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  1. It didn't, and I didn't present it as such. But The Family was one of the first cult groups that received vast media coverage, before Lyman, before Synanon, before Children Of God, and the first, in my memory. My parents and my friends' parents became a lot more curious after 1970. YMMV. It will be interesting to see if we'll get other celeb/celeb children analogues in future episodes...Deana Martin, Neil Young, Nancy Sinatra, and Terry Melcher (Doris Day's son) all had varying degrees of contact with Charlie prior to 1969.
  2. Per Sanders, the note was real. He says The Family was generally neat, clean and orderly during 1967-mid 68, and that seemed to work in their favor. Lansbury's stepson says The Family sometimes came by their house to pick DiDi up. There were other Family members whose parents gave their approval for them to hang out with Charlie, like Ruth Ann Moorehouse and Dianne Lake. Angela Lansbury said later she didn't fully understand and appreciate the signs of serious drug abuse from her daughter and son. A lot of today's vigiliance and protection of children has its roots in Tate LaBianca.
  3. Ed Sanders, who wrote a great book about The Family right after the murders, originally reported the note story without attributing it. Angela Lansbury later confirmed that her daughter DiDi was traveling with The Family off and on prior to and that DiDi had a note explaining that she had Her mom's permission. Lansbury soon moved her family to Ireland for awhile to get her kids disengaged from the creepier elements of the Hollywood scene.
  4. That note thing actually happened IRL. Only it was Angela Lansbury's daughter who carried the note. It is really weird how the Family hovered at the edges of the entertainment business.
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