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Posts posted by tv echo

  1. Why Is ‘Survivor’ 46 Both The Most Frustrating And Most Entertaining Season Of The New Era?
    By Trisha Bartle   May 9, 2024


    If you consult Survivor superfans (or trawl the Survivor subreddit), you’ve likely heard the opinion that the new era of Survivor, starting with Season 41, has lacked a certain something. From the never-changing backdrop of Fiji to the lack of fun themes of Survivors past, to the same challenges and “twists” over and over and over, the show has definitely gotten stale. Not to mention a homogenous cast of mostly 20- and 30-somethings when the survivors used to be so diverse. And yet, even though the current Season 46 has all those points above, it’s become not only the most frustrating season of the new era, but also the most entertaining. I simultaneously yell at the screen and can’t wait for the next week’s episode. But why is that? It’s all thanks to casting.
    *  *  *
    Much of the frustration for many viewers is just how out-there the cast has been this season, all while never getting voted out. Let’s run down a few bullet points:

    • Q–who has pissed everyone off so thoroughly by flip flopping, trying to control everyone’s game, and unsuccessfully asking to get voted off–still hasn’t managed to get voted off. And every confessional features his wide grin at still being left in the game.
    • Liz–the self-professed millionaire who’s allergic to everything and who rightfully flips to demon mode when people don’t bring her on food-based rewards.
    • Venus–whose Mean Girls-esque attitude has found her gloating about moves that she was never actually in charge of.

    And yet…these self-made “villains” still manage to make for good TV. Not only that, but many fans have found moments in recent episodes where they liked the three above despite all the hijinks. Because they’re real people, and few are fully evil on or off the island.
    *  *  *
    It happens almost every season. When people are thinking of who to vote out post-merge, their strategy goes from weak links to the strongest competitors. Their reasoning is that, if they’re in the final three with two duds, it’ll be easier to win. That might have been true in the past, but that was proven an outdated strategy thanks to Gabler’s win on Season 43. The man who just sat on the sidelines and who no one thought would win broke the odds and took home the million (only to be swiftly donated to charity). Gabler is proof that the goats have just as much–if  not more–of a chance of winning the whole game. People like Maria who insist on bringing players like Q and Liz to the end may just find themselves missing out on the money.

  2. Chef Kaleena Bliss brought a vital conversation to Top Chef Season 21, interview
    By Cristine Struble | May 9, 2024


    During a conversation prior to her second elimination and Last Chance Kitchen airing, I spoke with Chef Kaleena Bliss. For those unfamiliar, Chef Kaleena has been outspoken about the importance of making mental health a priority. She wants to wash away any stigma associated with the topic and encourages everyone to be open, honest, and vocal about those struggles.
    *  *  *
    “When I came into the industry, I worked so many hours for free and it was expected. You had to do it to grow and to get ahead. Like many of my peers, I went to the Culinary Institute of America, and I had debt until just recently. I made $9 an hour with no benefits and worked a ton of hours.”

    “For the first 10 years or so of my career, in relatively great kitchens, there was a lingering toxicity that seeped through the cracks and still existed. Today, I think people are more open to talking about the issues and perceptions than when I was coming up.”

    “Even something as simple as work life balance, that did not exist, and still does not exist for some people, (is important). I am fortunate enough to be at a place that values (work life balance) and that is why I am at here (Executive Chef at the Chicago Athletic Association).”
    *  *  *
    “My generation is helping to push this industry for the next generation. People are not putting up with it anymore. We suffered enough. COVID was a big ‘whoa’ moment where we looked at what we were doing with our lives.”

    “Personally, I was furloughed, I stayed in my house, everything was closed. I was used to working long days, glued to my phone. I was forced to take a step back and it gave me the worst anxiety and panic attacks that I ever had in my life because I did not know what to do anymore. You would have thought that it was a reprieve, but it caused me to have a full-on panic attack.”
    *  *  *
    As Chef Kaleena said, “I appreciate that so many more chefs and people in the industry are talking about mental wellness. We can be a little more real about that is happening in the industry.”

    Specifically, Chef Kaleena shared this very personal story. “When I was in my mid-20s my parents passed away and I remember thinking that I could not take time off work. It was not an option at the time. It was my first sous chef job, and I could not even think about calling in to say that I would not come to work. I was up all night crying my eyes out, but I came in the next day and did the job. I never want anyone that works for me to ever have to do this.”

  3. Top Chef Renewed for Season 22 (Along with Other Bravo Favorites)
    May 9, 2024


    Looking for some tasty dish(es)? Well, we have some good news for you! On Thursday, May 9, it was confirmed Top Chef has been renewed by Bravo to bring you plenty of scrumptious culinary moments.

    If you're looking for more Bravo's Top Chef, the series will return for Season 22 to satisfy your appetite.

  4. Top Chef Recap: Restaurant Wars! Buddha Lo Offers His Critiques
    By Buddha Lo    May 8, 2024


    This time, chefs got to choose their teams, and most gravitated towards Danny Garcia, so whoever didn’t get to him in time created their own separate team. Because Michelle won the last challenge, she was able to choose her team after they had been formed, ultimately giving that team the advantage with five against four. 
    *  *  *
    ... After watching many seasons of Top Chef, I've learned that the key to being successful is having a solid concept, otherwise it’s just another elimination challenge where the chefs cook whatever they want and design a dining room.

    Michelle, Dan, Danny, Amanda and Savannah’s team focused on Danny as the executive chef and chose a global concept that leaned into every chef's strength. Their restaurant name, Channel, allowed them to use seafood as the connection. Michelle voiced concern about the idea not being a cohesive concept and I agree. If Dan didn’t pivot from his beet tartare to a seafood dish, I personally think the results would have been different. 

    The team of Manny, Laura, Kaleena and Soo chose a Mexican-Korean restaurant called Dos by Deul. The combination of Mexican and Korean is not new to the culinary world, so there was a ton of inspiration to draw from. It was interesting to see the lack of balance in cuisines when they were cooking their dishes. Dos by Deul also opted not to have a dessert, and while it’s not compulsory, it’s a personal pet peeve of mine when they don’t do desserts on a menu for Restaurant Wars or the final cook. All restaurants offer desserts, so why would Restaurant Wars be any different? 
    *  *  *
    The day of the cook, Danny made the smart move of preparing tickets ahead of time which I think is instrumental to success. Both times I competed in Restaurant Wars, I stayed up until 4 a.m. writing the tickets, drawing the floor plans, listing server responsibilities, creating task lists and fine-tuning the restaurant concept.
    *  *  *
    The judges table was a difficult decision, because neither team nailed their concepts or service, but they did produce some great food. It made choosing the winner difficult. Dos by Deul could have done a lot more with the Korean-Mexican concept to give themselves the win. Kristen stated they had a more cohesive theme, but the dishes left her confused with the concept. I wasn’t a huge fan of Channels as a concept, because it felt like everyone was cooking whatever they wanted as long as there was a sea element in the dish. I would have loved to see them dive deeper by incorporating sea salt with chocolate or a seaweed-fish sauce caramel in their desserts, rather than two random offerings that could be served anywhere. 

  5. 'Survivor 46's Venus Vafa Responds to the "Character Assassination" from Her Cast
    MIKE BLOOM   MAY 9, 2024


    Well, unfortunately, we have to reopen old wounds and get into how you went out. You had just seen Tiffany mistakenly believe that it was an easy Q vote and get blindsided with an idol in her pocket. So what made you believe that, in the same situation, Q would actually go here and you could save your idol for later?
    Honestly, I don't know if it was pride, more so than it was risk-taking behavior. I knew it was a 50/50 shot. Charlie was the swing vote, essentially. Either he goes with Q on one side or me on the other. And I love roulette. [Laughs.] I just like taking big risks. If this pays off, one of two things will happen. One, I get to use my idol at Final Six, or potentially win immunity and use that at Final Five, which is amazing. And two, it solidifies an alliance of some kind. Which, as you can see in the show, my story arc and my struggle was just finding anyone and anything to trust me and work with me. Because I really did come in wanting to play a game of "ride or dies" and loyalty. And I was trying a lot to form that with Charlie. Obviously, I wasn't successful, as we know. But that was my goal. Essentially, I'm like, "If this risk pays off, it has an amazing payoff. Because I get to get to solidify a connection with someone and I get to keep an idol." So that was my mentality. And I knew it was touch and go.

    I want to stay on that Charlie note. You had thrown his name out at the first two individual votes. So talk to me about your dynamic, and how it built to this point of wanting to form a "ride or die" with him.
    So in terms of the dynamic I was trying to build, after the Moriah vote, from then on out, I sat down with Charlie and I said, "Listen, this is the game of Survivor. It was no hard feelings. And I would really love to work with you." And that was the beginning of a conversation that we continue to have. He did a great job of making me feel safe and that he trusts me. So that speaks a lot to his game. That's amazing. But I really thought we had some kind of basis there that we could work off of. But I guess it's my delivery. I've come off, as I've come to learn, very sneaky, apparently very cagey, which I didn't know. In my mind, I'd be cheeky and cute. But it doesn't go that way. But I was trying to build that relationship with Charlie. And that was the moment to prove whether or not that amount of work was successful or not. And clearly, it wasn't.

    So then how did that lead to that conversation where you don't tell Charlie you have the idol, but you indicate to him you have "something else going on," which seemingly makes him wary of you and leads to your boot?
    So for that conversation, when I started it, I was immediately like, "Shut up! Abort, abort." But I had started the conversation with good intentions. I really did want to work with Charlie. I wanted to use the idol with him at the next vote, but I didn't want to allude to it too distinctly. And I wanted to give him a reason to keep me. And I guess this is where my misinterpretation came. I saw it as, "Ooh, this is an opportunity for the both of us! You get to use this, too. I want to work with you." He saw it as, "Oh [expletive]. Venus has something and that can screw over my game in the future." Which is fair, I see that point of view. Now, in the moment, I didn't really see that. So that conversation is really what killed my game. If I had not had that conversation with him, I would still be in the game for sure.
    *  *  *
    I'm gonna keep going. It's even more frustrating that she picked Q and Liz for the rock, paper, scissors. And you can see even her conversation later, she never said, "Oh, poor Venus" or anything. Everyone there saw me almost fall off the pier because I could barely walk in a straight line. That's how much weight I lost. That's how much I was struggling. And before that, it broke my heart that she said, "Plead your case." I'm not going to beg. You know what I'm struggling with? Q went to Applebee's. Liz has a full container of rice. She would share some of it with us, but obviously that was her rice. I had eaten nothing. So she didn't even consider me. But her whole farce was, "Oh, I want to pick someone who's really struggling, who's really suffering." Shut up, please! That's not what you want to do. Own up to your [expletive]. Like this is what bothers me is that everyone takes issue with the way I'm so direct. But at least I'm honest. Don't put on a fake air of positivity. I hate that [expletive]. I hate it so much. 

  6. 'The Amazing Race 36's Yvonne Chavez and Melissa Main Say Unseen Injuries Led to Their Elimination
    MIKE BLOOM   MAY 9, 2024


    We see you arrive at the Pit Stop while Amber and Vinny were still on the mat. Do you know how far behind you were?
    : [Holds up two fingers.]

    Wow, two minutes! You had said that you were about 10 minutes behind the pack leaving the first Roadblock. So how did you make up that time?
    : So, again, things you don't see. I think there's all kinds of fun, controversial things that happen, but let's just stick to what happened to us. Once we left the waterfall, on our way out, one of one crew members injured, I don't know, sprained--
    Melissa: Injured his thigh.
    Yvonne: Yeah, pulled some kind of muscle. So as we were running back, because it was quite a ways to get from the waterfall, about a mile and a half back. So we kept running, I don't know where it was.
    Melissa: Essenitally the crew member, we had to just wait for a couple minutes, which we didn't think that much of. And then obviously now, seeing that we lost by two minutes, we obviously wish we would have said something. But we didn't. But anyways, then we got to cacao. And they didn't show it, but we only had to go down twice to pull the pods. Whereas every other team, as you could see, they all had to go down numerous times. And we only had to go down twice. And so that's where we made up the time.
    Yvonne: And on other sides. So you saw how all of us were like all going for the same thing. That was one part of it. I see Rod, I keep making fun that he's three people. 
    Melissa: Yeah they cheated! They brought three people. That's what we kept joking. [Laughs.]
    Yvonne: I was like, "Dammit, Rod!" [Laughs.] And so I mean good on them. That was one of their strengths. But then with the whole other side of the field, there were tons, what you needed for at least half. So we had those two full bags. But another thing you didn't see is--
    Melissa: I sliced her thumb right open. And she's over there with medical working on it. And I'm like, "Keep working!" And so she's sitting with one hand. [Laughs.]
    Yvonne: I bled all over the cacao pods. The security guy's got my thumb, trying to help.
    Melissa: So we made up a whole bunch of time. We left right after Vinny and Amber. And so what we what we saw was four out of the five teams took one way to get to the Pit Stop along the water. And, as you saw last night, Vinny and Amber went straight down the steps. And that's where they made up those two minutes, because they got lost.
    Yvonne: From leaving the stadium and to the pink street, there were cabs out. So what you what you didn't see was some people got in the cab and the driver knew where they were going, or they didn't know. So we asked every single cab that was out there, "Do you know where this is?"
    Melissa: And finally the last one said, "I do know where this is." He went quite quickly. It was just everything almost came together for us. And just losing by two minutes was was a tough pill to swallow.

  7. FBI: International Gets an Assist From Colin Donnell With Scott ‘Gone Dark’ — Exclusive First Photos


    In the next episode of CBS‘ FBI: International, the Fly Team — while processing the fact that MIA team leader Scott has “gone dark” — gets an assist from Colin Donnell‘s NSA agent, as seen in TVLine’s first look photos above and below.

    As previously reported, Chicago Med and Arrowverse alum Donnell will guest-star in the final two episodes of FBI: International Season 3, which come on the heels of what was original cast member Luke Kleintank’s final appearance, on May 7, as Supervisory Special Agent Scott Forrester.
    *  *  *
    In the next episode, titled “Gift,” when the owner of a prominent cyber security company is murdered in Copenhagen, mass amounts of data are leaked, sending the NSA to the Fly Team for assistance. Donnell plays Brian Lange, the Bureau’s liaison to the NSA.

    Donnell’s guest-starring appearances will air Tuesday, May 14, and in the May 21 season finale. Of note, Teri Polo (NCIS, The Fosters) is also set to also appear in those same two episodes, in a mystery role.


  8. Another behind-the-scenes report from Restaurant Wars...

    Talking ‘Top Chef’ – A Roundtable Recap of Episode 8


    Our art director Chelsea Mamerow was able to attend the “Restaurant Wars” taping last summer. Here she talks about her experience, plus some highs and lows from this episode, with dining editor Ann Christenson. Warning! Spoilers ahead.  
    *  *  *
    Chelsea: We were at Channel. I was super pleased to be able to eat Dan’s food (I missed his last time around!) and also just to see that he was still in the competition! 
    *  *  *
    Chelsea: It seems my husband Kevin picked all the best dishes, he had both Dan’s walleye and Danny’s carrots. We shared everything and can confirm that those were both delicious. I had Savannah’s mushroom and scallops, which I remember thinking, on first bite, was like a flavor explosion, delicious but so intense it was too much by the end. I also had Michelle’s catfish which was, as the judges said last night, excellent. You couldn’t tell, but that catfish dish was a huge portion – twice as much food as any of the other dishes. 

    Ann: Amanda made a vegan gumbo, which sounded risky. It included kombu. How was that?

    Chelsea: I didn’t get to try that one! We were seated with [The Milwaukee Business Journal’s] Mark Kass and his wife, and she did have it. She said she enjoyed it; it was spicy! A funny thing I was surprised they didn’t show – this is a total side note:  a lot of seasons, they show the teams agonizing over the design choices of their restaurants, table clothes, dishes, silverware, decor. We didn’t get any of that this time. The spoon that came with the gumbo was TINY. It was so strange. We commented on it, saw others commenting on it and then later, when we got to sit in the backstage press area and watch the judges eat at that restaurant, they commented on it, too! One of those things that falls under the radar when you are opening a restaurant in 24 hours. 
    *  *  *
    Chelsea: We didn’t have any delays. We were called for our reservation really early in the night, maybe the second set of guests to be brought in. In fact, they had us walk toward the restaurants but stop short, and then the judges came up a few yards behind us. A camera crew came up, they gave us direction on when to start walking and said our group would lead the judges to the restaurant. They called “action” and everything. Michelle was prompt on greeting our table and was a really pleasant host. 
    *  *  *
    Afterward, the PR folks gave us a tour where we got to see the kitchen area. Dan’s team was closest and seemed at ease – smiling and laughing. And then they took us to Video Village – they had a whole production area built out with a wall of screens showing the feed from every camera and a large group of producers sitting watching as it’s filmed. Then there was a small tent with 6-8 seats and a little mini video village for press to sit and watch the same thing. We got in the tent just as they were resetting for the judges to switch restaurants and we sat and watched for a really long time. I think there were six camera feeds we were watching? All with audio, so it was pretty nuts to try to follow along. Really fun to get that peek into how the show was made. 
    *  *  *
    Chelsea: Yes, we were watching both sets of judges eat at the same time in that tent, so we heard them talk about the menu, and saw them all get antsy on that second service. They seemed to be enjoying all of the food they tried, just like how the episode aired – it was hard to tell who their favorite would be. 
    *  *  *
    Chelsea: The concept was lacking at Channel; we talked about that at our table. The concept of water connecting everything didn’t feel strong enough. I haven’t talked about that buckwheat tea that they brought us when we sat down… super strange! But then they put it in the custard dessert and it was one of the better desserts I have ever had. 

    Ann: Buckwheat tea! That was Danny’s drink, right? Tom Colicchio seemed turned off by it. What did it taste like?

    Chelsea: Like drinking hay. I drank more of mine than anyone else at our table. It wasn’t undrinkable, but not something I’d ever want again.
    *  *  *
    Chelsea: It seemed like it could have been a toss-up. More criticism of the food at Dos by Duel, but disappointed by the concept of Channel. They seemed to be foreshadowing with the stress in the kitchen at Dos by Duel, but it kind of built and fizzled. No real issues on either team. There have been seasons where you really see clashing personalities – usually between the front of house and expeditor. Danny’s universal ticket idea really seemed to keep things smooth for Channel. 
    *  *  *
    Ann: As for who was told to pack their knives and go, I thought it would be Laura. I wasn’t expecting Kaleena – again. I thought Manny, too. But the judges loved the mole negro with his beef dish. Clearly there was a mix of good and not-so-good. 

    Chelsea: Yeah, we were throwing out guesses and mentioned Manny as a possibility, too. The only one we didn’t mention was Soo.

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  9. I was at the 'Top Chef' taping of Restaurant Wars at Milwaukee’s Discovery World. Here's a peek behind the scenes
    Rachel Bernhard Milwaukee Journal Sentinel   May 9, 2024


    After having a shot at trying all 13 of the chefs’ dishes when I attended Episode 3’s cheese festival, I was a little bummed when I learned I’d only get to dine at one of the two restaurants that day (especially since I now know Milwaukee chef Dan Jacobs had the winning dish of the week on the other side of the partition). I had a little FOMO moment peeping into opposing restaurant Channel next door, but that feeling didn't last long. 

    I found Dos by Deul’s decor to be a little sparse, but ethereal: an accent wall painted with a teal-green gradient, crisp white tablecloths, forest green napkins, minimalist (but very pretty) flower arrangements on each table (with planted microphones in each to capture our dish critiques). There was a glass wall at the front that showcased Discovery World’s lush green lawn and Lake Michigan in the background, so I think the design was meant to show off the natural beauty outside. 

    Laura welcomed us to our table and was absolutely lovely the entire time (I now feel awful for pegging her the season’s new villain during the Supper Club episode). She welcomed us with a refreshing green agua fresca and explained the restaurant’s concept. 

    She told us two of the chefs on her team were Mexican and two were Asian, so they wanted to blend their heritages together. But aside from that tidbit, we had no idea who else made up the Dos by Deul team that night (I’ve had fun piecing together who was on each team as I've watched the season go on). 
    *  *  *
    Collectively, the dishes were stunning to look at. The plating was gorgeous and the dishes were vibrant with pops of green that felt at home with the restaurant’s decor. 
    *  *  *
    Dinner started out strong with Laura's beef tartare — the spicy-sweet gochujang with cilantro green goddess sauce gave it life, but I agreed with the judges that the rice cracker it was served with wasn’t necessary. 

    I was in love with Soo’s second course: chewy Korean rice cakes with a mossy green salsa verde, crunchy pepitas and Chinese sausage. I would order it again and again on any menu. 

    And while I did really enjoy the individual components of Manny’s poached shrimp with jicama kimchi and miso butter sauce, the rich sauce felt incongruent with the bright flavors in the rest of the dish. His beef tenderloin, however, might have been the best dish of the night — our table was clamoring over that mole negro and the beef’s tender cook. 

    Sadly, Kaleena’s Dungeness crab dish faded into the background, as did the team’s pork tenderloin a la talla — I remember wanting so much more from my final dish of the night. 

    Laura returned to our table a couple times throughout our meal, checking in to make sure everything was going well and explaining some of the components of each dish. She also shared she had opened a restaurant back home in San Francisco just a few weeks before “Top Chef” had begun filming. She was attentive, personable and warm at each visit. 
    *  *  *
    But one thing stood out to me: It was absolutely silent in the room. Aside from light table chatter (we were mindful to talk at a respectful volume), there was no ambiance. Of course, background music wouldn’t be possible to pipe in while cameras were rolling, but that pin-drop-quiet dining room felt so eerie and sterile. 
    *  *  *
    At the end of the meal, we were given a restaurant check presenter, but instead of a check, there was a comment card inside. I was designated to write our thoughts on each dish and Dos by Deul as a whole (oh, I wish I had a copy!). When I was done writing, it was time to leave. 

    On my way out, I felt so bad for the folks still waiting to be seated for dinner. After our smooth and speedy experience, and now knowing that the service at both restaurants slipped as the night went on, I felt lucky to be in and out so quickly. 


    • Like 8
  10. Top Chef: Wisconsin Recap: Conceptual Clumsiness
    By Roxana Hadadi   May 8, 2024


    ... But this Restaurant Wars is a classic example of the winning chefs not hitting the challenge brief, yet serving better dishes than their competitors who tried to fulfill the sentiment of the challenge. We’ve seen this play out on Top Chef (and The Great British Baking Show, for that matter) over and over again. Did the restaurant Channel deserve to win this Restaurant Wars? It’s honestly tough to say, because both it and Dos by Deul majorly suffered during their second wave of service, were inconsistent in getting food out in a timely manner, and had some sloppily conceptualized dishes. And for Channel specifically, I didn’t feel that either the chefs or the judges could believably explain how their generic “seafood” theme tied so many disparate dishes together. (Another classic Restaurant Wars tactic: picking a food group instead of a cuisine and deciding that’s enough.) But I think the judges very obviously prefer Danny and Dan’s food at this point in the competition, and there was nothing catastrophically wrong with Channel past that second-turn wait time. I would like it if not meeting the spirit of the challenge mattered more, but it doesn’t, so Dan and Danny’s presumed march toward the finals continues!
    *  *  *
    • When Tom asks Kristen what she would have changed about her own season 10 Restaurant Wars experience (for which she was eliminated and sent to Last Chance Kitchen), her reply was “chosen maybe a different team.” For those looking for drama, her team included Brooke, Josie, and Lizzie, and they lost to the three-member team of Josh, Sheldon, and Stefan.
    *  *  *
    LAST CHANCE KITCHEN SPOILERS AHEAD: Let me start off by saying, I have all the respect in the world for Kaleena graciously but firmly refusing to compete on Last Chance Kitchen again for the sake of her mental health. I get it! She got eliminated once, went through Last Chance Kitchen, gave it her all during Restaurant Wars, and then got eliminated again and sent to LCK again. Worst-case scenario, she would get eliminated a final time. Best-case scenario, she makes it back onto Top Chef proper … and is then open to elimination all over again. The roller coaster sounds grueling and exhausting, and I think it was really self-aware and confident of Kaleena to realize she’d proven all she needed to and didn’t want to dive back into the tumult. So, Kaleena leaves, to Tom’s surprise (I’m assuming she told a producer beforehand what she was going to do, but Tom being thrown off seemed genuine to me and his “some things are more important than competing” felt off-the-cuff enough to be spontaneous), and he asks the previously eliminated Rasika if she’d like to compete in Kaleena’s place, which she does.

  11. Among other things, Chris talked about his audition for Star Trek...

    Chris Pine Breaks Down The Biggest Roles of His Career | Entertainment Weekly
    Entertainment Weekly   May 8, 2024

  12. FYI...

    Creation Entertainment's Salute to Battlestar Galactica 20th Anniversary Convention, October 25-27, 2024 (Westin O'Hare Hotel in Chicago Area, IL)
    Guests: Ron D. Moore, Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer, Grace Park, Jamie Bamber, Michael Trucco, Rekha Sharma, Kate Vernon, Kandyse McClure and Tahmoh Penikett


  13. Matt’s Inside Line: Scoop on FBI, S.W.A.T., Chicago Fire, PLL, Mayfair Witches, The Way Home, The Rookie, Criminal Minds and More


    With The Rookie having Tamara move out of Lucy’s apartment, will we be seeing her a lot less, or at all, moving forward? –Emily 
    All I can tell you at this time is that we have seen the last of Tamara this season.

  14. Matt’s Inside Line: Scoop on FBI, S.W.A.T., Chicago Fire, PLL, Mayfair Witches, The Way Home, The Rookie, Criminal Minds and More


    Will Elsbeth’s investigation into Captain Wagner be resolved by the end of Season 1? –Craig


    As hinted by the most recent episode’s cliffhanger, “It will come to a head,” showrunner Jonathan Tolins assured TVLine. “It will get to a point where things are answered.”

    • Like 1
  15. Another Idol, Another Blindside! Who Went Home on 'Survivor 46' Tonight?
    MIKE BLOOM   MAY 8, 2024

    Jeff Probst Reveals Why One Iconic 'Survivor' Challenge Hasn't Returned
    The host and executive producer also weighs in on the old-school "Rites of Passage" segment, saying, "I hope we never do it again."
    MIKE BLOOM   MAY 8, 2024

  16. 8 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I don’t understand not addressing the fact one restaurant had an extra chef.  Why not wait until there were eight chefs left?


    I agree.  I found it hard to get past the basic unfairness of one team having the extra chef. That's a big advantage over the smaller team.

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  17. The Rookie - Episode 6.09 - The Squeeze - Press Release
    Posted by SpoilerTV - May 09, 2024


    TUESDAY, MAY 14 9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT – The Rookie: “The Squeeze” (609) Logline: Officer Nolan and Celina take on a special case; meanwhile, Monica enlists help to identify her attackers. Elsewhere, Lopez and Harper discover a connection to the trail of crimes. (TV-14, V) Watch episodes next day on Hulu.


  18. Deal or No Deal Island: Season Two Renewal Announced for NBC Game Show
    by Trevor Kimball, May 7, 2024


    A new group of players will have a chance to win the Banker’s money in the 2024-25 TV season. Deal or No Deal Island has been renewed for a second season on NBC. The first season is currently airing on Monday nights.
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    Airing on Monday nights, the first season of Deal or No Deal Island averages a 0.29 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 2.69 million viewers in the live+same day ratings (including DVR playback through 3:00 AM). According to NBC, the episodes average about 5.8 million viewers across all platforms.
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    The current season of 12 episodes finishes airing next Monday night.  A premiere date for season two will be announced in the future.

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