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Posts posted by Beezella

  1. On 4/30/2024 at 1:59 PM, Dowel Jones said:

    It takes a fair amount of skill to pilot the canopy down through unpredictable winds and land without crashing, neither of which a production company would likely risk their lead actor.

    Phew! So I thought. Funny to me though, when asked, of course, he was an experienced jumper! I suspect the character would have claimed he was whether he had ever jumped before though.

    I used to want to jump, when I told that to a college advisor he laughed and laughed and asked, "Why would you ever want to do anything that you had to accomplish perfectly the first time?"

    • Like 4
  2. On 3/19/2024 at 2:45 PM, christie said:

    And then she gets cancer and dies and he dies a few hours later - such a boring and cliched development.


    I was going to write and ask if this was a joke, or did I miss something. Went back and re-watched, and yes, I certainly did miss something! Reasons? I'm stupid? I was falling asleep. I said to myself out loud, "I just want this to be over," so not watching attentively. There was a lot of going back and forth in time. Also the critical scene was brief and I thought he was having a panic attack. BTW does that comment still need to be in a spoiler?

    I guess I found enough about the (mercifully short) show to watch the whole thing. I liked Jack's work friend, and I liked Alice's assistant. I kind of liked Jack, but not his wimpy acceptance of Alice yanking him around. Alice? mostly not.


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  3. What was the deal with the teacup in the Katie Britt sketch? It sounded like it was empty with the spoon scraping. I didn't see the whole original Republican response, as I turned it off when she started in with the rape stuff.  Did she do something with a teacup?

    edited for clarity.

  4. On 3/1/2024 at 6:22 AM, Daff said:

    Darn! I missed it, and next week is the SotU address. Ugh.

    The pilot is being repeated March 14. Yay! I missed it too, but Mr. Beezella had recorded it.  We both liked it a lot.

    I had completely forgotten about double space bar at end of a sentence. It took a minute to remember when that went away (for me) and it was when most of us began typing on a computer.

    I put one double space bar in to see if it auto corrects when I post.

    • Like 1
  5. I wouldn't say Lorna murdered Aoife, perhaps involuntary manslaughter? Although I don't know the laws in England. Covering up a presumed death I suppose.

    Too bad Aoife didn't wear one of those medical tags (Such as "I am diabetic," or whatever her strange malady was, associated with epilepsy. "Make sure I'm not really dead," perhaps?)

    The ending was satisfying, I guess as happy an ending as possible considering the terrible history.


  6. On 2/10/2024 at 12:00 PM, DanaK said:

    In last night's finale, in the case of the little girl dying, I don't understand why Theo brought in the parents to watch their daughter being declared dead

    I thought maybe to show them that everything that could be done had been done, and how respectful they were of the little girl's life and of the death process. Perhaps  it helps with "closure?"

    That being said, it was a very depressing season ending. Especially since we don't know if we will get to see season 4 in the states. I think we got this season because of the actor/writer strike. My goodness, they killed a baby! I can't remember if it was the last episode or the one before, but two patients ended their own lives, granted, in very different ways.

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  7. On 1/16/2024 at 3:13 PM, Orcinus orca said:

    So since 8 oz. of jam went for a pence, 30 pence was a lot of money back then!

    Thank you! Exactly what I was wondering, not so much the exact equivalent, but how pricey this would have been at the time.  However much, it would have been an insult.

    • Like 6
  8. 6 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    I thought that Heidi's costume in the spaceship skit was great.

    She looked great! Also, I assume she was an Android, and I think she did a good job of getting that across.

    I am not the target audience anymore, was around when the show first premiered, but I thought this episode was pretty awful. Best part was the serious opening with Pete, the ending gathering that went on for a full 2 minutes where everyone seemed to be having a good time, and the saxophone player.

  9. I came here to see if (miracle!) there was any talk of rebooting this wonderful show. Of course with the actors' and writers' strikes there won't be any new shows for awhile. Others have commented that it could go on without Hilary Swank if she had other prospects and I agree. Nothing against her, I just like so many of the others in the cast. Grace Dove for sure. There was one episode with someone who wasn't exactly a police officer but was clearly doing a fine job of taking care of her city because of caring personal relationships with the residents of her small town. I would like to see more of her. This might have been episode 10 with Georgina Lightning. Sigh.

    • Like 5
  10. 4 hours ago, retired watcher said:

    Also, pillows wouldn't need packing peanuts because they aren't fragile.

    That was the first thing I thought too, pillows don't need packing peanuts! Which are expensive by the way. And the enormous boxes are more expensive to ship, USPS anyway.

    I love Fred! I was afraid for a moment we were going to have a runaway bride, but thank goodness no, there she appeared in all her glory. It was such a beautiful wedding setup, props to Tricia.

    "Gloria" is so much more Sam's style of song, really great job on that. All in all a very satisfying finale, that maybe came a little too quickly. I wonder if the writers' strike shortened the season?

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  11. I became curious enough to go back and look for the names of the scams.

    "What about a Montreal Merry-Go-Round like a Cowboy switch." Settled on the City Slicker Sucker Punch.

    Previous episode: Sarajevo Shuffle (permanent veto by Birdie!), Kansas City shuffle (too dangerous), The Two Jeffs (failed twice before, wrong Jeffs) Third time's the charm! with the right Jeffs! Snappy fun dialogue.

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  12. Quote

    I finished the season and mostly enjoyed it, despite not knowing what the hell was going on most of the time. 


    OMG, me too! At the moment I have Covid brain, so maybe that is an excuse. I gave up trying to understand all the scams, but love all the suggested ones by name, the Two Jeffs, the Helsinki Hustle, the 6 Heathers (made up the last 2 can't remember the rest)

    I also would like it better if it was just, or mostly the Nicolette family. I will miss Birdie, Charlie, Frannie and Leo and Ollie. It was fun while it lasted.

    • Like 4
  13. I haven't been watching this show for years, but happened to catch the last 10 minutes or so waiting for the next program to come on. I thought Fire was quite impressive, more maybe for her personality than the adequate singing. Her daughter was charming. I actually liked the way she sang the part about the moon in that delicate ethereal voice better than the full voice that Katy asked of her, but promising she could take direction so easily. Oh show, now I'm going to have to come back and find out if she makes it in Nashville.

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  14. On 1/20/2023 at 2:05 AM, dwmarch said:

    Fia gets line of the episode with "climb down off the cross, Jesus needs it back". Ah Fia, so you are a gangsta after all I see.

    I missed that line, where in the episode is it?

    I was drawn in to this episode. I always wonder how they manage to film some visuals. Did Brian Cranston loose a whole lot of weight for this? His emaciated body was disconcerting, and the force feeding was grotesque. Also, that prison poker scene was horrifying. Were parts of it filmed at an actual event? Also, the crowd watching gleefully, yikes! Good grief, there's merch! Thanks to LoveLeigh for the link to the Angola Prison Rodeo.

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  15. On 8/9/2022 at 11:38 PM, KaveDweller said:

    How stupid is Emily? The guard tells her don't open the door for anyone and the first time someone knocks she opens the door?

    Oh, Emily, I tried to warn you, but people don't always hear me through the TV.

    I tried to stop Lola and whatever his name is from kissing, but that didn't work either.

    I wouldn't mind Amy fading out of the picture.

    Does anyone know when the second half of the season starts?

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  16. 9 hours ago, luvthepros said:

    Cut to the chase........Thank goodness the audience FINALLY got it right. There was no way in hell Beau could have possibly beat out Keaton. Good-bye Beau.

    The audience had been putting Beau in the bottom many times and the judges (JoJo?) kept saving him. This time only the audience voted. If someone had the numbers, the studio audience would be a tiny minority of the total number of people who watched the show and had opinions.

    I thought there was only one more show. They rushed the whole rest of the show and now there are going to be 2 shows with just 3 dancers left? I suppose they will eliminate one person next week and have a final with just the top 2. And maybe allstars. So much this season  was very odd.

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  17. 4 hours ago, TVForever said:

    The only ( and I mean the ONLY) good thing to come out of this ep for me was the revelation of Lindsey Mendez' ( Sara) singing! Wow!! So of course, I had to go look her up and discovered that she too comes from a musical theater/ Broadway background.

    Thank you for that, I was wondering. It looked to me like she was clearly lip synching, but I know they usually record the music separate from taping a show. And I also agree, it was the only good thing about this episode. It seems like everyone was kind of a jerk.

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  18. It was nice to see Bash's sister again. I was happy to see Raina was going to be back this episode, but it appears it just isn't going to work out for them. I am tempted also to blame Raina, but sometimes after so much time there has been so much change in both of them it may just not be possible. Has Bash told Raina about any of his horrors? Probably not in more than a brief sanitized version. If there was a scene of that, I just don't remember, they have strung out the episodes over so much time.

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  19. I wasn't feeling this episode much until almost the very end when Rebecca and Jack are lying face to face and she says to him, "I'm scared." And then he helps her cross over into death. I was destroyed.

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  20. Oh for F! sakes! Right before the end I was thinking, what was that warning at the beginning about mature audiences and domestic violence? I am wondering if that ending was tacked on after they found out they had been renewed for another season or if it was always planned that way. Without it, it would have been a lovely series finale.

    I too loved Lea's wedding dress.

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