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Posts posted by Blackhoney

  1. Sleepy Hollow’s cancellation is no shock. What did shock me were the number of people who thought the cancellation of Pitch and Rosewood somehow amounted to a renewal for Sleepy Hollow. One show’s cancellation has nothing whatsoever to do with another’s renewal. Sleepy was Fox’s lowest rated show. Lowest rated. Its fate was sealed months ago. You don’t get renewed on a major network with a 0.5 demo.

    Having said that, the demise of Sleepy Hollow is a sad reminder that Abbie Mills and Ichabod Crane will never again grace my screen together. I will miss these characters and I will miss what this show use to represent.

    By the way, I'm presently rewatching the first two seasons on Hulu. :(

    • Love 13
  2. On 1/14/2017 at 2:27 PM, taurusrose said:

    I'm self-correcting.  I wrongly compared last week's ratings to last year's season average.  They've almost lost a million viewers; 776,000 to be exact.

    ETA: Lost 47,000 eyeballs since last week.  I am doing my best evil laugh ever.

    Look at yo petty ass... keeping track all through the week. LOL.

    Loves it :)

    They lost 222, 000 eyeballs from last week. Wow. Just wow. Plus the demo fell to 0.5 and that's what really matters. They were  so gleeful about not losing demo with episode two. They been quiet today. Tucking tail and running.


    On 1/21/2017 at 10:37 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

    I figured it would drop below 2 million before the end of the season, didn't expect it to happen so quickly.


    I predicted 1.8 million by the second episode. Not shocked that the third is under 2 million. They only started with 2.2 to begin with. If you know Sleepy’s ratings history, then you already know how this season will turn out. They will eventually level off, hitting their rock bottom point and ending the season somewhere in between their season high and low. Sleepy has consistently been losing viewers since season two. They’ve only gained a substantial number of viewers once, and that was due to the Bones crossover.

    A look back at the show’s history reveals they start each season with a series low in viewers and then loose another couple hundred thousand with the second episode. I expected this week’s drop last week. I think it didn’t happen because a lot of ppl had no idea the show was even back. When they discovered they tuned in for the second episode. But in keeping with their past trajectory, lost those viewers and more with the third episode.

    Sad really, because next week’s episode isn’t all bad. TV Guide broke the news that Crane will be tried for Abbie’s death by Jeremy (a Guilt demon) so I can openly talk about it now. The courtroom scenes were worth my time. Everything else boring, including the corny as way the second Witness is called on to help save him. And when I say call, I mean call. LOL.

    • Love 2
  3. 29 minutes ago, possibilities said:

    The criticisms of what this show did to itself and its viewers are not petty, though.

    I’m okay with all those titles. I woke up yesterday at 7:28 in the morning knowing I was gonna be a bitch all damn day long. I’m one of those same petty, vengeful bitches they reached out to in season two to help save their show, and now I’m that same petty, vengeful bitch that’s doing just the opposite. What I am not though, is capable of singlehandedly killing the show’s ratings. Only the writers can do that, and they’ve been doing a pretty good job of it since season one- yes, I said season one.

    I find those who still like the show are looking for someone to blame for its failing, and former fans are being cited, as if our few words are reaching the minds of folks across the country with little black boxes and causing them to turn the channel.

    Less than 3,000 ppl saw my tweets. That’s why when the Grimm Reaper and bigger sites posted the ratings, Philip came outta hiding to dispute them.


    • Love 4
  4. 2 hours ago, NuncaNunca said:

    Eh, I stand corrected. I don't follow ratings obsessively, or what posts what where first. I'm casual like that. Iscove said he got his numbers from TV Series Finale, which is where I spotted the 3 million after 8AM that morning. I have no problem believing him that he used the source he said he did and, in any case, I forgive errors of information that are easily corrected. Attitude is a different story, and the folks involved with SH are wide open on that front.

    It’s interesting you said you saw the post at 8AM, because Google sitemap didn’t index the post until 11:32AM, which makes sense because TV Series Finale’s Twitter page automatically posted it at 11:16AM, 11 minutes after I posted my ratings, by the way. So either you’re mistaken or Google’s index bots are. And as someone who actually visited TVSF that morning and knows the post was not there at 8 AM, I respectfully think it may be you.

    I posted my ratings tweet at 11:05am, Grimm Reaper at 11:08AM, TV Series Finale at 11:16 and at 11:56 Phil made his tweet. 

    When you're as petty as I am, you must also be thorough. LOL





    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, shanndee said:

    I look forward to reading your commentary Blackhoney! I have finally taken the show off of my PVR [for good this time! ;)].  I knew I was finished with the show when they sidelined the character of Abbie. Then TPTB made even more horrible decisions that resulted in the co-lead moving on.  However, in addition, the poor quality of the bits of the premiere that I paid attention to while it played as background noise convinced me that I really can turn way. Quite easily. Without regret.

    But that first season was special to me, so, if you don't mind, I will keep vicarious tabs on the train wreck through all of you. :)

    I don’t plan on watching Sleepy Hollow live on television. If they don’t make the episodes available for press viewing in advance, I won’t be reviewing anything, because I have no interest in actually watching the show. I only reviewed Columbia after reading the bogus review TVLine posted claiming Abbie would be making an appearance. I wanted to put that lie to rest so her fans would not be tricked into watching.

    I’ll be keeping an eye on the ratings though because I’m just petty like that. LOL

    56 minutes ago, cynic said:

    Ugh. Focusing on the Crane Family Drama the first time was the worst choice the show ever made ( and there are a ton of bad choices competing for that title). I cannot believe they think this is a good idea. They are so incredibly out of touch with the show's viewers. That just shows that still, after everything's that happened, they believe that  Crane is the end all be all of Sleepy Hollow. They have no conception that he was one of many factors that all worked together to become greater than its constituent parts. So, over the seasons, they've gotten rid of Abbie, the Ichabbie chemistry and partnership, most of the mythology, the masons, Orlando Jones, Andy, Katrina in a proper tertiary role, Moloch, Headless, and even the atmospheric town of Sleepy Hollow itself with the juxtaposition of the quaint, the historic, and the batshit crazy that set the show apart. But sure, let's bring back the CFD. That's what people want!

    In another post, I stated that I believe one of the reasons writers started focusing so heavily on Ichabod’s personal life in S1 is because of all the attention TM was getting for his excellent, and yes, well written portrayal of Ichabod Crane. I think TPTB thought the character would be their JR Ewing and that if they focused everything on him, they’d eventually be led to the ratings promise land. They forgot however what happened to Dallas after Bobby Ewing was killed (Google it).

    Yes, Crane is/was an awesome character, but so was the supporting cast, and especially Abbie. They were the Bobby Ewing’s, and like JR, I don’t think Crane will be as interesting, endearing or tolerable without them.

    But Sleepy’s biggest problem is that no one cares about the new ppl or want to. Does anyone even care about Crane anymore? Crane was a part of a family that consisted of Abbie, Jenny and Irving. They were his new family. These were the ppl who took in him and made him one of them. Hell, Abbie paid this broke-ass man’s bills for three years and never not once asked him to cough up so much as gas money.

    The family has been gutted. They were linked via Abbie. She’s gone. Irving’s gone. At one point I thought Henry would become a part of the family, but he’s gone too, at least in the real world. Jenny and Crane have no link other than Abbie and with her gone, these two are practically strangers.

    • Love 3
  6. In the past, I have praised Jenny’s ability to fit in with Ichabod and Abbie together and individually. But in the premiere, I was like this is ‘no bueno.’ Jenny and Crane have had good scenes in the past, like in “This is War” and “The Vessel,” but I believe these two together long term will be about as interesting as watching paint dry.

    Sleepy Hollow’s writers are not interested in exploring characters now, only the demons. Moments of “just being” are routinely interrupted by ringing phones and text messages alerting them to another big bad. Don’t expect Jenny and Ichabod’s so called friendship to be explored, not in 13 episodes at least. Plus, from what I’ve read, Jenny and Diana will butt heads before eventually falling into a torrid lesbian relationship. (Haha, just kidding about the lesbian part) But basically, Diana will be Abbie 2.0 to Crane and Jenny. Just as Jenny and Abbie butted heads before making up, so will Jenn and Diane. Just as Abbie was originally unbelieving before she and Ichabod became besties, so will it be with Diana and Crane.

    Expect personal stories to be put on the back burner. Folks who don’t want Jenny and Crane mourning will not get it. At best, Abbie will be mentioned in passing, just as she was in episode one. Demons, demons, demons. That’s what SH is about now… demons.

    And yuck at the kid. Clifton Campbell said we’d see Ichabod’s paternal side explored with the child, and that was why Noble was bought back in, and to that, again, I say, YUCK. Like the above poster, kids all up in grown folks business is a huge turn off for me. I don’t care about Crane’s daddy issues. Hell, I don’t even care about Crane at this point. SH has just become the train wreck I can’t turn away from and don’t want to. lol

    • Love 2
  7. 18 hours ago, NuncaNunca said:

    I'm the last person to defend Iscove, but he wasn't lying. He just jumped the gun w/ bad data that was published by a legitimate source. The first numbers published online Saturday morning were on TV Series Finale, and they had SH at 3.05 million viewers. As of 7:15PM PST on 1/7, the incorrect numbers were still posted: http://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/friday-tv-ratings-emerald-city-hawaii-five-0-sleepy-hollow-dr-ken-crazy-ex-girlfriend/

    It was a error on the part of the website Iscove consulted (I consulted it and made the same error), and since Rosewood really had 3.05 million viewers, my guess is that it was an entry error/copy-paste error that duplicated the entry for SH.

    The part of your comment I bolded is not true. Below is what I was originally going to post in response to Free saying “Why didn’t they just keep quiet.” But I scrapped it thinking it was too wordy. But here it is below. Also, the networks do not have to wait for websites to update to find out the ratings for their shows. What did they do before the internet? Neilsen. They know the ratings for their shows within about 3 hours of the final airing. They knew before they went to bed that night. It’s the same way Hits Daily Double continues to accurately predicts album sales for a week, with only a days worth of data. It's also worth noting that anyone with common sense could clearly pick out the error in TV Series Finale's chart. It was an obvious mix-up with Rosewood. Iscove lied on purpose, just like Kim attempted to blame non-existent DVR outages for the ratings.


    My Original Comment....

    I’m convinced they tried to get sassy because of me. I was a straight heathen on Twitter earlier today. I woke up early just to be petty and immediately started posting scathing reviews and comments from online. I was also the first to post their ratings… all up in their tag. I flooded them early in the morning.

    Most ppl wait for TV by the Numbers to update their site with overnight ratings at noon, but Showbuzz Daily updates a good 2-3 hours in advance. That’s where I get my ratings from, so I beat Sleepy at posting their own ratings.

    Shortly after me the Grim Reaper posted the overnights and it was on after that. The Reaper is shady and everyone follows him, so within minutes every major site was tweeting out Sleepy’s terrible ratings.

    They were pretty confident last night. Celebrating and patting each other on the back. I would say 70% of all tweets were positive. I can understand their arrogance. I know it was shocking to see they lost almost a million viewers. I truly don’t think they were prepared to not be a hit with their new all Crane focused show.

    • Love 7
  8. I would say 75% of all tweets in the Sleepy Hollow tag last night were positive. Those who tuned in seem to overwhelmingly enjoy what they saw. I think that made the writer/producers feel quite enamored with themselves. Considering Twitter has been ground zero for major shade from fans, I think the majority positive feedback last night made them assume the ratings would be just as positive. So they got boastful and arrogant, then had to backtrack and make excuses for why the ratings didn’t seem to correlate with Twitter feedback. They also bragged about trending, but either didn’t notice or mention that it was to the tune of less than 5,000 tweets. I think they wanted to send a big F-U to Abbie/Ichabbie fans. I think they wanted to rub their non-existent success in our faces, but then ended up having to eat crow.

    • Love 6
  9. Did y’all catch Iscove on Twitter earlier today lying saying the show had over 3 million viewers? He eventually had to retract and looked a fool doing so. Right after that, Albert Kim claimed he heard about DVR outages, but everyone replied their DVRs were fine. It has been such an embarrassing day for them.

    I think they really are shocked they ended S3 with almost 3 million viewers and are staring off S4 with just over 2 million. I don’t think they thought that many ppl would jump ship. Clearly they’ve forgotten the mass exodus that occurred when S1 ended with 7 million viewers and S2 started with 5 million.

    The real tragedy will be next week’s ratings though. The second episode of Sleepy’s new seasons are always lower than the season opener. I predict 1.8 million viewers next week with a 0.4 demo. The curiosity factor will have worn off, not to mention all those new ppl who will be turned off by terrible changes, generic new cast members and always poorly written scripts.

    • Love 6
  10. This idea that Ichabod is irreplaceable while Abbie is expendable, is why the show has suffered so. I said back in season one I thought the amount of attention Tom received for his portrayal of Ichabod is what led writers to downplay the second Witness (Abbie) and instead focus on Crane and his personal life. It’s why they claimed Hawley was a love interest for Abbie when in actuality he was really brought in to have a bromance with Crane. Writers thought Crane would be their JR Ewing and lead them to the ratings promise land. But HAHA, that has not come to pass.

    Instead ratings have tanked thanks to that horrible season one finale which started what became known as Crane Family Drama. Season two sunk even deeper into the abyss of Crane, until now the show is a shell of its former self.

    2.2 million viewers watched last night’s episode. The demo was a SERIES LOW of 0.6. I predict next week’s episode will draw 1.8 million viewers and a 0.4 demo. This is what making the story all about Crane has done. While some of you may gladly think Crane is the be all to end all of the Sleepy Hollow universe, many viewers do not and have tuned out in droves.

    As for Betsy, I’d like to see her return too. The actress who played her had massive teeth. She could gnaw the demons to death with those chompers. Save Crane and Jenny a lot of time.

    • Love 7
  11. On 12/24/2016 at 0:03 PM, Free said:

    Bad idea wasting anymore money on this thing.

    Ichabod/Jenny is only going to get worse since they have an entire new team to focus on.

    The demons might've been more interesting had they not felt like rejects of better supernatural shows.

    Previous demons, particularly those in season one, were all tied to the overall story of the Witnesses. Ro'kenhronteys and The Golem are two excellent examples. Now, some random person is killed, they discover a demon did it, Ichabod ties the demon to some story in history, and voilà- case solved. Game over. The show is a supernatural procedural, only the cases aren’t interesting and neither is the show. That's why I said in my review people who liked season three would like season four. If demons killing ppl is your thing, SH may be right up your alley. But if you long for the Sleepy Hollow of S1, you're in trouble. Those days are long gone. Crane is now an unpaid detective and the big bad is a tech mogul who looks like he doesn't bathe.

    Thanks @jhlipton

    • Love 3
  12. As God is my witness, if the S4 opener was good I would have said so. But it is bad. Really bad. You won't feel anything when you watch it, and I implore ppl to do just that. Make up your own minds. 

    I see a preview of the episode was released by Fox and it is as boring as the episode itself. Note how it looks good though. Fox spent money making things look great, a little bit extra though shoulda been spent bringing in better writers and a more imaginative showrunner. 

    It's obvious they're hoping a flashier looking Sleepy Hollow will lure fans back or attract new ones. Sadly, their focus on the superficial, scenery and demons, will continue to be the show’s undoing. 

    Another odd thing I noticed in the S4 opener is that Ichabod and Jenny are not as solid together as they were in season one and especially “This is War” from S2. I have delighted in how well Jenny meshed with both Ichabod and Abbie in the past, but that relationship, like all the other relationships that once mattered, has been stripped away. They are just blah now. It's like something is missing. Now of course this is all opinion, but I think you'll all agree after you watch. Another blogger also noted this me. She too felt Ichabod and Jenny were off. I think fans who think “well at least we still have Jenny and Ichabod,” will be shocked as just how boring a duo they are. 

    This too I blame on the writing. I felt every ounce of spark the Witnesses had was stripped away in S3. Yeah we had a few random Ichabbie moments, but overall their chemistry was almost non existent because their bond was no longer the show’s focus, the boring demons are. 

    This season will suffer the same fate. Demons, demons, demons. That's all the writers care about now. Creating duller and duller demons every week. I also wanna add that all the demons are starting to look alike. 

    • Love 4
  13. On 12/22/2016 at 3:24 AM, calibabe said:

    Honest question and not trying to be snarky by any means, but if as you say "as much as I hate this show', why are you still reviewing it? I know you said you were sent the episode but can't you not review it if they send it to you, with your reasons why noted in a reply? 

    In all honesty how unbiased can your review of the S4 premier be with that amount of dislike and discomfort you apparently have for the show? I would hazard a guess that a large quantity of posters here in this forum will not watch the S4 premier and that is their prerogative to do so. I'm willing to give it an honest shot but that is my choice. If after the first few episodes it doesn't hold my interest I will be on to other interests I have. 

    I hold no malice towards the show or anyone associated with it. I can indeed review the show and be objective because that’s just how I am. I didn’t poorly review the show in hopes of deterring ppl from watching. I reviewed it actually for the same reason I started reviewing episodes back in season two: because other reviewers were blatantly being misleading and often downright dishonest.

    I reviewed the S3 opener and a lot of Ichabbie fans (I count myself as one) hated my guts because of it. I was told I should have either gave a more glowing review, or just kept quiet, lest I cause fans not to watch. I continued to pan the show in my reviews before I eventually stopped watching, despite loving Nicole, liking Tom and adoring my precious Ichabbie.

    I call my reviews the REAL review because I don’t lie, I don’t BS, and I don’t mislead. If it’s good, I’ll say it- and if it is not I will say that too.

    People will see and get out of my reviews what they want, but they are truthful. The S4 opener, outside of the great cinematography, is a steaming hot mess of S3 nonsense. It’s just like the mindless, dull, demon-focused episodes of S3. The show is poorly written, plain and simple. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves. Now, if looking at Ichabod stand in front of pretty monuments excites you, then by all means tune it cause that’s the most exciting thing in Columbia, outside of my belief Diana’s daughter might be the second witness.

    And I'll say it again, I just can't look away from this train wreck... I can't.

    • Love 5
  14. On 12/12/2016 at 2:35 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

    I was curious to see what you thought. I think one line summed it up perfectly

    This is now the Ichabod Crane show

    I imagine some FOX executive decided early on that Crane/Mison was the draw/breakout star of the show and has been pushing for this exact outcome.

    Towards the end of the show Ichabod is reassured several times that he is at home and that various people will be there for him and it just annoyed me. In my mind 4 seasons equals 4 years so why the hell is Ichabod being babied and treated like he just crawled out of the earth? I was also annoyed by what I call the New Abbies. Everyone, including Jenny and Diana, seem to be tasked with making Crane feel good and wanted. Expect them to burp him before the season is out. Jenny especially seems to be picking up where Abbie left off, there’s even a passionate (and boring) hug between her and Ichabod, which I think the writers hope will become their hallmark, like with Abbie and Ichabod. Treating Crane like a soft piece of cotton isn’t overwhelming, but it is there and because it’s all pooled together at the end of the episode, it came off a bit heavy-handed.


    Also, why is the show even bothering with the Witness plot? What is the purpose of the two Witnesses? Their importance was played down heavily in season three. Anyone can kill the demons and apparently the apocalypse is over. So, again, why are two Witnesses needed? They aren’t if you ask me. Just another poor plot decision on the part of the writing staff. Plus, if there is another Witness outside either Diana or her daughter, where does that leave Diana as far as being Ichabod’s new partner?


    Honestly, as much as I hate this show, I just can’t stop talking about how bad it is and the blatantly poor decisions they keep making. Seeing Sleepy Hollow fall apart is like watching a car wreck- I seriously can’t look away no matter how hard I try.

    • Love 8
  15. Here is my opinion on the S4 opener, Columbia. I wasn't going to review the show because I didn't in any way want to promote it, but then decided to once I read TVLine's blatant lie about Abbie appearing in the episode. I think they also tried to rile up fans by alluding to two characters hugging. I think they want fans to believe it's a Ichabod and Diana, when it is not  



  16. All during season 2 I posted what I knew about the show from my source on FanForum.com. I know a few of you here know me from there, so you know my ish is good. I never heard anything about Nicole wanting off the show and being unhappy and some sort of 5'1, 110 pound bully. Nope, I heard just the opposite as a matter of fact. There was a lot of drama in season 2 behind-the-scenes and it was Tom who was mostly making his displeasure known. I'm gonna go back through my posts over there and see if I can find what I wrote at the time. I remember being told Fox wanted Tom single, so I was none too shocked when they turned him into The Bachelor this season, and I bet my life they go even further down that path next season. Make no mistake, season 4 will be what season 2 was meant to be, all about Crane and his love life. I bet Crane meets some woman whose somehow tied to the apocalypse and he and his new witness sidekick will have to protect her.

    • Love 6
  17. If Nicole chose to leave this show, then I am super proud of her. It shows that in the face of mistreatment she wasn’t willing to just sit back and accept it because she was a black actress, fearful she’d never get another big break. If she chose to walk away I love her even more than I did before, because it always annoyed me the way she played herself down and allowed others to do it as well. 

    Nicole was the co-lead of a hit show and yet for two seasons sat back at press event after press event and watched everyone involved  big up the importance of Tom and another female character's storyline. Bravo, Nicole. Bravo. She kept it professional, showed up, did her job and always had nothing but nice things to say about everyone involved, even from the beginning of the season knowing her character would be killed off. 

    The idea that she was a bully and making life miserable on the set, however, is total BS. It’s easy to get a bad name in Hollywood and had she, a relatively new actress, actually been doing that, she’d have been blacklisted. It’s happened to plenty of the people in the past. There is no evidence Nicole was hell on wheels, and as always, her final words on her departure were positive and full of well wishes for everyone still involved with The Titanic the show.

    Let’s not act as if any of us are really shocked Nicole was eventually booted. One of the writers on Twitter said “they” felt like they’d taken Nicole's storyline as far as they could. Does that sound like he’s talking about an actress that wanted to leave, or one they wanted gone?

    Nicole isn’t the villain in this situation. Hell, there might not even be a villain. But if there is, it isn’t her.

    I wish Nicole all the best. She’s a very quiet and humble artist. I have no doubt her positive nature will serve her well and she will come out of this on top, while everyone else involved with this mess of a show will just be remembered as a bunch of desperate losers who hung on to an obviously sinking ship for the sake of a paycheck.

    • Love 12
  18. I think Nicole will be fine. She’s already booked a new gig and I think she’s gonna book many more. I think she’ll stay in movies though. I don’t see her coming back to TV anytime soon. Her role on SH really was a once in a lifetime gig for a black actress. Just look at TV, every show starring a black female is produced by Shonda Rhimes, a black woman. 

    I have said in the past I think Nicole was a hired token. Used by Fox to get some of the hype ABC was getting for their success with Kerry Washington and Scandal. I think her popularity was a shock and it left everyone scratching their heads. How else can you explain everyone being so against an Ichabbie pairing when the pairing was between the two leads? 

    Were Nicole really meant to be an equal, she wouldn’t have been written outta the narrative by episode 8 (Necromancer). By episode 13 half the season had been spent with Abbie following Crane around trying to find out what happened to his son and getting his wife outta Purgatory.

    The writing has been on the wall for a while. Fans just chose to ignore it.

    • Love 3
  19. Can we all just take a moment to ask ourselves how Tom, being the lead on a failing show, has room to even renegotiate his contract? Like seriously, what's the reasoning behind him or his management feeling as though he's somehow deserving of more money? What does he have to bargain with exactly? Terrence Howard is on a hit show and I bet he can't get his contract renegotiated anytime soon. Who does Tom think he is, Andrew Lincoln (Rick, The Walking Dead).

    • Love 1
  20. I had no idea ppl like Orci weren't still involved with the show in some way or another. Truth is, he was involved when the show started making its move toward being more Crane centric, which happened in the first season. The second half of the first season was all about Crane finding out he had a son, what happened to him and then rescuing Katrina. Season one set up the mess for season two.

    I don't see the show being fixed, at least not as many would want it. You can't go back. If Fox renews the show it'll be because they believe Tom/Ichabod can lead the show alone, something I think they have believed for sometime now.

    • Love 7
  21. Whether Tom/Ichabod is interesting enough or whether the show is good enough really has nothing to do with whether I would watch another season tbh.

    It's about how I as a viewer was treated by the showrunners and the writers and the network. Also about how they treat someone who's supposed to be a part of their team. This whole situation leaves a bad taste in my mouth and there just isn't enough Tom Mison to go around to make that go away.

    With Charmed they actually created a totally new sister but from how they explained it they want Abbie but in a more acceptable vessel. Which is troubling to say the least.

    Yes, to everything you said. The lies and disrespect are just unforgivable. I still look back at the way the writers, producers and official social media pages baited fans using the Ichabbie relationship, knowing they planned on killing Abbie. This was deliberate. This was to break us down, to destroy us and everything they knew Ichabbie and Abbie meant to fans.


    And to go even further, HELL TO THE NAW Tom (Ichabod) can’t carry the show alone. Truth is they already tried that. They already tried making it all about Ichabod and sidekicking the second Witness.


    Nicole’s impact was huge. She appealed to the audience, and to certain people, in a way Ichabod did not and Tom does not. And that’s not to play him down. It’s just to say that Nicole was the unique one amongst the two of them. There are a million Tom Misons and Ichabod Cranes on TV. How many Nicole Beharies and Abbie Mills’ are out there?


    They underestimated her impact and her appeal. But they will feel it this fall when they try and go at it alone.

    • Love 6
  22. My unpopular opinion, which probably isn’t very unpopular, is that I don’t care what happens to the show as far as renewal goes. I stopped caring quite a few episodes ago. The only thing that sticks in my craw is the killing of Abbie and reducing the second Witness to a Dr. Who companion-like character.


    And I have thrown major shade at Tom on Tumblr, particularly after watching his comments at Birmingham Comic Con earlier this year. When asked about the finale, Tom said they end the season on a “high note” and that “I don’t think fans will be disappointed.” Really? Really, you effing jerk? In what alternate universe would fans not to be upset at the killing of Abbie? Ugh! I just can’t. I’m getting mad all over again.


    Nicole was used. Campbell said the decision to kill Abbie off was made going into season 3 and they first intended to off her in the mid-season finale. We all know why they didn’t. They wanted to use her to keep their ratings from tanking to secure them a fourth season.


    These fucktards actually said they had taken her character as far as they could and LD Jackson co-signed that decision on Twitter, though he said he was not around for it.


    Whether the show is canceled or not, it has long been doomed. I loved Ichabod and Abbie, but even I stopped watching earlier in the season. I came back after Kindred Spirits, and then jumped ship again. I heard about Abbie’s death on Twitter because I knew not to watch live.


    This show was doomed by poor writing and that won’t change in season four. I predict it’ll debut in the fall with Tom and a cast of all new characters. Not even Lyndie will return. I think ratings will be around 1.9 million viewers and a 0.5 demo and continue to fall from there.


    It won’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell without the two original Witnesses. Abie and Ichabod are Sleepy Hollow. Not Ichabod and a rotating cast of female sidekicks.

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