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Everything posted by ImpudentCrockery

  1. I enjoyed some aspects of this movie a lot. It was visually very imaginative and fun, and the two lead actors were both good. I always love Colin Firth, but I was surprised how much I didn't hate Taron Egerton. From the trailers, I thought that character would be insufferable. But the things that I didn't like, I really didn't like. I was sure that the final test for entry into the Kingsman would go the other way, and the "winner" would be the character who refused to follow the order. That would have made much more sense to me. And I hated the bit with the Swedish princess. There was that recurring line that "this isn't that kind of movie," referring to old-school James Bond-type spy movies. But apparently, when it came to using a female character as a sex object, it was exactly that type of movie.
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