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Posts posted by dustoffmom

  1. Wasn't that Barrr-ba-raaa that we heard so very much about?  But Mike?  I thought that was Mitch who pined the whole time for his queen Barbra!  :)

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  2. Has anyone come across a list of the provisions they are given?  Not what they choose but what everyone is supplied with at the start?  I haven't seen that anywhere.

  3. "sui generis"

    Bravo!  Your post sent me immediately to ascertain the meaning of this term.  One I admit I was completely unfamiliar with.  Great turn of phrase and double points for excellent usage dubbel zout!

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  4. Passions!  I relished it!  So full of itself, so ridiculous, so utterly campy!  Every plot twist ever imagined crammed into 30 minutes.  I wonder, are any of them still working these days?

    • Love 4
  5. Quote

    I'm re-watching this episode and I have to say that although I consider myself to be quite well-educated, someone who reads broadly and has an extensive vocabulary, this is the first instance of my ever hearing the word apposite.


    As do I, and like you, it was my first encounter with the word.  And yes, I looked it up after my initial viewing.

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  6. Speaking for myself, this reigns as one of my top two or three favorite scenes in all the books thus far.  As such, I have/had very strong opinions as to how it ran it's course and should be portrayed.  And, it wasn't.  That is the sum total of it for me.  I had such a powerful image in my head and what I saw on the screen came nowhere near matching the movie running in my head.  Right or wrong, that's why I detested that effort.

    • Love 4
  7. I've watched twice this morning and my opinion did not change on the second viewing.  I disliked it.  Like most, I've been filled with such anticipation waiting for this episode and felt terribly let down.  Nearly all that led me to that feeling has already been discussed previously in this thread, but let me add that more even than the reunion the scene I have been so anxious for is the photo scene.  Since season one episode one, that's the one I most wanted to watch.  And.....they gave it an obligatory couple of minutes and then moved right on!  No wonder, no delight, no breathless tears, just a quick glance at them and now to confess Willie.  Not a single question about her, where is she, what is she doing, how is her life, nothing.  Boo Hiss!!  Book adult Fergus was described as yes, a hook, but more than that a simply gorgeous man.  Dark curling hair, snappy eyes, a rakish charm for days and whoever he was had none of those.  That is NOT Fergus in my head or on the page, the first major cast failure for me.  God only knows who they get for Marsali!   And that blond hair kid is surely not young Ian!!  He has a huge part later in the story and sorry, no way can I envision that boy fulfilling that role.  Again, I know I am in the minority but also I am not alone in feeling this way.  I feel cheated and so let down.  :(

    • Love 5
  8. I've always liked Voyager the least of all of them, from the first time I read it till the last time, which was 8th I believe.  I have reread the entire series prior to each new release, but always have to make myself when it comes to Voyager!

    And I recall the shaved your oxters! scene from Dragonfly.  She has spent the day with some of the ladies of Versailles and they all got beautified, so to speak, and that night Jaime was horrified at what she had done.  No?  Feel free to correct my memory.

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  9. 16 minutes ago, greekmom said:

    I preferred Bree's S2 hair though; not because of the color, just the parting/style distracts me, and almost makes me ask if it could be a wig given that bit of stiffness on her hairline.

    As a child who came of age in the 60's I can say her hair is exactly the style back then.  Center parted, board straight.  Much to the distress of those like me cursed at that time with naturally curly, frizzy hair!!

    • Love 3
  10. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    I'm sure it gets more expensive every year. I have only read the first book but from what I understand eventually the story evolves beyond Claire and Jamie? I imagine the TV show will end with their story.

    Well, she is writing the 9th book now and their story has not ended yet!  LOL

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  11. Quote
    24 minutes ago, toolazy said:
    1 hour ago, dustoffmom said:

    Wait...wait!  In the previouslies, there is a clip of Claire and Bree and Claire telling her she needs to tell her about her real father.  HUH?  When was that scene?  What episode please.  I've watched them all and I have no memory of that show scene.  How could I have not seen nor recalled such a pivotal mother/daughter chat taking place?  Plus I read the posts here, how was something like not discussed?  I'm baffled!

    Because it doesn't matter, in the scheme of things.  Even if that exact 5 seconds wasn't shown last season, it doesn't matter becaus



    Doesn't matter!!  Surely you're kidding.  Relaying that bit of information matters a great deal to their relationship for a goodly amount of time.  It has a huge influence on choices Bree, and Roger, make later in this book and in the next couple as well!

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  12. Wait...wait!  In the previouslies, there is a clip of Claire and Bree and Claire telling her she needs to tell her about her real father.  HUH?  When was that scene?  What episode please.  I've watched them all and I have no memory of that show scene.  How could I have not seen nor recalled such a pivotal mother/daughter chat taking place?  Plus I read the posts here, how was something like not discussed?  I'm baffled!

  13. Let me see if I can remember what I wrote.....long, center parted and board straight.  And there I was with hair like Claires!  I laid my head on the ironing board and actually ironed it, I rolled my hair each night on frozen OJ cans and then tried to sleep on them, I used chemical straighteners till my hair began breaking off at the scalp (!).  I teased it and sprayed it till a baseball would likely have just bounced off.  I wore my hair very like hers was this episode.  And yet, if there was 1% humidity when I stepped out the door then inside of 10 minutes the corkscrews and waves appeared.  I hated, hated, hated my hair.  I was nearly 40 till I accepted it, quit fighting it and just let it curl.

    • Love 5
  14. Quote

     It's about as unlikely to me as the hairstyles they keep giving Claire. Can anyone who has read the books really believe she would take the time to straighten her hair and tease it into the current style? 


    You bet I can believe it, I lived it!  As a child/high schooler of the 60's, when the style was long, center parted

    it!  The times were very different.  I graduated in 1970 and I never, ever was permitted to wear pants to school!  Hose or knee socks under my skirts!



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  15. 5 minutes ago, rainsmom said:

    I would be stunned if, when they're dropped off, the producers don't give them a rough idea of how much territory they are allowed to explore.

    There was a post about just this in past threads.  I've no idea now what season or topic it was in, but whoever posted said clearly that they are given a very specific range that they are permitted to explore in.  They are not allowed to just take off cross country or exploring a long distance down the beach.  Perhaps whoever it was will chime in once again?

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