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Posts posted by blixie

  1. Quote

    She may be owed an apology for the ladies assuming she was as guilty as Tom, was in on it and hid his actions

    The ladies (and audience) were appalled by her lack of compassion, it was never about legal culpability it was about her moral culpability, and I maintain she was Carmela Soprano about the origin and amount of her husbands spending, the one thing I know about her is that she is no dummy, especially about money. Usually people that learn they lived off blood money for years feel bad about it, she remains without a shred of shame. This season I think she merely finally realized with the loss of Rinna and other distractions she should at least pretend not to be a snarling callous bitch. And at times she has reminded me of when i did used to more or less like her, but naw she is still trash.

    And I still more or less like Kyle event though the whole Morgan/Mo thing was contrived, and I'm glad she and Sutton got to a good place. Seeing the women hang out and not screaming at one another, merely side eyeing and shading  is nice. 

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  2. Quote

    That Debi only “thought it was one time”  and made sure her own mother promise that she would watch the granddaughter and not leave the grandchild alone with him. Like what the actual fuck. She KNEW her father was a pedophile, did she think he was suddenly cured?!  She wasn’t protected by her own mother, why would her daughter be protected?

    I think she had processed her own abuse so differently than her daughters, as she and the brother said, the dysfunction felt normal. Debi was gaslit and assumed to soldier on and "survive" was all she could do. She didn't have a lot of good choices as young single mom trying to leave a physically abusive marriage. And she made a terrible calculus that she'd rather her child had a home with SA than a home where she's potentially battered, the other alternatives were probably just as distasteful (unhoused, unemployed). Once she made that calculus she told herself she was watching and protecting v. endangering and ignoring. When Amanda did call out her denying the abuse occurred, she did admit that it happened and she did feel responsible/culpable. It sounds like she was finally able to admit that to Angie I hope they continue to heal.

    I thought this was really good example of restorative justice, focusing on the victims and how they confronted and came to terms with their abuse. 

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    If the timing makes him even suspect it, he'll get a DNA test for sure. He'll take what's his.

    She's a girl tho, even if a gender non conforming one, which will only anger him more. It seems like she has to be his kid, in the sense that Nadine being under his thumb as just her was bearable but knowing she was pregnant would be a huge motive to leave and the timing seems to match up tho Scotty could be 9/10 but for her sake I hope she's not his kid.

    I loved seeing Lorraine give the banker a what do you hate more choice, as then it's turned around her when Hamm's smug fuck shows up to barter for Dot, someone she has longed to be rid of. I also think she's smart enough to have done the math and figure it out even if he doesn't and she and Dot are probably on the same page of protecting Scotty/Wayne and that she ultimately doesn't care if Scotty isn't blood which puts her quite a few rungs above Roy. JJL deserves an emmy for her delivery of Pipe Down Ponyboy and the whole scene with Hamm

    I also suspect that Gator's own abuse/disrespect with dad will factor in his arc w/re: Nadine. She was probably more a sibling than a step mother and they're shared look felt very empathetic.

    The only thing disappointing me so far is how Lamorne has faded out.

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  4. Quote

    I think it was her being sick, medicated, and likely that she had a drink or two before showing up.

    I am not having the editors or the audience shade Denise for, over the course of four years on this show off/on, getting blasted exactly once on camera, and due to justifiable nerves and illness making it one for the books. It was super clear she was anxious about returning, as she said to Camille before they went in maybe they should skip it and go to In and Out. Camille also seemed drunk but just not locaciously so. And as usual she was great tv, "is yours upside down?!" LOL.

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  5. Quote

    I didn't think Denise Richards looked that bad, either.  Though she was clearly very drunk.  Who wouldn't be having to walk back into that particular vipers' den? 

    I am not sure why the editors are out to get to Denise but what they showed in the preview and what played out was very different, she is hammered, but I think Garcelle is correct that she was nervous about going back into the breach, she even said to Camille let's just go to In and Out instead or something. I would love to have her back full time but I think it's better for her mental health to stay a friend of. I'd also love them to add Cynthia, this other lady ain't it!

    I have always been a fan of Kyle or more less, but it's pretty clear she IS going through a mid life crisis and if she and Morgan aren't actually an item she certainly is acting like she's twitterpated by her. And it's hard convo to have with someone who is changing for what is obviously the better in some ways, not drinking and exercising are both good things, but its all of that taken together with the new friendship and the tattoos it's all Puck at a 11, like she certainly doesn't read as actively happier or at peace, I've never seen the veins in her neck so stressed in the whole history of the show. I do like that she is trying to figure out who she is and wants to be in the next phase but like go to a therapist and stop being a huge bitch to Sutton.

    Sutton and Garcelle continue to slay. "it's not selling houses" was next level burn territory. Still love Crystal she doesn't bringa ton in her own right but is a good audience stand in to side eye the bs. Dorit is making me laugh in the latest video package re Morgan/Kyle, she is leaving FFF in her dust. LOL


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  6. Cirie currently madder at Americory than the people who have been relentlessly reading her for filth/doing misogynoir for a week. IDGI. I get her desire to decompress disengage but like lady I know you did your research how were you not prepared. Please wait to see how your son behaved.



    ’m assuming Cirie will just go back to Survivor alum circles and pretend this summer never happened. 

    I wouldn't blamer her generally but given how Jared acted like I hope there is some reflection vis a vis the other players feelings about Jared. My family is my family but if they act a fool I will say so.

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  7. Okay was saving the finale for Halloween night, given how production was interrupted this did feel a bit all over the place as an episode, Chucky and Tiff's arcs felt complete or at least tied off as cliff hangers but our three-ros barely had anything to do, this season is just bit more awkward as usually it was our three main characters v Chucky/Tiffany and Sawa and the supporting characters were in the main characters world. This year we have the first family separate from our main three and I'm a little less invested. Still enjoying it over all though.

    I had speculated about Chucky killing Joseph, but that's on his list of no no's, just seems too convenient that Chucky needs an evil house and they have a tragedy he can exploit. I am not familiar enough with the film mythology to know why Chucky has that rule, is it really Damballa's rule? Or maybe if that is a rule it was Chucky killing Nadine that made Damballa say GTFO. 

    Also interesting that the Nanny survived the chandelier massacre, lots of interesting loose threads, including ghost Joseph, that I hope we do get to see followed up on when SAG gets the contract they want.

    ETA: Ha I forgot the Nanny did die when her face fell off LOL 

    • Like 2
  8. Quote

    Her fatal flaw to me was not winning 

    But her not being likely to win comps is a limitation she was aware of, given that, she should have told Matt while she had the influence over him to not use the fuckin power. It was fun a moment to watch for sure, precisely because it made no sense for her to do it, and Jag was so clueless at the time his threat level seemed lower, but nah get all the mens out when you can, no woman should have any other strategy unless the dude is Cory and even then boot him too if given the chance.

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  9. Quote

    Jag should be long gone. 

    Yup the decision to not convince Matt not to use the power was baffling at the time. Generally she let her and her son being big mad at Cory ruin her game, she kept picking Matt over him if it were Cory and America here instead of MattnJag, she might still be targeted but they sucked enough at comps where she would have had a chance to protect herself and be in the cat bird seat still. But I think she never gave much of a shit about winning for herself and the length of the season ground her to dirt. I think had she truly be in it to win it she would have played differently over all and even at sub Cirie level played pretty damn good.

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  10. Okay I was a teeny bit disappointed in the first couple of episodes new setting, but this episode is an all timer, so freaking good and I love that they filled in all the blanks from the end of last season, though I guess we still don't know for sure if he and Caroline killed Joseph. From the opening death by umbrella to the Witch Doctor diagnoses (bad case of Catholicism) to Tiffany explaining how many times she's transferred her soul and still professing her love to Nica. My favorite line was"being adorable is my superpower" as indeed one of the reasons I love the show more than the movies is that movie doll was always kind of actually hideous, while TV Chucky is legitimately fuckin cute upping the overall comedic irony. The cuter he is the funnier a mass slaughter in a Dutch Colonial is. And I love that this season SyFy said fuck it you can go as dark and disgustingly gory as you want with the kills Mancini.

    I am also interested what will happen between Chucky's padewans Caroline. and Henry. There is something up with Caroline insisting she observe, I'm not sure what she read in Voodoo for Dummies but I have a feeling she understands something Chucky doesn't about his path back into Damballa's good graces.

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  11. Quote

     kind of control/influence people l

    Yeah her early coasting just wrecked her game, as she shifted into hard gamer mode and showmance mode at the same time and if no one trusted her before they for sure were never going to after she became part of a strong duo. I do think she had some control/influence, people would listen to her, but almost always discounted her in the end, even fucking Jag it took him grilling the whole house over and over and over again about "the seven". I can say with all finality with America's exit I'm done till the finale, of whose left I only like Cirie even a little bit so...

    I will be happy when it's over and America and Cory learn their actual portmanteau and how fun they were to watch, his sister has a whole ass shirt ready. 

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  12. Quote

    Every Woman Knows Hormones make you fatter! Liar.

    I mean she is definitely lying but there is a lot of whoo whoo out there about having your hormones "balanced" after menopause will help with all kinds of shit, including weightloss. Cortisol is the new gluten. And as whoo whoo shit goes I actually do think hormones are hella powerful but managing them to achieve x result seems highly unlikely. But also nothing wrong with using semaglutides for weightloss and lots are prescribed and marketed on label for weightloss, cracking on Erika for her body being to heavy or too skinny ain't it.

    Kyle and Mo's convo felt especially scripted, but if they were already deep into living separate lives than it makes sense it felt more stilted and a quick way to establish the season long storyline.

    I like Dorit's hair and her calling out fucking Erika. 

    I think Crystal's husband had more lines than she did.

    Still love Sutton and Garcelle, and I thought she weathered Jax's truth pretty well and while I can understand where he's coming from it's pure 15 year old punk assery to do that on camera and I would guess in few years he'll have more empathy for what it's been like for his mom post divorce, having to up her hustle and have less face time with the twins.

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  13. Nah they can keep their fit guys just want it to be mostly crap shoots and go and find veto kind of stuff and if they must have physical comps they should be at least 50 endurance or emphasize balance and flexibility as often as they involve speed and strength. Or how about Insta Cart shopper we know male mofo will lose that one.

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  14. I think Blue went into this thinking she would be a "character" and sure lots of people are but, with someone like Mama Fe she is just being herself, people don't watch reality shows to see people "acting",  or at least to feel like that's what they are watching and Blue is terrible actress who gives canned catch phrases and bad game play, but errbody else is bad too so she made it this far.

    Cirie and America chatting in the back yard and she is still the biggest Americory shipper. She really is just so good at this shit. LOL.

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  15. Quote

    I doubt they'll work outside the house but I think it'll have more to do with them being in different places, both in terms of where they live and just internally in life, and less to do with America being an evil harlot who actually hates Cory lol.

    Yeah it's very hard to imagine making something work with him in college and her not. Him in Tenn and her in NYC. But I'll hope they are more Jesserica, they have the same age gap too.

    I don't understand why Jag was allowed to play and win, I thought the invisible HoH had to throw. They just decided after Izzy left and de-centered Cirie to throw the whole game in the trash huh? 

    I am rooting so hard for Bowie Fucking Jane/America. I hope they duo up and take out Blue and Cirie.

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  16. I don't think Cory knows but he may have figured it out recently (or being trying to test it out but was holding it because he didn't know for sure and its his word against Cirie and we know Blue has locked it in a vault. If he hasn't even cursorily run it by America I doubt he has any idea and it's just more of people thinking Cirie is house mom.

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  17. Quote

    I do wonder if Cory would be getting this much disdain from both fellow players and fans if he were more conventionally attractive

    Yes if only he were a golden god who admired Andrew Tate he'd be more popular. 


    But he has been nominated before, by Jared during the initial Cam eviction

    Heh I thought that he had but then looked up his wiki and still missed that confirmation. I stand by the pov that him still being around despite him and his showmance being in everybodies mouths is impressive. Cultivating a low threat level (much like BFJ), despite being in showmance has largely worked but unless Grodner decides to truly make every comp in the future mental/crap shoot it will be hella difficult to make it to the end and even it is it will probably UP his threat level that comps are breaking his way.

    As I said before I think everybody should want to go to F2 with Jag, at least in any rational jurors head voting for someone who was voted out over someone who was NOT seems nuts but we have a bunch of deeply irrational player so who knows. Like was said up thread Jag has got to know he can't beat Matt any more than Izzy/Blue were going to beat Jared/Cirie. This is why I think Americory are the most interesting duo, if it's them against each other I think it's pretty big tossup who would win, they are much more balanced  in terms who has an advantage in their resume so they don't have a clear reason to turn on each other unless they truly get to F3 with Jag.

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  18. Sounds like the veto situation is everyone gets to play since HoH is "secret", they do the first Veto comp and then the winner has to sit out the second Veto comp where the rest play. I am going to assume Matt/Jag will win both vetos and if not Bowie since Jag told her he'd prefer her winning to Cory/America. Not sure if he genuinely cares, as I don't see C/A making an argument to him about booting Matt though they absolutely should.

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  19. Quote

    I also this season thought until very last moment Mecole was just waiting quietly to make her strike…

    The more I hear Meme talk outside the house the more her game play gets worse and worse, she has basically confirmed the only thing she wanted to do was go to the end with Mama Fe and she had no interest in working with anyone other than BSB. This woman missed Renaissance to hang out with people she didn't like much and lose almost intentionally. I'm now hoping the Cory/America/Jag trio go to the end but I have a feeling this jury will never be able to give Cory/America credit for getting rid of their asses while winning like two comps between them, and will hand the money to Jag who was VOTED OUT OF THE HOUSE. I swear if he beats anybody, I will consider this one of the worst seasons of all time.



    In short, he isn't a very good player period.

    He's a perfectly good to potentially great player, he's made it to top 8 and never been nommed (except due to losing a comp which he does like a champ LOL) only won one competition. I am the resident S2 Nicole stan so he's giving me those vibes and he probably won't win but I don't care he was entertaining as hell to me along the way and I'd vote for him over everyone except Cirie and maybe America. God I hope next week is a non physical comp and anyone but Matt wins and they backdoor his ass out. Legitimately Jag should do it this week.

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  20. Quote

    They know these idiots can't keep a secret and would automatically ruin this twist

    Oh they can keep a secret Blue has kept the ONE secret she should have spilled. And Matt and Cirie *comparatively* have been able to keep some things close to the vest, especially w/o Izzy Cirie is way less messy. 

    But yes this is easily the most RAT cast in history, they spill almost everything to everybody including their known adversaries who are out to get them. But that is also what has made things fun, twists have killed the season dead and are apparently going to continue to.* I will give them the Invicibility/Jag one added a lot of Dory driven drama, but otherwise we needed no more twists.

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  21. Quote

     I have never seen a wall that catered so heavily to strength over endurance. 

    While this is true, Blue dropped and Jared was slipping but I think Bowie dropped before he could on purpose because she didn't want the power not because she wasn't going to outlast him. Just want us all to remember Dongel never really won anything out right.

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  22. Quote

     I'm not so sure it is best for her game as I think he would not cut her for a few weeks.

    No one wants to cut Bowie, so I'm not sure this is a good argument for keeping him certainly Cory would, if you are woman who wants to win BB you should target any and all men especially the comp beasts. In terms of her overall argument to win at the end I think she's already kind of biffed that in a way so really her best bet is going to F2 w/Jag (someone already evicted). 

    This season doesn't have a clear hero/villain storyline those season's will always be more popular and I truly think between Izzy's ouster and zombie week it killed a lot of what made the season a top ten season in the first half.

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  23. Quote

    I guess she doesn't know that Jag stopped the Cory backdoor plan.

    Eh she tried to save Jag's ass and he was actually voted so not about to give him more credit than her for listening or playing. Americory did save Felicia ass and their thank you is her deciding they are the worst thing in the house. Which does prove your point that they both no ability to mist anyone, and yet here they are in Jury and I suspect they will get as far as F6 if not further. But I love a messy hard gamer and the both are so I am in for as long as they are.

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