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That time I thought I had with my sweet kitty? I didn't. She woke us up at 5am yesterday in horrible pain, and we took her to the ER, where they told us she almost certainly had a blood clot in her leg, and probably an enlarged heart, with more clots to come. I could hear her arrhythmia. There were no good options, since hospitalizing (and clot busting, with no guarantee of success) a cat in pain with only a few months left would be selfish on our part. So, together we made the choice, and she's gone. I really miss her and I'm glad we had that couple of snuggly weeks. I'm so tired.
I feel you on the traumatization, AnnieF. I feel numb, like I'm really just putting one foot in front of the other the last few weeks. I've also been self-medicating with chocolate and carbs, which makes me feel fuzzy and crummy. My bacon and cheese time is coming soon, and I need to start walking again every day. Having a dog used to make me do that, rain or shine. The only good thing I can think of from this year is that the friends of ours who lost their pregnancy last year to severe birth defects now have a beautiful baby girl, 5 weeks old. And the new Potterverse movie was good. We are in palliative care mode with the last of my pets, Super Two Tone Commando Kitty 3-5-7, or Super Kitty. She's been kidney impaired for a while now, and we've been keeping her happy and calm, but then she started to have pain in her only back foot (she has 3 legs). Xrays showed lung cancer (she's asymptomatic, tho) that jumped into the last digit in her toes, which is apparently a thing my vet had never even heard of, but the radiologist told him is excruciating in humans. So, we had her "declawed," and those last parts of her toes (and the huge, cancer riddled bones) removed over a week ago, and my happy, snuggly, purring sweetheart is back! That did the trick. So, we go back to just keeping her happy, but on a shorter time frame, because, lung cancer. When she's gone it will be the end of an era for me, and we'll go get another couple of rescue cats, but not cats that are the same age, because losing 1 pet per year for the past 3 years has sucked. I really hope that Obama gets on the ball and does as much as possible to help disadvantaged people batten down the political hatches.
Last month, I had federal district court jury duty scheduled (they didn't end up needing my group number to show up), and then state court jury duty scheduled 2 weeks later (which likewise didn't end up calling my group in). I'd scheduled the jury duties around the Memorial Day holiday so they'd be less likely to have trials, with a lot of judges and attorneys taking August and September vacations; I don't know if it worked, but I knew my boss would be super stressed if I was called, especially after me not being willing to ask for them to let me off because it would cause him anxiety. I do read all these posts, by the way, every day in an email, and I'm here in spirit. :-)
I'm sorry, buffyjunkie. So stressful. :-(
Windows 10 forced its way onto my work machine weeks ago, pissing me off greatly, since it didn't give me the opportunity to schedule it for a day when I had no deadlines, but I'm used to the format now and see few differences. All my shit is where I put it, and now I have a cool new Deadpool lock screen I didn't have before. With the tendinitis and my constantly trying to reduce mouse clicks, Ctl A/C/V/P/Z etc. are wonderful since I can dictate those.
I love how we're all just waiting for that one thing to get fixed before we post. Or, just me?
We had a triple point of failure for my car to charge this morning (1 I forgot to make sure I unplugged the dryer and plugged in the car last night 2) when SilverFox plugged the car in at 5:00 am, he forgot the timer was on and the car stopped charging at 5:01 and 3) the fast charger 2 minutes from my house was defunct), so I got an extra 3 hours of cross-stitching in this morning while the car charged at home, and am working a half day. They don't tell you these things when you buy the electric car, but there it is: don't be a doofus.
We finished ep 3 of Sense8 last night and are looking forward to tonight. :-)
And SilverFox and I hated the were monster episode. Hate. D. He kept saying "Whaaaat is happening?" about the plot, the dialog, the characterizations, etc.
Indeed. And so is SilverFox; after only a few episodes, SF had to grit his teeth through the Jess scenes. My honey is as excited about new Gilmore Girls as I am. And SF hated Chris. I loved Chris the first time through, and then he bugged me during rewatches, which was the opposite for Emily. I super related to Lorelai's discomfort with her mom the first time, and then on rewatches, I felt more for what Emily had gone through. And I hope the older, wiser Dean has pulled his head out of his ass by now. I don't necessarily want him to be with Rory, but just a self-assured, calm man that taps back into who he was when we first met him. That insecure bag of slop? Ugh.
I never got past the pilot on that show, my reasoning being generally that if you don't have the energy to make your pilot awesome, you don't need my eyes on the show. And if a show gets better, I can depend on my friends to tell me about it and I can catch up later. This is more evidence that this system works! ;-) Anti-nutty vibes to harvester's sister. I'm so sorry for this horrible cycle.
I'm so sorry, trudi. :-(
Yay, Harvester!
I just got my first pair of (adorable, bi-colored!) reading glasses - the optometrist said that my having had LASIK years ago pushed out my need for reading glasses by about 5 years - and they are on a lanyard around my neck right this minute. I've been considering progressive lenses, but my far vision is way better than my near. My main problem is that at work, I need the readers for my eye-level screen and for paperwork, so progressive lenses won't work. But if I fill the prescription for far glasses for driving, I can't get them in the amber blue-blocking lenses I need because of light sensitivity. It's a pickle. Either way, I finally have that over-the-top-of-the-glasses-on-a-lanyard librarian look I've wanted for years.
The other explanation: hair loss from years of previous fucking with her hair. I actually didn't notice it was a wig, though I thought the color was way wonky. It looks okay in daylight, but indoors, it looks like a fake sickly strawberry blonde. Major anti-stress vibes to harvester and Endeavor, and douchecanoe vibes to dusky.