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Posts posted by Statman

  1. I love restaurant wars because that’s how real life restaurants actually work.

    If I wanted to watch chefs cook in perfect environments with all the time in the world to prep and serve their dishes then I would not watch TV because that show doesn’t exist.  

    • Love 10
  2. 26 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

    I did notice that Sonny didn't mind that several people died because his priority was his baby. 

    Who died in this episode as a result of Sunny’s actions besides Chau’s archer who he gave orders to spare? 

  3. 1 minute ago, yellowfred said:

    I also agree with those who've said that Sansa has felt out of character for a while.  Like, I've more or less accepted that they've decided to have her go in a darker direction than her book counterpart, especially post-Ramsey, but her whole deal was supposed to be that she was careful with her words and more politically savvy than her siblings.  If she's going to be (in my opinion) uncharacteristically callous, there's no reason for to also be (in my opinion) uncharacteristically clumsy about it.

    I do agree that Sansa is acting a bit out of character, but my belief is that she's hopefully playing a long con to get Littlefinger to show his true colors.  It was just strange to me that she went from chastising Jon to praising him as an effective leader so quickly.  

    That coupled with her line about knowing what Littlefinger wants makes be think that she's simply baiting him into do something stupid, thus giving her a reason to get rid of him once and for all, but after she has extracted some usefulness from him.  

    • Love 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Anyone in Westeros with half a brain will put two and two together to realize that they were all poisoned by a Stark or someone supporting the Starks.  No one has to know it was Arya specifically for them to want revenge on the Starks.  Who cares if no one believes them that Walder Frey removed his face and was Arya - the women will still pass the message that "the North remembers" and "winter came" for them.

    That could be every Northern House because they all lost family members in the Red Wedding.  

    Besides, what are the Freys going to do?  Send assassins to take everyone remaining in the Northern Houses?  

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Raachel2008 said:

    This a millions times. It makes no sense at all. Arya herself was a young girl when her father, brother, mother, sister-in-law were killed along with many of the Northern lords/heirs. And there she is avenging all of them. What makes she thinks that none of those Frey women or younger boys are going to try to kill whoever killed their father/grandfather/brothers/husbands/etc? Or is Arya so so so special that she is the only felame and the only child who will live day after day thinking about vengeance? 

    Any remaining Freys would have no idea who poisoned everyone in the room.  Arya didn't say her name to the woman left to pass the message along - she just said that the North remembers and Winter came for the Freys.  

    Besides, even if those women survivors recognized Arya Stark, who is going to believe that Walder Frey removed his face and became Arya Stark?  Those women probably don't even know that Faceless Men exist.

    • Love 2
  6. 1 minute ago, screamin said:

    Also, isn't it weird that Stannis didn't leave so much as a gatekeeper or a cleaning lady at Dragonstone? That just seemed silly to me.

    How do we know that he didn't?  And if he did, it's pretty logical that they went running for the hills when they saw three dragons and hundreds of ships approaching.

    • Love 5
  7. 22 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

    Bigger priorities.  Jaime shows himself in front of Arya in a Winterfell, he will die. I think even Jaime knows that.

    You keep saying this but there is nothing in the books nor the TV show that indicates that Arya wants to kill Jaime.  

    He's not even on her kill list.

    • Love 2
  8. I am comic book reader, but I can't stand Negan in the comic books. 

    Kirkman LOVES the character so we got a 50 comics worth of him and the Saviors.  I just got sick of reading about him so I stopped buying the comics and just read the recaps.  If the show is going to drag out the Negan storyline as long as the comics did, then I am out and will just be reading the recaps from this forum. 

    • Love 3
  9. Kara not shooting Shaw when she had a clear shot ranks up there with long villain monologue as a ridiculous plot device.

    Only two more episodes left so I totally expect this season to end on a cliffhanger with the James back in US waters and Chandler about to become the first overlord/President in US history.

    • Love 5
  10. 8 minutes ago, liza0111 said:

    Totally loved the Dany/Yara moments! Yes!

    I also agree that Sansa didn't tell Jon about the Vale's Knights because she wasn't sure if they are going to show up. There was no way for her to be 100% confident that LF will come to their rescue. It could have ended badly if Jon counts on the Vale and they end up not showing. 

    I totally agree.

    Keep in mind that Littlefinger has, among other things,:

    1.  Betrayed Ned and caused him to end up getting beheaded despite telling Catelyn that he's going to aid the Starks;

    2.  Married her off to a psychopathic rapist;

    3.  Participated in a plot to poison Joffrey; and

    4.  Pushed her aunt Lysa out of the moon door and then convinced Sansa to lie about.

    With regard to #3 and #4, it's not the result that matters as Sansa is likely 100% on board with those actions, but Littlefinger clearly reveals himself to be a devious backstabber and Sansa knows it.  What makes Sansa think that Littlefinger will actually bring the Vale army to support her when his actions historically has shown her that he is not a man of his word.

    • Love 6
  11. 1 minute ago, WearyTraveler said:

    There's also this conversation between Lady Dustin and Theon:

    And this entry in Jayne Poole's bio:

    Again, House Dustin does absolutely nothing in the book to support the Starks.  In fact, their soldiers are on the side of House Bolton and she herself is an adviser to Roose.  It is SUSPECTED that Lady Dustin is playing a long game due to her overly enthusiastic hatred of Ned and her weird desire to tour the Stark crypts, but there is nothing in the books that indicate that she or her House has done anything to undermine the Boltons and the Freys presently at Winterfell.

    The constant quotes to "Ned's girl" from a open source wiki still don't reference any overt action to support the Starks.  Yeah, the Wulls, Liddles and other Mountain Clans provide support, but it's to Stannis, not the Starks.  If the clans were so intent on doing something to save "Ned's girl" then they are as heck didn't show it because it took a Southerner in Stannis to get them mobilized to fight.  

  12. 3 minutes ago, WearyTraveler said:

    Not true, Jon advises Stannis on how to talk to the Northern houses and all the mountain clans are with him, running to Winterfell to save "Ned's Girl".  There are passages describing how much better the Northerners were dealing with the massive amounts of snow in comparison to Stannis' mostly southern army. We don't really know how the whole thing shakes down in the books, or even if Ramsey's pink letter is real, but if Stannis loses, it will be because of the snows and the weather, not because he lacked men.  Jon told him exactly what to say and how to behave with each house and he got them.

    The Manderlys are the ones we most remember because of the smart long game Manderly was playing and because of Frey Pie (it's kind of hard to forget Frey pies), but the other houses were still supportive of the Starks and answered the call.

    I ask again, what other Northern Houses besides House Manderly did anything overtly to aid the Starks?

    Jon advising Stannis about recruiting the Mountain Clans has nothing to do with the North Remembers.  Jon specifically tells Stannis that he needs to go visit the clans in person, praise them for their bravery and command them to fight for STANNIS, not the Starks.  House Glover provides some support to STANNIS only after he liberates Deepwood Motte from the Ironborn. 

    Supporting Stannis, a Southerner, is not the same thing as supporting the Starks.

  13. 3 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

    Having said that, the show is sorely missing the whole The North Remembers element of the books. I'm generally fine with the show putting their own spin on things, but this I don't understand.


    Besides House Manderly, what other Northern Houses has done anything to indicate that they support the North Remembers movement? 

    People keep saying that the show has glossed over the North Remembers, but in the books, no one besides Manderly does jack shit to help the Starks.  Heck, that line is only said by three people in the published books (Robb, Lady Dustin, Lord Manderly) so what exactly is this "The North Remembers element" that I am missing here.

    • Love 4
  14. 12 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

    I can't believe we only have 1 episode left. Damn.

    I'm curious about Jon's line in the preview: "we have so many enemies now". I wonder who he means? House Bolton is gone, Houses Umber and Karstark have lost their lords and most of their armies, Houses Mormont, Hornwood, & Mazin are his allies, the Wildlings are loyal to him, and spoilers indicate the other northern lords will pledge fealty to House Stark once again. Basically the entire North is his. I doubt the happenings in the North have reached King's Landing, and the Lannisters have bigger problems at the moment to care about the Bastard of WF anyway. I doubt Walder Frey gives a shit. So, who are these 'many enemies'? 

    I am guessing that Jon is referring to the fact he believes the Starks are still likely opposed by the Lannisters, Tyrells, Martells, and every other major house out there.  He has no idea of the brewing issues in King's Landing and probably believes (rightfully so) that the Lannisters aren't going to take too kindly to the fact that he just killed their Warden of the North and eradicated a major ally of theirs (the Boltons).

    • Love 4
  15. Frikidoctor has a new video out where he "predicts" what is going to happen in 6x03.  Not sure if he is just covering his ass by calling them "predictions," but they sound pretty detailed. 

    FrikiDoctor Video


    Credit to https://www.reddit.com/user/gromenawer for the translation.


    The Wall:

    Melissandre ask what did he saw while he was dead. Jon says nothing. Meli says that Stannis might not be Azor Ahai after all but Jon. He think this is very weird and understand nothing. Davos is freaking out, and ask what happen.

    Everybody goes to the yard, "you are a god, etc...".


    On the boat, Sam is about to puke, they need to go to Sam house because Old Town don't allow chicks. His father is an asshole, but mom and sis are good people.


    The conversation we know already. Dayne fucks everybody and beat Ned, but Howland kill Arthur in the back. A woman is screaming; Bran somehow scream Dad. Ned turn around but sees nothing. And the 3xEyeCrow says: "We will go back here another time" <NdT: Motherfucker...>

    Vaes Dorak

    Apparently half chapter about telling that widows go there, the rules and so on, to Dae.


    A woman with a sick child have info about the Harpy. Varis offers health and a ship full of silver if she tells something. Everybody is conspiring against Meeren (Yunkai and the rest). Grayworm said that the best is attack directly, leaving Meeren undefended even.

    King's Landing:

    Qyburn is just talking with the kid. Tells Cersei or Jaime that he just "tweak" the mountain a little bit to improve it. The children are the new little birds, they were good with Varis, and they are also good with Qyburn. Jaime says that the Mountain should go to the Baelor Sept to blast the High Sparrow head. The council is talking, Olena, Pircell, Kevan, the guy that sing in bravos, etc.... Kevan is the hand of the king. Cersei and the Mountain crash the council, and the conversation goes no where.

    Tommen ask the HS to left Cersei come back to see Mircela, HS says no sinner allowed. And that she need to purge her sin before the seven.


    Who are you? Nobody, x 200. ... and then Who WERE you? I was Arya Stark, who do you want to kill? Why didn't you kill the dog? ; again with Jaquen Who are you? Nobody x200. Arya pass the test of the annoying god, got a bowl with magic water, and her eyesight come back.


    Why are you here Umber? Aren't you loyal to the Stark?.

    I was, but Jon Snow have an army of wildling that are going to fuck my lands.

    Kneel and I will help you


    Wut??? How I'm going to trust you?

    You will because I'm bringing you Osha and Rickon.

    The Wall again:

    Four hanging people, Bower Marsh, Harwick, Thorne, and Olly (yes!). Before hanging them, Jon talk a bit with them. Marsh: You should be dead!, Harwick: Please tell my family I died honorably. Thorne: I would do this again!. Olly: (says nothing). Cut the main rope, all four fall down, last frame is Olly dying. Jon give the Lord Commander cape to Ed. Ed ask "what should I do with his?" Jon: "Whatever you want, because my watch has ended".

    THE END.

    • Love 2
  16. 23 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

    Before the Hound was Joffrey's personal guard, he was Robert's personal guard. 

    The Hound was never Robert's personal guard.  His only interaction with Robert in both the books and the show is when he stops on Robert's command during his fight with the Mountain. 

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