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  1. Thank you for sharing! I don’t remember Mac and Alexis? And who was the blonde and the guy taking Robin, Patrick and Emma?
  2. So that confused me, too, so I hunted up the original scene with ER on UTube and she was wearing a black wig. Was the explosion in halloween night? was she in costume?
  3. Considering they drag every other story line on and on and on for months and months and years, then they rush the one that should be carried out a bit longer- I mean Sasha’s pregnancy will probably be 18 months long but LuLu just be bopped out of her coma. My brother was in a 3 week coma and spent 3 weeks in rehab!
  4. Alexa Haven really does seem to channel JB’s LuLu, which makes me happy. The last LuLu never did. To me she was playing a whole different character who also happened to be named LuLu. I really don’t love when new actors make the character “their own” so drastically they no longer resemble the original character. Just create a new character, if that’s the way it’s going to be. In that vein, even though she has played the character longest, I’ve never loved LW’s version of Carly because she’s plays her as an entirely different character than SB did. Rewatching old episodes lately and that really stands out to me. Nothing against LW- I loved her as Ally Rescott. But she just doesn’t give a historically accurate portrayal of Carly. But AH really resembles both in looks and so far in attitude. I never really felt Emme had near the spunk LuLu historically had.
  5. Admittedly, I am no expert on child custody issues but does a will really trump the rights of the other parent and their right to parent the child in the event of death? DH and I stipulated TOGETHER our wishes for our minor children should we both become deceased at the same time (when they were minor children) but I couldn’t imagine either one of us would have had the right to “will” the kids to a non parent in the event of only one of our deaths. I realize Sam wasn’t currently married to the fathers but that should be irrelevant.
  6. At first I thought it was ballsy for her to be there without her “brother in laws” knowledge but then I remembered she also HIS sister and to me that seemed a bit more natural.
  7. Ha! I read CM as Cameron Mathison at first. I was so confused/
  8. Oh wow! I completely forgot that connection. I know them sharing Kristina as a sibling has been discussed here but you are correct, they actually shared two siblings with different sets of parents.
  9. You know what would be fun- if Michael and Willow became the next Alan and Monica- Fighting, bickering, cheating, getting back together, splitting up. That would be soapy but I don’t think the actors have the chemistry or the talent to pull it off.
  10. Do we know for sure Sam is dying or just that KeMo is leaving? Because the good bye scene with her long time co workers and (I am behind a few days) what sounds like her coming out of surgery scenes could have been shot with KeMo to give the actors closure (and to give fans of KeMo and DZ together something to make them happy) only to have Sam kinda fade back into the background while they try out some recasts or bring Lindsey Hartley back. Not too long after it was announced KeMo was leaving LH played a few scenes and it was assumed KeMo was gone. She may have agreed to come back to get her gold bye scenes. Anyway- if Sam’s death has not been confirmed, like i said, I can see her fade into the background with a different actress being brought to the canvas once LuLu wakes for a Dante, Sam, LuLu triangle. If done right, it could be interesting to watch the emotional fall out of Sam giving a piece of kidney to LuLu only to have LuLu come back and claim her man.
  11. I am pretty sure that is exactly what he offered- but I listen with headphones while I clean so I am not 100% tuned in and maybe wrong.
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