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Posts posted by susieq147

  1. 48 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:


    It's not her politics that are objectionable. It's her attitude.

    That describes Meghan in nutshell.   It is possible to present conservative beliefs without being so obnoxious about it.  She just always seems to be itching for a fight.   Always so defensive.   And with her so adamantly proclaiming herself to be a conservative I'm thinking the lady doth protest too much.

    • Love 22
  2. 7 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

    It is so contrived and it is not organic to me.  She is just playing a role, it is why she gets flustered when she is asked to explain her beliefs.

    You hit the nail on the head.  She is inauthentic.  She is Meghan McCain, conservative..  Not Meghan McCain person who has conservative beliefs.  Joy is Joy, a comic, a former teacher, a talk show cohost who has liberal beliefs.  Whoopi, Whoopi who is actress, comic, know it all who has liberal beliefs.  The same with Sunny.  The same with Paula.  They are all people who have lives outside their political leanings.   Meghan defines herself by her beliefs and when asked to defend/explain them she seems to be unable to.

    • Love 15
  3. 16 minutes ago, ABitOFluff said:

    Megatron is such a walking cliché. Of course she has to listen to country music. It's the only real "AMURRRICAN" music! And I thought she snottlily threw out Shooter Jennings as one of those country artists she'd rather listen to, which is interesting, because he was a Bernie supporter. I bet she has no idea about that though. A lot of Republicans like to think those outlaw country artists like Waylon, Willie and Johnny were card-carrying conservatives, but they were and are must more socially conscious like those elite Liberals.

    She really is a stereotype isn't she?  

    • Love 9
  4. 27 minutes ago, imjagain said:

    Ok, so I'm not a huge Timberlake fan, but MM little snide comments about not needing Timberlake to save  her, she'll buy real country albums.  She is just a mean nasty person. She's just unlikable.  So she was excited about what she thought would be his country album , now she knows his message is to  get woke, so, she dislikes him.  It must be hard to live a life in such a defined box. 

    So Meghan is only going to listen to artists who share her same political beliefs?  Her playlist must be really short.

    • Love 16
  5. 40 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    But Durbin wasn't insulting her father. He was pointing out that Senator McCain was also for a clean DACA bill, and that after working with him for years on this, knew Senator McCain's heart. And what does she do? Bitchily and snottily tells him she "KNOWS" what's in that asshat Cotton's heart, slurps, and does that neck snap. Gurrrl, PLEASE.

    That reminded me of Elisabeth turning her back to Kathy Griffin on the couch.  So childish.

    • Love 13
  6. 3 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    Believe me, Meghan, nobody is going to confuse a lunatic like you for a moderate, that’s for damn sure. I was ready for Whoopi to tear her to shreds when they came back from commercial after the abortion discussion. In contrast, the abortion discussion is why I like Sunny even if I disagree with her on a personal level regularly. Unlike Meghan, she doesn’t believe in imposing her religion onto other people. Meghan brought up Tomi Lahren being fired for her abortion comments on The View (she had compared abortion rights to gun rights, saying if she wants the federal government out of one she has to be consistent and want them to stay out of the other), but only used it as an example for how much Republicans "care about this issue," not what it really is: an abuse of power to censor a different opinion. I wonder how Meghan would feel if The View fired her for her pro-life comments today? Since she didn't seem at all bothered that her former employer did such a thing to Tomi Lahren, she can't say anything, right?

    Yes.  I thought Tomi Lahren was fired for basically not being a good little Republican soldier and spouting the party line.  I think Meghan is afraid of the same thing.  Not that ABC will fire her but that that the right wing media will come after her for not following the Republican script.

    • Love 12
  7. 11 minutes ago, lexytheblasian said:

    Meghan McCain claims the media paints her as a moderate. What media is she talking about? I don't hear anybody in the media talking about her. Perhaps I missed it...

    Right wing media covers her.  I don't frequent those sites but on google stories about her pop up almost daily.  And the headlines are always favorable.  And when I say WTF I look to see which site it is and it's always The Blaze or Fox or some other right wing site.

    • Love 5
  8. 41 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

    We should ALL be thanking our first responders whenever we see them.   As you go about your days' business, thank everyone who helps you, serves you, and allows you to carry on as usual.  I go out of my way to thank people working nights and holidays.

    It's called common courtesy.  And nowadays it seems to be in short supply.

    • Love 3
  9. 5 minutes ago, General Days said:

    I think she stands to do more damage to The View's brand than the momentary high ratings she'll bring in if/when her father (God forbid) passes. She's not only not worth it, she doesn't seem to try to be. 

    Nah.  Meghan isn't damaging the View.  She is damaging herself.  She had a somewhat moderate reputation before joining the show.  But after her daily petulance and venomous snark towards anything that is anti-Republican she is looking like a younger blonder Ann Coulter.  Where she goes from here I have no idea.  She has already had a Fox News gig.  She could write a book but other than being John McCain's daughter I don't see what she would write about.  She could always pull an Elisabeth and leave TV to be chief breakfast officer.  But she would needs kids to pull that off.

    • Love 10
  10. 5 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

    If Dick Durbin was the only person in the room to be horrified enough by racist comments made by the freaking president to spill the beans, I support him 100 percent. Don't kill the messenger, listen to his story!

    That is it right there.  Meghan is pissed off that the message was made public.  She should be outraged about the message itself and the person who said it, Trump.


    6 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

    How in the fuck does Meghan know Tom Cotton's heart?

    He is one of her "people".

    • Love 23
  11. 9 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

    Meghan is just angry at Dick Durbin for spilling the tea and made her side look bad. She does not care about the spirit of what was said.  

    100% accurate.  Meghan dear, if  you are going to continue to be a Republican then you are going to have to get used to this.  

    • Love 17
  12. 22 minutes ago, lexytheblasian said:

    MM didn't ask him a single question during the segment. I don't even think she said anything.

    Best to remain quiet and be thought a fool than say something and confirm you are a fool.

    • Love 23
  13. 2 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

    Whoa, gals, the makeup people truly HATE HATE HATE MM....that lipstick was GROSS...and yes, made her teeth look gray, don't they do camera checks? Good God from Zion, she is nasty enough without the ugly clothes and monster makeup, give her a nice lipstick folks.  All that dark purple goo hurt my very dainty little eyeballs.

    Doesn't Meghan look in the mirror before she walks out of the makeup room?

    • Love 7
  14. I know the View has a person in charge of wardrobe but I thought I read somewhere Whoopi wears her own clothes.  


    Someone Meghan's age should know what does and doesn't look good on her.   All the other co hosts (minus Whoopi) always look nice.  Maybe someone in wardrobe doesn't like Meghan.   

    • Love 7
  15. 49 minutes ago, lexytheblasian said:

    Funny that we have to hear Meghan say everyday "I'm just explaining Trump's base to you!!" etc. etc. But then Sunny directly asks her why something so hate-filled appeals to them, and she has nothing to say... Where was that lecture she usually gives?

    Meghan can't give a lecture answering that question.  There is no way to spin it in a good way.

    • Love 13
  16. 37 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I agree it was very unnecessary and just shit stirring bait, but what she actually said was "this is why people hate journalists." To which I say, which people? Your people? You? Your plagiarizing husband? 45? Making a loaded statement with feathers.

    What Meghan needs to say is "people hate journalists who say things they don't agree with".  She worked at Fox News.  Did she hate all her fellow co-workers?  Paula is still employed by the View. Does she hate her too?

    • Love 11
  17. 11 minutes ago, Wings said:

    MM cannot present a counterpoint without being snippy.   

    "I would never go to a journalist's house being in my position."  Good god Meghan, you have no position.  

    Ana sits right there not questioning Wolff's integrity and John's baby girl pouts. 

    Was she referring to being a cohost on the View or being John McCain's daughter?  Because honestly her only relevant position as of right now is being his daughter.

    • Love 20
  18. 1 hour ago, lexytheblasian said:

    About the book - the moment Trump’s lawyers sent the publisher a “cease and desist” is the moment I placed my order on amazon. 

    Requested it from my library the same day.  I'm number 69 in a line of 364.  There are multiple copies so I will have it within a couple weeks. If they put it up electronically I will download it. 

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