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Posts posted by VintageJ

  1. 5 hours ago, Seelouis said:

    Wow. They won’t even pretend there’s a debate about who loses. 

    I know, right.  A clear losing team.  Ouch. 

    Okay, my favs so far are Michelle, Rasika, Alisha and Dan. 

  2. I’m sad Victoire is gone, but am very happy for both Sara and Amar.  I liked them both in their seasons and am loving them here.  Can’t remember how far Amar got, but Sara got really far (finals maybe) in her season.  I remember seeing Sara surprise herself and gain confidence in her abilities and you see how that confidence allows her to think through the challenges. Amar seems to be a student of food. He seems like he really enjoys learning about different cultures.  But it is his joy of life that allows him to really just enjoy the experience of being on Top Chef again and he doesn’t seem to stress over how far he gets in the competition. And I think that allows him to just relax and enjoy the experience.  He realizes that it is the experience itself that brings the joy and how special and unique it is.  How it absolutely changes your life.  

    I’m rooting for both of them.  I like all of the chefs, especially Ali so all eliminations will be hard, especially next week’s double elimination. 

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  3. Just now, VintageJ said:

    It was obvious who the bottom three would be.  I’m nervous for my girl Victroie but I think Gabi might be going home this time.  

    oh oh, it might be my girl

  4. On 3/27/2023 at 12:37 PM, Rai said:

    Loving Begona, Gabri despite his chaos, Ali, Tom, and Sara is surprising me with her level of cookery. She actually worked in fine dining NYC restaurants, so I know she can do it, but she really seems to have leveled up since the Kentucky season. Also Nicole is completely correct about needing to heat up the cooking vessels before pouring in the yorkshire pudding batter, but god, if she said "yorkies" one more time -- those poor pups!

    From what I remember of the Kentucky season, Sarah surprised herself during the season, and it really gave her a lot of confidence. I think that is what you are seeing.

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  5. On 3/24/2023 at 12:07 AM, The Solution said:

    There were a lot of things I did not like about this episode: this type of food is my least favorite on earth, to the point of being almost inedible; I thought it was kind of cruel to take them on a pub crawl with all that heavy and fried food and knew they would expect something after the beer and glop; and the teams and double elimination were pretty cruel at this point in the competition.

    I wish Sylwia and Victoire had gotten some more credit as their dish actually looked pretty good, and kudos to Sylwia for getting Victoire to actually like Toad in the Hole. Buddha and Luciana's dish looked good as well and I was happy to see them win.

    Not sad to see Dale leave. I thought he undermined May the whole challenge and was pretentious and arrogant as well.

    I agree about the pub crawl, even though I understand why they did that. But I would have been miserable eating all of that heavy food. Sad to see May go.  I liked her and thought she was going to go much farther. 

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  6. 17 hours ago, essexjan said:

    Yes, that always breaks my heart too. How on earth would someone ever get over finding his best friend hanged? I loved Anthony Bourdain. He was such a badass, he looked like he'd give a woman a really good time, and then take her for the best ramen in the world in a tiny hole in the wall cafe that only he knew about.

    Unfair comment because I can only pick one emoji.  Sad 😞 for the first part.  Heart for Anthony.  Loved him. But the 😂 gets it for that last part.  That was gold.

    • Love 6
  7. 16 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    And don’t forget a sappy personal story of how they learned this dish on grandma’s knee…

    Right before she passed. It was the last thing she did  

    Make it a risotto that looks like a scallop in a fancy toast taco.


    • LOL 6
  8. On 5/19/2022 at 9:32 AM, sharifa70 said:

    ve never been a Sarah fan, though her LCK streak was impressive. I really hope she doesn’t upset my top four of Buddha, Nick, Evelyn, and Damarr (in no particular order). I’m starting to feel like Grover in “The Monster at the End of This Book.” Don’t. Watch. Anymore! I don’t want anyone cut! 

    I felt the same way.  And OMG, I LOVE reading that book to kids.  I’m so dramatic with hand gestures and I yell (and make some of them jump) when they turn the page.  DON’T TURN THE PAGE!

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  9. On 5/19/2022 at 10:56 PM, ProudMary said:

    I'll grant you that I've had a tough week personally, but this was the first time in 19 seasons that I actually teared up at the outcome of Judge's Table. I like Buddha and Evelyn, but Damarr and Nick have been my guys and I wanted to see both of them in the Final Four. Damarr's "My big brother just went home" had me 😪.  I do think the judges got it right though. Everything on Nick's taco plate looked dry and his fish cake was a mess. He cooked many excellent dishes this season that I'd be delighted to eat but tonight certainly wasn't his night.

    Sarah's food really must have knocked it out of the park because Buddha's dishes looked fabulous too. Buddha's face when Daniel Boulud was complimenting his dishes was a joy to see.

    On to Tuscon!

    Your first sentence is spot on for me. I have never teared up at Judge’s Table but found myself doing so the other night. DaMarr has always been my favorite and I’ve always liked Nick but he really grew on me in the last few episodes. You could see the joy in his face and I felt like we got to see more of his personality as the show went on.  Many times when a contestant leaves they go through the whole “it’s been a great experience and I’m really glad I came, etc.” however you could really see the joy in Nick’s face when he spoke about his experience on Top Chef and I felt that it was genuine, not just something to say. And for that, it made me love him all the more. He truly felt grateful and joyous and I hope his time on Top Chef is only the beginning and much success comes from his time. I loved Demarr so I was stressed that he was on the bottom, but I was confident that it would be Nick going home.  

    I love Evelyn and I’ve grown to really like Buddha.  As far as Sarah, I don’t really know her so I was not pulling for her in this episode and was really really distressed to see both Nick and Damarr on the bottom. Again, I don’t really know Sarah so I’m not really rooting for her.  i don’t like  LKC so I don’t watch it.  Even though I am totally rooting for Damarr to win, I would be very happy with and Evelyn or Buddha win.  Not so much Sarah but if she had this successful of a run on last chance kitchen and can come back and beat the rest, I have to give it to her.

    So basically the next few weeks will be hard for me.  When I heard they were going to Tucson, I immediately went back to Gail‘s comment during RW to Maria when she said “we might all show up at your house in Tucson” and Maria said “Please do.” So all I could think of is “yes, please do.” I would LOVE if she cooked for the Final Four and judges at her house.  I think I saw a glimpse of her in the next episode and I love Maria so I’m happy to see her featured.  

    Actually, it would be great if past winners could cook a meal for the Final Four, eat with them and the judges, and go through what it takes to win, some tips about that day, or whatever.  I’d watch that.  

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  10. 4 hours ago, Bastet said:

    When the cheftestants sat around talking about what they were going to make, I got nervous for Evelyn, but wasn’t sure why.  So after the comments at the dining table about her playing it safe, I was relieved Nick and Damarr made actual mistakes; as much as I like them, Evelyn has been my favorite since early in the competition and I want her to go all the way.

    At least Nick has all that money he won from QF challenges.  Still sad to see him go, but I'd have felt that way about anyone other than Sarah (just because I don't watch LCK so don't "know" her the same as I do the others, not because I think she's not a good enough chef).

    Great win for Sarah after she analogized her return to the competition as making it through middle school thinking you’re the shit and then you get to high school and you’re a loser.  Her dishes both sounded great!

    It was great to have both Dawn and Stephanie at the table.

    I’d have been miserable on that boat.  I’m okay going full speed ahead, but once you stop the boat, I am nauseated within 60 seconds.  Sarah cracked me up describing everyone catching fish after fish as “It’s like Oprah – ‘you get a fish, you get a fish’”.

    I don’t watch LCK so I feel exactly the same way about Sarah; I don’t “know” her. And I absolutely agree about the boat. Once it stops, it’s over for me.

    • Love 3
  11. 3 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

    Same here.  I fully expected Buddha to win the week.  Yes, Ashleigh's food was delicious and she led the kitchen just fine, but Buddha's FOH and stellar Parker House rolls and butter were truly impactful on the overall Matriarc experience and their impressive Restaurant Wars.

    I like all the contestants and Ashleigh is a favorite so I was fine with her winning but I can definitely see the case for Buddha and I would have been just as happy if he’d won.  He was a calm, focused and attentive FOH and his bread and butter was a huge hit and he would have completely deserved to win as well.

    I think Ashleigh won because, except for the timing issue at the beginning, overall the kitchen seemed to be a relaxed, well run kitchen and there seemed to be no other blips.  They even mentioned later that the timing issue had been resolved and noted how quiet and focused it was.  I think one of the reasons the kitchen ran so smoothly is that at least three of the contestants, not sure about Buddha, seem to be a little more reserved anyway so they weren’t the frantic type.  There would not be a lot of running around in the kitchen or being excitable. When Demarr got stressed, he just focused even more.  So I think that worked in the team’s and Ashleigh’s favor because the judges noted how calm, organized and focused the kitchen seem to be.  They put that on the executive chef which was Ashleigh and that’s why I think she won.  Deservingly so.  

    But Buddha was equally deserving for his bread and butter, front of house excellence, and I believe his decision to turn all of the tables toward the kitchen.  I almost said that had the judges known that it was Buddha, I believe, who suggested turning all of the tables toward the kitchen, maybe he would have won, but then I remembered that judging table is hours long and we only see a second of it. I am sure that they asked whose idea it was to turn the tables toward the kitchen because they really like that so they would’ve asked about it.  So with all that knowledge, they still chose Ashleigh.

    Heck, they could have given it to Nick for picking such an awesome team.  He knew the type of restaurant he wanted and picked the team for it.   Buddha is just a beast so he was able to take his strength, his love for FOH and his study of past RWs, combine it with his skill as a chef, find the PERFECT way to blend his style with everyone and do the damn thing.  

    This and last year’s RW are my two favorites I think.  Can’t remember any others I’ve liked so much.  Oh wait.  To round out my top three RWs, Gregory’s, I think, when they had to pitch their ideas a couple of seasons ago.  

    And WTH Jackson?  You present to the judges and describe your dishes EVERY CHALLENGE, including quick fires.  Why is this so damn hard?  It’s not like this is something new or that damn special.  You don’t have to sit at the judges table.  You just have to greet them, describe each course, check on them to make sure they are okay and schmooze them some.  Cater to them!  If you had just done the basics of greeting them and describing the dishes, you might not have gone home.  But I like Luke so I’m glad he’s staying.

    And the fact that there was $40,000 on the line for the team and you still did not disclose the fact that you had tasting issues due to Covid makes me glad you’re gone. I realize that after taxes and splitting it it really wouldn’t have been a lot of money, certainly not $10,000 apiece, but after two years of restaurants closing due to Covid and everything that the restaurant industry has been through, that money means a lot. They were very excited at the chance to win some cash. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that you initially hid your lack of taste and smell or if it is about your timing to disclose it. As one poster said the time to disclose it was before RW.  I can even understand when you were in a group challenge before, maybe, but this money could really help, no matter how much it is, and I just think it was selfish.  


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  12. 30 minutes ago, Fukui San said:

    My modest proposal for Restaurant Wars is that it shouldn't be at this stage when there are 6 or 8 chefs left. It should be the Finale challenge, the reward for getting to the end. That way we're seeing the vision of the Finale chefs' restaurants and not the odd melange that is the typical Restaurant Wars restaurant. Of course this will never happen. 

    What a great idea!  Even if it were just one season like an All Star season. 

    • Love 5
  13. 38 minutes ago, sharifa70 said:

    Jackson’s FOH stressed me out so much. When Gail made him stop and explain the dishes I knew he was out. Too bad; I had been impressed with him up until now and like many others here, he was in my top three. 

    The time to come clean about his taste and smell issues was before RW and he pretty much lost my goodwill with that. Badly done, Jackson. Badly done. I’m glad he was the one who suffered from that.

    Thank you! I was mostly neutral on Jackson but figured he would make Top 3.  But you put it perfectly.  My goodwill is gone.  Didn’t like that.  I like Luke so i’m glad he did not go home.

    I cannot believe that Jackson purposely ignored the judges even after a customer pointed out that he should greet them.   It was so weird. He deserved to pack his knives and go.  Has he never watched Top Chef and restaurant wars? You know the drill.  You greet the judges, you come up and present the dishes. At the very least, you present your own dish.  When Mama Gail has to call you to the table …

    His confession in the stew room seemed very … passive aggressive.  Not sure if those are the words I’m looking for here.  I can’t explain it for some reason. It was like, “oops, sorry I didn’t tell you that I couldn’t really taste your food when you were asking my opinion, even though we’re teammates and there is $40,000 on the line.” Might have been nice to know.  But I see you.

    Very happy for Matriarc.  I like all the chefs but Demarr is my favorite and I’m so happy for them   Happy that Ashley got a win.  The entire team rocked it.  

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