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Trick Question

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Posts posted by Trick Question

  1. So the merge is four brain, four beauty and three brawn.


    Joe seems like the type who would take Aubry's flip-flop as a complete betrayal and refuse to work with her ever again, though the fact that he disliked and distrusted Peter anyway might calm him down.  Regardless, it makes sense for the four brains to stick together.  The beauty are more fractured, though they could stick together out of mutual necessity, especially if the brains are a united front.  That leaves Scot, Cydney and Jason as the swing votes, with Scot probably leaning to the beauty side due to his friendship with Tai.  If the brawns were smart, they could potentially swing between both sides all the way to the final three, though that would be awfully tough to manage.

  2. Aubry and Joe played a very dangerous game and it's lucky for them Peter is too arrogant to accurately assess the situation. They were very dismissive with him about whether to vote out Anna or Tai and made it clear the decision was in their hands alone, that they would confer between the two of them and then tell him their decision. Peter knew damn well he was at the bottom of the Brains alliance and this was the perfect opportunity to jump ship, align with Scot, Tai and Anna and remove his former tribe members from power. Fortunately for Aubry and Joe, Peter just got so caught up in being back in a power situation he didn't even think of this, but Aubry and Joe were pretty damn arrogant too. It could have bitten them in the ass if Peter weren't worse.

    I disagree, I think Aubry/Joe did a good job of making Peter feel like he was part of the mix.  Remember, Peter was the one suggesting Anna was the bigger threat while they were initially leaning towards Tai (though not with a big preference either way).  While they did go off and confer just the two of them, they came back and went with Peter's suggestion.  Even a simple "hey Peter, we talked it over and realized you were right, let's vote Anna" would go a long towards reinforcing that blowhard's ego.  Peter might even think he's calling the shots at this point.

    • Love 3
  3. Anna: If you're going to bring one frilly bra for your time bring one that I don't know... supports you instead of having your cup(s) floweth over...

    Anna's "I may not have the biggest guns..." comment when talking about her arms drew a big laugh from my four-person viewing party.  This season is taking some serious hits in the eye candy department.


    I hope Joe's comment about the lack of immunity idols was just Tribal Council misdirection, since I'd expect more from an allegedly smart FBI guy.


    The mini-Exile Island for Julia was a very smart twist, if perhaps one that was unintentional if production had to adjust on the fly after Caleb's medivac.  It really added a layer of strategy to the game in having both tribes adjusting to the possibility of a Beauty joining them. 

    • Love 8
  4. So it's a 13-person shuffle, so we're bound to have uneven numbers of a seven- and six-person tribe.  Five Beauty, five Brains and three Brawn, which theoretically puts the Brawns in a good spot as swing votes.  It could be that we only get one episode with the new tribes before the merge, unless it'll be a merge at 11 thanks to Caleb's unexpected medivac.  If one of the new tribes is placed on the Brains' beach, that means that unfound third idol could still be in play.

  5. The moronic Brawn tribe didn't like Alecia from day one, yet they kept her through TWO tribal councils.  Hey idiots --- you made your beds, lie in it.  D'you think Darnell or Jennifer would've been more useful to the game?  This is why players shouldn't get too cute with the "let's take out a threat early" thinking when it's only six-person tribes.  You need to win challenges first and foremost, and with just six people per team, it's very easy for a tribe to fall into a big rut.  In fact, I think just about every time Survivor has started with 6x6x6, the result has been one tribe getting more or less decimated before a shuffle.


    What really blew my mind about that brutal reward challenge was that after this torturous experience led to three downed players and one medivac, it was immediately followed up with another physically-taxing challenge for immunity.  WTF?  Who made that call?  Even if you have the challenge set up, this is where you make a judgement call and swap it out for a gross food challenge or a memory game or something.


    I feel like Debbie is reliving Coach and Phillip's multi-season arcs within the span of four episodes.  She's quickly gone from a total joke to showing some game smarts to actually being a borderline sympathetic character.  As annoying as she is (the 'go Frontal Lobes!' gimmick needs to go), am I crazy for thinking that Debbie is getting a vague winner's edit at this point?

    • Love 11
  6. Nice comeback from Aubry.  Looked like she was going to be the first vote or even an early medivac, and then she stormed back to own that challenge --- between diving for all four oars and then crushing that puzzle with Liz, Aubry was the brain tribe's MVP.

    Part of me thinks that someone going off to look for idols shouldn't be as big a deal since, c'mon, they all know they're there and surely everyone is curious.  That said, there are so many recruits within these casts who might only have a cursory knowledge of the game that they actually would take idol-searching as an affront and a breach of trust.  So the moral of the story is....be subtle about it, Tai!

    • Love 9
  7. It sure is nice to watch this show when two-thirds of the editing isn't centered around a horribly unlikable team.

    I love any challenge that lends itself to massive placement shuffling.  The ten-minute increments in the mask-making task had no bearing on the final result, leaving it up only to skill.

    • Love 11
  8. David proposing to Carolina was about as cringy as it gets.  Here you have this random terrible player so desperately wanting to make his mark in Survivor that he proposes to a woman (another random player from a previous season) he's only been dating for a short time.  Carolina looked like she wanted to be anywhere in the world at that moment and was trying to think of a good way to not shut this guy down on live TV.

    • Love 4
  9. Kelley's success may bode well for more unconventional picks in future 'second chance' votes (since you know Survivor will do that vote again).  There was some head-scratching when she was included in the list of choices since she wasn't a big factor in S29, yet all you heard was how the producers loved her and were as devastated as she was about being eliminated so early.  Kelley not only did herself well in her second appearance, she also seemingly more than lived up to the producers' belief that she's TV gold.

    • Love 5
  10. This is just speculating, but I'm guessing that if Kelley is in the FTC against Tasha/Spencer, she also wins in a landside and possibly even another 10-0 score.  (Though I imagine Savage wouldn't be able to bring himself to vote for Kelley.) 


    If it's Kelley, Jeremy and one of Tasha/Spencer, then Kelley certainly gets Abi/Ciera/Kass.  Jeremy still gets Stephen/Savage/whomever is on the jury of Spencer or Tasha.  So that's 3-3 with Kelly/Keith/Joe/Kimmi as swing votes, which would've made it hella more dramatic.

    • Love 3
  11. So much time was spent on the start-up costs of running a dating app or website....what are the comparable costs of games apps?  Since the interesting thing about Vana's idea (which I quite like, actually) is that it's the best of both worlds.  If they offer some interesting games, that might be in itself interesting to some people who see online dating as a "game" unto itself --- Tinder is already essentially a pick'em game for many.

    • Love 1
  12. Good lord, is the theme of this season ACTUAL Survivor?  It looks like they'll barely have enough cast members left standing to fill a jury.  What a weird way to promote a season...."a bunch of injuries and evacuations, tune in!"  It'll be impossible to form any attachments with the players since we'll all be expecting them to be medivac'ed off at any given moment.

    • Love 3
  13. It seemed like the crisps were at least mostly a good idea, and they would've gotten orders a) if had Vana used 60% less oil or b) if Richard had included the 'raw' and 'dehydrated' info on the packaging.


    The Rejuvenation bar just looked like a pile of crap all-around, however.  What I can't understand is why Chareline was doing all the cooking herself while the other two were doing the packaging and branding.  Just for sheer time management reasons alone, they should've had two people in the kitchen.

    • Love 3
  14. I wonder if we didn't get a hint in that scene of Kelley, Keith and Jeremy all talking about how wild it was that three S29 people made it to the final seven (now six).  Could this have been a borderline secret alliance for a while now?

    • Love 5
  15. So say we get to F5 and both Kelley/Jeremy are there with their idols.  Say immunity has been won by another of the remaining three players.  All five votes are for either Jeremy or Kelley, yet both play their HIIs and are safe.  So then it's a situation where Kelley is safe, Jeremy is safe and the immunity challenge winner is safe.  That leaves two unprotected people, and at that point you just have them sit out and let Kelley/Jeremy/IC winner cast their votes to see who goes home.


    Part of me was wondering if the 'first time ever in 31 seasons' meant we were going to see a Final Four, yet that would seem to be incredibly stupid.  Eight jurors casting votes between four people?  That would almost invite a tie, or a situation where the winner wasn't even the jury's majority choice (if it ends up being a 3-2-2-1 split).

    • Love 1
  16. Looking at that photo above of the first IC, there are a lot of people hanging around behind the scenes.

    I have to give credit to the Survivor editors for so rarely including ANY of the camera or sound people in shots when there are so many of them around the players at all times.  It makes you wonder how many key conversations or "why didn't they include that?" moments we hear about from players after the fact were omitted simply because there was a crew member in the way at an inopportune time.

  17. You know what, I can't really blame Scott.  He's going through this stressful process, he's been crapping the bed for weeks now and even when his team wins, Sugar personally calls him out as lucky.  At that point, Scott had to have known he had zero chance of winning so he decided to spare himself more humiliation.  It's also not a bad way to protect his business plan, as even if he'd made it to the final interviews, Scott was assuming his plan would've been picked apart on international television. 


    Could've been some in-house issues as well.  Scott quits, makes a beeline for his suitcase and departs without a word to his flabbergasted teammates...no handshakes or anything.


    If I'd been the losing PM I would have brought back both Charleine and Selina so they would destroy each other in the boardroom and leave me out of it (neither is a good advert for women in business, unfortunately); but I admit Charleine did sell well, and Joseph survived anyway.

    I suspect if Joseph had taken Charleine into the boardroom, Sugar would've called it out as tactics since Charleine clearly seemed to be the team's top performer.  Had the rules not required him to take two people in, I suspect Joseph would've brought only Selina back.

    • Love 2
  18. I've always been underwhelmed by Liv Tyler's acting.    It's all puppy dog eyes and baby doll voice.  I don't think she's strong enough to successfully carry an episode, and it doesn't help that she's paired with Tom, who does well at evoking sadness, but is otherwise a weaker actor himself.

    I've also been pretty indifferent to Tyler's acting...before Sunday night, I would've argued her best role was probably in Aerosmith videos.  And yet she scared the crap out of me in this episode; kudos to Tyler for a terrifically creepy performance.  As for Zylka...yeah, I've got nothing.  If I'm putting together a Leftovers cast power rankings based on acting ability, it goes...


    ***top tier***

    1. Carrie Coon

    2. Ann Dowd

    3. Justin Theroux

    4. Regina King

    5. Christopher Eccleston

    ***limited by screentime or lack of material tier***

    6. Amy Brenneman

    7. Kevin Carroll

    8. Amanda Warren (she was so good!  We couldn't have gotten even one brief scene with the ol' mayor this season?)

    9. Liv Tyler

    10. Michael Gaston (good actor given a nothing role)

    NA: Janel Moloney, for obvious reasons


    Where the show has dropped the ball to some extent is with the younger actors.  The Murphy kids seem interesting but they've had a lack of screentime.  Qualley and Zylka aren't very good.  Amy, Christine and the twins from last season were all so forgettable that I literally just remembered them now when I looked up the cast on IMDB to make sure I didn't forget anyone.  Not sorry they didn't end up making the trip to Miracle with the rest of the show this season.

    • Love 2
  19. I'm not surprised the authorities haven't shut down the GR. Although there's evidence that the rights of cultists are not respected as they might have been pre-Departure, the GR have never been caught doing anything more than being persistently obnoxious. The doll thing involved breaking and entering, sure, but most of the violence has always been directed at them rather than committed by them. No one's shut down Westboro Baptist or Scientology. This country bends over backwards not to infringe on even quasi-religious practices. GR central is obviously concerned about heightened scrutiny, thus Meg being dressed down.


    Then again, you also have the alcohol, tobacco, firearms & cults guy on the phone with Kevin last season openly saying "just give us the word and we'll come in to kill them all."  There's also that badass government official with the eyepatch who just shrugs and lets Kevin off the hook after he confesses about Patti's death.  I feel like part of the reason Meg is keeping her group hiding in plain sight (normal clothes, people talking, etc.) is so they can avoid being targeted as Guilty Remnant by any authorities. 

    • Love 5
  20. Well, I was dead wrong. I just assumed that the silent car ride with Evie and her friends was normal. Turns out that it meant everything.

    Whew, I'm glad I wasn't the only one that didn't pick up on what seems like an absolutely glaringly obvious hint in hindsight.  People not speaking = Guilty Remnant.  Duhhhh!  I think I even speculated that the girls had joined some new kind of cult, but somehow it never occurred to me what they'd joined THE cult.


    Meg's ringtone is the chirping noise in the Murphys' house.  I suspect Evie will be giving her folks a call before the big event.


    And there is only one episode left -- seems like these last two episodes have been heavy on filler.

    Is next week's episode two hours long?  There seems to be no way everything can be wrapped up in 60-65 minutes.  Maybe this is Lindelof's grand plan to get a third season --- "Hey HBO, if you want to know how things wrap up, renew us!"  I can't even begin to fathom what a third season would even look like at this point.

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