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Posts posted by Vixenstud

  1. Loved Peter Boyle (RIP) but never found Frank funny, thought he was an insensitive ass.

    However, watched Frank's Tribute for the first time today and damn if it didn't leave me crying.

    I felt for him when Marie told him why nobody liked him....but the tears came during the scene where Marie was crying over him not giving her a nice tribute like she gave him.  When he lovingly washed off her face cream then held her in his arms I lost it.  

    Watched it again at work and same tears....the jackass!!

    • Love 1
  2. On 11/21/2019 at 12:46 PM, Neurochick said:

    I disagree with those who like Monique because of what she HAS, a nice husband, home and children. 

    Not my reason....I liked her right off the bat, before any part of her personal life was introduced.  IMO she was there to make friends and have a good time.  She has her messiness, all of them do, but she is the least to make trouble.

    I read this weekend that she didn't go on the trip to Portugal with the rest of the ladies and is considering leaving the show....if she goes, I'm out.  I love Karen and though Ashley got on my nerves and got her just desserts last season, I like her too but watching just for them (and potentially the new HW Wendy) won't be enough.  I'd hate for Gizzard and broke assed Beaky Buzzard to get their way just because they are pathetically threatened by someone who never did anything to them.

    • Love 6
  3. TVLand just finished showing Season 9, which included the Finale.

    For me, it was Debra’s ‘Robert?!’ when Ray didn’t wake up that gets me, along with Robert crying out for Raymond.

    Anyhoo….saw for the first time The Faux Pas and could not stop cringing!  OMG from Ray to Marie and Frank to surprisingly Debra’s comments, no wonder they won’t be seeing that kid again.

    Count me in to the loathing of Hank and Pat, Georgia Engel (RIP) had the most annoying voice!

  4. 8 hours ago, jumper sage said:
    On 11/19/2019 at 11:35 AM, Vixenstud said:

    I watched Joy's video and was not impressed at all!  Why not shred the sausage and make a meat sauce as opposed to leaving chunks throughout?!  And where's the peppers and mushrooms?

    OMG! NO!

    Proud of my peppers and mushrooms, don't make me fight ya'll up in here!

    Karate Kid.jpg

    • LOL 8
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  5. 12 hours ago, itstheworm said:

    Seeing this one reminded me of the magnificently awesome job John and Roseanne did in their epic coffee table flipping showdown. 

    Was that the one where they were calling each other fat?  I believe they were fighting over Dan's overeating after having a heart attack, right?

    Jackie and Darlene's fight was brutal....I was wondering when we'd have someone tell Darlene she wasn't the 'mother of the family', I knew that was coming.  Darlene calling Jackie a loser and the bane of Roseanne's existence was like 'Woah!'  As much as I loathe Harris, it was nice to see her protective of her for once.

    I'm sure we'll see more of why Jackie doesn't like Louise, I can't believe it is just because of her gun dancing fiasco in school.

    Forever the fatso, but I wanted some of Louise's pie....the apple, not the pumpkin one.  I can't wait for Dan and Louise's romance to unfold, they are so sweet together.

    • Love 12
  6. 12 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

    I feel bad that Joy went to all that trouble to make the lasagna for Whoopi and Whoopi didn't even get a bite of it.  Shame on Whoopie's family for not leaving her a piece.

    In my household if my family had done that?  Humph, shit would have gotten realllllllllll ugly.

    I watched Joy's video and was not impressed at all!  Why not shred the sausage and make a meat sauce as opposed to leaving chunks throughout?!  And where's the peppers and mushrooms?

    I consider mine to be the bomb biggity and make it once a year myself (Christmas).

    • Love 7
  7. 2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Both of them acted like stupid teen girls and I'm more annoyed with Monique, is that what she wants to teach her children?  Someone throws a drink in your face and you punch them?  

    I can honestly say I don't know what I'd do if some trick threw a drink in my face, but if I yanked her ass to the floor?  Wouldn't make me any less the lady.

    I'm of the school that you don't do anything unless it is done to you first.....at that point, all muhfuckin' bets are off.

    • Love 12
  8. On 6/15/2019 at 10:13 PM, annzeepark914 said:

    Not sure if this link will work but last night I somehow found this guy's Facebook page & some of the funny stuff had me laughing out loud.  Since there haven't been any jokes on here since April, I figured I'd share this nutty guy's page.  Oh...there are a few naughty ones but most of them are funny (just skip the naughty ones).


    Man, this fool had me lol at work!

    • Love 1
  9. 20 hours ago, bannana said:

    In the past, Whoopi has implied that she slept with a lot of celebs and that included guests who come on the show.  So I play a little game with myself and watch how she interacts with certain guests.  I believe Jeff Goldblum is one of her former lovers.

    She's a lucky heiffa if that's the case 'cause BABY?  He is still sexy af and can always get the draws from me!

    • LOL 7
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  10. Watched last night's eppy, which is the only Season 6 one I've watched.

    It was like seeing an old friend again, one you were real tight with but for some reason or other drifted apart.....I felt like I was watching it for the first time.

    Cookie's hair and eyebrows were on point though.

  11. 10 hours ago, ShadowHunter said:

    Keifer Sutherland but my crush on him goes back to The Lost Boys (don't judge, the late 80s were a weird time).

    I thought he was hot in Stand By Me.....'Catholic girls chew better'

    That immediately won my slutty heart over (though I'm not Catholic), heh.

    • LOL 2
  12. (Blushes with head down).....I've never seen Funny Girl with Barbra Streisand!

    Now, Ma always played the soundtrack when I was younger but it never crossed my mind to watch the actual movie; this past Friday however my neighbor was watching it and I wound up sitting with her and enjoying what I saw.  It was on a channel with commercials so I'm going to have to rent it.  La Streisand was lovely in it, from her clothes to her impeccable nails to of course her beautiful voice.

    • Love 3
  13. Sighs…..

    Don’t get me wrong; like Martin says, I love the kids.  But when these little muhfuckas are kicking your leg on the bus, that's a whole other story!

    Parents, if you have a rambunctious child on the bus keep a hold of them!  I had this fat fuck of a woman (and I’m fat too so shut it judgers!) give me the finger because I had the nerve to tell her to watch her kid.  All she had to do was put the brat in her father’s lap since hers was obviously too full to hold the kid.

    • Love 4
  14. It took me a while to watch this movie and now that I did....it was okay.

    Eddie was really good in it but I'd be surprised if he got an Oscar consideration; the nomination should go to Da'Vine Joy Randolph as Lady Reed who IMO stole the show! 

    I liked Wesley too but couldn't understand why he was playing D'urville Martin like he was gay....don't remember that about the actor.

    Loved the Ding-a-ling song too.

    I've got to use 'rat soup eatin' motherfucka' on somebody, lol.

    Appreciated the Charlie Murphy dedication but one for Rudy should have been included, despite the movie being about him. 

    • Love 1
  15. 1 hour ago, vmcd88 said:

    So James and Tommy were talking then all of sudden they get shot at by....Uncle Gabe.

    What?  Was it really Uncle Gabe?  Gonna have to watch that scene again.

    Outside of Warner/Saxe stuff, the episode was so boring.

    17 hours ago, andreamf15 said:

    This episode didn't have enough Tommy for me.

    Shiiiiiiiiit, that's why I watch the show!  Late to the Power party and trying to binge from the beginning.....I usually go straight to the Tommy story lines with his sexy ass.

    • LOL 1
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