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Posts posted by K2DangerGirl

  1. Quote

    The very first time we see him, Mycroft's doing his level best to both spy on Sherlock and to ensure he has no real friends

    I don't think that's what's happening there....in "A Scandal in Belgravia" Mycroft says that "Of course [he doesn't trust their Secret Service], they spy on people for money."  I think it was a test, which John passed by refusing to take money to spy on Sherlock. 

    I think we can assume that Sherlock doesn't truly financially need a roommate, he needs a "minder".  I wonder how many other potential roommates Mycroft ran off after proving they didn't really have Sherlock's best interests at heart?  :)

    And the real reason I dropped in this thread:  Congratulations to "The Abominable Bride" on its Emmy Win for TV Movie!

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  2. Tai literally said he wanted to kiss Caleb. He definitely had a crush on him. It was cute but with a smidge of creepy imo.

    I agree, in the sense that if a more physically imposing person were trying to "steal kisses" from another player of either gender, I think a lot more discussion (and disapproval) would be taking place.  I generally like Tai but I got a little squicked out they way he talked about Caleb.

    • Love 2
  3. Can we have Tay Diggs and the actress who played his daughter come back again?

    When his character said "I need to find out who I am now" (paraphrasing) I paused the DVR and posited to Mr. DangerGirl that he would be DiNozzo's replacement.  Not sure if that's possible IRL (training, blah blah fishcakes) but surely it's possible in TV Land.  And TD has done TV if I'm not mistaken.

    • Love 1
  4. How in the world could a fish get into your personal space?

    I unknowingly brought a tiny fish back from the beach once in my swimsuit bottoms. I'd been boogie-boarding in San Diego with friends. I think technically they were running shorts (the kind with a liner panty) so probably a bit looser than a swimsuit normally is, but it's probably not that hard if you're in somewhat turbulent water or strong currents.
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  5. I swear I heard someone say something that made me think they'd all agreed on that spot. I remember thinking, "But why that spot?"

    I thought I heard them call the area "the poop rocks", so yeah. But it did seem a little close to camp!
  6. Anyone who can't spell Siobhan should be eliminated.  (Just kidding.)

    Hah!  First thing I thought was "Oh, her mom went to Europe in college and met someone called Siobhan and thought 'Gee, that's pretty....'".


    I was annoyed to see paparazzi *and* TMZ on TAR so I was glad to see them gone first.  Clearly I would also be that bitchy, though.

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  7. [heteronormatively]

    Speaking of this.  I'm thinking this thread is appropriate-ish since a frequent theme of the "inspirational" stories is the supportive partner/spouse, all of whom seem to be opposite-sex.  I won't swear to this because I don't actually KEEP TRACK.  I'm not sure I have a point, and upon reflection this show isn't that "edgy" but it seems like there could be room for some inclusiveness.  Although the LAST thing I'd want to see is a whole "OMG he's tough AND he's GAY" segment.  So maybe I should be careful what I wish for.

    • Love 1
  8. I am a bit disappointed that 'bonjour', 'excusez-moi' and 'merci' are the extent of the racers' French vocabulary.

    I generally give Racers a pass on knowing anything more than these and "Do you speak English?" It doesn't help to know how to ask for directions if you aren't going to understand what is said back to you.
    • Love 5

    Except that in the very first episode Sherlock tells John that he (Sherlock) is not gay.

    At Angelo's?  Sherlock says girlfriends aren't his area, he doesn't have a boyfriend, and he considers himself married to his work.  None of which says anything about his orientation.


    My point is not that I think they are showing Sherlock as anything other than uninterested in sex. Not with Irene, not with John. I'm not trying to contradict what Moffat and Gatiss have said about the show they are making.  It's about the process, and how they tend to talk to the media about fans' interpretations that are different.


    Moffat and Gatiss write most of the scripts. And if they don't write them, they tacitly approve them when they film, edit and produce the show. If they don't want viewers to think Sherlock and John are a couple, maybe don't have the innkeepers in THoB assume Sherlock and John are a couple. Maybe don't have Mrs. Hudson act so surprised that John is marrying a woman, moving on "so soon after Sherlock". And definitely don't turn around after that and act like they have no idea where viewers come up with these crazy ideas.  (Yes, I know that especially in this most recent interview Moffat has learned to talk about this without sounding condescending and dismissive.)

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  10. I get a little weary, though, at the disingenuousness of Moffat's "amazement"; as if people are making it up out of whole cloth.  "He's been saying [sherlock isn't interested in sex] over 100 years!"  Well, in the world that Moffat and Gatiss created and control we are shown multiple characters who think Sherlock and John are a romantic couple, or could be.  Is it really so crazy if [some of the] audience follows suit?  Honestly, by now it's like a five-year gay joke.  And that's just based on actual dialogue, not even getting into innuendo or subtext.


    At the very least, he could have been bunking with Benedict

    Ehhhh, can't really see Martin going for that line.


    I had no doubt he was going to do well, even as a first-time host, quite simply BECAUSE of "The Office".  Anyone who could make 14 episodes (Is that right? Two series plus the 2-part Christmas special?) of what is essentially an SNL sketch, with Ricky Gervais, no less, was not going to have any trouble.


    I was a bit surprised "Sherlock" didn't get mentioned in the promo but: he's there to promote "The Hobbit", there was the "Office" sketch coming (also that's really his breakout role), plus they had to get in the mention of "the thing that no Americans will have heard of".  And it's possible that anyone who's only seen "Love Actually" on television doesn't even know that Martin is in it. 

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    I have to say that I think that's something of an overstatement.

    Well, I was being a little hyperbolic on purpose.  But even per the article, the problem isn't the existence of fanfiction, the problem is people who think it is okay to send Amanda death threats.  Homoerotic fanfiction has existed since before Martin was born and I find it hard to believe it caught any of them off guard.

    I agree with you that I don't think that it is part of the creatives' vision for the universe.  But they are making a show about a detective, not a detective show, because it's not the awesomely plotted cases that have kept people interested in Sherlock Holmes for more than a century.  I think they are telling an epic, non-romantic love story.

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    He also talks about the homoerotic fan fiction engendered by Sherlock, which he's not entirely thrilled with.

    Well, boo hoo.  "Sherlock" is practically homoerotic fan fiction of the Doyle canon.  And per the article, the problem isn't the fan fiction, but people who have trouble separating fiction from reality.  Which, I rather imagine there are a number of those among the "Hobbit" fans as well.

  14. I did (literally) laugh out loud when Bethany (who is awesome and seems very nice but also seems a bit dim) asked the falconer "What kind of bird is that?" But Mr. DangerGirl thinks I'm being unreasonable since she's pretty young and probably doesn't spend a lot of time watching Humphrey Bogart movies.  (Or reading.)

  15. But, OMG, those cups of hot chocolate; could they be more obviously empty? She didn't drink from hers so at least put some water in to weigh it down.

    This is my EPIC AND ONGOING HAIR-TEARING complaint about NCIS. At this point I'm just desperately hoping it's a running gag for them. Gibbs waves those cups of not-coffee around like nobody's business.
    • Love 3
  16. I found it a little odd how Baylor stood by drooling, while Jon and Jaqueline kissed.

    I interpreted her reaction and comments as more "You two need to get a room but I'm not going to SAY that, because SURVIVOR."

    Sorry, I know she has a name but the screenshot of her always says "John's girlfriend." Sexist--ass show.

    To be fair, everyone is identified by their connection to their loved one.
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