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Posts posted by LVmom

  1. I think that Brandi would have me rolling . I was raised by a very ladylike woman. We write thank yous by hand, never cuss in front of her, and we do not watch more than an hour of television in her house a week. Guess what? She's been in similar situations and unless it was one of her children who was a perpetrator, she would politely giggle and MOVE ON.

    Etiquette=the art of making others more comfortable.

    • Love 13
  2. You know, Masshole Bambi Lydia seems like she's Christian because that's what good girls do, and she's a "good sweet girl". Alexis, however, seemed to be Christian because she truly believed. Both were sometimes offensive with their dogma, but at least with Alexis I felt like she was in it for the long haul.


    Edit: I'm not casting aspersions, she could very well be a serious Christian. I just see her defining herself as the good girl and not embracing the fact that she's actually a Heather or Regina George deep down. Embrace it Lydia! You might be more palatable.

    • Love 8
  3. Lydia is just coming off as a holier than thou asshole. Shannon is a little loopy, and Peggy is already over it. Vicki can't figure out why everyone doesn't lurve her, and Meghan is reasonable but isolated. I really liked that Meghan admitted she owed an apology for being a jerk to Kelly .


    I hate episodes like this. Less fighting please!!!! Surely there's something entertaining they can do other than restaurants and cocktails. 

    • Love 11
  4. Two things: I remember press before Shannon debuted, talking about her insisting on doing the show, and that her housewife hunger was hurting her marriage. It turned out later the problem was hubby cheating. I often wondered if he cheated to punish her for doing the show, or if the mistress leaked this to the press. Shannon has alluded to experiencing some gaslighting so I wonder. It seems like the show hasn't really helped her. I do enjoy watching her when she isn't nitpicking or getting negative.


    Two: Ah, the days of Vicki and the kitchen botox with Laurie, where Vicki looked like a normal working mom and was so squeamish about her first botox injection. Oh, how times have changed. You can get great Botox in our little tiny town from a top doc in the field and Vicki is glammed up 24/7. 

    • Love 3
  5. I actually really enjoyed the Spartan training and race. It makes so much sense to show stuff like this, since they live in California and can train pretty much year round.  I liked the beginning of OC when they focused on (some of) the regional trends we just don't necessarily adopt in places where its colder. People run Spartan here but it's not super common to regularly train for it. I'd rather see stuff like this than contrived parties.

    • Love 13
  6. I was barely watching the first episode. It was boring and there were a ton of holes in the story. Second episode had me hooked, and I am really liking the show now. I am only in two episodes though, so maybe it goes downhill. I'm hopeful that it will be great!


    Edit: Now that I'm done, I like it a lot. The only problem is that there are a lot of hiccups that take away from what the show can be. I feel like I'm watching an amazing show, then boom. A lot of filler that is annoying.

    • Love 1
  7. After GCB(only series I ever bought on DVD after cancellation), Leslie Bibb can do no wrong for me. I'm in until it's cancelled. I got a little Christy Masters(mmm) from Romy and MIchelle's High School reunion feel from the lead mom who kissed Katie. I think I could like this show a lot as long as it isn't all about how heavy she is. Just the kid peeing in the lawn should have moms giving her the stink eye. 

    • Love 4
  8. I'm still watching. I am not at the edge of my seat as I was with the original. There just isn't that extreme sense that anything could happen La Reina had. I am enjoying it as a completely different show but it's not as if I can't wait to see what happens next. This is a slow burning program.

    • Love 2
  9. I was resistant to the first episode because the telenovela was SO GOOD. But I am really liking the differences now. This is much grittier, and Mark Consuelos as Teo is brilliant. I always had a problem with the charisma of the telenovela Teo so this casting rectified it IMO.

    • Love 1
  10. I'm so disappointed. Teresa wasn't shown on the original telenovela using all of the time. I'm a few minutes in and she's already bumped twice. Telenovela Terea was clever and scrappy, and tequila was her drug of choice. I hope it gets better. I haven't read the book yet, although it's on my "to read" list, so maybe this is more true to the book.

  11. My take on Vicki after her beginning monologue about Brooks: She cannot be wrong. About anything, ever. Even if it means lying to everyone and herself. She cannot admit she was taken in by him, even if it garners forgiveness and sympathy. It's just not in her.

    She was all over the Internet yesterday showing off her 22 lb weightloss. She admitted she only ate 600 calories a day because "I don't want to be a bodybuilder". Implying Tamra's all sorts of wrong, probably. In season one Vicki was one of my faves because she seemed so hardworking and together, albeit a touch bitchy and screechy. I've come to realize Vicki cannot do anything she doesn't come up with herself, even if it's a much harder way than she has to go.

    • Love 9
  12. I'm sad this show will be gone. It was so funny! Maybe a channel like Telemundo will pick up at least the reruns. I think you have to be at least rudimentarily knowledgeable about telenovelas to understand how insanely hilarious it could be.

  13. I deleted this show off of the DVR, and then ended up in front of the TV with a Travel Channel food show that sucked more than Fear. I ended up going back to Fear for lack of better options. I actually didn't mind this episode-but the fact is, this is a show of Lauries, Andreas, and Shanes. I just hate these people, and am not at all invested in their survival!

    This episode went a lot better just with the addition of Nick being useful and figuring out how to be an effective zombie slayer. I like the character of Luis. I could get behind a character who is capable of dispatching people without thinking twice but has a moral code. But, I have been on a recent Telenovela drug kingpin kick with La Reina Del Sur, so I'm used to the bodyguard with a moral code.  I liked the Strand backstory but was terrified he was going to die. On the Mothershow, if you get too much backstory "Molly, you in danger Girl!".

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