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Fremde Frau

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Posts posted by Fremde Frau

  1. @maculae, you needed to warn us about that "sexual tension with Bill O'Reilly" headline. I'm glad I read on, anyway, because that was a fantastic interview.


    Jon was on HuffPost Live today. It's a great interview spanning several topics, including his thoughts looking back now on the rally.


    EDIT: Maziar and Jon had a short interview with HitFix.


    Jon had another short interview with the anchors of WGNTV (Chicago), and it contains probably my favorite of his reactions to the Meet The Press question. When he's asked if he regrets turning it down, he just emphatically and silently shakes his head while the anchors start laughing.


  2. This is a hilarious interview of Jon and Maziar, with Red Eye Chicago. Anyone who dislikes Jon's interview style should appreciate this bit.

    What have you learned about the interviewing process by being on the other side of the table?

    JS: About having people come and interview you?
    MB: How annoying it can be.
    JS: [Laughs.] Yeah, I think I have an awareness now that it’s probably better to know what you’re talking about. Sometimes when I go into interviews and I’m clearly talking out of my ass, I realize now that that might annoy the people that I’m talking to.

    This is a lesson that’s just settling in now?

    JS: It’s just settling in now: “Oh, I should probably prepare for these. OK, now I’ve learned my lesson.” It’s only taken me 20 years.

  3. That sounds awful, @Victor the Crab! Why would they do that? It seems counterintuitive.


    I was feeling quite sick and feverish last night, so I had a hard time getting into the episode, as well. The only part that I even vaguely remember is the Springsteen/Caruso interview, which I might be misremembering, because it felt like a three-way lovefest that only did not involve cuddling by virtue of the table that separated Jon from his idol. The body language at the beginning was hilarious; that much I do remember. Jon wanting a bear hug, Springsteen allowing a mild one, and Caruso off in the corner getting a distracted handshake.

  4. I need a gif to adequately express how I feel about that second quote, @maculae. That has to be the cutest thing said about their friendship thus far. Yep, my heart has turned to goo. It makes me think of the slightly-less-cute quote below, from Maziar's really brief chat with Boston Globe.

    “I knew if [stewart] failed miserably, his failure would be more interesting than most people’s successes.” 



    I'm going, too, @peeayebee... thanks to maculae!

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  5. But isn't that a great problem to have? In my opinion, TDS and TCR have maintained an extraordinarily high standard for a very long time, and LWT is their worthy little sibling. By the time John returns next year, Larry will be hosting his own show, too. Think of how spoiled we are that they all fumble so rarely! I'll take that problem for as long as it lasts. ;)

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  6. To say that they hit a home run with their first season is an understatement. It's rather like a collage of scenes from The Natural, but with Roy Hobbs intentionally targeting clocks, light fixtures, reporters, evil shadow men... Anything in their way was left in shambles.


    Enjoy your break, LWT. You deserve it.

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  7. A Night at the Newseum With Jon Stewart as Our Guide

    In 2010, before the last midterms, Mr. Stewart organized a Rally to Restore Sanity on the National Mall, and on Sunday, he mused about whether the dysfunctional capital could ever restore its mental health.

    “I think it was restored four years ago, and from what I understand, everything is going great now,” he deadpanned.

    Accompanying Mr. Stewart was Maziar Bahari, an Iranian-Canadian journalist whose imprisonment after the disputed 2009 elections in his home country inspired “Rosewater.” He joked that Mr. Stewart’s next Rally to Restore Sanity would be in Tehran.

    Mr. Bahari lamented that tensions between Iran and the United States would continue because Americans and Iranians “don’t regard people in the other country as human beings, and they look at each other’s countries as a monolith.”

    "Newseum" makes me think of this interview with Brian Williams. I wonder when he's going to visit the show again. I don't watch NBC Nightly News, so I have no thoughts on his work as a journalist, but I enjoy Williams as a television personality. Aren't they good friends, like Jon is with Gervais or Leary? They sure don't shy away from playing up their chemistry.
    EDIT: Maziar will be interviewed by Brian Lehrer tomorrow. (So will one of Jon's unfavorite politicians. Heh. I can't tell which one Lehrer is excited about.)

  8. Loved the salmon cannon. How did they get all of those people to participate?


    (@purist, I've only studied German for two years, so I'm no expert, but I've seen both albern and dumm used in the context of "silly.")

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  9. Damn, that New York real estate is something else.


    It made me sad to listen to Jon talk about his parents' divorce. I wonder if he ever reconciled with his father; I read somewhere that they were estranged for a long time. I respect that it's something he's reticent to talk about publicly.


    EDIT: Here's an interview with Yahoo that covers the Mets, Star Wars, the voting joke, etc., in addition to the movie.

  10. Some TV appearances for Jon and Maziar:
    CNN Reliable Sources today at 11am EST
    CBS Sunday Morning today (the show starts at 9am EST)
    Al Jazeera America on Tuesday at 8pm EST
    He also had an interview with The Daily Beast.

    Was it tough to leave The Daily Show for three months to shoot Rosewater? Any separation anxiety?

    Let me think…. No! I’ve got a great group of people there, and I knew John [Oliver] would be flawless—his show is so great now, too—so I was never left with any trepidation about it of “Oh no, what will happen?” I knew. So, more or less, it was a gift that they gave.

    Did you catch the filmmaking bug now? Are we going to see more Jon Stewart joints?

    Well, I just view it as filmmaking, and not a separate profession from what I do on The Daily Show. I just hope I’ll continue to do work that lights a fire underneath me a little bit and gets me excited.

    I understand your Daily Show contract is up in 2015. Are you going to stay, and what would make you continue to host the show?

    It’s so hard to think about it in the crucible of finishing the movie up and everything else. It would be like making a decision about whether or not to keep exercising at mile 24 of a marathon. So, I’m gonna try and gain some distance and perspective so that when I make the decision, it’s not when my calves are cramping.

  11. Oh, great finds, @maculae! That review was heartbreaking to read; it really brings home Jon and Maziar's point that it's not just about one journalist's isolated experience.


    The LA Times article was great. I love reading about their friendship.

  12. I think part of the problem is probably how the media covers midterm elections and non-presidential politicians in general. Everyone (or most everyone) cares about the presidential elections. And the way that the media frames (and allows politicians to frame) debates over big issues such as healthcare, immigration reform, marriage equality, ISIS, Ebola, wars, etc., always makes it seem as though it's the President alone in a fight against the opposing party. I can't recall whether or not it was that way when Bush was in office, but certainly now with the GOP dictating the dialogue and the media sensationalizing everything--as well as how the Democrats have tucked their tails in and acted as far removed from Obama as possible--there is no sense of overall urgency being expressed to the general public about midterm elections. Unless one is informed and/or interested in politics already, the only issues at stake in these elections might seem to be whether this or that politician will remain in office or get ousted. It seems very localized and minimally important to the general public--to take a hyperbolic example, like the difference between referring to a war or genocide by name or marginalizing it as an "ethnic conflict." There is no urgency expressed that these are building blocks for present and future legislation.

  13. For John's sake and for the sake of the show, I'm enjoying the almost unanimously positive coverage while it lasts (and trying my best to ignore the accompanying dismissals of TDS/TCR) because the "shut up, John; you're a journalist because we say so, and you are the champion we've been waiting for" has already begun, and I imagine it will only get uglier. That tension seems to be the legacy of TDS. But it's been so exciting to see LWT leap to must-watch-TV status almost instantly. I don't think they're likely to take the coverage too seriously, but I do hope John and his crew enjoy all of the appreciative warmth that the fans and the media express.


    It's hard to believe we're already at the last episode of the season! I hope there is some way to purchase the show in DVD format.

    • Love 3
  14. What with the continued critique and condemnation of that throwaway voting joke exacerbated by the Republicans' triumph this week, I feel as though I'm getting a very small taste of what it must have been like to be a fan of Jon's back after the 2010 midterms.


    I appreciated Jon's caustic tone on that second segment last night. That and Jordan's segment on "Hope and Change" were my favorite moments of the show this week, outside of the joyful Cleese interview.


    It's also good to have confirmation that McConnell is literally a tortoise.

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