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Posts posted by JBody

  1. Fuck you Derle. You got Glenn killed and you have the nerve to ask Rick if he remembers all Glenn did for Rick. FFS. This show continues to try my patience with the Derle-always-gets-a-free-pass nonsense.  I wish that dirt pit had swallowed dirt bag Derle whole.

    In other news, I wish Merle would come back and kick Derle's ass again.

    And yeah Negan does not deserve the time of day from Michonne. Do NOT like them insinuating he's getting inside her head. Fuck you Show.

    • Love 21
  2. What I wanna know is -- why?  I cringed when I first saw it.  Let's not cite the preposterous cheapness of AMC when it comes to TWD.  I've flogged that item to death for years.  It may or mayn't be true, especially after Darabont has his way....

    I am going to say this ridiculous greenscreen shot is a deliberate stylistic choice.  We are heading into Chuck Heston's Planet of the Apes/Omega Man territory here.  The show becomes more cartoonish all the time.  

    Also I don't think I mind it too terribly much.  I am not emotionally invested as I once was, so I at least hope to be entertained.  The gritty realism, cinematic scope, and high drama are gone, replaced by Hammer film/OG Star Trek set pieces.  While I watched Rick fighting off the spikey metal headed Winslow or Winston I had the Kirk vs Spock battle scene music in my head (Amok Time).

    GPK should not be several generations removed from "the before times" -- why are they speaking pidgen and moving in overt choreographed ways -- s'pose it just looks creepy and weird and fits into this Brave New World.

    One more thing: I will never understand the Kingdom's bending over backwards for surly Carol.  That makes no sense to me and is simply preposterous.  I'm happy the Daryl/Carol contingent had their moment but I am not a fan of hers.

    • Love 10
  3. On 21/10/2016 at 1:12 PM, Irishmaple said:

    The reason I soured on FearTWD is that it offered nothing new to me.  I never took to any of the characters nor did I care about their fate (and I tried; I liked the kid Tobias and the Army Major Moyer - both died offscreen). I was genuinely interested in watching the early days of a ZA in a sprawling metropolis like LA but the show wasn't interested in telling me that story. LA was emptied offscreen, the bulk of the population deemed irrelevant. The main characters' professions proved equally irrelevant in contrast to Rick, Herschel and others on the mothership who adapted their previous experiences to the ZA.  FearTWD has regularly left me unmoved and unconvinced, and none of the actors  IMO are capable of the emotional beats of Andrew Lincoln, the seething menace of Jon Bernthal or the steely competence of Danai Gurira, never mind the growing skill Chandler Riggs has shown as Carl faces his ordeals. I watched this past season of Fear to the finale and still don't like or care about the characters.

    I''m concerned now that Negan might eat my show and I'll end up souring on it too. I don't remember The Governor getting this much publicity during his overlong arc. I like Jeffrey Dean Morgan but Negan, not so much. 

    YES. I'm so sick of Negan already and he's had a mere 10 minutes of screen time.

    • Love 5
  4. I'm in. I like boats.

    Also dig Strand and whatsherface, the main lady. I like her style. She is one cool customer.

    Druggie son can be eaten by humboldt squids anytime though, thanks.

    I'm sick to death of TWD mothership and its inanities (thanks Gimple, you vapid pustule) so FTWD seems, bizarrely enough, like a refreshing blast of cool Pacific air.

    Let the zed games begin!!

    • Love 1
  5. Richonne happened and it was GLORIOUS!

    But I'm a little irritated that some people automatically assume she's going to get fridged just because she's hooking up with Rick. Lori and Jessie didn't just die because they were love interests. They died because they were useless idiots, and useless idiots don't last long in the ZA.

    Wasn't it though? I'm still on a Richonne high with no plans to come down. Don't worry about the naysayers. They have always said and will continue to say the same 3 or 4 things and will likely continue to do so after the show is history.

    • Love 4
  6. So I told my boss about my pay being stuck in RBC/Interac purgatory and she said "but I just sent your bonus. You can't get that either?" Well crap, I thought, and choked down my antipathy to the RBC mobile app. I downloaded that sucker and retrieved my money. Then I went to clear my Visa balance before the Christmas purchases hit. The app couldn't do it, inviting me to try again later. Royal Bank of Canada, I still hate your cursed app and will uninstall that useless POS the minute those Interac issues are resolved.

    Oh dear that sucks out loud. I have the RBC app on my phone and it works just fine. It's a Sony experia though. Wonder why RBC hates Apple. They're the biggest bank here, you'd think they'd get their shit together.

  7. Although actually there are some researchers now who believe that the increased incidents of autism, allergy problems, and a host of other health problems is that children, including infants, aren't exposed to the number and variety of potentially infectious agents as previous generations.  Even just dirt-eating, which parents usually try to stop, can help develop the immune system and make them stronger.  So, it's possible the lack of hygiene is gross to us, (or possibly that's a given) but it may make Judith and any other children born during or just before the end of things better able to withstand illnesses and diseases that trouble their elders.  The CDC never tested whether children born to infected mothers carried the virus, or antibodies...


    I dig this, but it works the other way too.  Without modern medical intervention, nature weeds out the weaklings (not to sound like a throwback eugenicist here, hopefully that's obvious).  Natural selection.  So in this case the ZA is nature righting herself, as Nashville suggested upthread (I think), and to paraphrase good ol' Hershel from S2.  This is the Medea hypothesis, contrary to the Gaia hypothesis.  


    • Love 1
  8. Well, Season One Carl was a little kid, but that is just what happens when you have a long running show with kids on them. Children/teenagers age exponentially fast. Lost had the same problem, but they decided to write Walt off the show. I'm also not sure how young they could have gone for Carl with the casting, since the content of the show is so adult, but then again, they have killed off little kids over and over again, so it might not be such a big problem. I don't like either KID-CARL or TEENAGE-CARL, but as a teenager he can at least contribute to the storyline in some way.


    True.  I wonder if it would've been better to keep recasting Carl to keep him more in line with the comics (and to keep that hilarious but creepy panel with Negan: "Kid, I'm not going to lie to you --you scare the fucking shit out of me.") but too late now!

    I mean, ok, they can still do that, but TV Negan won't be towering over TV Carl, so the visual impact is lost.

    • Love 1
  9. I'd like to think our walkers would freeze in the winter and then we could go around at leisure poking them in the brainstem with a crowbar or lopping their heads off a la Michonne. Obviously the big issue is other people. Population density is pretty low anyway. Head north. The land will suck for large scale farming but animals and fresh water will be plentiful. One could grow some stuff in the short growing season and forage wild plants. Lots of blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, saskatoonberries (beginning to sound like the Forrest Gump dude). We have the First Nations to thank for sumac tea to prevent scurvy. Rosehips too. Man we'd lose a lot of weight, as a nation. I'm not overly fond of those northern lakes though. Boggy. Lots of tannins and tons of leeches. Well, I'm sure I'd get over it quickly, under the circumstances....

  10. I'd like to add a new ethical question to the hopper -- given that every armed stranger is a potentially deadly threat and given that almost everyone left is armed, how do you decide when it's OK to shoot a stranger? What is it that they do, say or look like before you pull the trigger?

    Oh good Lord I would be so dead. I don't know a single person up here who owns a firearm. Oh, scratch that. I have an uncle, in his late 70s, who hunted moose, so there's one. Maybe this is only an issue for the Canadians floating around here.

  11. Fear not, United States citizens. The company that makes Icy Squares sells them in the United States under the name Ice Cubes. I've been enjoying them since I was a child in the 70's. You can usually find them on the counter at stores like 7-Eleven, drug stores and many gas station convenience stores.



    Yes.  From Regal in Canada, the Moritz Icy Square.  Best to keep them in the fridge.  http://www.regalcandy.com/en/our-brands/moritz-icy-squares/

    • Love 1
  12. Will Maggie ever actually have a baby? We already know the perils of casting an Infant and the problems associated with that, and would the writers want to double all of that- I think not. So, with that in mind, either Maggie dies, loses the baby, or leaves the group to go someplace more suited for raising a family? They could do a "Morgan" with her and have her not be around for a season or so? Where that leaves Glenn- who knows. Maybe it is him that gets Lucille'ed, and that is the impetus for being Maggie wanting to go someplace new?


    I'm sure Maggie still has her Hilltop story arc, so off she goes, baby or no.  I think THEY think they're being clever by half with the Glenn fake-out death, lulling comic readers into thinking he's acquired plot armor now, only to give him the full on comic treatment.  Blech.  Also think the perils of casting for Carl were worse than for Judith --- they've switched up that baby countless times and it doesn't matter really, whereas Carl is almost as tall as his Dad and it kind of takes away the idea of a little kid going through the ZA.  If he was younger and smaller like he was in the GN it would amp the horror factor exponentially but it's too bad they picked someone on the cusp of a huge growth spurt.  I dunno.

  13. A


    I think it is much more complex than that.  What is good and evil has been decided by society and society is now over.  Remember, what would have been considered acceptable 500 years ago,would totally horrify us today.


    However, as others have mentioned cannibalism seemed to be an unifer in that is considered one of the most vile and repugnant things a person could do in almost all human societies.


    I think we all have a need to survive and some of us will go to greater depths and darker places than others.  I have already said that this would be a line I would never cross and I am sure most of us feel this way.  However, i am making this statement in relative safety and comfort and have never been in such a desperate scenario in the first place (thank God).


    As the Donner party shows us, there are some people that would do it to make sure their children survive, but would not indulge themselves.


    I think the Termites have an extreme version of Rick and Carol's pragmatism in the ZA.  They have to be ruthless to survive and will kill and eat everyone who is not them.  They now can no longer afford the luxury of trust and humanity.


    Yeah, I dig historicism for sure.  My point was that Terminus is unbelievable by historical standards and even by post-apocalyptic fictional standards, if you want to judge it by the rules of its own universe.  Which is appropriate....  But the comics explained it away as the cannibals simply being lazy and not skilled at getting their own food.  Ok.  TV version explains it away as them being crazy beyond crazy.  Ok.  I wonder what prompted them to take this direction on the show. 

    • Love 2
  14. I really kind of love this thread topic.


    I think we're supposed to see the Termites as an extreme example of what's possible once that great break in your mind happens.  All of society's taboos don't matter now because the society that made it possible to have them in the first place is gone.  All the notions and niceties that said if you set up a utopian sanctuary for all people will come and behave as they behaved before and won't it be nice failed, so how much do all those other rules even matter anyway?  And that doesn't even have to mean that they went from nice rule abiding people one day to frothing cannibals hunting people in the woods the next.  It means that once you can justify throwing off those first taboos, then it becomes the proverbial sliding scale where it gets easier and easier to flout one more and then another and another.  Til the next thing you know you're barbequing Bob and waxing philosophically about how it had to be this way.


    Or at least that's usually how it goes in most in dystopian fiction, where cannibalism almost always eventually makes an appearance for this very reason.  Usually after the heroes have had to cross the line into doing some previously unthinkable things and need reassurance that they're not completely lost because at least they haven't resorted to eating people.


    Yeah and that's the old chicken and the egg thing too.  It ALWAYS crops up in PA fiction, for obvious reasons: "All of society's taboos don't matter now because the society that made it possible to have them in the first place is gone."  And that's the thing, taboos are taboos for a reason.  Some semblance of order would be restored more quickly than TPTB would care to admit (for the sake of drama).  Safety in numbers, the idea of the commonwealth -- certainly not new inventions -- group survival is necessary for individual survival.  As long as we've been human (10,000 years?) there have been rules and societal conventions and taboos for the sake of the survival of our species as a whole.  This roaming band of psychos idea is only viable at the very beginning and in a limited way.  It doesn't help that on this show, 1 day equals 8 episodes.  Time is incredibly distorted, as a viewer.  But yeah, my main peeve is PA fiction treating "society" or "government" as if it were some alien thing imposed upon them --hey, maybe it is, for the author, I dunno-- but these structures comes from them, from people and they are meant to be for their benefit. 

    And I think one's take on this topic is gonna boil down to the old Lord of the Flies test:


    Do you think humans are intrinsically good, or intrinsically evil?


    Nice thread Nashville ;)

    • Love 7
  15. Certainly, they HAD to have been totally beyond regular ZA traumatization to make this even remotely believable.  It simply doesn’t hold water otherwise.  Remember the soccer team who crashed in the Andes – there were more than a few people who starved to death on principle.  Not everyone is down with the physically-survive-at-all-costs thing.  I think how it was done in the comics was more believable, and that was a big ol’ stretch too.


    The only post-apocalyptic scenario where this makes sense to me, and is really fracking scary, is McCarthy’s The Road.  The world is dying or already dead.  Bands of cannibals makes sense.  The scene of the naked people locked in the dark basement of the farmhouse; the bloody tools and basins in the kitchen; that was bone-chillingly terrifying.  They tried to evoke that with Terminus but I just couldn’t go there beyond “ewww gross did you see the yard with body parts flash by.”  --probably because they were growing sunflowers and looting people’s shit which had to include cans of food and whatnot here and there. 


    So it’s all about the crazies – yeah ok.  We know about Jonestown, mass psychosis, etc. but as Ghoulina pointed out above, not nearly enough time was spent developing this story.  A whole back season of buildup, and it’s summarily dealt with in 5a.  Didn’t work for me.  If they were gonna diverge so far from the comics and make the storyline far more ambitious than it deserved the execution fell flatter than a pancake in Kansas (to me).

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