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Posts posted by Eggman

  1. I think Tyler is going to make it far and if gets there doing what I think he's been doing I'm not happy about it.


    If Tyler makes to the end by sitting back and watching the Red team get voted off, and then facilitating the Blue team eat each other alive, I'm all for it.  Maneuvering through the seams to the end is a fine strategy.

    • Love 4
  2. Somebody posted something somewhere about Will but left out the top part.


    Regardless of what Joe says, those 3 voted for Will as part of a split vote.   That action speaks loudly, and it's obvious that Will heard it.  People keep saying they don't know what he's thinking, but it's plain to see (as he TH'd at one point) that he can't work with the other NCs.  He may not be able to win, but he's still there. 

    • Love 2
  3. No collar made their fatal mistake long ago, when they split the vote to get the deaf woman out.  That forced Will out of their alliance.  All this time he's known they are 3 he couldn't work with and hasn't.  If they had taken the risk and all voted for the deaf woman regardless of idol risk then they would have gone into the merge a solid 4.  Now look where they are.  Jenn has 2 friends on the jury, so we'll see her go next regardless - they would be crazy to let someone with such solid jury votes stay in the game.   Given that the jury will probably have those 3 NC on it, Shiri is more of a threat and will go soon as well.  Will becomes an attractive goat - not a challenge threat, not in the loop or driving the bus, and no friends on the jury.  Beyond that I think we'll see BCs flipping like landed fish - I give Tyler and Carolyn a pretty good chance at FTC and a win if it weren't for Mike's domination of the show right now.

    • Love 6
  4. In an ideal world (for Joe) he would have just strung the fake HII around his neck and dared them to vote for him.  He knows that someone else has an HII, and they'll know that his is a fake - it wouldn't survive the light of day.   His gambit with Mike was his best bet. 


    Mike is totally getting the Winner Edit.  Go back and listen to the music they played when he found the HII.   I rest my case with that.


    Shirin could see that her alliance with the NCs was over.  She has to play the game with the people who are still there.  Hally (?) and Joe were voted out because along with Jenn they formed a very tight triplet that HAD to be broken up.  Now that that's the case, the obvious triplet is Rodney/Dan/Mike.   Everyone else is going to start trying to find a way to break up that group  (including themselves, hah.)

    • Love 4
  5. But if nobody spoke up and told her what she was doing was annoying some of them, they really have only themselves to blame.


    Except it's in nobody's interest to speak up against someone who's annoying enough to be moved to the front of the boot list.  The whole idea is to not get voted out.  If someone other-than-you presents themselves in such a way as to encourage others to want to vote them off, why try to correct them?

    • Love 4
  6. As much as I loathed the manly men session of Women's Problems that the Blue Collar dudes alliance was running, one of them was smart enough to figure out a vote split that would accomplish their goal.


    I actually think this was a hugely stupid thing to do.  Unless you're fairly certain that the bootee has an HII, all the split vote really did was to fracture their alliance.   Better to take the slim risk of bounce-back than trim your number from 4 to 3.

  7. re: Nina


    If you want to stay in, you have to articulate to your tribe mates how you can be useful to them in the future.


    Even more so because when a tribe knows it's time to go to TC everyone assumes a "someone other than me" mentality, and why shouldn't they?  It doesn't take much to be nominated as the 'someone', and once nominated, the others need to have some real motivation to change their minds.    "You're being mean to me, and excluding me, and now you're going to vote me off! Whaaa!" is NOT how Survivor works.  

    • Love 3
  8. I'm not so sure they would have shown the idol transfer.  They like to play coy with us sometimes and then show us stuff in the next episode.

    TPTB have always treated the idol very carefully.  If someone finds it, we see that.  If someone transfers it, we see that too.  This is the reason why transfers have to happen in front of the cameras - so the viewers can see it.  There's never been an instance where the show says "hey, look what they did with the idol before TC!  surprise!!" 



    Jax has nobody to work with and is going to be pissed and pissy at Natalie and Baylor.  Without Jon, Missy is going to have to follow Baylor's lead.  Keith sees Natalie as his only ally.  


    There are plenty of reasons why one player might want to work with or select certain other players going forward, but "I've worked with this person", "I haven't worked with this person", "I can trust this person", "this person is allied with me" are the reasons for actions that will float to the top.  


    Unless Jax wins IC she is next out. Keith is no friend of hers and the other women don't care for her either.  Logic be damned.


    F4 completely depends on who wins the IC...


        Keith  -- targets missy or baylor. 

        Natalie -- hard to say.  It would be easiest to get the other two women to vote against Keith, but he's her goat.  If she targets Missy, then baylor is unhappy.  If she targets baylor, she's backstabbing because baylor has been working with her.  I would say Missy. 

        Missy -- you never know, it might be Survivor checkers.  Probably targets Keith, because hairy and spits.

        Baylor -- not out of the question.  Will take her mom, might have sense and vote out Natalie, or could take the easy vote and target Keith. 


    I see an F3 of Keith, Natalie and Baylor, with Natalie squeaking by for the win.  YMMV. 

    • Love 2
  9. I can see everyone left voting Jaclyn out.

    If they have any sense they'll try to keep her as a goat.  I'm guessing she only has one vote on the jury.   This is why I think they didn't go for her instead of Alec the episode before.

    So happy for Natalie! ... as long as she doesn't go nuts and NOT play her idol she is guaranteed a final 4 position.

    F5 is her last chance to play the idol, and I'm pretty sure she knows that.  (I suspect Jon was trying to keep his idol for F5 as well.)  One thing this season has shown us is who is the evil twin and who is not.  If Natalie doesn't win, I'm guessing she's a lock for returning. 

    I think her last threat is Baylor and Missy realizing they can't take her to the final 3 and choose Keith instead. If that's the case, I think it's Baylor to win.

    Since Natalie will be able to use her idol to get into F4, then it's up to who wins that IC.  The F4 IC is the first IC in the game where the winner actually has strategic power outside of their social positioning.  If the F4 IC winner chooses someone to boot, then the two remaining non-chosen unprotected players are at a huge risk if they don't vote for that chosen person.  They can tie (if the other unchosen person votes for them,) or go home outright (if they vote for each other, since then the chosen one essentially determines who goes home.)   Run the scenarios.   The F4 (and if there is one, F3) immunity challenges are the key.

    • Love 1
  10. Jon and Jaclyn are loyal to each other, and Missy is loyal to Baylor and Jon. Natalie really only had Baylor, and Alec could have threatened that if he stayed in the picture. With Alec gone, she still probably has Baylor and now she has Keith as well

    Yes.  It's at 6 now with two couples, and Nat was going to be more or less coupled with whoever of Keith/Alec was left.  She was making a choice, rather than letting the other couples make it for her.  I'm pretty sure she figures Keith is a good goat, if it comes to that. 


    And really, if the Missy injury is NOT a red herring (they allowed the medic on tape, which is serious) then Nat has caught a big break.  She should be able to marshal Keith and Baylor into a 3 to oppose J&J's 2.  Should be interesting.


    For Jaclyn to be seen as an independent player, she has to actually make herself available to discuss strategy. So far, she has not.

    I suspect the others see her as a floater and potential goat, thus they did not consider targeting her when Jon won immunity.


    I think if a woman has three ex-husbands by the time she's in her forties, it doesn't take a lot of insight to realize she's making bad choices.

    It's more like that there are 3 men out there somewhere who made bad choices.

    • Love 4
  11. Exactly.  And now that Reed has been seen to be lying about Kieth as a target, with Kieth as an accomplice, I predict a double-elimination episode that shows the two of them going without much suspense.   Perhaps one of them hangs on until the following episode while the slack-jawed longhair goes, since he (whatever his name is,) lied right to Jon's face.

    • Love 1
  12. There has been a lot of discussion and focus on Julie's breastesses.  What about Jacqueline's?  Seems like hers could be fake too.


    Do we know for certain that anyone has implants?   I mean, sometimes girls just have bigguns.  It happens.  The constant assumption that everyone's boobs are fake kind of transcends snarky, and not in a pleasant way, imo.


    Re: HII's.  There was some hint that Chet actually knew where Ozzie hid his HII in FvF, but production would not let him touch it and in fact would not let him discuss it. 

    • Love 3
  13. "Even one two-day stretch is a long time to go with literally nothing to eat."


    "You can survive a looooooong time without food, like around 20 days."


    -- Indeed, I believe the average american can go without any food at all for almost a month with no ill effect.  After a few days of hunger pangs you adjust to it.   The show and it's contestants make it sound like life and death, but that's because we are culturally conditioned to think that way of anything but full satiation.

    • Love 1
  14. I hope it's not too off topic, but I would point out to those who are mentioning scheduling, that the show is available at cbs.com the day after it airs, or even the same day if it's late enough on the west coast.  There are fewer commercials and you can watch it whenever you feel like it, rather than when your local CBS affiliate feels you should feel like it. 

    • Love 1
  15. And maybe it was just me, but I had a very hard time following Jon's "logic" about voting out someone who no longer has a "loved one" on the other tribe. Anyone who does still have a loved one conceivably has an automatic ally in the event of a merge.

    The fellow lobbying to get rid of the singleton still has a loved one in the game.   Losing your loved one isn't such a bad thing because you can now offer undivided loyalty.  Conversely, having your loved one still on the other tribe makes you a target, because your loyalty is divided.  UNLESS, you argue that a group of players whose loved ones are still in the game could reunite with their loved ones and make a cross-tribe alliance, which is what I assume Jon was trying to argue.  I think he was trying to get out in front of the pack in terms of establishing what the criteria is for eliminating people and making that criteria one that favored him and his plans.



    I think if Drew had been less obnoxious, Natalie would have voted for Julie because of her being useless


    Being useless isn't really a bad thing.  What matters isn't if another player is useless or not, but LOYAL to you, or not.   If you can get Julie to stick with you because, woman, well then, she's the best kind of useful. 

    • Love 3
  16. I've been divorced once, and it was a Significant Life Experience.  I can't imagine being married and divorced three times.  It speaks to a very real lack of judgement.    Once is "whoops", three is "why do you keep doing this?"

  17. Sheesh...


    we totally used Dale for the only thing he was good at. He already made us fire. We don’t need him for anything else. I told everyone, “Anything Dale could do, I could do better. Don’t worry about it.” I figured he already gave us everything he could for our tribe, so let’s just get rid of him already. He was useless. He did the puzzle, and it’s like, he’s an old guy. You can’t do the puzzle? Get out of here! What are you good for, you know?

    • Love 1
  18. It's occurred to me that the HII might be in two parts in the following way - the emblem that Dale took is the II, and the NOTE is buried, with the note being a riddle that essentially says that the HII is there, tied to the lid of the water cooler.   Wouldn't that be cute.


    I believe that what Dale took is significant in some way, even if it's just used as a decoy HII.  They would not bother to show it (or put it there) if it weren't.

  19. I'm really confused.  I thought it looked like an idol, but Dale clearly said it wasn't.

    It's unlikely that it's an idol, at least not by itself.  The idol is accompanied by a note.  No note, no idol.   Ask Eric (assuming he's figured it out by now.)


    Wasn't the idol just a piece on the rice bin once?

    Yes, and the note was written on the back of the piece once it was pried off.  Same for the decorative squares that James &tc found in their season.  One square had no note, and they tried to use it as an idol with predictable results.


    It appears that the IIs are going to have 2 parts/pieces to them.

    I don't know where people have seen this, but if that's true it's awesome.  You would have to figure out who has the other half and then switch up your alliances in order to get both halves, and then who owns the idol?  


     I have a bit of a block about Exile Island because I think it's silly. 

    The absolute worst thing that can happen to a contestant is that they are deprived of the ability to connect with other tribe members.    Going to the island doesn't look like a big deal in terms of screen time, but for them it's huge.   Note that when they came back, Peachy said they had spent two days out there.  There's a significant risk that you come back and are seen as the expendable one and are then voted off just because the others "don't really know you", which is a common voting voice-over early in the game.


    ...the guy, forget his name, who broke his glasses? I would never do that. I can't see crap without them.

    Me either.  But those were reading glasses, which are effectively magnifying glasses (a clever pack-along on his part.)  I can't imagine he'll have that much time or material for reading anyway.


    I disagreed with Dale's reasoning for voting Nadiya out.

    His unstated reasoning was "her, not me," and it's hard to argue with that.  Also, as far as voting strategies go, those votes were unrevealed.  It's very possible that nobody quite knows who voted for Baylor, or didn't vote for Dale, or whatever. 


    so far it is living up to exactly what I thought it would be when the concept was first explained--a whole lot of bullshit drama.


  20. Sometimes I wonder why people of color bother participating in Survivor.


    My all-time favorite player was Earl, who was the first unanimous winner. 

    • Love 2
  21. Well, at least it's over.


    We want the illusion of a perfectly fair game but we also have to remember that this is a tv show on a for profit network.


    The "players" are credited on the recorded episodes as "actors".   Just sayin'.

    • Love 1
  22. I agree wholeheartedly. I am so tired of women being judged because they aren't nice. Men have gotten a pass for being assholes for centuries, but when a woman is not all sweet and nurturing, it's reprehensible.


    I totally disagree with this.  Men who are assholes are assholes.  Women who are assholes are assholes.  Kass does not get a "get out of assholery for free" pass just because of her gender, at least not from me.  


    The only time people (men or women) get a pass for being an asshole is when they have power, and even then it's not much of a pass.  Donald Trump is an asshole.  So was Leona Helmsley.   (google her, but watch out for the image results!)     There are more famous and accomplished male assholes because men are historically more likely to hold positions of power.

    • Love 3
  23. Actually, more than just taxi luck.  The key scene was where D&C's taxi roared past the girls taxi.  Whoever got to the clue first was taking off in the first helicopter, and as others have said, barring a mistake spotting the landing sign it was linear from that spot on.  The green-team's taxi was most likely not an issue.  They had already screwed the pooch by running all over the inside of the Mirage.  The editing made it look like they were close to the other two but that's unlikely. 


    To be fair to the show, there were a few places to mix it up.  A team could have totally blown the lightbulb count - or dropped one - or missed the landing spot sign - or gotten lost worse than team-green.  Still, that's not as good as a real test of memory and attention  which would have actually have evened things up for Brandon, who is only an idiot in that he married that woman - he had that deer-in-the-headlights look on the finish mat that said, oh damn, what HAVE I done...


    My favorite moment was towards the end where Phil basically spit in their eye by saying that the race was between the other two teams.  Thank Jehosaphat!

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