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Posts posted by MyLisa

  1. Caught a marathon over the weekend and have to say that the home-schooler with 7 kids really bothered me.  The inequities of the bedroom distribution -- 4 kids in one, the other 3 each with his/her own? -- really bugged me.  And she wouldn't give up the home school space?  Very odd duck...

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  2. Sad to watch the last episode last night, but hoping it returns (like Gavin!) for another season.  I'm gonna miss everyone's Nawlins drawl.  I liked the bit about how they all have to wear helmets at midnight because of the yahoos who shoot guns in the air for New Year's. Baby Tanner TOT is adorable.

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  3. Was I the only one to catch the First Look?  Not much to it, really.  Stassi continuing to be bitter about her irrelevance.  Katie foolishly confiding in Kristina.  James talking to Lisa about Kristen.

  4. In re the rabbits:  Carrie's pet rabbit.  Professor Stoddard was watching 'Harvey'.  And when Petra and the Sherriff went to Jason's house, his daughter was watching a cartoon that featured a rabbit. 


    At this point, I think Petra and Ingrid are the only normals in town -- I think they're both adorable.  So naturally, they'll be the ones who turn out to be vampires or something!  ;-)

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  5. I'm now obsessed.  The forums over at AV Club clued me in on lots of things I'd missed (all the rabbit references--are they clues to something bigger?) and I've now rewatched eps. 1-5.  While there's still a whiff of Dharma initiative to the mysteries, I can't wait to see where this goes...

  6. I second the rec on using the CC -- I watch at work (shh!  don't tell anyone!) and keep the volume low.  The captioning definitely is helping.  And ew... teacher was giving me the creeps.  Now I know why (such a shame, as I love the actress playing Shirley (just saw Pride) and was hoping she really would turn out to be the one everyone in town liked).

  7. Beautiful nighttimes city scape, great camera work, dynamic first responders -- I'm hooked.  Even the soundtrack resonates with me, and Holly rocks -- loving her.  And when that little asthmatic baby fell asleep, my heart just puddled. 

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    I wonder what type of evidence, was found by the cop that didn't enter it into evidence.


    And how did it disappear?  Presuming it was in the envelope "left by the English journalist" (bad cop certainly did), since Julien never saw it, that leaves Mark looking guilty, again, some more.

  9. I'm pulling for Natalie--between her strategizing and winning of individual challenges along the way, she's really been impressive.  Here's hoping she gets Keith out next, though -- as last man standing, he's definitely a threat at final TC to get all the 'bros before hos' votes. 

    • Love 4

    I think that Missy is the type that probably puts men above her children and everything else. She just gives me that vibe.


    Baylor said as much an episode or two ago, about how Missy was easily influenced by Jon because he was so similar to the guys her mom has dated/married. 

    • Love 8
  11. BigBlueMastiff

    Whoah, I saw what Tony did in Ian's boat, but I totally missed any charges or missing/deceased declarations

    --it's revealed at the end of the episode that Ian and his wife on the boat is all in the wife's head, in present day.

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  12. One issue I have with the trafficking angle...  if it was really happening in the area, wouldn't there have been other missing children in the area?  Also, did we ever hear where Tony and family were heading when the car broke down?  Unless someone intentionally wanted the car to stall, they wouldn't have been in Chalons du Bois in the first place.  Perhaps Tony really is involved, and he did something because of the phone call he got?  (It was just the battery, after all...)  Hmmm...  I don't really believe Tony would be so intent on trying to find Olly if he actually knows anything about how he disappeared in the first place, but it could all be due to plot manipulation... 

  13. Tricky to talk about, being one week ahead via On Demand. 

    But I think including Baptiste's personal story *is* important, as it informs his knowing how to deal with Antoine's girlfriend.  What she knows that's relevant to the kidnapping is still a mystery, however.  And Ian gone missing is yet another wrinkle.  Are we to suspect Tony, again?

    Next Saturday can't come quick enough!  (Between this show and listening to Serial, my whodunnit faculties are at full capacity!)

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  14. I'm going by 2 week old memories here... I think it was in the first episode, not the second.  It was just a couple of scenes after Emily first sees Mark and son and thinks it's Oliver.  As he starts his official business, Mark puts his son in the back of a car that drives off, with someone who is not introduced to the audience. 


    Okay--I just rewatched ep. 1 and 2. It's at about the 6 minute mark of ep. 2 -- Mark puts his son in the back of a cab, with an older man (didn't reckognize him) and says "Daddy loves you" to his son and then they drive away.  Could be nothing, but then again, everything could be a clue.

  15. Mark is definitely sketchy and while reading Sarah's take it suddenly occured to me (perhaps with the Broadchurch plot resolution coloring my imagination) that his son may very well not be his son but perhaps another trafficking victim.  I need to rewatch but wasn't the kid just put in the back of a cab with an unknown (to us) man when Mark 'got to work' in France, in 2006? 

  16. First episode airs Saturday night here, but already available via Starz OnDemand--just watched it.  Love James Nesbitt in anything.  Having binged on Happy Valley recently, I needed a good mystery to keep me occupied until The Fall comes back -- looks like I've found it. 

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