • Love 6
  12. Jed was especially annoying today. Again, she was shrieking over Sunny, defending Trump and Jed? Don't you dare say you never defend him because YOU DO....CONSTANTLY!

    Today? She really needed to STFU. And that hideous dress - she on her way to a garden party?

    I hope Franken tears a strip off her.

    • Love 9
  13. I always thought that Rumsfeld and Chaney were two sneaky, devious, evil MoFos. I see he is still a vile little man and the fact that he was defending Trump didn't surprise me at all. 

    • Love 20
  14. I enjoyed the segment showing Melania swatting Trump's hand away as if it were a fly. How telling is that?! And when Obama kissed Michelle's hand? You could just see the love and affection that these two have for each other.

    Trump will never, ever know that.

    Was 2Chain's wife wearing a REAL fur coat? 

    Otherwise a pretty ho-hum show.

    • Love 7
  15. 2 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

    That is typical of the ladies of the talk, they kiss up to their guests in an embarrassing manner.  They tend to shy away from controversies, except for the troll with the clown hair that speaks in a British accent. That woman is vile on so many levels.  As much as I bitch about the ladies of the view, I will take them at their worst over the her any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

    I don't watch The Talk that often anymore but I could't believe the ass kissing and the fawning. And yes...that troll with the clown hair is horrific. Just hearing her voice sets my teeth on edge.

    • Love 5
  16. 18 hours ago, wings707 said:

    Oh please, Cher has had extensive plastic surgery all over her body.  Not criticizing that but let's not hold her up as a paragon of healthy living.  

    If you want to give yourself a good fright and see first hand what too much plastic surgery looks like, one has only to watch the movie Burlesque. Cher has had so much work done that when she talks, the only thing moving is her mouth! She looks creepy, eerie and plastic. Wonder if that's the look she was going for?

    • Love 5
  17. 16 hours ago, merriebreeze said:


    Can I get a hint? I don't know what name HoboClayton and ginger90 are referring to, but I'd like to. Unmask the troll, please. 


    Is it that Pee Wee person? They bug me.

  18. 13 hours ago, kieyra said:

    (Second episode thread in a row where someone is making weird hateful comments about this (female) character but doesn't seem to comment on the show otherwise.)

    Okay....I like the show!!! And I do not consider my comment weird of hateful. I think it's fair to refer to someone so stunted socially that they can't even make eye contact, as "weird." I certainly wouldn't call her normal!! 

    It's an opinion...that's all. You don't have to agree with it. 

  19. 4 hours ago, susieq147 said:

    I have never liked Terrence Howard. I've never been able to put my finger on it but I get a very negative vibe from him.  And unlike Whoopi I do think I'm a good judge of character.  I've been told I have very good spidey sense.

    Howard got fired from "Ironman" because he was behaving like an asshole, copping attitude and nobody could stand him. For a few years after that, no one would touch him. I'm hoping that the fact that a show like Empire would take him on, must mean he's changed. And weren't he and his wife on the brink of divorce, amid rumors of domestic abuse?

    • Love 3
  20. Why on earth would they decide to make that weird Laurie woman knocked up? TV/Movies are not happy until every single female between the ages of 15 and 50 is bloody pregnant. She's a stupid annoying character at best. And that is by far, the worst pregnancy "bump" I have ever seen!

    This is usually the jump the shark moment but hopefully she won't be on much this season.

    • Love 2
  21. So today they were talking about how Michelle Obama's lunch program is, naturally, being axed. This started a discussion about how superior lunch programs are in other countries and Joy mentioned the Michael Moore film where in France, school kids are treated to a lunch room with nice tablecloths, china, cloth napkins and nutritious, mouth-watering food. When Jed asks, "Who's gonna pay for this?" I thought...well...isn't that what TAXES are for?

    Does she not understand how these things work?

    • Love 12
  22. Roger Stone is REPULSIVE.....he makes my skin crawl. 

    Let's start with his appearance: hair plugs, a ton of Botox to the forehead and God knows where else, probably an eye job and, those eyebrows (no man should have brows like that!) major face lift, probably some fillers too, over done fake bake, those hideous way-too-white teeth (his are probably 90% not real anyway) and that's just what bugs me about him PHYSICALLY!!!

    The rest of his egregious and disgusting behavior and speech stems from the fact that he not only got POS Trump elected, but remains steadfast in his loyalty to him and that, among his many faults and shocking appearance, is by far, the worst thing this man has ever done.

    And kudos to Joy for giving this freak the best daytime television "fuck off" possible. How dare he accuse Al Franken of "not being very funny!!" When was the last time you brought people any hope or laughter.....instead of fear and tears.

    Is this gross, sad parade of Republicans, trying desperately to spin everything, going to continue this week? Please stop booking them on the show! They're not going to change anyone's mind and they're a complete waste of time. 

    If KAC shows up next week, I'm not watching.

    • Love 13
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