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Posts posted by poeticlicensed

  1. My beloved Edith Wharton is this? I guess I'm just a purist, but I feel like I'm watching a CW teen girl drama. I am beyond disappointed. While I recognize the effort to include diversity, that never ever would have happened. Girls wearing their hair down, talking back, drinking, meeting with men out of the watchful eye of a chaperone. Swimming? Just no. Edith Wharton wrote about the social customs and mores of the age and their constructions. This is just awful. Awful. I hear Sofia Coppola is working on an adaption of the Custom of the Country. Her updated Marie Antoinette was so well done. This is just bad. I dont think I can make it through episode 2. Too bad. I had such hopes. 


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  2. Just finished episode 1. Wow what an asshole Sam was. 

    The set up for the next ep is when Gretchen Carlson took over and about eating disorders,the pressure to look a certain way. 

    I seriously do not understand the organization's insistence that the women put on the appearance of being untouched virgins. 

    And to try and scuttle careers after their reign? That's just controlling manipulative sh#t. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

    IIRC, all the Duggars were married in different churches. It seems to me the only requirement was the church could seat a bajillion guests.

    I remember when my daughter moved to South Carolina and we visited her. I couldn't get over the size of the churches there. Bigger than schools and most government buildings. She said when she would meet people in the community the first time, they always asked which church she attended, before they asked what she did for a living or where she lived. And everything was closed on religious holidays, like good Friday, including the schools and government offices. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    What's confusing is Jill must have already been under contract because she was 23 when she married Derick so why the need for a new contract for her?

    The way networks set up reality shows is that they tell the participants to set up an LLC and they sign a contract with the LLC, not the individuals. So the contracts, at least initially are with their own LLC, not TLC. I figure they sued whoever was in charge of the LLC, not TLC.  Probably  Jimboob

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  5. 1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

    I was a hopeful defender of Derick when he entered the picture. He had a pants wearing working mom, he went to public school and was a college graduate. I thought for sure he'd be good for Jill and held out hope for a couple of years. After Izzy's birth my opinion started to shift. Derick thought burrito wrapping a crying baby was okay, and even funny. He was looking forward to the arrival of their second child so "Izzy would realize he wasn't the center of the universe". Then there was the 3 year grift for money so he and Jill could be the white saviors of El Salvador and Derick could go to missionary camp. Then there was the lengthy SM hate rant. A public feud with his wife's parents. No one can convince me publicly slamming JB was in anyway good for Jill.

    And now bringing it up in a book some 5 years later seems pointless. The only one who will benefit from this book is Derick, who felt crushed when he was beat up on SM.

    Speaking for Jill as she struggled with the docuseries interview is not enough, because if Derick was truly supportive Jill wouldn't have been part of the series in the first place.

    So while I have full circled for many of the Duggars, I haven't for Derick.

    Again I never watched the show so I have no specific opinions on any of the Duggars or spouses, but it seemed like Jill's and Derrick seemed to be mostly upset about the lack of pay and the contract manipulation. I didn't hear a lot of criticism about how she was raised or how her sibs or others were treated by family or the church. I mean yeah escaping a cult is tough. I didn't hear her bemoaning her lack of education and limited opportunities or how she was disciplined. I get that theygot ripped off Jim Bob and Michelle, but I'm wondering if they would be speaking out if JB had freely shared the $$$

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  6. Speaking as someone who never watched the Duggar show but heard about it from coworkers and of course the molestation and pornography scandals, I actually thought that blending the backstory of IBLP with the Duggars helped me frame WTH I was watching. The stories of abuse are very  much in line with other cults, like Scientology. I found the whole Joshua Generation thing chilling and of course Madison Cawthorn. How many other politicians and judges are fundamentalists? I know Amy Coney Barrett is part of the People of Praise.

    28 minutes ago, smittykins said:

    In their first book, I think Michelle says that she used ACE(Accelerated Christian Education)for the elementary grades, which has its own issues(“Slavery wasn’t really *that* bad; not all masters were cruel, and many slaves were brought to Jeebus!”)..

    Oh there is a push to rewrite textbooks and rename slaves economic migrants. One of my children lived in South Carolina and when we were visiting went to the state museum. In the tiny part where there was an exhibit on slavery it was very much framed as most people didn't own slaves and some slave owners were kind. 

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  7. One of the things that blew me away was the logistics of the 1%. Im currently trying to plan a trip and planning the logistics (plane train car hotel etc) is a big pain. Can you imagine cars and planes and boats, helicopters at your disposal and people to make all your plans for you? I read somewhere that one percenters don't own that many coats because they go right from their car service through the front door of wherever they are going 

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  8. 2 hours ago, DawnDavenport said:

    think that’s what sealed the deal for Shiv - Kendall was blatantly lying and she knew right then and there he would never not sell her out to get what he wanted only for himself.

    I also think she realizes  that he might  blow it and suck as CEO. If he blows it they all suffer financially. Sure they have billions, but rich people are notoriously protective of their money. Hence Caroline saving the ends of the bread loaves. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Blakeston said:

    In the past, Ewan insisted on voting for Logan to remain in charge, even though he had clear contempt for Logan. He said something like, "My brother may be a monster, but he's still my brother."

    So it makes sense that he chose his relatives, despite his issues with them.


    The difference between Roman and Epstein is that Roman's island wouldn't have underaged girls. Just middle-aged, maternal women who chastise you for masturbating too often and send you to your room!

    I think Roman has been so abused and repressed that he hasn't been able to work out his sexuality. Maybe with daddy dead he can now get the help he needs to figure out who he is

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  10. So it ends with Roman realizing he's finally free. Shiv is calculating her next move. Ken being broken is on brand for Ken. I was pleasantly surprised to see in the video that Connor and Logan seemed to have affection for each other because their relationship wasn't about business. And now he's got Logans house to make into his own. 

    I refuse to feel bad for a bunch of snotty kids who don't understand what struggling means. They have billions. No tears here. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, sistermagpie said:
    12 hours ago, lucindabelle said:

    feel thick but can someone explain to me how Logan and Ewan had a baby sister in America when their parents were in England and they’d been sent away for safety? 


    I've been wondering that too!


    I suspect its one of 2 things. Either Rose was the child of the crazy uncle and aunt and he and Ewan considered her a sister OR when Rose was born she was brought over. Since it was years later I assume the war was over and people could travel again 

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  12. 9 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

    I never post on actual TV shows. Just my few reality TV on and off (we’re having a hootenanny over on Vanderpump Rules).

    I love this show. I have a Waystar Royco t-shirt I wear to the gym (courtesy of Mr. DC). Whenever I feel a little down I put on the “Hunting” episode. I believe it was the first reference to Ratfucker Sam?

    I have seriously considered paying Brian Cox apparently something like $1K to send a Cameo to my husband to tell him to fuck off (he’d love it).

    Reason for my post is I have no clue how this is going to end. With the other greats you kinda knew. Breaking Bad (Walter White dies), The Wire (dead or in prison - BTW I was late to that one - it’s brilliant but needs your full attention), Sopranos (whatever the fuck that was - life as usual?).

    My current hierarchy is Breaking Bad, The Wire, Sopranos (Mr. DC would argue with me about Mad Men being there). I’m really hoping this finale doesn’t disappoint. 

    I agree with Mr DC. Mad Men belongs. Personally I dont think the ending is gonna be cathartic, like they all die in a firebombing. But I'm hoping for not a Sopranos ending, where there is endless speculation about what happened. I've decided that was either the more genius or the worst ending of all time and I go back and forth. Part of me longs for a comic Bob Newhart ending, where the whole thing was a dream. 

    Mr Poetic doesn't watch the show, but he calls it the fuck off show because he says every time he walks into the room when I'm watching, someone is saying fuck off

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  13. So basically the people in the church and town didn't like Betty because she was cold and rigid. So candy got a pass. I dont believe for one moment she was in a disassociative state. She was just angry and snapped. The irony is that Candy became a counselor. Two families were shattered. 

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  14. I personally don't think Greg wins because that would be so trite. And Shiv can't win because  a girl boss winner would be so 2023 and I can't believe they would go there. 

    Roman can't win because he's Roman. Same for Connor

    The old c suite, nah. 

    Stewie and the 2 Sandy's? Maybe

    Matsson is kind of obvious. 

    Ken is obvious too. 

    Sunday can't come soon enough

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  15. 22 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

    was. He built the company at some point, he didn't claw his way to the top of somebody else's.

    I think the show made it t pretty clear he clawed his way to the top by destroying others. He called himself a killer. Thats what killers do

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  16. 20 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

    these women apparently love the guy. Even people talking about him as a "salty dog" but "a good egg" made it hard for me to fit it to him. Seems like he's genuinely just a bully. I can't even remember him being funny. I wondered if he wasn't wealthy if they'd like him so much and sadly, maybe some of them still would. He'd just be at the bar bullying people. (Maybe this was different when he was younger at least.) But the Women Who Loved Logan's club just seem like a lot of women whose taste in men speaks

    Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone, and old the rich old devils get married over and over. Not because they are charming 

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  17. 1 hour ago, Penman61 said:

    I understand why it's being discussed--the show, esp in this episode, has been setting up Greg as a viable dramatic choice for CEO--but just repeating what I said weeks ago:

    If Greg has the crown when the music stops, this show will have jumped the shark as badly as any show ever has. It will reveal the creator Jesse Armstrong as having a puerile and shallow understanding of how things work, and instead wanted to make A Point about How Bad Capitalist Things Are (and I hate capitalism, unbridled, myself). Armstrong has already dramatized the point that underqualified nepobaby corporatists are ruining the world, and so far, he's done it convincingly and compellingly.

    But CEO Greg?....just, no. 


    That's why I think there are one of two possible scenarios. 1) the kids are the ultimate losers and Matsson takes control and outs them and they are left with their billions and not in Waystar 

    OR, and more likely 

    We end up where we started 4 years ago, with Kendall as heir apparent, but no daddy to hand over the reins. Instead he has to destroy everyone to get there, therefore becoming Logan. 

    Jeremy Strong was on Kara Swisher's succession podcast and will be on again next week after the finale. Which is part of what leads me to think he ends up as CEO.

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  18. My speculation is that we end where we began, with Kendall positioning himself to take over and becoming Logan. Instead of a normal succession that is laid out in advance,  he will do it by smashing and destroying everything in his path, including his siblings, children, ex, and everyone he had a relationship with at Waystar. I predict he will end up like Logan, all alone, watching ATN. 


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  19. 55 minutes ago, Dobian said:

    My thing with Ewan has always been that he condemns Roy but he has still made a fortune off of Waystar Royco.  So there is always some hypocrisy about him.  Ewan and Roy were both miserable men in their own way.

    Ewan is the worst kind of hypocrite. He condemns the money and power yet benefits from them. Oh sure give it all to Greenpeace when you are dead. Why not give it all away or use it to do good works while alive? Instead he sits in his big white house and grumbles about it. He's no better than Logan. 

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  20. 14 minutes ago, deaja said:

    Unless we know that she has sole custody, I would disagree. In most custody documents that I've seen, if the couple has joint legal custody, even if one has sole physical custody, you cannot just make decisions on your own.  Which, I don't remember if the show has addressed their arrangements.  But to me, bottom line, they are not Rava's kids. They are Rava and Kendall's kids, and she doesn't have the right to unilaterally back out of arrangements they made last minute any more than he would.  When you have kids with someone, you are basically signing up to coparent with them unless things are extreme enough that the court removes their rights. As far as what we've seen, that hasn't happened.

    Remember that when the series started, it was clear that Kendall had a long standing severe drug problem. I suspect that while they maybe share custody with Rava making the decisions or perhaps Rava has custody and Kendall visitation, its not out of the realm of possibility that Kendall has no decision making power re the kids because of his drug history. Rava said this is my decision to make made it clear she holds the cards legally with the kids

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  21. 10 minutes ago, weaver said:

    At one point, the Waystar/GoJo deal was to provide funds to the sibs for a takeover of the Pierce empire.  Where does that stand in all of this?  

    I think that's part of what is driving Shiv. She wants the money to buy daddy's white whale, change ATN to look respectable, and rule over all of it. 

    If the deal doesn't happen there's no Pearce for Roman or Kendall but I dont think they care, they just don't want to sell Waystar. 

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