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Posts posted by Bcharmer

  1. 16 hours ago, kay1864 said:

    But the baseballs looked like an odd unnecessary intermediate step.

    I was baffled by that. What were those? I tried to google it, but didn't find anything. 

  2. On 12/17/2023 at 9:53 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    And I couldn’t see the actress playing Kate without seeing Katie Holmes-someone I can’t stand.


    16 hours ago, kittykat said:


    And spare me the machinations of Carole Middleton.  

    Agree about the character... but I do love Eve Best, so I'm always happy to see her. I became a fan because of Nurse Jackie.

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  3. Calvin getting hit by a bus was foreshadowed. It gave me Six Feet Under vibes. I then thought to myself, "I bet there will be a ghost Calvin."  And, sure enough. Not that I have a problem with it.

    The fake out with Mad and the other girl felt manipulative... but then we see who her father is, and realize that's how the TV show comes about.

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  4. Did anyone else watch the series, The Tourist? Set in Australia? They used a similar plot... burying a guy in the desert in an oil drum, with a pipe for air. I can't remember if a scorpion was involved, though. I'd have to rewatch. Good series! Season two is supposedly coming.

  5. On 10/20/2023 at 10:30 AM, EtheltoTillie said:

    I wasn't sure if this wasn't the actual secret plan.  Dunlop teams with Prince and then they all take him down.  Who knows?  None of it makes sense.  I just follow along as best as I can. 

    I don't know why people started pronouncing Rao's as Rayos.  We always pronounced it Row's (as in Ow, my leg hurts).  That would be an Italian pronunciation.  (I even ate there once about 40 years ago, before they started selling spaghetti sauce in a jar.)   But here it seems they have participation of the owners in filming there, and they're pronouncing it Rayos.  I give up. 

    I used to work for someone whose wife was part of that family. I got a huge gift basket of Rao's products every year for Christmas. I am Italian, and thought it was strange they pronounced it RAY-os, too.  But they did. 

    • Mind Blown 2
  6. 11 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Adelaide Clemens isn't the issue performance wise

    OMG... I just now realized where I've seen her before. She gave an outstanding performance as Tawney Talbot in Rectify (it aired on the Sundance channel). And if anyone hasn't watched that incredible series yet, I highly recommend putting it on your list.

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  7. On 8/21/2023 at 6:38 AM, Starchild said:

    I hate it when the scene is obscured when you pause. Don't these people realize we pause a scene to examine it? The last thing we want is to not be able to see it. If we wanted info we'd push that button instead.

    Me, too! But just today, I learned how to get rid of that with YouTubeTV (where, when you hit pause, the screen dims, and most of the screen is obscured with the progress bar, and title of the show). Just hit the back button, and it goes away. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!

  8. 1 hour ago, gesundheit said:

    I haven't seen any spoilers nor do I know the real-life story it's based on, but it does seem pretty obvious what the big reveal will be so my question at this point is solely 

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    If this is a "many of these people are in his head/they're all him/multiple personalities/Fight Club" kind of thing, I'm just curious how many of these people are in his head. The title makes it seem like damn near all of them, but I hope there are some exceptions. My only real interest if my assumption is right is seeing some of the scenes again minus the imaginary people. But if almost everyone is imaginary, it becomes less interesting.

    (I don't want to ruin it for anyone so I spoiler-tagged it even though it's truly just speculation)

    I'm right there with you. 

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  9. On 1/24/2023 at 5:02 PM, somethingwicked said:

    I ran across this article+ it happened in many markets & apparently was a commercial timing snafu:


    Thank you so much for that. I guess I wasn't alone. 

    The article says: "There’s a happy ending, of sorts: Those unfortunate souls who were left hanging — and fuming on social media — can mosey on over to Hulu and watch the entire uninterrupted episode. Also good news (for Fox at least): Accused drew in 8.4 million viewers — a record for the network for a debut. Hopefully most of those people liked the episode enough to want to see how it ended." 

    They assume everyone subscribes to Hulu. I don't.

  10. 47 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    It may have been that your local station cut things off to avoid potentially disturbing content.

    Devin waited to get his father on the phone while he had the students hostage, then called him out for planning to kill him at the gorge, and left Scott with the guilt trip that all the killings were at his feet. saying that Devin couldn't have done it without him. Then he put the rifle to his head and committed suicide.  Devin was apparently every bit the psycho his journal implied that he was.  

    Thank you so much for filling me in. By cutting to commercial (many of them, in fact) right in the middle of that crucial conversation between Devin and Scott, the story made no sense. There was no way I would have pieced that together. How annoying. 

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  11. What happened to Devin? It abruptly cut to commercial when Devin was in the classroom talking with Scott... then when it got back to the show, Scott was in court, and was free to go. Then his wife said he'd wished he had killed him. I missed the first five minutes of the show. Do we see Devin's fate then? I'm super-confused. 

  12. 7 hours ago, paigow said:

    Her neck and skull were crushed by Daemon after all her head turning

    But she was paralyzed before that, right? He stepped on her arm to make sure she couldn't move. So, if she were paralyzed, it doesn't seem possible she'd be able to move her head at all.

  13. Quote

    Rhaenys: A hunting mishap. She was thrown from her horse. Her neck and skull both crushed in the fall.

    If her neck was crushed enough to paralyze her, how was she able to turn her head to the side a few times? Is that medically possible?

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  14. 5 hours ago, Razzberry said:

    Was it this scene?  IIRC, she was saying that he DOES have it in him and he's full of crap, in a manner of speaking.  I may need to watch it again though.


    Yes, that scene. What matters more than what they are saying, is the fact that he and Abby aren't married yet. That's in the future. Why would he be having this conversation with an older Abby? Are we supposed to believe that he predicts the future, too? It just made no sense to me whatsoever. 

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  15. In that flashback scene, after the Russian guy was captured, "Johnny" was sitting alone, and had a "conversation" with his future, older, dead wife. Could someone explain how that made any sense? Did I miss something?

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  16. 10 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

    OMG. That is hilarious. I was a retail store manager, for a very large company, at one point in my life and we had training videos very similar to this. Even the music. The thing that killed me was the 10 WEEK length. These are usually one-offs, as short as possible. And the stand up straight thing. There were funny things about being watched and the cartoon of Gus' eyes. The point about being "respectable" to gain respect was certainly not lost on me. He acts respectable to gain respect the whole time running drugs. Loved it. 

    The 10 week thing killed me, too... and so did the "side business" with flasks! As in, cooking meth!  OMG.

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  17. 37 minutes ago, Bannon said:

    It really comes down to nobody being better than Gilligan, Gould, and Company at writing tragedy, in the classical sense, for heavily serialized television. They have been knocking it out of the park for 16 years now. It's ridiculously remarkable.

    They have created two incredible works of art. And it's astonishing, beautiful, well-crafted art.

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  18. 14 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Why did Dexter give his son, who has violent tendancies, a rifle? Dexter doesn't like guns. He should have given him his own Serial Killer Starter Kit knife package.

    I thought he said it was part of the "fitting in" thing. All the other kids had rifles, so now Harrison has one, too.

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  19. One thing is confusing me (well, there's more than one). How would Freddie know enough details about Katie, such as the tattoo, to convince Dawn that he really had her? And it did not sound like Freddie in those calls, but it could have been. Whoever put Freddie up to it, considering he probably did not have the means to get himself out to that remote location, would have to know about Katie's tattoo. But who would know that, aside from the kidnapper?  I must have missed what happened to Katie's father.

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