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ms gilly

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Posts posted by ms gilly

  1. For those who weren’t sure about continuing during or after season 1, the show does move forward better and faster in season 2, I think. And it does begin to reveal backstories that help tie things together. 

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  2. I’m enjoying this. It has the charm and quirk of an ensemble town of characters, ala Gilmore Girls, with a thread of mystery—but not too much—and tells stories of personal growth. I find it uplifting. And I like that there’s nothing like it on television. 

  3. On 4/30/2024 at 1:58 AM, Backwards999 said:

    The judges comments are confusing to me sometimes.  I know they need something to say but make that shit make sense.  How is Allison basically going to complain about Dekayla staying in character the whole performance?  How is Easton supposed to show other sides to himself when he’s playing a character?

    As someone suggested in a post last week, I watched this week's episode by fast-forwarding at all points involving the judges.  It was far more enjoyable. 

    I hope the interns are reading up and taking notes so that if our show is renewed (big "if"), it can be returned to proper form next season--including getting rid of these scripted, soulless, arbitrary jidges.  

    • Like 1
  4. 28 minutes ago, ms gilly said:

    Not getting the impression that any of the 4 women shown in this first home visit episode are the chosen ones. Seemed like Mitchell could not look Sydney in the eyes, including when he first arrived. 

    Though he did put his hand on her bare thigh—pretty racy for this show. So who knows. 

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  5. I could never stand the nitpicks the show invented in past seasons to manipulate who got booted each week. But now…the rushed pace, the inane cuts away from the actual performances, the highly scripted judge “feedback” and the tragic underuse of Cat—I think I actually hate the show I once loved. It feels more cruel than productive or entertaining. These dancers are really exceptional. I hope this sore excuse for television programming doesn't leave scars. 

    • Like 8
  6. On 1/12/2022 at 12:56 PM, CountryGirl said:

    Here is your Manhunt topic.


    Based on the best-selling book Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer by James Swanson, Manhunt follows Lincoln’s war secretary and friend Edwin Stanton (played by Tobias Menzies), who was nearly driven to madness by his quest to catch assassin John Wilkes Booth and carry out Lincoln’s legacy.

    The limited series, which will air on Apple TV, is described as part historical fiction and part conspiracy thriller and will center on the aftermath of the first American presidential assassination and the fight to preserve and protect the ideals that were the foundation of Lincoln’s Reconstruction plans.

    It also will feature Black historical figures whose lives intertwined with the escape, manhunt and subsequent high-crimes investigation, including Mary Simms, a former slave of the doctor who treated Booth’s injury and gave him safe harbor after his crime.


    Release date is TBA.

    @CountryGirl or mods--anyone know how to change the topic title so it refers to the 2024 Apple series (rather than 2022)?  I'm not much of an active poster, so I don't know the drill.

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  7. Here’s what Kevin Gullage posted on his Facebook page:

    “So, about what happened… I was not disqualified. I was eliminated. Just like a lot of other contestants. American Idol is an amazing opportunity for musicians all around. I met so many great performers and singers. Also, I got to share my gift with all of you out there. There was no drama. There was no issue off camera. The issue was what was on camera. 

    I’ve been on stages since I was around 14 years old. I’ve been brought up around amazing entertainers since I was born. The culmination of the lessons and upbringing I’ve lived for 23 years will come out on every stage I walk on to. That’s how I leave it all on the stage. Sometimes that way of being can- how do you say- go beyond what a show like American Idol might need. 

    With that being said: 

    “How was my showstopper?” Amazing, I guarantee you.

    “Why did they let you go?” Idol wasn’t the stage meant for me. I could never argue that.

    “Were you disqualified?” No. Quite the opposite!

    “I’m going to stop watching!” Please don’t stop watching American Idol! It’s an opportunity for future musicians (as well as the current contestants) to reach levels of themselves and this business that they might not get to reach without it! 

    I love you all and I promise I will see you soon! We might not know where yet, but I can assure you that it’s gonna happen!”

    Sat here watching videos of him with his band. The talent is beyond. American Idol is a joke, eliminating true musicians.


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  8. 13 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    But it looks like might not behind the reporter's death after-all and now all of them wonder if it was Junior instead.  I'm guessing that won't be the case either.  Obviously, Junior isn't a trustworthy person, but I have a feeling something else is at play here.

    Maybe the neighbor the reporter was rude to. Or the Butterfields. Seems odd that the show cast a fairly well known actor to play the reporter, only to kill him off so quickly. Maybe there will be flashbacks.  

    Were there multiple dead bodies shown in episode 2?  I was confused. 

    The siblings are so over-the-top self-centered and odd—the actors’ comedic work on this show is stellar. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, ForReal said:
    4 hours ago, radiochik said:

    My bf and I now call her Sideshow Bob.  For a hair model, that hair was BAD. 

    I told my husband she looked like Marge Simpson with her hair up like that.


    3 hours ago, ruffy666 said:

    Ava has the opposite problem, she pronounces words as if she has like a Norwegian accent,


    3 hours ago, ruffy666 said:

    but boy oh boy I thought she stumbled off the set of Strawberry Shortcake's Springtime Slumber Party. 

    I am dying—you guys are hilarious. It’s been at least 15 years since I posted (back then on TWOP). This here is old school snark—thanks for making my day.  On that note, someone keeps using the boo-hoo emoji whenever I snark on Katy and her wigged-out narcissism. If you’re Katy or an AI intern, please reveal yourself! Probably not going to stop me, though!

    • LOL 3
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  10. 2 hours ago, SnarkAttack said:

    Katy probably didn't like Paula getting the attention.  Or, maybe she's matured since becoming a mother.

    Katy is a mother? Of a baby? A human baby? You don’t say! <snark>

    • LOL 4
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  11. 49 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

    still cannot stand manufactured-Madison. What she did with Hotline Bling was weird. I couldn't recognize the song


    I don’t know how it’s even possible to make a Drake song sound dated and cheesy but Madison did it. As Mr. Gilly said, that outfit alone should have gotten her eliminated. All I can figure is that the producers or whoever wanted to clear lanes for Ava and Chayce, and Madison (with no lane at all) was the only option from the bottom 5 batch that won’t be a threat in America’s vote next week. Still, go to hell, show, for making us suffer through another week of her pageanty mugging, ghastly performances, overly pink and spangly getups, and that hair....

    • Love 6
  12. 3 hours ago, TeeMo said:

    while Katy never shut up. 


    15 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    She's doing that thing that I absolutely hate, when people OverEnunCiAte their points out of nowhere as if everything they're saying is very grand and important, but there is no content to be found in it. 

    This. And this.

    Plus it’s All. About. Her.  

    Never mind that many of these kids have more raw talent than she does. [snark]

    • Love 8
  13. I'm liking this show way more than I expected to...it's charming and original.  I like the casting and acting and the 70s/80s/90s nostalgia.  Hope it can get the ratings to stick around.

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  14. 1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

    After weeks of annoyance, I finally figured out during the initial Sunday performance who Evelyn reminds me of - she is Jessica Pare. The 1970s garb showed me Megan Draper, and suddenly I understood why she made me twitch. Jessica Pare was a second-rate actress, Megan  Draper was a second-rate Mrs. Draper, and Evelyn is a second-rate singer.  Good riddance.

    I never post but had to reply to this. I said the same thing to my mom last week!  Transparent phonies....

    • Love 3
  15. Whoa, Jason dug himself a deep hole with his speechifying to Megan after his defeat.  That was super uncomfortable.  This show seems to encourage the overinflated egos, but he believed his own hype and took it too far.  He'll have a hard time finding work in the industry now, I imagine.


    I'm not a fan of Zhavia, her super-fake persona and her "singing."  But, I did appreciate that she complimented both of her opponents.  


    Watching mostly to keep tabs on Diddy's eyebrows.  Were they always so diabolical? 

    • Love 2
  16. I liked it too.  I especially liked that everything got turned on its head, rather than more of the same.  I cheered a little for Edgar and Lindsay's hookup, but Edgar really deserves someone better.  I enjoyed old cranky eccentric loner guy as the (partial) impetus for Jimmy to head back and face things, and that somehow Jimmy inspired him to warm up and connect with people too.  

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  17. Jaden was totally drowned out by the band. I'm sure his vocals were gorgeous, but how could anyone know?  You're killing me, sound engineers!

    Mikey--ugh. Chase--ugh. 

    My 5 are Jaden, Marcus, Sergio, Brady and...I guess Drew. 

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  18. What the show isn't saying at all is that a good band needs singers that sing different parts (falsetto, baritone, etc.).  Brady and Drew both sing the high parts, so I imagine only one of the two would make the group even though they're both good.  I haven't heard anyone but Marcus sing low parts (but per my earlier post, horrible audio quality, so I really have no idea).


    Jaden is still my favorite. Chance is pretty but I could do without him, in favor of someone with a better voice. 

    Rita Ora. Not really familiar with her work (though I've heard of her), but she does not impress me. Cat Deeley, she ain't. 

    I can live without Chance too (and Rita), but he seems to be the chosen one.  I'm still on the Jaden bandwagon, so I hope you're wrong, alrightokay. Let him make the band and then go solo :)  


    Weird, I feel like I'm watching a different show sometimes. In the first band, I thought Michael Connor was awful (light blue denim jacket?). Did not connect with the audience. But one of the judges thought he was amazing. So much praise was lavished on band members who I thought were so-so.

    I'm with you, adhoc! I never agree with the jidges...I mean architects (gah).  

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