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Posts posted by JMO

  1. I enjoyed yesterday's scenes with Felicia/Mac/Lucy/Scott/Maxie/James.  It felt like a relatively normal interaction among friends, rather than the more intense one-on-one conversations that seem to be the norm lately, yet it still managed to advance the plot. 

    Today, it was Anna and Robert.  I don't need them to be in a romance.  I just love that they have such a history, and still care so deeply for one another.  It's grounding to know someone will always have your back, and they give that to each other.  So do Lucy and Scott, now that I think about it.

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  2. I think both the actor and the writers have struggled to figure out the character of Cody.  Scenes from the past few days made me think the actor is finally a little more sure of who he is supposed to be, and where the character is going. He has real purpose now, and it shows. Hoping the writers catch up soon.

    Watching the Sonny / Carly scenes today, it struck me that they make great exes.  They have a long history, they share family, and for that reason, they will always find a way to support one another.  If we really can't be granted a permanent goodbye from either or both characters, I would prefer that they remain as they are, living parallel lives that intersect in a crisis, but not falling back into a romance, and definitely not a romance that is considered 'end game'.  

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  3. I'm sorry that the writers haven't been able to come up with a viable story line for NC before he leaves.  As a fan, I find it frustrating to have had his talent come to light on GH, then gain him a non-soap role---only to have the writers send him into an endless loop of the same dialogue about his little brother, just because he won't be there forever. (Note to writers---none of them will.)  Good actors like acting challenges.  Giving NC nothing to do is a great way to make sure he never wants to come back.

    Also disappointed not to have had a visit from Cam by now.  I wonder if the fact that they don't know what to do with Spencer has had fallout for Cameron.  

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  4. Jack Wagner and, in the same time period, Robyn Bernard, sang as acts in Duke's club.  Robyn, especially, had a very good voice and it was written well into the story line.  But I think my favorite singing episodes were whenever  Frisco would pull out his guitar at a party and he and Tony would team up for a folk song or a Christmas carol. Pleasant, fun, melodic and could happen in real life.

    I enjoyed the Eddie Mayne scenes.  I think his music career days are over, but I think it's been important for Olivia to see this side of her husband and for Ned to get reacquainted with it.  

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  5. I don't admire that we rarely get to see or hear about the few LGBTQ characters (that we know of), but I do admire that their LGBTQ status isn't the sole focus of their storylines, just as it isn't the sole focus of the lives of LGBTQ persons.  

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  6. I am enjoying that we're getting longer, deeper conversations among the characters.  The ability to do that is unique to soaps, and I'm glad the current writers are taking advantage of it.  It's key to character development and to getting us to care about them.  Hoping it won't change when the strike ends.

    But.... there needs to be some lightness.  Some set of characters that are celebrating, or even a set that is there purely for their comedy (a la the late and great Arlene Sorkin on Days).  Today's episode was so unrelentingly full of heaviness that I'm not at all sure I want to tune in again tomorrow.  I will, no doubt, from habit.  But not from anticipation.  

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  7. 8 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

    this is the part that bothers me the most.  Am I misremembering OG Eddie Maine walking around, unshowered, unkempt, unshaven, looking like he pulled his clothes out of the laundry bin?  

    First, thanks for the info on how Ned became a Quartermaine.  And yes, I remember a much more kempt Eddie Maine, and I believe a fair amount of leather was involved.

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  8. Very nice scenes between Finn and Gregory last Friday.  I thought both actors played it exactly according to character, and portrayed what happens between the countless fathers and sons who have had similarly devastating conversations. 

    Jane Elliot is remarkable.  Even with minimal makeup and completely undone hair, she is beautiful, and I loved her telling Eddie that she is Ned Quartermaine's mother and she wants him back.  Then I thought.....Ned Quartermaine? I've missed many things along the way.  Did I miss his changing his name from Ashton?

    I am not an Olivia-hater, so I'm kind of enjoying watching her fall in love with a completely different aspect of her husband.  If he ever reverts to Ned again, I'll bet she insists he still make his music. (I actually liked the song.) Speaking of which, Wally Kurth seems to be enjoying this opportunity to stretch his acting muscles.  Ned and Justin (DOOL) are too much alike, but Eddie is a breath of fresh air.  Plus he obviously gets to bypass wardrobe, hair and makeup.  

    Above all, thank heaven Robert finally got word and rushed to Anna.  She needs a safe harbor, and Robert is it.  Hoping he brings her home with him.  And kicks Diane to the curb permanently, because while their relationship was cute for a minute, it has most definitely passed its sell-by date.  


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  9. 7 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

    Before Curtis, what other characters have been temporarily paralyzed? I can think of Jax (shot by Alcazar) and Sonny (Jerry). Nik too? Or was that "unable to talk"? 

    Duke Lavery, Bobbie Spencer (Meyer at the time).  When Bobbie was paralyzed (DVX serum of some sort), GH introduced Nancy Becker-Kennedy, quadriplegic in real life, and gave her an actual storyline.   

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  10. 24 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Dante and Lulu had been divorced for a while before the whole Floating Rib bomb. And Dustin was about to or had proposed to her before the explosion.

    Him being emotionally distant makes sense. They haven't been a couple in years.

    Good point.  I think that whole storyline might have been during the year of episodes I deleted unwatched.  Still snooze material for me, though.

  11. I suspect Anna will move in with Valentin, if only to keep an eye on him.  But I find them a snoozefest as a couple and would 1000% rather she move in with Robert.  Doesn't need to be romantic, just two exes and long time friends getting on each other's nerves while still caring deeply for each other, and solving this new mystery in the process.  Definitely room for Felicia and Mac in there as well. 

    Also, on the subject of roommates, I would love to see a newly non-comatose Lulu come back to live with Maxie et. al.  in the house she used to share with Dante.  Their friendship was a strong point, back in the day, and it would be lovely to see two female characters be encouragingly supportive of one another.  Then we can find them new love interests.  Dante has been too emotionally distant from the fact that he has a wife in a coma, so I'd let Sam have him.  They're another snoozefest for me.   

    Come to think of it, most of the storylines are.  To my surprise, I'm currently most interested in the burgeoning relationship between Tracy and Gregory, and the friendship between him and Alexis.  Go figure.

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  12. 13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    As God is her witness, Carly is too busy getting back everything that she lost. I guess that includes being Olivia's only friend.  

    OMG. I read this and conjured a scene of Carly coming down the stairs wearing green curtains, the rod across her shoulders, a la Carol Burnett. IYKYK. 

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  13. Having a tough time accepting the conversations between Anna and Sonny.  I know Robin was close with him, but Anna?  Is there some story line that I've completely forgotten where they were friends? 

    What I haven't forgotten is that much of her past took place with and around the current DA in Port Charles.  She should be talking through this with Robert. 

    And if they are planning some story arc where she legitimizes Sonny in some way, I'm out.

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  14. It was good to see an acknowledgement of Lulu's existence today.  I wonder if it has meaning for the future.

    Read speculation elsewhere that Maxie may end up with Carly's house.  If she does, I would love to see Lulu wake up and move in with her.  I would rather watch their friendship than strife with Valentin or Dante, both of whom have long since moved on.

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  15. It seems like the camera work is a little different too, with some long shots focusing in.  Are there changes in those personnel as well? 

    Regardless, I'm kind of enjoying what I'm seeing.  To me, it feels like there is a sense of investment in the writing, rather than phoning-in.  Don't know that they'll have any leeway on story arcs, but it might be interesting to let them try.  

    Digressing to another point---how did PC Scorpio become so helpless in dealing with his grandchildren?  And....I thought little James was a hoot.

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  16. 8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Are they setting the stage for a Tracy/ Finn’s dad romance? Because I don’t see the point for all this sparring otherwise.

    Maybe not a romance---although I suppose they could ride into the sunset together.  I'm thinking more likely a 'frenemies' relationship that is poignant when Tracy learns about his diagnosis and is either able to pull the right strings or finance a miracle cure.  

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  17. Normally I'm a fan of the kind of deeper-dive discussions that we saw among the  Davis girls today.  It's something GH used to do much better than it does now, and it's good for building character.  But this particular drama among them is so manufactured that discussing it comes across as silly and redundant. 

    I think Real Andrews is more than capable of playing Marcus' heartbreak over not being Trina's father without driving the character to drink.  

    Why couldn't they have sent Sasha on some kind of marketing tour for the Deceptor to cover the actress' maternity leave, instead of sending her back to an institution?  Also, I think Gladys has run her course.  Time to go.  

    I do think the supportive friendship between Alexis and Gregory may prove to be an interesting and emotional storyline.  Wasn't on board with it before, but yesterday's scenes made me a convert.  I also think Esme may have met her match in Alexis, so I'm looking forward to more of that as well.  

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  18. Does anyone else have this problem?  I switched from cable to YouTubeTV, which is my new way to watch GH.  Every other program seems to be fine, no discernible difference.  But for GH, I find that the background music completely overwhelms the voices, to the point where I feel a need to put it on mute and simply read the captions.  Any thoughts?

  19. After the inauspicious beginning, I spent the episode trying to think of current characters who haven't been incarcerated or institutionalized at some point.  So far, I've got Ace, Amelia, Wiley, Leo, Violet, Georgie, James, Scout and the largely invisible Rocco. 

    Admittedly, I deleted nearly a year's worth of episodes unwatched a few years ago, so I'm sure I've missed some.  Maybe Olivia and Felicia? Who else did I miss?

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