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Posts posted by esco1822

  1. 1 minute ago, bosawks said:

    My takeaway from the Lindsay/Carl debacle is that I Kyle is the worst….

    Remember in the last episode when Kyle said Lindsay was his friend and they were good? Nobody needs the kind of “friend” he’s being. It’s also ironic that Kyle is basically calling her out for steamrolling Carl when he is fighting Carl’s battles and doing everything he can to control the narrative.

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  2. 1 hour ago, b2H said:

    For Lindsey, she clearly cannot be alone as, in the reunion preview, she is already with someone else.  Side eye.

    You have to remember that the reunion was just done a week or so ago and they stopped filming in early September. So we are talking about 8 months between their breakup and DATING someone else. If it was getting engaged quickly, I might give it the side-eye but not 8 months; that's totally reasonable. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

    Was Carl maybe seeing  and feeling  differently toward  Lindsay,  because  he was sober. She accused  him a few times , of not being  sober,  and I have no idea of the timeline.

    My theory on this is that she questioned him because his behavior shifted so much and so quickly to the person we are all now seeing, that he was behaving exactly like “Cocaine Carl.” Not that she doubted he could stay sober or wanted him to relapse, just that he hasn’t acted like that since he was on drugs/alcohol. 

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  4. So Carl literally tells Paige that he feels like he blindsided Lindsay but before that, and since, he has fed into the narrative that she was not blindsided and he doesn’t understand why she is saying that. He continues to gaslight, it’s amazing (and uncomfortable) to watch. 

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  5. Quote
    On 5/25/2024 at 4:47 AM, ZettaK said:

    Carl who is immature and aimless at almost 40 gaslit her because he didn't have the nerve to say he changed his mind about the wedding and marriage.


    I agree with this totally. I also don't think Lindsey's concerns are out of line. Carl wants to be coddled and she's not that person. Her concerns about his lack of job/ambition are completely valid. If I am going to marry and have children with someone, I would want to know that he had a job at the very least. He doesn't even really seem to have a plan, he just changes his mind about what he wants to do with his life, which is fine, it happens all the time. The difference is that most people wanting to make a career change have jobs that aren't fulfilling. Carl has no job outside this show. You first need to have a career before you can make a career change. Lindsey had her own PR firm, she could easily jump back into that if the show ended tomorrow. For Carl though, he is planning on hitching his wagon to a struggling company, is not getting paid very much for it, and negotiates or never hammers out the important details, which is why he and Kyle had their problems last season. 

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  6. Oh man, Jesse Solomon. That made me cry. I love his relationship with West. Jesse is very open and vulnerable with him and West was spot on with advice. I think they are my favorite couple this season. 

    This season is really shedding a different light on Carl and Lindsay. His gaslighting and passive-aggressiveness are really unattractive. I've largely like Lindsay though, which I thought would never happen. Aside from accusing him of not being sober, she's been pretty good. In hindsight, I think the behavior we are seeing in Carl NOW is what she was talking about when she said she was seeing shades of not sober Carl. That makes more sense to me after seeing this side of him. So now I don't think it's AS terrible as I did before. She's right that it was an indication that something was very wrong, she was just wrong about what that something was.

    I have no words for Kyle. He's such a baby. He takes personal offense to everything and makes it all about him. Amanda is a saint for putting up with his crap. I do think he can be fun, kind and sweet but I would not ever want to be married to him. He's far too volatile. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, snarts said:

    Take note, Scheana, :Lala just put on a masterclass in why no one should ever confide in her about anything. Trying to drive a wedge between Katie & Ariana by sharing details of the one time Katie was feeling frustrated about progress on the sandwich shop was such a low blow. Glad it didn't work. I hate when people try to justify shitting on people by saying others have done the same. Be better.

    Right? Someone needs to tell Lala that doing that to Katie is NOT being a ride or die. It also does not show the growth she's trying to convince everyone she has made over the years. She is the epitome of do as I say and not as I do (or have done). 

    • Like 10
  8. 1 hour ago, Chalby said:

    But then I see Katie still treating Jo like crap after maligning her online. Jo is single and doesn't need to answer to anyone, especially Katie who's only an acquaintance.

    I think I would assume that someone reaching out to me to show solidarity at the end of my marriage would either be more than an acquaintance or an acquaintance who is trying to become a closer friend. I don't condone how she has treated Jo but I do understand why she would be upset, and I think she has the right to be. Katie just seems to lack a filter. She actually says what most people would just keep to themselves or tell their friends behind the other person's back. I give her props for being upfront, but there is no reason to be outwardly cruel. 

    I think it's telling that Schwartz basically gets a pass on his bad behavior because he is sweet, adorable and endearing when he isn't cheating on his girlfriend/wife. He is so much more likeable and does show SOME contrition. Sandoval on the other hand, is gross and just blames everyone else for his bad behavior. I wouldn't be surprised if has BPD. 

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  9. I have to admit that I felt really terrible for Lindsay in this episode. It's probably the most vulnerable she's been on camera.  I'm glad she's on such good terms with tall the other ladies and let them in about her feelings. I also think it was really courageous to even mention anything to Carl's mom. Awkward, but probably would have been worse had she not done it and continued to build up resentment and self-doubt. I really think she handled everything (so far) very well. 

    I like West and I can understand why he would think that Ciara isn't serious about him if, at this point, they have not had sex. I don't blame him for responding to texts, it's not like he's dating or having sex with other women (that we know of). He seems smitten with her.

    • Like 6
  10. I felt weird seeing Gina and Emily on opposite couches. I guess it was the hates Heather couch and likes Heather couch. I will say Emily and Shannon can fuck right off with the assertion they are creating storylines for the show. Neither is really that interesting. 

    Seems like Tamra took her meds before the show, what with her apologizing and barely screaming. 

    Jen just looked weird all-around. The flat hair and face work don’t suit her, she’s a very pretty woman but that wasn’t really reflected here. 

    • Like 21
  11. 25 minutes ago, Kiki620 said:

    I don't think anywhere in my post I said other Bravo couples don't do this as well?  Completely agree.  My point was that once you open the door and make your private business public, you can't then shun the unwelcome comments, opinions, etc. For example, Carl's demand that filming stop. 

    I actually commend Carl for being as open as he has since his brother’s death. Let’s not forget, the stress of planning that one night, getting everything and everyone in place, sent him to the ER. Adding more stress (bearing responsibility for Danielle’s breakdown and causing a rift between the two couples)on top of all of that, especially working so hard to maintain his sobriety, I think he earned a time out. He deserved to have a night of peace after so much stress. Both Robert and Kyle should have waited until at least the next day to have those conversations, just like all of Lindsay’s friends did regarding Danielle’s behavior. Boys are dumb.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Drogo said:

    Carl celebrated his two years of sobriety in January.  

    Didn’t he and Lindsay rekindle after the Kyle Amanda wedding in September 2021?

    Yes, they said October, and I believe Carl got sober in January 2021. So he made it 10 out if 12 months before they got together.

    They are very clearly happy and in love. They have known each other for years and developed a deep friendship in that time. They know each other. Let them live.

    As for Danielle, ugh. A couple of weeks ago I would have been on her side but tonight sealed the deal. I thought Robert wanting to defend her was sweet but ill-advised. If Danielle’s histrionics while conveying her account of the events of that year was anything like that engagement party, I can understand him wanting to stand up for her. Unfortunately, I’m not sure he knew at the time about her spending the season talking shit behind her best friend’s back to people who hate said best friend. Add that to telling both they are moving too fast (unsolicited), especially when Carl told her he was ring-shopping, how could she possibly expect to be part of a process she has so vocally opposed? The degeneration of their friendship has been going on the entire season, she was no longer the trusted confidant for either Lindsay or Carl. Her making their engagement 100% about herself just sealed the deal. 

    By the way, did anyone catch her trying to get in on a group hug with Lindsay but ending up just hugging one of the friends who was hugging Lindsay?Awkward!

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  13. If Madison’s head gets any bigger, it’s going to block the sun.

    I think Venita and Leva are on the show simply so Bravo can claim diversity. They just hired the wrong people of color, theses two add nothing to the show. Do better, Bravo. Feel free to apply that directive for every show in their lineup. The channel is almost unwatchable now. 

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  14. Ciara 100% implied that Danielle is not a POC, which is complete bullshirt. I liked her a lot more before she was promoted to sleeping in Paige’s bed. Paige is such an incredible bitch mad a hypocrite. 

    One thing about Lindsay and Carl is that they appear to be totally besotted with one another.  I think Lindsay giving up drinking to support Carl is indicative of her maturing into this healthy relationship.

    I think we can all agree that Austin brings out the absolute worst in everyone. He’s a complete douche and not worth everyone falling over themselves for him. 

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