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Posts posted by CleoCaesar

  1. On 7/4/2023 at 6:04 PM, omgsowicked said:

    I think Hannah should have gone to Notre Dame and been done with Bright.

    I strongly agree. It's the one thing I would change in the series finale. Even just on a practical level, Hannah is giving up a full ride to Notre Dame, an excellent, highly ranked school, to pay out-of-state tuition to a third-rate college, simply because…her high school friends and her ex are there. Talk about horrible decision making. That's not a heartwarming end.

    She and Bright as you said were not a good match. Different values, different lifestyles, different views on sex. By staying in Everwood for college, Hannah essentially locks herself into a dead-end relationship. God forbid Amy wants to transfer out of state or even study abroad. Hannah is putting a lot of pressure on these friendships to stay unchanging in Everwood. 

    The cute Australian guy was a better match for her in their two scenes together than in two seasons of her and Bright.

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  2. This is so sad and unexpected.

    Just last month I decided to rewatch season 3 and 4 (my favorites) for old times' sake and reread the old TWoP recaps. Ah, the nostalgia. I loved how he was just Treat in them. I kept thinking that if they do a revival someday (very unlikely), they'd have to re-cast Nina, or make Andy a widower again (RIP, Stephanie Niznik).

    Not that a revival is necessary. Everwood should remain crystallized in the mid-2000s.

    RIP, Treat.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Jax7917 said:

    I don't see the changes in Toby that the show is trying to tell us. He still comes off as goofy, pays an extreme amount of attention to Kate, still does grand gestures, is a family man. If they wanted to really show us that he's acting differently, they need to do a better job.

    Exactly this. The show is telling, not showing. Toby still feels like Toby to me as a viewer. He's not some cold husband who doesn't care about his kids. He's been busting his ass all season, constantly flying between cities to see his family and being the breadwinner. He's still affectionate and fun and into planning big days together. His big sin (up until the job offer reveal, which I still think the show threw in there because a Pearson can never be wrong) was extreme self-improvement.

    But all of that is not enough for our Kate. She needs Toby to be fat like herself, depressed and miserable, and happy in complacency. That's the Toby she wants and needs. To call theirs an unhealthy dynamic is an understatement.

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  4. The show still isn't clicking for me. Seven episodes in and it still feels like a mismatch of scenes that never quite gel. Seven episodes into Downton and I felt like we were privy to a whole world with well-rounded characters and drama. Did anything really happen in this episode or tell us something that we didn't already kind of know?

    As long as I'm bitching, why is the acting so flat? Marion is just a black hole of charisma with her monotone delivery. I keep thinking what a better actress like, for instance, Emma Stone could do with the character of Marion.

    The last scene with Edison was good. There, I said at least one nice thing.

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  5. Just finished a series rewatch. This time even more than others I wished Josh and Amy had ended up together as a D.C. powerbroker couple instead of Josh and Donna. Yes, the "will they or won't they?" with Donna had its charms, but by the end of the series you see how much Donna has grown and think maybe it's time she moves on from Josh too.

    He'll be Chief of Staff for 4-8 years and realistically any romantic relationship of his would likely suffer the same fate as Leo's marriage. He's married to his work, totally single-minded. Donna would likely want to have children and I just don't see that for Josh. Amy is equally career-obsessed, and would probably tolerate the same from Josh.

    Plus I think Josh and Amy's chemistry was just better but that's admittedly very subjective.



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  6. Eddie's story is the only semi-interesting storyline to me right now, so he had better stay paralyzed. The last thing this shitty show needs is a soap-operatic miraculous healing. (Looking at you, Downton Abbey. And Glee. And Lost. And a million other examples of the Throwing Off the Disabillity trope.)

    How cheap, lazy, and manipulative to make the woman who hit him to be a victim of domestic violence. Was that really necessary? It would've been stronger if she had just gotten distracted and made a mistake that took away his ability to walk for ever. But noooo, that's just not sappy enough, I guess.



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  7. 2 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

    Yes. When plainly both arms work. Apparently the writers are idiots who don’t know the difference between quadriplegic and paraplegic. And nobody in the cast picked up on it either.

    This is the rare occasion where the Primetimer gang has it wrong. It's very possible to be a quadriplegic and have limited use of one's arms. It all depends on the level of injury to one's neck/spine.

    There's a very interesting YouTube channel called Roll with Cole & Charisma about life as a quad. Cole broke his neck and vlogs about his disability; to quote from a website about him: "The impact shattered Cole’s neck at C5 and C6, rendering him a quadriplegic. Cole lost all function below those levels of his vertebrae. He’s unable to use his hands and triceps as well so he’s a complete quadriplegic. Cole is now able to use his shoulders, biceps and a little bit of his wrists."

    He self-propels in a manual wheelchair. He can eat using special cutlery. He self-catheterizes. He can even cook with the assistance of his wife. He does not have full control of his arms. He's a quadriplegic.

    Same deal with Eddie's PT. Curse all of you for making me semi-defend this supremely shitty show.

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