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Posts posted by Cramps

  1. With this new Russian based spinoff, (super interesting idea), I wonder if we will see all the things from FAM but from the Russian angle. If so, we might get to see young Danielle, Ed and company in cameos. 

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  2. 33 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    Fair enough but ... why? Serious question - I'm not posing it just to be argumentative. Everyone has to have a first relationship and sometimes those first relationships lead to marriage. Should they never? I know some that have been really successful for decades. As far as the one night stands, if your (fictional) spouse at first sight had a bunch of them but no serious relationship, is the concern that he would want to continue one night stands once he is in a relationship? Is it a fidelity concern? Would say two one night stands be more acceptable than 50? I am genuinely so curious about this now - not for you, specifically necessarily but what the questions are that people might have generally. And what Brennan's concerns might have been specifically, though it seems there is some feeling that it was less the sex and more the lack of a serious relationship plus other signs of immaturity that bothered Brennan. 

    I’m not sure I’m fully following your post, but I’ll do my best to answer why I would feel similar to Brennan. My answer has two parts. 

    1. Yes, everyone has to have a first relationship, but being married at first sight is probably not the best way or place to have it. It’s an incredibly high pressure situation, so some self-knowledge about yourself in a relationship and some experience with being in relationships would probably make one a lot more likely to succeed. 

    2. I would not want to enter into a marriage at first sight with a guy who not only didn’t have experience of being in relationships, but was also a party boy. Is he just a f**k boy who wants to be on tv? Does he think he wants a real relationship but really doesn’t? Or did he want more than that all along, but is incapable of it? 

    —also—maybe Brennan did find Emily attractive, at first. I have certainly become significantly more or less attracted to someone as I got to know them. 

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  3. With regards to the suggested sexism of Brennan not being interested in Emily based on her sexual past…if I came on the show as a bride and the experts fixed me up with a groom who had NEVER been in a relationship, and was described as a party boy who had a history of one night stands, (and as best I can recall with Emily, made comments emphasizing that about themself at the wedding), I’d be pretty damn wary of the experts’ choice for me too. 

    If that person then turned out to be as unrealistic and vindictive as Emily has shown herself to be lately, I’d have shut down too. And I say that as someone who never liked the Brennan I saw on tv. 

    All that said, I’ve felt Claire was the main instigator on the women’s side. And it doesn’t take much to get Emily to explode. I wish Becca had kept her distance from them. They seem to have dragged her into their crap. 

    On the men’s side, Cameron is really mean and vindictive. The way he spent the first part of the reunion trashing Claire, but then said he wanted to get back together with her, with a smile that looked both triumphant and vicious  was really messed up. 


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  4. If we are going to critique the coupling of Austin and Becca—don’t forget the fact that the experts fixed up a man with a woman who he thought was “going to Hell” because of their religious differences. Not exactly the strongest starting point for a relationship. 

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  5. What a mess….

    Up until just before the end of this episode, I had been believing Cameron’s take on things, because we’d seen Claire say things in the past that stirred the pot -encouraging other women to end their relationships too. 

    BUT— once he started suggesting they get back together, after doing nothing but viciously attacking her, I immediately changed my mind— it seemed like he was really trying to mess with her head and manipulate her. Maybe so she’d seem like the bad one for saying no.

    Someone above posted that he seemed unhinged then, which he kind of did. And even when she stopped going after him, he kept making really nasty digs at her. And then smiling when he did. 

    I don’t have a link, but MAFS (on Instagram and Facebook) posted copies (supposedly from Cameron to Claire) of a bunch of texts where they are both scheming on how they’ll game the show to get divorced while still getting paid—but the plans are definitely led by the “Cameron” in the conversation.  “Puppet master,” indeed. Are they real? Who knows. 

    The whole episode was brutal and shocking to watch. No one but Chloe came off well. And Emily smiling gleefully at the camera while giving Brennan the finger behind his back while they walked down the hall did her no favors. Even if he’s truly the villain of their relationship, it just made her seem petty and juvenile. 



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  6. Wow. That was my least favorite episode of the entire series—for many of the reasons you all mentioned above. 

    A few additional thoughts: 

    -The Russians insist on bringing Ed’s cosmonaut girlfriend home to be punished, but then wave Margot’s immunity and let the Americans take her to trial instead of punishing her themselves? Didn’t buy that. Glad they finally had Margot realize that her life mimicked that of her Nazi mentor. 

    - the episode was confusing 

    -I was shocked to realize that in the show creators’ eyes, Ed was obviously still the hero who not only got his way, but who also seemingly lived and also seeningly wasn’t punished for instigating the mutiny and the shooting of his friend, the base commander! (Similarly, was Dev just wandering about freely at the end? )

    The only storyline that held up this season was Margot and Aida. 

    Chekhov’s gun was FINALLY dug up! Pity it was for this. 

    I can sadly see why Apple didn’t rush in with a pickup yet. So unfortunate. I loved the first season so much! BUT- the further into the future this show gets, the worse it gets.


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  7. Agreed. I’m mainly interested in the Margo plot. I was very excited to see Sergei. 

    “Meanwhile, back on Mars, Ed does something stupid.”

    Ed is so out of control that I’m wondering if he is in the very early stages of dementia. 

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  8. I was wondering how they got to the injured astronauts too. 

    I know Ed can be stubborn and self-centered, but now he’s just a petulant child who is breaking things because he didn’t get his way. I can’t decide if it’s organic or too big a jump for the character. 

    More Margot! 

    “Hey kids, let’s steal an asteroid!” 

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  9. X has only played before as part of a big loyal alliance, with bigger targets he could use as shields and others doing a lot of the social work for him. Although he and Taylor put together a four person alliance, Dani is gone (alas), Taylor had to go against him in the trim a tree alliance, and Josh is probably still annoyed by his team assignment in the same challenge. So X is having to play a very different game than he is used to and I don’t think he is going to shine as brightly. 

    I think Nicole might pull out another win…

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  10. I can’t see Ed making it past this season. But I do predict he’ll rise like a phoenix from his self-made ashes to selflessly save the day on one last mission! 

    I can’t wait for the Aleida Margot confrontation! 

    I too was very confused about the Danny storyline. Was it a flashback? There is no lack of food up there now, but there used to be. 

    Also, why bury the North Korean’s gun in the sand last season if they weren’t going to have Danny use it on himself? 




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  11. 1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

    Theresa’s job profile at her job…link provided in this People article:  https://people.com/who-is-theresa-nist-gerry-turner-8409646



    So Theresa is not a broker, she’s more support staff. At a high level and she probably makes really good money, but not the kind of money many of us initially thought. And possibly not what Gerry thought. 

    From the beginning I found Jerry’s wide-eyed naïf behavior super creepy. And it actually made me feel a bit guilty for being so cynical about this supposedly kind, sweet, and innocent widow. 

    I’ll give him a possible pass for lying about his dating history, as I imagine that the show may have encouraged that. But if that stuff is true about him going Dutch with his partner, but making her give him the money in advance—so he’d seem like the generous man to strangers, it’s gross. It’s not even like “Oh I’ll catch the check and we can split stuff later. It’s all about appearances. 

    Also, I can imagine a person getting caught up in the moment and saying “I love you” to two people in the middle of a process like this. But to say it to THREE within days of each other? Ugh. 

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  12. With regard to Orion. If I just married someone, and they made a comment that was extremely prejudiced against people of my background, I too would have a lot of trouble reconciling that, even if they did it out of ignorance. With new friends, I use those situations as an opportunity for education, which he actually got to do for the whole audience. But knowing it’s my new spouse, whom I know very little about, would be tough. 

    That being said…if the person genuinely said it out of ignorance, and had a good heart, I would tread cautiously, but give them some grace about it. 

    He was still really angry about it on the aftershow and Keisha spoke to him about intentions and grace. 

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  13. 1. I was sure the older doctor was going to play the role of the old man in the original series and be some kind of insider. I’m surprised that more people didn’t purposefully bond with him because of that. I would have! Surprised he’s gone already.  (Although we never saw the contents of that chocolate bar. Maybe it was a Wonka type bar with a secret message allowing him to come back into the game?)

    2. They all knew that eventually duos would probably be set to play the marble game. Why on earth did they choose to picnic with their closest alleys!? They all took the tug of war pairing into consideration for that contest (wrongly, but still…) why chance it with someone you don’t want to lose? 

    Rooting for the NYT’s writer-mom and the games maker. (The cast has a really interesting mix of people/professions).

    I’m enjoying this a lot! 

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  14. There are a number of former “wish list” players, who said they’d only come back if it was for less than two or three weeks. 

    from this season, I’d most like to see Cory. others I’d like to see: Danielle and Brittany (not Frankie!), Nakomas, Vanessa. 

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  15. A  few. observations: 

    1. Aleida seems to have been demoted. By now she should be running the agency, or at least still be running the control room. But she’s now back to working a control desk. I assume this is tied to the PTSD and the loss of Margot. 

    2. The North Korean astronaut’s gun was buried in the ground near his ship last season, with a little marker sticking up. I assume Danny used it to kill himself, but as suggested above, this might just be a red herring.

    I didn’t like the whole Danny’s obsession with Karen story last season. Although I miss her, I won’t miss that. (Still not buying that Karen from season one became a giant mogul/ceo of a scientific company by season three).

    3. Isn’t Ed older than Danielle and Margot? That might explain some of the differences in their appearances. 

    4. I’m most interested in seeing how Margot’s storyline plays out. 

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  16. This is officially the episode that was so bad that I gave up halfway through and won’t be back. This show should have been put out of its misery a few years ago. It was good at first, but now the plots go around in circles, the characters are stereotypes of their former selves, or worse, do things that they never should be doing, without any real justification.

    And every single character makes white fifty year old male bro references, instead of speaking dialogue that should fit that specific character.

    I swear if they had a senile grandmother character, they’d probably have her make a reference to her wheel chair “gliding as smoothly as Jovan musk’s sponsorship of the Tattoo You tour.” 

    I was looking forward to Damien’s return, but he and I both should have left when he first left, and not come back. 

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    And they're already broken up because Italo was allegedly cheating. 

    And sadly,  it doesn't seem like there will be another Japanese LIB even though I thought it was terrific too.  I believe Germany, Sweden and maybe UK will be next up...along with the new US season.

    Gee why doesn’t that surprise me about Italio? Karen’s picker really leaves a lot to be desired. Liked her green dress though. 

    That is really too bad about Japan. The others could be interesting though. 


  18. 1. Yes on the fact that the blame should go to the judges and not Anna for that monstrosity being in the top.

     2. Hester, Hester, Hester—-you were one of my fave PR designers. Your aesthetic used to be so cool and cute. Now it’s just weird (except for the Royal collab competition, that was great). AND I can’t believe they booted Hester right before the 90s challenge. Oh to have seen Hester bring back their Riot Grrl meets Manic Pixie Dream Girl style! 

    3. Korto used to be very quiet. Now she’s the entitled queen Bee Mean girl? I don’t find her quips as entertaining as the producers do.

    4. it feels awkward having Rami being mentored by Christian. They were peers on their season. I understand it, but it still makes me a little uncomfortable. Nice to see him though. Glad they brought back a few old timers. 

    5. You can really see that Kara hasn’t been doing her own sewing. Her Grace Jones outfit looked very poorly crafted. She seems sweet though. 

    6. I loved the concept of this challenge. It’s brilliant. The fact that so many just draped the fabric was disappointing. I said to my husband at the beginning that someone should use the stitching as part of the design and felt very vindicated when Brittney won. How did no one else think to do that?? 

    7. overall I’ve been loving this season. Especially the FAO Schwartz challenge. Victor’s fab toy coat is probably going to be the only design which stays with me from this season. 

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  19. They finally added English subtitles. I’m stunned four of the couples are still together.

    Valmir is just the person that every woman (in the world!) but Karen expected him to be. The Italio proposal was weird. And obviously discussed by all parties beforehand. 

    Does anyone know if there will be a second season of LIB Japan? I really enjoyed that one. You really see the differences between the different countries’ social norms by watching and comparing the different versions of the shows. 

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