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Posts posted by Statman

  1. 1 hour ago, Zonk said:

    That was reaaaally clunky. Sansa knows the hound, Brienne knows the hound and Brienne knows that Sansa knows the hound. Why would she say "a man"? Maybe she didn't want to worry Sansa. But it seems kinda far fetched.

    How does Brienne know that Sansa knows the Hound?  The Hound disappeared after the Battle of the Blackwater and Brienne was no where near King's Landing when that battle occurred (she at that time serving Catelyn in the Riverlands). 

    Neither the books or the show has ever provided a single piece of evidence that Brienne knows that Sansa knows the Hound. 

    • Love 2
  2. 14 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    Brienne not telling Sansa that Arya was with the Hound.  Brienne didn't know the Hound prior to their battle, right?  But Pod knew him.  This means that Brienne and Pod would have both agreed to keep this news from Sansa.  Unless they're withholding it temporarily.



    13 hours ago, Alayne Stone said:

    I really don't know why Brienne said "she was with a man" either unless she thought that maybe Sansa would at the very least be familiar with his reputation and thus that it might worry her. I don't know, it was a weird choice to make though.

    I don't understand the significance of Brienne NOT telling Sansa that Arya was with the Hound.

    Brienne herself didn't even know who the Hound was until Pod mentioned it prior to them fighting.  As others have mentioned, Brienne and PD also has no reason at all to think that the Hound has any sort of significance to Sansa - both of them would have never known that the Hound saved Sansa from being raped or that he chatted with her while she was engaged to Joffrey. 

    11 hours ago, J----av said:


     This is what bothers me too. Davos and SHireen had one of the closest relationships in the whole show, but Davos hasn't even acknowledged her death (or Stannis's really) and is all about Jon for some reason. It makes no sense

    It makes total sense to me because Davos has no idea that Shireen was burned on Stannis' order.  When Mel returns to Castle Back alone, it is quite reasonable to me that Davos likely assumed that the Baratheon army had been decimated and that their camp any potential survivors were killed by the Bolton army.  At this point right now, Mel is the only person who knows that Shireen was sacrificed and I can't imagine that she is going to volunteer that nugget to Davos.  We as show watchers know the entire story, but Davos doesn't.

    • Love 6
  3. The writers are just making shit up at this point and making Lizzie out to be some Mother Teresa type that everyone at work loved.  Makes me sick because Lizzie is an idiot who brought all this down on herself, but ignoring clear warnings from Red that her life was in danger.

    I am just hate watching at this point to see what other BS the writers come up with - i.e., have Red visit Lizzie's great-grandfather next. 

    • Love 1
  4. I was wondering why John's allies are guarding his body at the risk of death? I understand that they might want to treat his body with respect and burn it themselves but it's not like any of them know what viewers/readers know in terms of supernatural possibilities, do they? So far, I think Davos has only mentioned the Red Woman in terms of helping them keep the assassins from John's corpse. His allies must know they have to burn him at some point so is it just that they want to do it themselves and not let his assassins dispose of him? If so, why not just tell them that -- that they'll burn John themselves.


    I don't get the sense that they were guarding his body at all. 


    From my perspective, they took his body inside not yet realizing the extent of the injuries Jon had suffered and only realized he was dead after they saw in light how many times he had been stabbed.  Then they realized that Thorne and his cronies and had done the deed and probably thought that they were next in line because they were Jon's friends (Edd probably believed this in particular).  Once the lightbulb went off, common sense dictates that staying in a locked room with only one entrance was probably conducive to them surviving as they had no idea if Thorne was going to kill them next.

    • Love 7
  5. His description of his writing style, how he's like a gardener who likes to plant the seeds and see what grows from it, doesn't exactly inspire confidence.  He's shown a complete lack of control with his writing and allowed the story to bloat dramatically.  He can't control himself.




    I have zero faith that WoW will be released before the end of this year and I highly doubt the final book will be written at all by him.

    • Love 5
  6. Docmantistobogan, the guy who has been posting information about Snowbowl, is back on Reddit posting about Season 6.

    He more or less confirms the account of TheBuffaloHoove, except to state that Wun Wun is on his hands and knees when he dies and Jon doesn't smile at Wun Wun before he's shot. He also disputes that Jon beats Ramsay to death. Rather, Jon refrains from killing Ramsay in front of Sansa but Ramsay is later fed to his dogs.

    Someone on 4chan is posting more or less the same spoilers as DMT, with some extra info, such as there being a large number of main characters dying in KL in the finale (not Cersei). Given Javi claiming the little birds scene plays out differently in the show, maybe it's a bigger massacre.


    Interesting information.


    Can you post links to those threads so that I can follow along? 

  7. Spoilers for 6.15 from Spoil the Dead:


    - The episode opens with Carol who has met a group of saviors in a car led by a guy named Hiro. Later we see how Carol met these people.

    - After Rick is told by Tobin of Carol's departure, he and Morgan leave in search of her.

    - Carol uses her ruse of “helplessness” as she always does and abruptly disposes of them with a gun that was hidden in her sleeve. But unbeknownst to her one of the men survived.

    - Morgan and Rick come upon a zombie that they are concerned may be Carol but after seeing that it's not her they kill it. They spot a guy in custom-made armor and chase him into an abandoned barn. The guy starts screaming that zombies are coming and Rick and Morgan have to kill a few, then Rick turns his gun on the armored guy. Before Rick can kill him, Morgan pushes Rick saving the other man's life. Morgan explains why he saved the man in armor to Rick by confessing that he'd secretly held a Wolf captive and thinks he succeeded in reaching him.

    - Rick tells Morgan that Michonne stole his protein bar.

    - Carol is ambushed by the savior who survived her attack, he shoots her a few times (in the leg and arm) and has her down for the kill. But just in the nick of time Morgan comes to the rescue with a pistol.

    - Morgan tries to reason with him but the man will not give up his gun or pursuit. Morgan ends up shooting Carol’s assailant, finally breaking his own code and kills him.

    - Back at Alexandria, Maggie wants a new haircut and asks Enid to do it, but Enid is worried that she'll cut it too short because she was used to cutting her father's hair. But as you've seen, the new look turns out ok... then Maggie starts getting stomach pains.

    - As you saw in the promo Daryl ends rides off from Alexandria. He ends up in the woods where he (at least his bike) is found by members of the group that go after him, particularly Michonne. The end of the episode features him surrounded by Dwight and his saviors, ambushed from behind. Dwight shoots Daryl from behind and Daryl’s blood is splattered on the camera. (but don't fear/jump for joy just yet.. the source confirms that if you watch the scene in slow motion you can see that the gun was pointed to Daryl’s shoulder) End credits.


    6.16 spoilers:


    - Another man in custom-made armor is spotted, this time being beaten by saviors. He isn't the one who Morgan saved.

    - The man in custom-made armor that Morgan would not let Rick kill does show up in this episode with another man covered in similar armor, though. Turns out Morgan's instincts were right about him, they appear to be decent people as some members of our group find out. The people in armor seem to be enemies of the saviors.

    - At Alexandria they are preparing to transport Maggie to the Hilltop via RV. Rick, Abraham, Glen, Maggie, Aaron, Eugene and Carl all tag come along on this venture. Rick would rather Aaron stay, but Aaron says the only way to stop him is to shoot him or punch him (again).

    - Along the way the roads are blocked by different groups of saviors. Our people faced one group similarly to how Daryl, Sasha and Abraham faced the group which they blew up, but this time was different. This group had an unnamed victim with them (the armored guy being beaten at the beginning of the episode.).

    - Threats are thrown around with the leader of this group (Not Negan), with Rick asking him "Do you want this to be your last day on Earth?” and the leader returns Ricks question. After an intense standoff it's Rick's group that turns back.

    - Now on another road, our group comes across a chain of walkers, two of which are wearing things that belong to Michonne and Daryl (two locks of Michonne's hair and Daryl's jacket). Because of this everyone comes to the realization that Daryl and Michonne are hostages.

    - In the woods there's a group of saviors watching who start whistling then start shooting at our group, taunting them, driving them back into a certain direction that they want. Rick realizes this after seeing that that the saviors are purposely only shooting at the group's legs.

    - A little while later the the saviors hang their unnamed victim (who was armored), Aaron wants to shoot the chain to try to save them but Rick concludes it is pointless.

    - Toward the end our group is cornered and becomes surrounded by the saviors and taken captive, with Michonne and Daryl (who turn out to be alive) brought into the mix to join them. I've heard it's nine people in total from our group: Rick, Carl, Glenn, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Abraham, Eugene and Aaron.

    - Then man you all have been waiting for, Negan, shows up in the last ten minutes of the episode, along with his barbed-wired bat that he calls by name "Lucille".

    - He has a long monologue in which he explains that Rick killed a lot of his people and that Rick and the others have to start working for him, giving him half of what they have. And as retribution he concludes that he's going to kill one of them and if anybody tried to stop him he would take Carl's other eye and give it to Rick to eat.

    - Our group are all on their knees as he decides who to kill; He looks at Maggie (who's health/stomach pains have worsened), but Glenn interjects and Negan says he was thinking to kill her so he could get her out of her pains. He has trouble deciding which one to kill so he begins his game of "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" Every one of our captured characters' faces are shown during the count.

    And the moment we’ve all been waiting for....

    - When he finally chooses, the camera view switches to the ill-fated character's point of view, so we don't know who has been selected. Negan bashes his/her head and their vision/the camera becomes blurry. Everybody starts shouting at the carnage. Then Negan makes a few more hits causing the ill-fated character to fall on the ground, and after a one more final hit there is a sudden fade to black. End credits, end season.

    To make it clear before the questions start: there's no mumbling by said character or anything else that would give away his/her identity. There's just screaming, the bat hits, a blurry camera, and a fade to black. Who dies is just one. Big. Tease.

  8. So, here's what I want to know. How did Mallick know about what happened to Simmons. That's not exactly public knowledge. Maybe he was just tapping her parents' phone line, or maybe there's more.


    Mallick got the information about Simmons from Andrew. He was her therapist after she came back through the portal.

    Plus if Andrew was willing to be a source for Malick, I don't think he'd need to send Ward on a hunt for more details.

    Andrew did not know how they opened the portal because he was not the therapist for Daisy or Fitz. All he knew was that Simmons came back from a presumably from traumatic experience. If Andrew did not know how they opened the portal then it stands to reason that he could not have told Malick.

  9. However, I don't understand why there are no people on poke them in the brain duty like back at the prison to keep the pressure off the walls as much as possible.  I guess the gate was the only viable poking place and wouldn't make too much difference.


    The spear idea gets bandied alot on forums as an effective means to thin the walker herd crowding outside the ASZ.


    It could possibly work, but I see several issues with it that would have to be overcome before it can be considered a serious idea:


    1.  Where would you get the materials for the long spears?  I doubt they have 8-10 feet wood or steel spears just laying around.  Sure they could make wooden spears, but that means someone has to go outside the walls, chop down a big tree with a chain saw (hello major noise?) and then go through what I assume is going to be a long process cutting the tree logs into viable spears.


    2.  Now assume the spears are finally made, where do they go about doing all the spearing?  The ASZ walls aren't chain link so you can't kill them like at the prison.  Also, it's not like the ASZ has a walkway along the entire length of the wall so they would have to construct more watchtowers or lure the walkers to the main watchtower.  The latter leads to the next issue.


    3.  Once the spearing begins, the dead walkers would start piling up so the options are as follows:


              (i) the live walkers will likely either be blocked by the dead walkers which defeats the purpose of said spearing as the spears are not likely extendable;

              (ii) the live walkers start trodding on the piled up dead walkers and we have a World War Z situation where the eventually climb over the wall; or

              (iii) someone has to clear the dead walker bodies to avoid a pile up after the live walkers are lured to another spot near the ASZ (I am sure everyone will be lining for this very dangerous task).


    4.  Spearing walkers from the top of a 10 feet+ watchtower doesn't exactly seem like the safest job in the world.  How long until a spear gets stuck in a walker skull and you lose it or the spearer gets pulled over the wall?

    • Love 2
  10. This - I have always been an advocate of one massing walker fire, but now that they are right there, up against a metal wall, rain down some fire.  At the very least burning seems to create significant limitations on their ability to move (when they get all "melty and stuff").  You could burn up hundreds at one time while hiding behind a terrific fire break...


    A few questions:


    1.  Wouldn't a "massing walker fire" burn down the WOODEN support beams outside the ASZ walls thus jepardizing the structural integrity of the only thing that is preventing the ASZ from being overrun?


    2.  Wouldn't a "massing walker fire" also presumably rage out of control at some point and possibly threaten to burn down ASZ?


    3.  Wouldn't a "massing walker fire" create plums of heavy smoke which not only would attract more walkers, but serve as a welcome sign for more psychos like the Wolves?


    • Love 10
  11. That was the stupidest fucking episode ever. OF COURSE she has a space boyfriend. And OF COURSE she has to go back in order to rescue him. Utterly pathetic and cliche.

    That's it - I gave them a chance to do something different, but they went the stupidest, most cliche route they could.

    I stuck around during season 1, there "all Skye, all the time" season. I hung on through season 2 when Skye became Daisy and it was still all about her. I have stuck with this show through the cliches, through the crappy writing and through the implausible strategies Colson keeps employing. I even stuck with the show after they killed Tripp.

    But this is the last straw. Not only do they make Simmons' trip the monolith all about a man, she has to go back for that man. Sigh.

    I'm done with this idiotic show. I'm out.

    You think Simmons wouldn't try to go back and rescue Will even if he was not her boyfriend?

    I mean maybe is just me but I think spending over half of the year surviving with someone would lead me to be inclined to try to rescue that said someone even if I was not in a relationship with him. However your mileage may vary.

    • Love 14
  12. Back to that walking turd Travis:  Who fucking JOGS while dangerous, serious shit is going on?


    YMMV, but I would think that maintaining cardio fitness to run away from zombies, cannibals and rapists during the zombie apocalypse is a good thing no? 

    • Love 6
  13. Can any Angelenos help a Midwesterner out? The signalling house seemed far to me, like over on another hill and there'd be a lot of streets, houses, etc. between them. Yes or No?


    Been living in Los Angeles for over ten years.


    There are lots of neighborhoods in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas that are built into the hillside so streets, houses, etc. between the signaling house and the Clark house would not obscure the attempted signaling. 


    I want to know how these safe zones were chosen. Is the neighborhood this is set in particularly defensible?


    IIRC, the Story Sync feature from FTW shows that the Clark House and their neighborhood is located in East L.A.  That area is only a few miles away from Downtown L.A. and would serve as a great staging area for the military to try and attempt to take back Downtown L.A., where presumably there are a ton of infected. 


    As for being defensible, I would say that East L.A. is probably more defensible than some other areas such Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, etc. because certain portions of East L.A. such as City Terrance have very steep, winding streets whereas those other areas tend to have flatter terrain. 

    • Useful 1
    • Love 4
  14. I was wondering why, if Alicia could see their front door from the neighbor's window, they didn't just - you know - go out the front door directly to their house instead of going through the grapevine lattice maze out back - especially considering they were supposedly in a rush to stop Travis from walking in that same front door and running into their unwelcome house guest.


    I don't remember if this has been addressed or not, the Clark house is back to back, not side to side to the Tran house (i.e., the house with the maze garden).  Going back through the maze made sense because it would have taken longer to run around the block than to go back through the maze.


    The back to back location of the houses is confirmed later when the Clarks/Manawa family drive away from the Clark house in the morning, Maddie sees the husband getting out of the car after they round the block in their cars. 

    • Love 6
  15. I know the producers have told us this. They have been insistent on it. Yet, that doesn't explain why the Rueben Blades character seemed to have a different, and one would argue, more accurate under the circumstances read as to what was going on. For instance, he seemed to know to shoot for the head. Not the body!!!


    It doesn't take special forces training to know that a head shot is more likely to permanently put down someone vs. a shot to the body.  Coupled with the fact that Blades character is from El Salvador and is hinted to have survived something "worse" (perhaps the Salvadoran Civil War) than what they are currently experiencing, leads me to believe that he has experience is killing things.



    Also, he (wisely) knew to burn the bodies (which is something the people in TWD came to realize).


    Humans have been burning bodies for thousands of years to prevent the spread of disease. 

    • Love 7
  16. Is anything ever actually happen during those season? We are six episodes in and they are just moving the chess pieces around.

    FFS can the producers please move the story along or is this entire season going to build up to a huge finale where every storyline gets 5 minutes and the ending(s) are just going to force us until next season to see a resolution?

    Note to the producers that you guys have said it's going to be a seven season series so I don't know what the fuck you guys are waiting for.

    • Love 3
  17. And the worse part is that Skye is all schmoopy about a guy she has known for a few days at best.

    Right. Because Skye acted stoic during the first episode of the series when she went out out of her way to try and watch out for Deathlok (or the guy before he became a cyborg)?

    • Love 2
  18. I ended up fast forwarding through half of the episode because I cannot stand being reminded of how awful Elizabeth is as an FBI agent. The show used to be really awesome but I have no idea what happened to it.

    • Love 3
  19. I find it ironic when viewers complain that Maggie or Sasha doesn't grieve enough about their siblings but when we get an episode where that actually happens those same viewers complain how boring it is.

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