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Lord Kira

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Posts posted by Lord Kira

  1. I was just poking around a bit on Tumblr and I ran across something. Does anyone know anything about the term "Broken Arrow" being associated with Roy? It was referenced, but no details, and when I tried to google it, all I came up with was something from the Young Justice wikia Red Arrow entry.


    It has nothing to do with Roy on Arrow. On Young Justice, it was an important part of Roy's development.

    Roy was brainwashed by CADMUS and the phrase "Broken Arrow" was his trigger

  2. Jason definitely does mock fans. He's been playing Bellarke fans for the fool ever since they started shipping. He would tell them he wrote scenes from the Bellarke perspective then backtrack and tell them "Not really, jk". Can't say I feel sorry for them though since the loud ones on Twitter and Tumblr can be downright nasty and act entitled.


    The ones on facebook are pretty obnoxious too. They act like this is Twilight or The Vampire Diaries and that the ship is the most important part. I can see why JR would be annoyed when it seems like the only feedback he gets from fans is about Bellarke.


    Alycia Debnam-Carey has a role on the upcoming Walking Dead spin-off, but that show has not yet bee picked up. Even if it is picked up, we don't know how if the series' filming schedules will overlap. She may be able to do both. 

  3. I have a serious question here: The writers have made it clear that Laurel was always destined for the mask given her comic book history, and no matter how bad fan reception is to her she seems to be safe. With Roy under suspicion of dying even though he has a comic book destiny of his own, what makes Laurel's comic book destiny more important than Roy's? Why kill off Roy instead of the shows most hated character Laurel? Whats so special about Katie Cassidy that they want her around so badly?


    I know its not confirmed that its Roy that dies. But given the picture SA posted and CH's tweets.... They are going to kill every character that has more relevance than Laurel, aren't they? Pretty soon it'll just be SA and KC left, until SA is killed off and the show is renamed Canary.

    • Love 6
  4. Raylicity feels unearned because it is unearned. It is only exists to use Felicity to prop up Ray. The writers' mindset seems to be "Felicity likes Ray, and fans like Felicity, therefore fans will like Ray."


    Its all about getting Atom his own spin-off. They did the same thing with Barry, but at least that was only 2 episodes and back when the writing wasn't as terrible.


    I fully expect next season that Felicity will meet another man who is destined to be a hero and the process will repeat.


    Olicity, if it happens, will probably be in the series finale. After all, if they got together earlier than that and suddenly they wanted to introduce Dick Grayson how would they get fans to like him if he couldn't have romantic scenes with Felicity? Its a perplexing conundrum for the writers.

    • Love 10
  5. Since Felicity deserves better than Oliver these days due to the writers purposefully making Oliver dumb to advance the plot, maybe the writers should go full out and please the people that want Oliver and Laurel together. You know, because "that's what happens in the comics."


    I want them to follow the comics and have them get married, show Oliver constantly cheat on Laurel, ruin his own life as well as hers, and go through a bitter divorce. That way when the same fans complain about how toxic the relationship is I can say "but that's what happens in the comics. You wanted this."

    • Love 13
  6. Killing Tommy, Sara and Moira was waste. They all had more story in them. Roy and Quentin haven't done much this season. To these writers that means they have no more story to tell. 

    Despite the fact that the reason they haven't done anything is because those same writers instead chose to focus on Laurel as BC and some convoluted Malcolm bullshit. These writers sure have gone downhill since season 1.

    • Love 1
  7. Quentin is more valuable to the show, though. He helps keep things grounded. He is the law enforcement connection (unless they kill him and have Laurel take that too) as well as one of the few non-mask's in the show. Then again, the writers have cared more about comics lately than about what makes sense on screen.


    The only positive I can see out of killing Quentin is that he wouldn't have to put up with Laurel anymore.

    • Love 4
  8. Yeah, I kind of resent the hell out of the fact that people around Laurel are picked off one by one, but they will just not let her go.  I have rarely seen a show cling to a relatively unpopular character like this one does.  In almost any other show, Laurel would have been toast by season 2.


    You'd think so, but Lana Lang stuck around through season 8 of Smallville despite wide-spread hate.

    Killing Roy is a waste. He has so much story left unexplored. If you kill him now, then what was the point of him?


    But hey, this will free up for screentime for Buckles, so I'm sure the EP's are all for it. Too bad the CW won't step in and make the writers get rid of Laurel the way FOX did with Sleepy Hollow writers with their hard-on for their own reviled character Katrina.

    • Love 4
  9. Everyone wants Laurel to die, so they will probably just kill off Roy instead. I honestly have no idea what goes through their heads.


    These writers follow the example that the Smallville EP's set and will continue to ignore criticism aimed at the shows least-liked character, all the while giving her irrelevant storylines and a lot of screentime. On the bright side though, if they continue to follow in Smallville's footsteps Laurel will be gone around season 8 like Lana. Yay?

    • Love 8
  10. Hmm I wondered when CW renewed all their shows, including the mostly lowly rated. It seemed bizarre, it just seemed like they were giving up on themselves.


    But then again they later picked up some pilots, including a spin off, bizarre indeed.


    Some people on TVBTN said that all of the shows that the CW renewed were covered by the Netflix deal they made. Netflix pays a few hundred thousand dollars per episode for those shows, and that money goes straight to WB and CBS. As long as they get all of that cash, I think the studios are fine with it.


    I also remember Deadline stating that it was an unwritten rule in the Netflix deal that Netflix wants all of the shows to have a proper ending since so many people find out about these shows by seeing them on Netflix.

    • Love 3
  11. Why Netflix?  Why should people have to pay for popular series?

    Popular? The CW shows can barely be considered popular, even if you compare their ratings to cable instead of broadcast.


    If people like a show and want it to continue, they won't care where it ends up. And on Netflix they wouldn't just be paying to watch one show, they'd be paying like $10 a month for thousands of tv shows and movies. It sounds like a good deal to me. Besides, most people already have Netflix anyway. I don't see the problem there.

  12. If the CW does go under, what will happen to their shows? I can see TNT picking up Supernatural for a new season, and if they're lucky The Vampire Diaries and The Originals could go to ABC Family, but what network would pick up Arrow and The Flash? The 100, Reign, Jane The Virgin, and their other shows would probably be screwed.


    My wishlist for if The CW disappears:

    1. Supernatural to TNT

    2. Arrow/The Flash to Netflix

    3. The 100 to Netflix (I know it's low rated, but I can dream)

    4. The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Jane the Virgin/Reign to ABC Family (I don't watch them, but let the fans be happy)

    5. iZombie/The Messengers/Tales From the Darkside/Cheerleader Death Squad/ and any other 2015 show would be dead.

    • Love 1
  13. I doubt Cain or Slater have a major role. Its probably just the show paying homage to what came before. Smallville did it all the time. Annette O'Toole (Martha Kent) was Lana in the old movies, Cain and Slater guest-starred, and Christopher Reeves recurred.


    The Flash is doing the same thing. The original Barry from the old show is playing Barry's father, and one character from that show showed up as the same character (a doctor).

    • Love 3
  14. For those asking about a POC hero, they will probably put Vixen in this show since the animated web series is set in the same universe as Flash and Arrow. I also wouldn't mind them bringing other heroes like the John Stewart Green Lantern, Static Shock, etc.


    As for the fear that Caity returning as Sara will invalidate season 3 somehow? I don't watch anymore (I checked out after the episode where Oliver returned to Starling and teamed up with Malcolm), but bringing back Sara would make me dislike the season just a little bit less. Besides, invalidating and/erasing season 3 can only be a good thing, in my opinion.

    • Love 1
  15. It also explains the completely random cast. Ray, Sara, Stein, and Captain Cold? They're fan-favorites and all, but I have no idea how all of them on one show is gong to make sense.


    Maybe they will bring Felicity over. God knows they've already separated her from Team Arrow this season. She'd probably be better off on this show, or perhaps The Flash. I think her interactions with Team Flash were pretty good.

  16. Does anybody else get the feeling that this spin-off was originally supposed to be an Atom series? I think this was supposed to be Brandon Routh's show but, with reaction to Ray being lukewarm at best, they decided to make it a team-up series. Bringing in popular fan-favorite characters like Canary, Stein, and Captain Cold to draw in viewers that would have otherwise avoided a show centered on Ray Palmer.

    • Love 14
  17. It doesn't really matter to me what the particulars of Sara's resurrection are. Lazarus Pit, time travel, aliens. As long as she is back, I don't care.


    Sara can crawl of of her grave, look around and shout "I'm back, bitches!" and it would still be better than most of this season. It would still be a more believable scenario than Laurel as the Black Canary.

    • Love 17
  18. Killing off Sara, when Caity did most of her own stunts, in favor of Laurel was baffling in the first place. Why would I want to see Laurel's stunt double run around when I can see Caity do things herself?


    I hope Katrina Law and Dominic Purcell get in on this. Katrina had good chemistry with Caity, and of course we know Dominic and Wentworth are awesome together.


    I said it in of the other threads, but I really do hope this is an ensemble show with no one particular lead. Because out of all of the talent involved, I think only Wentworth Miller is good enough to be the one lead. And since we all know Captain Cold won't be the main character, making it a true ensemble will play to everyone's strengths.


    Arrow's mistake was in trying to make a show about one particular hero into an ensemble. This show can be an ensemble right from the get go.


    Plus, maybe seeing Ray interact with people other than Felicity will improve people's opinion of him.

    • Love 3
  19. I think Robbie Amell will be in this. His deal probably isn't finalized yet. 

    With only half of Firestorm on this possible show, perhaps what we'll be seeing is actually a time warp version of the characters?


    Otherwise, I don't see how Sara can be alive in present day without invalidating Arrow's 3rd season so far.



    I think, if not the Lazarus Pit, the Flash mucking around with his time travel will cause the timeline to change a bit. Maybe Sara never dies in the first place, etc. I'm sure many people will be completely fine with erasing most of Arrow's 3rd season from continuity.

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