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Posts posted by kahauna

  1. If I hadn't seen Sarah Shahi's name in the opening scene credits for Season 3, I never would have watched the show to begin with, but the epi that I watched was "Liberty," I was hooked immediately and haven't missed anything since then. I have also seen the two seasons I missed, but it was Sarah/Sameen that "brought me" to PoI and I hope we get her back!

    • Love 3
  2. Okay, I have to defend NCIS, the mothership, because, yes, although it's a procedural, a good part of its heart and the reason I continue to watch is the characters. It's not a cut and dried straight out procedural like the other shows, or a typical procedural.  And for me, well, Mark Harmon. 'nuff said. *sniff*


    That's not to say it doesn't have its own set of problems, but this isn't the thread to talk about them.

    I understand, and I respect that you're speaking of the flagship show of the NCIS franchise. I just feel that PoI really broke the "procedural mold" and that is what sets it above and beyond everything else that CBS offers, at least, for me.

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  3. Unfortunately, I'm not surprised that PoI is being used as a spackle show--suspected as much when the 13-ep order was announced. As I said before, it's clear that short of over half of its schedule completely crashing and burning, CBS sees this as the show's last season on CBS. I'm sure the WB has gotten the memo as well, and assuming GP and JN are onboard, is pitching the show elsewhere. (Crossing my fingers for Netflix personally!)

    Somewhat surprised CBS put Supergirl up against Gotham, I thought they'd go for the Sunday early slot. It'll be interesting to see how their rejiggered Mondays do. Iirc the Monday/Thursday move really hurt TBBT's rating last season--wonder if that will happen again.

    Unrelatedly, I don't get why CBS is so desperate for Cyber to "succeed." Putting it in the Sunday death slot with TGW likely to go fractional several times this season? That will do it no ratings favors, and are they really going to let it limply lie there for 4 seasons just to hit syndication?

    Well. This has been a fine how-do-yo-do/hello Friday....waking up to the gut punch news that BB King has passed and then, lighting up my laptop to discover that Person of Interest—not just the show I love, but the ONLY network show I even care about—has not only just devolved from a 22- to a 13-episode fifth season, but is being withheld from CBS' fall schedule as a replacement for an inevitable new programming FAIL in January. Meanwhile, asinine utter crapola such as CSI:Cyber continue as if nothing has changed, BECAUSE IT HASN'T. There is a huge surplus of push-all-the-right-buttons procedurals eg., the iterations of CSI/NCIS, and dramas like Elementary and Scorpions, and at 45 years old,  I am out of the target demographic - too old for that stuff, but I'd rather stick red-hot knitting needles into my eyes than watch another CBS procedural with the time honored Bellisario formula of one or two good-looking male leads, at least one extremely attractive-yet-written-as-unapproachable female lead eg., Catherine Bell, Sacha Alexander, Daniela Ruah, on NCIS/NCIS LA, forced "sexual tension" and at least one old guy to  provide some sort of gravitas, and regardless of the complexity/severity of the problem or the depth of the mystery, everybody knows that everything's going to be all sunshine and lollipops by the end of the show. Even with the focus on individual numbers of the week, PoI never fell into that trap.


    Oh well. Hello, Netflix, I'll get the DVDs and hopefully we can stream PoI in Hulu some day. Sorry about the rant - I just needed to get that out. I feel a  bit better now.

    • Love 4
  4. I was thinking, when John told Iris, "Take care of yourself," maybe it meant that JN and GP were done with her character and she wouldn't appear in any more episodes (I'm hanging tough with hope for season five) and she'd be a rapidly fading memory.

    • Love 3
  5. It was worse last year - now, the team is united save for Sameen, nobody's cover has been blown save for hers, Martine Rousseau is snapped out of it, the IRT station hideout is safe and they've got Bear! : )

    • Love 2


    What a reset. How much did I love that last shot of Reese and Root leading Finch away from the Samarigoons??? Epic. EPIC. Iconic. That was awesome.


    I totally called that TM was going small and getting in the case. So, so, SO excited to see where that goes next season, but if Harold has any more than a flicker of doubt about recreating TM, I'm going to wring his neck. The Machine--this Machine--has never been borderline homicidal, you jerk. But I really did love their conversation. Sniff. Really, REALLY wondering how Harold is going to treat TM next season. Gah so many questions!


    Root was bringing the humor tonight. "A clip and a half, a MetroCard, and God is running on Double As." Ha! Very curious to see where a stripped-down Machine takes her as well.


    Not sad at all to lose Dominic, but VERY sad to lose Elias, Grice (I really liked him, thought he had a LOT of potential as a character), and for the moment Control (though I don't think there's any way she's dead--the Shaw rule applies here, if she didn't get killed onscreen, she's not dead). She should've shot Greer when she had the chance, dammit! I wanted Greer to go down as a self-sacrificial pawn. And man, Greer knows how to play Control like a violin. She fell for it last season, she fell for it this season.


    Loved John's Big Damn Hero moment, that was so badass. Still hate Iris--it was like we dropped into an alternate show briefly when she popped up.


    I thought he got hit in the chest. He seemed to still be moving in the last shot of him, but definitely in the death throes.


    There could be a lot of show to be mined from the "new" Machine that Harold's going to have to partially rebuild. They'd gotten very used to the old Machine--the new one will be different. If TM and Samaritan merge, that could also be interesting. But yeah, it's hard to imagine how they could ever top the Samaritan arc once Samaritan's gone.



    Oh, and I also loved Reese and Root being in God Mode in tandem. That was AWESOME when they were both barking out numbers. I have really, really grown to love the Reese-Root team--more than Reese-Shaw, I think I have to confess. Reese-Root is just so oddly compelling.

    Well-played, stealinghome!


    I've been waiting for Dominic to get his ever since Lionel had him in his sights at that sit-down with Reese in the diner. Sad to see Grice get it, though.

    • Love 1
  7. For all of his resourcefulness, cunning and ruthlessness, it is a pity that Dominic never understood hubris - remember how Roman senators and emperors had their centurions to stand at their shoulders and whisper stuff like "all glory is fleeting?" He had one in Link and Elias played him like Jimi Hendrix on a Stratocaster and manipulated Dominic into murdering Link in front of the crew. So now, who steps on? Floyd??

    • Love 3
  8. Has to be The Devil's Share for me. Along with the aforementioned opening montage—Reese in his wet works days, with his face back lit (?) so that he looks like a talking skull; Elias: "Well, there remains a debt. Civilization rests on the principle that we treat our criminals better than they treated their victims. That we not stoop to their level. But you and I are outliers. We're not really a part of civilization. We're something... older. Which means, of course, that we can do the things that civilized people can't. I offered to kill you for Detective Carter many times, and she always said no. She was civilized to the very end. I don't think she liked me. But I liked her very much. And you killed her. So now I consider it my responsibility to fix the particular problem that is you, Officer Simmons....;” the expression of almost feral rage on Lionel's face after breaks his own thumb, slips his handcuffs, and kills the HR killer by crushing his windpipe, and then thoroughly curb stomping Simmons, and then arresting him.


    I would add, in “The Devil You Know,” Anthony, knowing he is going to die one way or the other, facing Link as he is being viciosly beaten, telling him, “someday you might find yourself in a chair like this” and we see a shadowt of sudden doubt flicker across Link's face; Elias trying to hold back tears giving Dominic the key code, knowing that Anthony is going to get his when the safe bomb detonates...

    • Love 5
  9. That's good. That's like a 40-degree day - Stringer, Season 3.

    "We on it, String—like a 40 degree day!" ~ Sapper, after not quite getting Stringer's "40-degree day" speech.


    "At this range? This caliber? Even if I miss, I can't miss" ~ Omar to Brother Mouzone

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