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Posts posted by Vivigirl10

  1. I'm adding "Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" here because apparently, most of these ladies are certainly not Mormon.  The whole thing was just a complete train wreck and I'm left with more questions than answers.  I really can't believe there's not a thread for it!  I'm dying to hear other people's reactions.

  2. Tamra had a brow lift and CO2 laser - way different than a chemical peel.  My aunt had the laser with her facelift and she said recovery from the laser was the most frightening and painful part of the whole thing.  Tamra looks literally like a walking monster in her posts.  I'm not really sure after all the work she's had done that this will make that much of a difference?  Well, at least for now her ugly outsides match her ugly insides. 

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  3. Hannah Berner was on Dave Portnoy's podcast where she basically said that she got fired for doing an ad for Truly (the problem being that Truly is a competitor of Lover Boy).  I don't think that she specifically said that Kyle and Amanda called for her to be fired, or had that kind of weight, but that they actively froze her out because of it.

    It's been so long since I've watched her last season but didn't things go south and get a bid weird around her "relationship" with Luke?  I thought she kind of went off the rails and became totally unlikeable.

    I tried to watch her Netflix special and I lasted about 10 minutes.  She didn't make me crack a smile, let alone laugh.  And yet every audience shot showed everyone literally throwing themselves on the floor, rolling around in hysterics.  Yeah, it certainly wasn't that.  Did anyone ever think of her as funny on Summer House?  This comedienne thing has come out of left field.  

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  4. Aghhhh......Shannon's conversation with her daughter's in the living room so reminds me of my own dear Mother.  After her devastating DUI, my sisters and I gathered around her, all as peers, and spouted off the greatest hits:  "everything happens for a reason" and "learn from this and move on".  OMG, I was dying.  This is so far from my reality I don't even know how to process it.  And I'm so happy about that.  Shannon's very lucky her daughter's appear to have turned out well despite her.  

    The irony is not lost that no one appears to be wearing the same face with the exception of Heather!  Who could use a little nip and tuck to the neck if ya know what I'm saying.  

    The weird thing about their faces though is sometimes they look really good and other times they look reallllyyyy bad.  I think it totally depends on the lighting, angle and make-up.

    14 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    Terry needs the name of Gina's plastic surgeon. His nose has taken on a life of its own. 

    Doctor, heal thyself!  It's like he's completely worked on everything BUT his nose!  Everything else has been whittled down but the nose remains!

    I'm sorry but "Jesus Jugs" will never not make me laugh!!!

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  5. On 7/8/2024 at 3:30 PM, snarts said:

    I can't fault anyone for how they treat Lindsay. You reap what you sow. She was an asshole for many years. She purposely brought up Kyle & Amanda's issues on camera; she competed with Ciara for Austin's attention; she was utterly rude & dismissive of Paige because she viewed her as a threat for Carl's attention; she excluded many of the women from events and purposely tried to cause fights amongst them, etc.

    So while she may now be garnering some public sympathy, I fully understand & support why her castmates are hesitant to befriend/support her.  Anyone new to the show should watch seasons 1-4 before they anoint her queen for getting over the Carl breakup and quickly finding a man to impregnate her.

    Can you shout this louder for the people in the back?  You just summarized this so perfectly.  None of the girls owe Lindsay one darn bit of kindness, respect, friendship, whatever it is.  This woman was a complete bully/mean girl with supporting minions.  Once she lost her power (which has been incredible to watch), it's game on.  I don't expect anyone to be purposefully mean to her, but I certainly wouldn't trust her or go out of my way to be nice to her.  Of course, they are forced to for the sake of the show.  I thought they were all incredibly gracious to her by the end of last season.  Wayyyyy more than she deserved.

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  6. Lindsay's hiding the guy's identity because he plays absolutely no part in this for her. She's been hell bent to have a baby and it really didn't matter to her who the sperm donor was.

    I cannot believe she's going to come back to the show and film while pregnant.  What in the world is she going to contribute?  And none of these people, minus Gabby, care.  Having a pregnant woman around a summer house is just not realistic and certainly not a contributor to summer fun.  Is she going to holler out of an upstairs window every time a party rages on after-hours and say she needs her pregnancy sleep?  Stupid beyond measure.

    When we start focusing on pregnancies and children on a show about single people sharing a summer house, the show has officially jumped the shark.  And I'd say the same if it was any of the other ladies.

    I absolutely weep for this child.  

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  7. I really enjoyed the series.  I adored Charly!  She appeared to be an amazing dancer (didn't someone say, "is this another Clare?" about her?) but also just very mature, likeable and down to earth.  So I'm still unclear, what was the reason they cut her??  What did I miss?

    I can see why people had a hard time stomaching Reese.  But what doesn't jive is that she seemed to be completely accepted and liked by the other girls.  That tells me there's probably more to who she is and she is probably just a genuinely happy, sweet person.  The fiance situation though.....hmmmmm.  Poor guy was certainly not facially gifted and didn't seem to have much going on in the way of a career path.  But I'm sure he was nice enough?  I hate to see her close down her options before she's really gotten out in the world, and certainly with the opportunity she has ahead of her to meet a lot of new people.  But I think like she said, she wasn't interested in dating.  She wanted her first boyfriend to be "the one".  By the end, he almost seemed to have become like a fan too, which had a weird feeling to it.

    The Victoria issue is a hard one to dissect.  I understood early on some of the negativity directed at her but I was one who was never bothered by her.  I'm just feeling there has to be a TON more to this story.  If she is "the most popular girl" in every other facet of her life, what has happened within the squad?  There were so many rumors of her being a tattle-tale and the issue with the cell phone case early on.  There has to be a reason things are this way.  I fear she and Tina are going to turn into Grey Gardens.  She may keep Victoria under her thumb for life.  From the old footage right up to today, Tina looks like one of those women who has to be the center of attention anywhere she goes.  Exhausting.

    Ugh - I had wiped Kat from my brain.  I had to stop watching during her season because I could not tolerate her.  Not sure why they chose to focus on her out of all of the impactful dancers there are to choose from.        

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  8. Parker, AZ:  yes, he was a "welder for a utility company" and she was "in finance".  Either she's pulling in big bucks or they have an alternative source.  Millions to spend on a house and it sounded like an unlimited budget for boats (multiple) and toys!  

    The one thing I will say about them is that other than the screens on the house they chose, they really didn't seem to complain about much?  They seemed to have no discernable style.  They also seemed to really like each other, which we can't say about too many couples on this show!

    I don't know, Parker looked post-apocalyptical to me.  I just couldn't wrap my head around it for some reason!  But it didn't appeal to me at all!  

    • Like 3
  9. Wow. What an episode.

    It absolutely pains me to say it but I give Lindsay kudos for remaining calm and level-headed through that break-up conversation.  That actually does seem to show some growth in her?  Or was she just so over it by then, she was just throwing her hands up at the whole thing? 

    54 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Lindsey was right, he knew her for eight years, and she has been this shitty all along, so why did he think he could change her?

    Really, everything she did say made perfect sense.  

    But then she goes and presents this totally rewritten revisionist history of how she's been in love with Carl for eight years and was just "waiting for him"!!  Yeah, Linds, that's exactly what you were doing.  Excuse me while I go barf several times.  If dumbass Austen had gotten down on one knee, she'd say the same of him.  I don't know why this "I'm marrying my best friend" narrative was so damned important to her.

    I love the friendship between Ciara, Paige and Amanda.  It feels very real.  That party looked like one of the few that was actually fun and that everyone really was enjoying themselves. 

    If West has a second season it will be interesting to see the general opinion of him. I think the tide is already turning. It seemed telling that he was going on and on about all his "best friends" coming to the party and almost the entire group appeared to be female. Girl "best friends" can be extremely territorial when you bring a dating interest on the scene.  Obviously, I have no idea if any of that happened with these girls but it seems kind of an odd choice to start with. (I will note that Paige, Amanda and Ciara all said they were super likeable).  Not sure if I'm expressing my sentiment clearly!

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  10. I read on Instagram last night that Lindsay already has a new boyfriend and that it's someone that she dated before.  I didn't see a name though.  

    That girl is on a mission.  I've seen it before in real life - it's not going to matter who she ends up with as long as he'll marry her and give her a baby.  I feel for whoever the man is and weep for her future children.  


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  11. On 5/21/2024 at 2:27 PM, Dirtybubble said:

    U can tell Lindsay has had a lot of work on her face.  Hello lip injections 💉 

    Holy lips!!

    I think Amanda and Paige look the best too.  Ciara's outfit is an absolute hot mess.  

    Somebody said that West looks like a young Robin Williams and now I can't unsee it.  He also looks in that outfit to be from Miami Vice while also wearing Harry Styles inspired 1940's men's trousers.  I guess my point is.....lots going on there!

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  12. This was a pretty miserable episode.

    Kyle's crying and fit throwing seemed completely fake to me. 

    Ciara is too mature for West.  I think she's shown more of herself this season and I like her even more for it.  

    Not usually a fan of Paige's "fashion" but she looked incredible in her white bikini and cover-up. 

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  13. Kyle calling Amanda a bitch was horrifying.  That is never, never, ever o.k.  Those two don't love each other....they don't even LIKE each other.   Yet Amanda is steamrolling ahead on her quest to have a baby?  Girlfriend, the myth that a baby brings you closer together was debunked in the 1950's.  A child is only going to make it that much worse between the two of them.  She'll have a whole new list of reasons to hate him and he'll feel even more ignored by her than he does now.  

    I actually think Lindsay and Carl both had decent points in their fight.  Lindsay doesn't feel that she can just give blanket support to every opportunity he brings to the table and I think simply saying "but you weren't happy at Loverboy, why would you want to go back" is a valid thing to do.  Carl wants some support and enthusiasm from her about his opportunities but is only met with criticism, negativity and naysaying.  If they knew how to communicate, they could have both heard each other out.  But they don't communicate and that's only one of many reasons they didn't work out.   

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  14. I'm not a Lindsay fan AT ALL but I'm done with Carl.  Lindsay doesn't hide what a terrible human she is and Carl certainly has known her long enough.  And yet he willingly chose to jump feet first into a relationship with her.  Now he's dragged her along to within inches of the alter and he completely wimps out.  Even if his absolute stupidity got the better of him initially when he first started dating her, he had plenty of time to come to his senses and cut the cord before this.  Again, everyone knows who Lindsay is.  I'm not at all saying that he's gone this far so now he's obligated to marry her, just that he was an idiot not to break up with her long ago (even more of an dummy to get involved in the first place).

    I don't know why but Carl's Mom has always bugged me.

    I think in this game of telephone, what West said has gotten twisted.  He hasn't done anything wrong to Ciara.

    I like Paige but Craig needs to listen to what she's saying.  She's not ready to get married and doesn't know when she will be.  She's not even at the point of being able to envision when she will be.  How many times can she say it?  They're in different places in life and that's sad but it's o.k.  Craig is ready.  Craig needs to wise up and move on.     

    It also may be an instance of "you don't know what you've got until it's gone" with Paige and things may get really clear really fast if he were to leave her.

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  15. On 4/19/2024 at 7:56 AM, snarts said:

    Danielle's trying hard to show that she's cool with casual hookups after looking like a crazy bunny boiler on Winter House. 

    Exactly.  And I think the operative words here are "try hard" because that's always how Danielle comes across to me.  She seems to have this pretty level-headed side to her but the weird, try hard, loose cannon, desperate side always seems to dominate. Why does she always have to announce when she's had sex?  It's gross.    

    Gabby continues to act like a character and never a real person.  She obviously thinks this is cute but I fail to see how she can have any friends or how she'll ever meet a guy carrying on with this schtick.  There's no way to get to know a person who's acting like a walking caricature every moment.  It's exhausting and annoying. 

    Balloon guy looked dirty to me.  Totally not getting what the fuss was all about.  Gabby probably acted so snotty towards him because she got close enough to get a sniff. 

    Actually - it seems like most everyone who attends their parties is pretty fugly.  Anyone ever notice that?  

    On 4/19/2024 at 10:50 PM, Marley said:

    West has known Ciara for 6 weeks and has only taken her on 2 dates lol. How is that even pursuing her. She doesn’t have to sleep with him if she doesn’t want to. It being expected of her is annoying.

    This is where West seems way too immature for Ciara. 

    I think the way Ciara looks versus who she is as a person probably makes it really hard for her to meet and connect with the right person.  In my opinion, the assumptions that are made about her because of how gorgeous she is are in pretty stark contrast to what her personality actually is.  If that makes sense. (But I want to add - I don't think West is doing that to her).  

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  16. 18 hours ago, swankie said:

    For Lindsay to share her and Carl's intimacy problems seems like such a betrayal to me.  Some things should be kept private to keep from embarrassing your partner. 

    It is such a betrayal!  When you love someone, even if you're mad or frustrated with them, it's hard to talk bad about them.  I guess at least in my personal experience.  I would never want to humiliate or embarrass my husband.  This leads me to one of two conclusions that I'm struggling with:  either this break-up storyline is planned and totally fake (I don't think the whole relationship was, but that they planned for this to play out this season) or that Lindsay continues to prove herself to be an even shittier person than you thought she was ten seconds ago. The constant badmouthing that they've both been doing this whole season just doesn't sit right. 

    I like Amanda.  I like Kyle.  I don't think they are right for each other.  Were they ever?  They clearly want to live their lives in very different ways.  Neither seems to want to compromise to meet the other halfway.  That can't work. 

    I'm with Amanda in that what good can come out of being a married 40 year old man staying out partying, wasted, with people you may not know, in places you may not know, until 3 or 4 a.m. in the morning?  I'm not just talking about cheating.  That's just a worrisome scenario. 

    I wanted to take Lindsay's wedding dress and yank it up about five inches on her chest.  I'm also confused about the timeline here.  She's obviously put on a little weight in the summer footage but in her talking heads she is super skinny.  Those have to have been filmed after the fact?  How does that work?  Has anyone else noticed that?

    Why is no one watching and posting?  This is still one of my favorite shows 😍

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  17. I thoroughly enjoyed this!  It made me really sad but it was also such a wonderful tale of true friendship.  

    Funny how personalities weather the storm in different ways.  I'm sure Fab hardly escaped unscathed, but he kept on moving forward and appears to have such a lovely life now!  He seems like a really, sweet man.  The clip of him singing at the end was great - his voice sounded really developed and trained!

    Sadly, I think post-fame Rob would have had difficulty however that would have come about.  Even if it happened in the more traditional way; where their music just naturally lost popularity and the crowds dwindled, it seems like he wouldn't have been able to transition out of being famous.  That theme of this need for attention was too clear.  

  18. 20 hours ago, hatchetgirl said:

    I can't even stomach Lala and Scheana - they are both such revisionist assholes! 

    The fact that Lala paints herself as an innocent victim can barely be stomached.  Anyone can go back and watch her proudly flaunting being Rand's mistress.  Now she denies all that?  Her complete lack of grace to Ariana when Sandoval is around knowing full well how she'd act if someone dragged Rand out is astounding (as many have noted).  

    Katie and Schwartz's conversation by the pool hurling fashion insults at each other was cute.  They were suppressing their laughter and that sure is way more fun to watch than all of the fighting. 

    I'm team Ariana and it's honestly not so much because I like her but because I hate everyone else so much.  To see Sandoval, Scheana and Lala get absolutely decimated and butt hurt over her success is worth it. 

    Sandoval's weird expressions: from flat affect, far off gaze to insane, gap toothed smile are tailor made for Instagram parodies and I am loving it.  The guy is a living, breathing joke.  I feel like many times people have described him as always having held himself as so morally superior to everyone around him and it just makes all of this all the more classic.  

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  19. On 2/28/2024 at 12:26 PM, Book Junkie said:

    I used to think Carl and Lindsey were a real couple, but now I feel duped.

    I've been meaning to respond to your post since the beginning of the season.  I feel duped too.  I'm not sure I can take it so far as to say that none of it was real and they planned this right from the start, but man, this season just absolutely reeks of fake to me.  I don't care if it's reality t.v., you don't fight and immediately split and bee line in opposite directions to tell whoever crosses your path what just happened.  You respect your partner and your relationship that little?  You're just flapping your private business all around?  Again, I know it's a show and what they kind of have to do but this is excessive.  It cannot be real.  

    And I don't care how much the cast may hate both of them, especially Lindsey.  It's a very difficult and delicate conversation to have with someone to basically ask them if they think they should call off their wedding.  And yet conversations just casually start with....hey Carl.....so, ya think you should call this whole thing off?  Yeah, not happening in real life.

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  20. On 3/29/2024 at 10:08 AM, Maya said:

    Ty in particular becomes grosser and grosser each week

    I agree.  

    I couldn't make it through this episode.  They needed to bring the extra girl in for Brandon only.  The others did not need a new addition at all.  

    I felt like I had switched the channel and started watching "searching for sister wife".  It was just giving a distinctly gross feeling instead of the silly, light-hearted show that it should be.

    I'm also sick of the guys standing around kicking rocks and saying to each other, "you do any kissin?"  For real??!!!  These are grown ass men!! 

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  21. On 3/15/2024 at 12:07 PM, Maya said:

    So I wonder if bringing in new women was always the plan, or if they had to do it because everyone on Brandon’s farm bailed and he was left with two duds?

    I think this was a total mid-game rules switch because Brandon has two duds.  

    Joy imploded quite dramatically.  Even before outing herself as a psychopath, Brandon asked her, "do you have any questions for me, anything you'd like to know?"  And she says, "not really, what else would you like to know about me?"  Wow.  A narcissist too?  Time to go bye bye, Joy. 

    Mitchell has a good group to choose from.  He does not need to bring another girl back.

    I'm digging Nathan and Taylor together.  They are equal in their awkwardness.  The girl they brought back for him seems like she could be a match too but the time has passed.  I don't want her to stay.

    If Ty brings this lady back with him, I wouldn't be surprised if all of his gals walk out.  And that's perfectly o.k.  They are by far the most mature bunch and aren't going to put up with that.  I kind of want to see if happen!

    I want Brandon to have a match so badly.  This chick actually kind of reminded me of Reba personality wise!  Yikes!  Maybe Reba-lite, minus the crazy.  Fingers crossed.  He seemed to like her and he obviously has no one at home so it's a no brainer what he's going to do.  

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  22. 3 hours ago, MaggieG said:

    Kristen: I'm 40 now. Also Kristen: We had sex behind a tent

    I love this too much - HA!! 

    I have a love/hate relationship with Kristen.  I also can't decide what kind of Mom she'd be.  On one hand, I think she would be super loving and kind.  On the other hand, I think she'd drive her daughter to fight another girl and then join in the fight.  

    I crossed the street to avoid Lala and Scheana and they followed me.  Ugh.

    When the wife in the toxic relationship saw her little girl with the bowl of ice cream she started chastising her like a grown adult, "Ummmm....are you going to have lunch first, I hope????".  Please stop.  You're mad that her Dad got her the ice cream, not her.  She's at a party.  Leave her alone.  Gross. 

    I'm sorry, I have a hard time even looking at Brittney.  The fact that she'll address her double chin but not those Franken-tits means that she thinks they look good.  Wow.

    20 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    Britney’s voice is so awful.  Also how she says “whenever” when she should say “when.”  Uuugghhhgg!

    There is a real housewife that does this too.. Stephanie from RHoD.  It drives me insane.

    THIS!!! It's not just these two.  It's a total trend out there in the world right now, I notice it all the time.  "Whenever we first met......" , "Whenever I moved into this house.....", "Whenever I started this job......".  It needs to stop!!! 

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  23. Honestly, I hate them all except for James and Ally, their pets and their little house by the airport.  I like this happy James, if he can stay this way.  Ally has just enough weird in her to keep me hopeful that she'll veer off in some interesting direction; she has potential beyond her pretty face.  Give them a spin-off and ditch the rest of this sad sack crew.  They are done, over, and far past their expiration date.   

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