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Posts posted by CookieChica

  1. On 11/24/2018 at 11:33 AM, JZL said:

    IMHO B99 doesn't have enough throw-weight with the general masses to yield a xmas show host.  (Be nice to be wrong, though)

    If it didn't star an SNL alum, I would (unfortunately) agree. That's more what tips the scale than the premiere date. If he doesn't host, Andy shows up at some point in the Christmas episode, given how cameo heavy it typically is. 

  2. On 9/27/2018 at 2:35 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I am going to spend the entire two hours hoping that someone says, "Welcome to Seattle, BITCH!" to Chris Carmack's character.

    This show let a dog run through a hospital all day long but they couldn't make this bit of meta fun happen?

    I hated everything about this episode except that Alex is interim chief - I was sure Bailey was going to give it to her since she stole Jo. So I'm definitely in until they destroy him again. 

    • Love 4
  3. 41 minutes ago, AmandaPanda said:

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought so! I was trying to figure out if The Resident was made by the same studio as This Is Us to see if he could have been allowed a cameo or something like that. 

    They are both 20th Century Fox. And that part is so small (it's going to be maybe one or two other episodes). And while ratings are similar, there are now three new doctor shows on TV and This is Us gets all the buzz. It couldn't possibly hurt to let him if they had the time. 

    But since we're literally the only ones talking about it, I doubt it. 

    • Love 3
  4. 21 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


    This is why I came here! I literally yelled "Is that you Matt Czuchry?!" but I'm 30 minutes behind and no one is talking about it on Twitter. If that's not him, that dude has definitely been working as his stand in. 

    • Love 4
  5. 38 minutes ago, GraceK said:

    I got the impression she deliberately set that girl on fire to impress those bullies. That makes her even more awful. She pretended to be nice to her to get her to walk in front of that fire so she was able to “ get a roach”. She’s just an awful, awful human being. 

    Ah, if that's what she said than I agree! The roach part was obscured for me by that charming accent. 

    • Love 3
  6. I may be the one person in America who has always loved Jay and I'm all in on this show for season 1. Jay is clearly aware of the cameras and Kristin's "on-air" personality (I loved when he asked her in the pilot why she was so dressed up and she said for work... in her home. He was clearly ribbing her because I doubt that was her work from home look pre-show) and he just has one personality always. 

    I fear by season 2 they'll have staged him way too much but I'm going to enjoy it now. 

    • Love 10
  7. 3 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

    It just seems like an odd choice. They have scads of girls from 16 and.... Just isn't as interesting to me as I just don't have the investment of others shown.  And now with Edwards out I think I may be as well. I'm tired of Cate and Tyler. Amber makes me more than stabby. 

    This exactly. They shoehorned Brianna into TM2 and I fast forward through her segments or get a snack and she was at least part of the franchise. And if you want to get me the OG Teen Mom of the millennial generation, bring me Jamie Lynn Spears. She is now married to a man named Jamie and her dad is also Jamie... I will watch four 3 minute segments of that. 

    • Love 11
  8. 4 minutes ago, SailorGirl said:

    The garage scene was the best of the entire episode.

    I wanted some Stan resolution . . . does he just live with knowing he betrayed his country? Does he just not give a fuck anymore? Does he live in turmoil the rest of his life? WTH STAN???

    I kind of thought that he always fucked up with Matthew and wished Henry was his son and now he... kind of is? Turning in Phillip and Elizabeth destroys what will now be his only pure relationship left (especially after Phillip's parting gift). 

    • Love 12
  9. 11 minutes ago, shouldbedancing said:

    Hmmm... I don't know how I feel about this. Kail says she didn't sign up for this garbage. But she is the garbage and Jerry Springer. I do agree that it's too much, but it's drama of their own making. David is so scary I'm holding my breath when he's in the scene. I'm not having fun watching this. It's too much... horribleness. Nathan choked out his girlfriend and I'm rooting for him? Yeah, this show is beyond messed up with these type of people on it. They're all trash.

    They up the ante with more and more terrible people that you can't even remember why the original ones were bad. I mean, seriously, was Kiefer so bad? Seriously. I can't even remember if he was actually that bad. 

    • Love 20
  10. Why, why, WHY did we have to have that dumb Maggie backstory? I didn't even like the Jo backstory that much but at least in the context of the episode conclusion, I can accept it. But the Maggie story was just dumb. We all know that she was younger than her classmates and she's still awkward as hell so the fact that she was awkward then...nothing about it was surprising or revealing.

    • Love 24
  11. I'm not against Maggie and Jackson exactly. It just feels like a relationship that popped up because there's no one else for them to be with in the hospital. I kind of found it hilarious that in an episode where Jackson ran around and risked his life for his ex-girlfriend, it was a dead giveaway to April that he's into Maggie. 

    I'm going to assume that since nothing happened, Alex's big decision about Jo was to do nothing about her. I'm on board. 

    And to whoever said the end was the best scene of the Mer/Riggs relationship, amen. It was really endearing exchange for both of them. 

    • Love 9
  12. 1 hour ago, CookieChica said:

    "If you can't execute, you shouldn't move on."

    Really? Then why is Emily still here?! Does anyone know how many times she's been in the bottom this season? I can think of 5 off the top of my head (which includes both of the ones in this episode). 

    So in fairness to Emily, I answered my own question and it is only 5. I think I remembered more because she had a couple bad dishes on good teams (BBQ beans). 

    • Love 2
  13. "If you can't execute, you shouldn't move on."

    Really? Then why is Emily still here?! Does anyone know how many times she's been in the bottom this season? I can think of 5 off the top of my head (which includes both of the ones in this episode). 

    • Love 11
  14. 2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

    Damn. That's a lot of dads for 4 women. Not to slut shame but holy shit.

    Mine would go: 

    Cole, Gary, Corey, Taylor, Jo, Javi, Ryan, Tyler, Jeremy, Nathan/David/Adam tied. I don't count Andrew because I don't give him props for leaving just like I wouldn't give a mom props for leaving, they just don't count as a parent.

    To be fair, this includes the OGs so it's amongst 8. 

    • Love 6
  15. 5 hours ago, Kanena said:

    Rori was a disappointment as usual. She finally seemed to grow up just a little after her hook up with Logan. Then comes the twist that she is pregnant. I would like to think that Rori would be an adult and raise the baby herself, but the character we know will simply use it as a way to get taken care of and not do anything with her potential. 

    This is my feeling too. Until the last four words, I liked where she was ending. She was recognizing that an apartment was a good idea, that some sort of direction in life was a good idea, that not every passion pans out as a career but it can be indulged in other ways (the Gazette gig), that being the sidepiece is not a particularly satisfying partnership. 

    At 32, I don't see Rory doing what Lorelai did. Lorelai wasn't dreaming of owning an inn at 16 years old. She just took the first job she could and learned skills that suited her personality and her dream came from that. Even when we talk about Rory's "back up plan" of teaching at Chilton, it requires another 18 months of school at least! While pregnant and caring for an infant. 

    2 hours ago, Daisy said:


    As a Christopher Girl (I feel I am on my own little island here), I finally got my little squee that he was there, and then i just got so mad). I always felt that Christopher always wanted to be there from the moment he found out Lorelai was pregnant. He wanted to get married, Lorelai said no. He wanted to be involved more, and Lorelai didn't want to ruin his life. Yes he had his flighty period (which was dumb and immature) - but it doesn't change (for me) that for a time he wanted to get settled and be married. 

    Maybe it would have ended badly, but Christopher wanted to try. Lorelai wanted to be all "Sisters are doing it for themselves" (which I suppose is fine but this was also something that constantly raised its ugly head. Season 2 - why did it end? because Sherry was pregnant. Christopher didn't want to miss a single moment of being a dad, because he missed it all the first time. Why? Because Lorelai pushed him away). Could he have pushed back? Sure but I never got the feeling he was happy to shirk his responsibility. Anyhooo.. 

    So I'm not a Christopher person but I think he gets a little bit of a bad rap. Yes, he offered to marry Lorelai but like any 16 year old, he was probably pretty psyched to be let off the hook. 

    My problem has never been with 16 year old Christopher but with 32 year old Christopher. He had a life of money, privilege, time, opportunity... and he did nothing with that. Did he graduate college? I never really figured that out although I know there was a prestigious school he didn't go to. When we met Chris in Season 1, Lorelai was managing an inn, raising a teenager, owned a home, and attending college. Chris couldn't afford an encyclopedia and struggled to dial the phone weekly.

    I think Rory might be Christopher, not Lorelai. One would hope that if she has a baby, she'll turn into a Lorelai.   

  16. 11 hours ago, RoyRogersMcFreely said:

    Rory naming her book Gilmore Girls is the most twee fucking thing ever. Amy can forever keep her nose out of the air after that.

    Even Dawson had the good sense to call his show The Creek. 

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