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Posts posted by benteen

  1. I will agree with one thing I read elsewhere. Olivia wasn't much of a sparring partner for Dan as they were both jaded characters. I suspect they'll go with another younger actress like India but an older actress whose character has been around a long time like Dan would be intriguing.

  2. Mohawk Storm was a direct result of my all-time favorite storyline, The Brood Saga. This storyline isn't discussed much but it had a lot of long-term consequences for the X-Universe. Among them that Storm was cut off from Earth while the X-Men were in space for months and losing that connection to the Earth is what started her on her darker path to Mohawk Storm.

    I enjoyed Motendo and Life Death Part 1. Montendo was an absolutel blast and the short time worked perfectly. Life Death Part 1 should have been it's own separate episode and suffered due to its shorter running time, being a cliff notes version of the original issue although still good. Gil Birmingham is great in whatever he's in (despite Taylor Sheridan's poor writing) and is a great choice to voice Forge.

  3. I think it's a mistake if they are using Galactus in the first Fantastic Four film. Galactus is a villain for a second film or maybe even a third film. He's the ultimate threat, once the team has been established. Not using him or the Silver Surfer until the second film was something Fox actually got right, which of course meant nothing once they decided to make the character a freakin cloud. If Marvel is using Galactus and the Surfer for the first film then it is a complete panic move on their part.

    I've been a fan of Julia Garner since The Americans. She is consistently good in whatever she's in. But I find it puzzling that Marvel is going with the most obscure version of the Silver Surfer imaginable. This isn't like going woth the John Stewart version of the Green Lantern. I've read comic books for a long time and I never even heard of this version of The Silver Surfer until today

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  4. Great movie. I never read any of the books either but the movie is epic storytelling, epic filmmaking and CGI done right. It's what Avatar should be and not the utter garbage that James Cameron thinks passes for good filmmaking .

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  5. Just wanted to add that I watched Oppenheimer last night and like Killer of the Flower Moon, had humor in it. Not as much as Killers but still a decent amount sprinkled in. If far superior directors like Scorsese and Nolan can work humor into movies with serious subject matters, what thw hell is Synder's excuse for not working any humor in his space "epic"?

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  6. I'm so glad this show is back. It's a favorite of mine and one of my fun shows, on top of being great.

    Some changes to Abbott that don't feel like it's taking away from the show which I appreciate. I laughed when Jalen Hurts said "Look at you, little girl, dressed up for Career Day" to Janine. I definitely don't trust the School Board people either.

    On the subject of Manny, I was a fan of Josh Segarra's work on Arrow. To answer an earlier question, he was one of the lawyer's at Jennifer’s law firm in She-Hulk that she worked on cases with. I finally got around to watching Orange is the New Black and Josh also had a recurring role as one of the guards in the later seasons. He always seems to get himself at least on recurring role on a high-profile show.

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  7. Sounds like it's the future. Too bad, I would have liked to have seen something in the Vikings era or 1930s Chicago gangster era.

  8. Very fun episode. Incorporating New York Comic Con into the was a great idea. It fits with the show perfectly. I'd love to see it become a regular part of every season because it works so well. I used to go to NYCC years ago so it's always fun to see it brought up.

    3-4 episodes in and Wyatt is proving to be a much better fit for this show than Neil ever was.

    A lot of fun with the Larroquette Star Trek stuff.

    Very glad they brought back the always great Wendie Malick. Her character is a lot of fun and I like the screwy relationship she and Dan have. It's exactly the kind of the Dan would get himself into.

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  9. I enjoyed this episode as well and have been enjoying it more andore. There are far better comedies on television but I do look forward to sitting down and watching this show.

    Glad to hear that Wyatt is the new clerk. I think he immediately gelled with the cast. I thought Flobert wss really funny last year when he was the substitute judge butvyhe character is so broad he works best in small doses.

    Wyatt already having children might be a first for both Night Court shows. Christine and Mac had kids later in the shows run.

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  10. I enjoyed this episode and have been liking the show more. The Linda thing was fun and I used to find Olivia too broad a character but have liked her more and more every week. I like the Olivia and Gurgs friendship.

    I cut it more slack then say the new Frasier. Night Court was a great comedy but Frasier set the bar so high that I feel like it shouldn't have been brought back unless the writing would be to that standard. If you look at the resumes of the original Frasier writers, it's some of the best comedies on television. The resumes of the new Frasier writers absolutely pale in comparison and I'mbeing generous there. 

    An excellent point about how today's writers don't have the same life experience as yesterday's writers. I was actually thinking about it in regards to college football with the recent retirement of Nick Saban. It feels like he was the last of the old school coaches. College football thrives on these coaches because athletes only play a short time in college. When a guy like Saban retires, college football as a whole loses something. I'd read a biography of a coach who started his career in the 70s as opposed to one of the newer breed of coaches. I guarantee that would be a much more interesting read.

    The best sitcom on network TV is Abbott Elementary. It's a great show and not just great for network TV great. It really is great. The creator of Abbott Elementary, Quinta Brunson, I read based the show on her mother's experience teaching in the Philadelphia school system as she grew up. That makes for interesting life experiences to write about. 

    I certainly wouldn't mind getting an update on Christine or Mac. But I don't want to hear that the characters passed away. The reason you had to do it with Harry was because they made the decision for Abby to be Harry's daughter. Otherwise, Harry would possibly still be alive off-camera. I wonder for instance if Christine continued on in politics and became Senator Sullivan.

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  11. This wasn't as bad critics said but it wasn't very good either. Disappointing from a film I had high hopes for based on everything I had seen until recently and on Synder's previous film with Netflix, Army of the Deadm

    Uninteresting and unoriginal characters and stories. Tons of unnecessary CGI which is par for the course with Zak Synder. The most interesting character was Anthony Hopkins robot and we barely see him. I life Sofia Boutella but this was a charisma free performance. The writing did her no favors though.

    For a two-hour plus movie, it doesn't feel as long as recent franchise movies but there's nonsense of urgency on the recruitment scenes. The story would be more interesting if they were going off-planet.

    Fun the see thetwo actors whom played Daario in Game of Thrones interact and Skrein is one of the better parts of this film but bringing him.back from the dead reeks of Agent Smith all over again and is a bad move.

    One of the things that bothered me the most was the complete lack of comedy in this movie. Killers of the Flower Moon is based on a true story and is about a very serious subject matter yet has a lot of humor in it. If Martin Scorsese can bring humor to Killers of the Flower Moon, then why does Zak Synder refuse to bring any to Rebel Moon? This oviedo felt like it was written by a joyless fanboy who ripped off much better sci-fi and fantasy movies.

    I also agree...why don't we get this director's cut now when they released the film on Netflix? I thought this was supposed to be an adult sci-fi movie. Were they looking to sell toys?

    Having watched the trailer to the second and final film (to a series that looks like it should have been a trilogy) and it looks like it's going to repeat all the mistakes of the first film. That's what happens when bad films are shot together. 

  12. I've been hoping we'd get a Avwngers 1988 story since the Ant-Man flashbacks and was thrilled to get one. I wish it had been feature length but a real credit to to everyone involved to have packed all this into a 28-minute episode. Strong use of the existing characters at the time and I enjoyed seeing Hank and Hope interact with a young Hope. Peggy and Howard in charge of SHIELD is great to see and Bucky breaking his programming means that Howard and Maria will still be alive.

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  13. I thought it was an entertaining film, better than the review indicated. I would say the same thing about Indy 5 thatI have said about yge new Frasier. Entertaining but not something I would watch again. Whatever the flaws, I could watch Kingdom of the Crstal Skull again. I don't think I'd watch Dial of Destiny again.

    Some very good action and chases, particularly the one in Morocco. Some creativeness in there. Underwater sequence I liked too. I love that they decided to time travel to the siege of Syracuse. Harrison Ford is as good as ever as Indy.

    Issues...I HATED that they killed Mutt. Not that I'm a Shia LeBeouf fan and I know he wasn't coming back but I hated that they killed Indy and Marion's son. It set a depressing tone throughout. Harrison Ford said something that made no sense a while back, that he wasn't happy with how he left the character after Crystal Skull. I found this odd as Indy is left in a very happy and good place at the end of that film. Ford claimed he liked rhe last movie but I suspect he either didn't or wasn't happy with how it wss received. In any case, the happy ending for Indy and Marion was wiped away for the bittersweet one we got here. It left a bitter taste in my mouth.

    I remember someone posting on a message board a few months after Crystal Skull came out and Shia had trashed the movie "I guess Mutt's going to die in Vietnam." I remember posting that I thought Mutt was born early enough to avoid getting drafted. I wss wrong on that one.

    I definitely would have liked to have seen more of Karen Allen. John Rhys-Davies was disappointed at not being in the last film and more than made up for it as he is terrific in his limited time and should have been with Indy in Morocco. Helena was unsympathetic as hell, I couldn't believe just how much. They wanted audiences to like this character? Teddy is no Short Round but I was glad he hung around. Mads made an interesting villain despite the nonsensical CIA plot and his backstory not being better explored. Toby Jones is always terrific and I enjoyed the flashbacks. Antonio Bandares was wasted in the movie.

    Crystal Skull had way too much CGI for a franchise that always relied on location shooting. I'm not anti-CGI but one of the great crimes CGI has committed is it's hard to know what is CGI at times and what isn't when us comes to outdoor scenes. Diak REALLY goes overboard on the CGI and you can see how the budget got so bloated.



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  14. 12 hours ago, Bumblebee84047 said:

    Agreed!  I kept thinking that didn't really ring true to the Niles we know. Niles wouldn't be angry, and wouldn't put that kind of pressure on his son.  He could slip into starting to pressue his children, but Daphne would be there to balance it out/put a stop to it.

    While I definitely see Niles having high expectations for his sob like Frasier with Freddy, I think a lot of this pressure is in David's head, trying to live up to Niles.

    I was hoping we'd get to hear Freddy and David commiserate about Martin. Sadly we'll never get to see David and Martin together but it would be fun to get David's impressions of him, especially considering Martin would have spent more time with him than Freddy.

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  15. Definitely a much weaker episode then the previous ones and perhaps the weakest so far. Davis is still the weakest character so far but I top liked his interaction with Freddy. Some good lines and I always like Olivia and Alan.

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