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  1. I think the writer was exaggerating on that score. Isaac is self-absorbed and somewhat delusional (at least in terms of his assessment of his own importance during the Revolution) and therefore can be perhaps somewhat more obnoxious and selfish than the other ghosts at times, but as to being an actual villain--what's he really done that was so bad? The only deliberately nasty thing I can remember him doing is tossing Crash's head into the woods simply because he was bored (and then forgetting about it), and I'll admit he deserves a punch in the nose from Crash for that, but otherwise I don't think he's any worse than, say, Hetty.
  2. I agree. After all, there still are cultural differences between the U.K. and the U.S., despite our shared history and the fact that we speak the same language (well, sort of). Some things that might be funny over here wouldn't work across the pond and vice versa. Americans often feel that the Brits are too dark and pessimistic, while the Brits think Americans can be obnoxiously sunny and optimistic, and those differences are reflected, I think, in the respective plots and comedic devices. So it's natural that each show would go its own way.
  3. And that really might be the crux of the issue with their relationship. Sure, they've had feelings for one another for centuries, but they were never able to learn to genuinely know each other until recently, so those feelings didn't have the solid foundation that you have when you know someone's faults and foibles yet your love endures despite them. In other words, their (or at least Isaac's) love wasn't mature. It could also be that, as so happens, once you finally get the object of your desire it loses its allure. And Isaac's been desiring for a long, long time. Their breakup doesn't necessarily mean that they won't get back together. It might be that, as they try to process what happened and, hopefully, at least remain friends, they could learn to know each other better and find their love growing and deepening to the point where they'd really be sure about getting married the next time. That does happen to some couples. Of course, it could also mean that they ultimately decide they care for each other as friends only. The best therapy would be for them to take a break from one another and start dating other people, but of course that's impossible in their case, so I hope the writers explore the dynamics between them next season. Whether they come back together or remain permanently apart, they do have to move on or they're going to be miserable.
  4. I don't think he could have known Isaac while alive. Isaac's behavior, when he first spotted Nigel with his Eye-saac, indicated to me that he'd never seen him before and certainly didn't know his name. Nigel would have had no way of knowing Isaac existed. When ghost Nigel first came over to demand Sam restore the shed door, Sam noticed that he and Isaac were making goo-goo eyes at each other, and Pete and Sass told her that it had been going on for centuries but that neither of them had ever made a move. Since they were both trying to hide their mutual attraction, I suspect each didn't know how the other felt, and neither would have known at that point that the other was gay. And if you don't know that, you're certainly going to make sure your romantic feelings are kept hidden. Remember that Isaac did eventually tell Nigel that he liked him, and Nigel said something like, "You like me?", like this was the first time he'd heard that.
  5. Eh, all the articles I've read related to this season finale indicate that the show very much wants to keep the actor on board and wants him to stick around, so I think they'll probably be using him at least as much as they have been thus far, if not slightly more when need be. I agree the chances of him becoming a regular cast member are pretty slim, because, like you said, such a crowded cast as it is, but they seem pretty happy to keep him a recurring cast member as much as possible. I think it would fall a bit flat if he just faded into the background. Stephanie (and Crash, for that matter) was never as prominent as he was. Many of us think of him as the most important of the minor ghosts, and I think he has a fan base, so I don't see the writers just letting him go. For one thing, his interaction with Isaac, now that they've split up, could provide some good subplots, and I think a lot of the show's fans are curious about how that might play out. And it might actually be interesting for him to be involved occasionally with the other ghosts in plots that aren't connected with Isaac, though for that he'd probably need to be filled out a bit so that we know more about him. I agree that he's unlikely to become a major character, not only because the main group is already set and large enough, but because he's too similar to Isaac: white eighteenth-century gay soldiers. Logistically, I suppose the challenge to writing for Nigel as a recurring character is to include him enough to make it worthwhile for the actor to keep coming back! I doubt John Hartman's salary is enough for him not to do other things, and Nigel's too well known to replace him with another actor. Well, it'll be interesting to see how it goes.
  6. Intriguing that in one of the interviews with Brandon Scott Jones, he said there was more than one version of the wedding scene because they hadn't yet determined who was going to leave whom at the altar. I'd be interested to know what the writers would have thought of as Nigel's justification for calling it off. The only thing I can think of is that he'd have sensed Isaac's hesitance and wouldn't want to marry someone who wasn't as committed as he was. But I think they went the right way by having Isaac do it.
  7. No, he likes it. Remember when he was having problems tolerating Thor and Isaac was trying to find out what was wrong, Isaac asked if Nigel had a problem with where he lived, and Nigel replied that, on the contrary, he loved the mansion (and when he first moved in, he was immediately attracted to the "comfy sofa" in the library). It's probably similar to what he grew up in, and he seems to have fairly refined tastes, so I'd guess it would be a relief to move into the Woodstone after having spent over two centuries in that tumbledown shed. But you raise an important point about Nigel's place at the mansion. His moving in and his closer interaction with the other ghosts resulted only from his burgeoning romantic relationship with Isaac. He seems to get on with the others well enough, except for that brief skirmish with Hetty, and they seem to like him or at least not mind him, so I can't imagine anyone would be cruel enough to ask him to leave. Yet the best thing for both him and Isaac would be for them to give each other space so that emotions can calm down--not that they should hate each other but simply spend some time apart. It's going to be awkward being in such close and constant proximity, and for Nigel maybe even painful, because I still think he had no qualms about his own feelings and was ready to put his heart and soul into their relationship as a married couple. But I agree with those who've said that Isaac simply wasn't ready, and I give him credit for calling off the wedding rather than going through with it only to to cause bitterness and recriminations later (perhaps leading to a ghost divorce?). And can you imagine going back to the shed now that Carol's moved in (not to mention Jenkins would probably be gloating over the cancelled wedding)? Ugh--talk about being in hell. It'll be interesting to see what the writers do with Nigel. He's become too prominent simply to drift away and not be mentioned (like that famous story about a character in one of the soaps who went upstairs to get ready for a skiing trip and was never seen or heard from again), yet his relevance has always been connected to his relationship with Isaac. If they still want him to show up from time to time they're going to have to provide some new story lines, which I'd actually welcome, since I basically like him as a character.
  8. We don't know that the snub came only from Nigel. It would be quite in character for Isaac, who in the past has shown nearly as much distaste for the basement ghosts as Hetty. In fact, I'd bet he's more of a snob than Nigel because he's more insecure, and we know that snobbery and insecurity usually go hand in hand. To me, it actually seems more uncharacteristic for Nigel, because he's generally prim and proper. I'd assume he'd have thought it impolite to exclude them. At the very least, breaking the news to Nancy the way he did was pretty unfeeling. I'm sure if their exclusion was solely Nigel's idea and Isaac had a problem with it, he'd have said something. Nigel's always seemed willing to compromise when it comes to making their relationship work. I'm surprised they didn't at least invite Nancy. After all, Nigel did invite her to his disastrous Welcome Tea, and she was the one giving him a tour of the mansion when they interrupted Hetty and Trevor in flagrante, so there's more of a relationship there. Perhaps they felt they couldn't invite her without inviting all the others, but really, none of the upstairs ghosts have much to do with those in the basement except Nancy, and the cholera folks don't seem to be all that interested in mixing with those upstairs, so why would they expect to be invited? I can understand Nancy feeling slighted but not so much the others. I myself would have been torn between not wanting to be rude and hurt anyone's feelings, and the dismal prospect of celebrating my wedding in a beautifully decorated room with a bunch of ghosts with oozing sores clothed in filthy sacks.
  9. Oh, wow, I really didn't think Isaac wouldn't go through with the wedding. I'm very sad about that, though I guess it provides material for next season to explore whether they get back together. Clearly I was wrong about the writers not daring to sabotage this relationship! I felt so sorry for Nigel. In fact, I think it seems a little unrealistic for him to be so understanding with Isaac (at least, that's what Isaac said) this soon. He must be hurt, embarrassed, and disappointed, and I'd imagine it would take a little while for him to come around. What makes it even worse is that he's now living in the house in close proximity to Isaac. I mean, he can't go back to the shed and spend his days watching Carol and Baxter get it on. But I'm not giving up on the Nisaac relationship yet. Baxter finally speaks! Although it's been a long time since he's appeared (except for the bachelor party) and he's now played by a different actor, I noticed they remembered to include the bayonet sticking out of his chest. Hope he doesn't end up regretting his wedding. Interesting twist on Pete's power. And congrats to those who predicted Patience would be the unexpected intruder.
  10. Could be, though I haven't really caught that vibe from Nigel. But even if he is nervous, I don't think it's about himself. I think he's perfectly certain about his feelings for Isaac but could be worried about Isaac's feelings for him, whereas Isaac is worried about his own feelings, not Nigel's, so there's a difference there. At least, that's how I'm seeing it. But, yes, it would be nice if all that gets resolved once they're standing up there taking their vows, and, like you, I think it will be (also, portions of the fan base might riot if this relationship goes south at the last minute!).
  11. Presumably heaven. Remember that Hetty’s Irish maid came back for awhile, so I’ve assumed since then that ghosts—or at least, some ghosts—can make return visits, maybe only under certain circumstances. But presumably she died on the premises, so unless Beatrice did, too, she might not be able to return to the mansion. I’m thinking now that it probably won’t be her, but I still think it would be nice if it were, because by giving her blessing to Isaac she’d be able to release him from whatever remaining guilt he still harbors, and maybe even help resolve his uncertainties about his relationship with Nigel.
  12. But remember the reference to Flat Maria—she’d been stampeded by a herd of cattle and, so Isaac said and hence her nickname, as a ghost she definitely looked as if she’d been. Maybe we just have to add it to the list of ghost inconsistencies.
  13. You know, that preview clip above really got me to thinking. Nigel is so utterly certain about this wedding and their future together that I can't blame Isaac for getting cold feet--I think I'd be getting a case of the jitters if I were him. I mean, if they were both nervous then they'd on an equal level, and each could reassure the other, but to see this guy you love absolutely brimming with confidence and optimism--and innocently trusting that you feel exactly the same--would scare the hell out of me because I'd be so afraid I'd fail him somehow, or that deep down I didn't really love him as much as he loved me. Even without the addition of the stripper fantasies, it'd be a daunting prospect. Whatever happens at the wedding, I really do hope the writers give those two a happy season finale and not a clliffhanger.
  14. You know, it just struck me that she didn't look as if she'd been trampled. Wouldn't you expect a lot of bruises and maybe a broken nose or something? I'm thinking that if you were trampled badly enough to die, you'd look at least a little messed up.
  15. And there's this. The plot thickens . . .
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