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Posts posted by shura

  1. I'm OK with the idea that they could travel to Manhattan from the 14th century Europe. At least it's not impossible, even if there is no evidence that this actually happened. What I don't get is why they wanted to bring the body over here. If you want to get rid of it, why not simply burn it in a big fire with all the necessary prayers and incantations and whatever else they had to do in the Middle Ages. Also, why did those monks think that getting rid of this particular body would get rid of the "weaponized" plague? It certainly was not the last plague victim ever, how did they know there were no more victims of this strain out there?

    • Love 1
  2. Well, she won't be able to ID Samaritan Asset #29.


    ID her as the person who asked for information? If Martine is that concerned about flying under the radar, then maybe she should stop walking around impersonating a cyborg, and start being more discrete about shooting people for no other reason that she's an evil cartoon. 


    BTW, who was the guy who started shooting at the election office? Was he just someone random or was he connected to Samaritan's scheme somehow?


    I always find the whole "numbers guy" thing in politics, to be silly.  I get why you have them, but I always think that can never be fully accurate, so I always find it funny when people/pundits freak-out, when the results aren't always what was predicted.  I mean, did he really deserve to get punch over getting it wrong?  But, I guess it's realistic: I suspect a lot of people in that field have issues.


    I have no idea whether punching your numbers guy is realistic, I would hope people are more reasonable than that. It's not like there is a reason to expect that his prediction is the same as a full guarantee, and that he has cheated you somehow when he is wrong. It's just a mathematical model based on certain assumptions. It's always possible that not all assumptions were made correctly, or that some new, unknown factors were unaccounted for. If Jason Ritter's character sincerely thought that he could not have been wrong, then he simply doesn't understand the nature of what he is doing.

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  3. If I didn't know better (and maybe I don't?), I'd say Finch has a thing for and was hitting on Root. Sneaking a peek at her while she was changing, "you seem so lonely, how long has it been... since you heard from the Machine?" (way to hold a pause, Harold!)... Just saying ;).


    Shooting the reception desk lady was stupid. What purpose did it serve exactly?

    • Love 4
  4. Is the key from the bottle connected to mystery girl?


    It is? That connection was completely lost on me. Red's speech went kind of like "You know why I'm here" (to Beck) - "Where is it?" (to Pepper) - "Oh, you didn't tell him?!" (to Pepper), as if all of this related to one and the same single subject. If his visit was all about the mystery girl and the key that Pepper didn't seem to resist giving up, why did he have to wait for Beck to show up? Especially since Dembe apparently found the plague cure without Beck's help. Or was that key needed to get the cure? I'm thoroughly confused.


    Aram rocked in this episode. I am still unsure if he told Lizzie about Red's efforts deliberately or because he's just not that sly.


    I thought it was deliberate. His whole attempt to console Lizzie was too awkward for Aram's mentioning Red's request to be just a slip-up. "I think you made the right decision. I've seen you in action, you don't crack under pressure. You are not even scared of Red like I was the other day when he asked me to... Oops, never mind..." 


    My favorite Harold's contribution was "Get to the morgue and bring me the autopsy results, we need to know what killed her." Well, sir, there was this taxi...

    • Love 2
  5. Eh. I think the equation was more "I don't know" = "I need to look it up on a phone" + "I don't have a phone" = "I need to find someone with a phone".


    Sure, but to the passer-by the question sounded as "My Swedish friend, please use your smartphone and look up the capital of your own country. And the city on the other end of this here bridge."


    I was wondering - purely academically, not intending to criticize anybody - if it's even necessary to spell "capital" correctly to be able to look it up. No worries, we don't need to know anything! Google will think and know things for us. It even knows how to bend a nail.

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  6. I also think there should have been a more severe penalty than tracking down someone with a phone to say 3 country's capitals if they didn't do the Ford challenge correctly


    Oh, I should hope the locals didn't have to look up the capitals on their phones! Did they?


    Are the scientists really bad drivers? I feel like they fall back in position every time they have to travel somewhere, but it's never commented on.


    Maybe they get there on time but then start falling down and rolling on the ground in celebration. What was that about?


    Is it safe (legal?) to drive using only one arm? And speaking of arms, funny how Brook was the only person who was holding the cake all the way to the restaurant. Everybody else seemed to think it was simply natural to just put it down and enjoy the bike ride.

  7. I actually thought they said "worrier gene", not warrior. As in "you stress the gene carrier out a bit, he or she starts worrying a lot, and boom! - casualties." The gene didn't exactly make all those losers warriors.


    But the way Naomi talks about "Elizabeth" seems like she's always known the "whole story", and it wasn't a forthright one. I can't visualize "Elizabeth" being the orphaned daughter of Naomi and Red's neighbors, college buddies, etc. The original contact with toddler Liz must have come from someplace at least a bit shady, and I assume it happened not long before their marriage went downhill.


    Or Red and Naomi have been sent from the future (I am not entirely convinced that "Naomi" is not a cyborg) where Liz is a John Connor kind of figure, and their job is is to make sure she becomes that. What? At least this explains stuff. 

  8. Maybe they should've given the dog to Lizzie so it could keep her other dog company.


    Then there would be TWO dogs not being walked and otherwise neglected. It would break poor Peewee's heart. 


    There have been complaints that she is the worst FBI profiler in the world so I thought it was great that they actually used her background here.


    I only remember her recognizing the personality test (which gave us the gem "this is a modified MMPI-2, but it's severely modified"). Did she do anything else, profiling-wise? Speaking of Lizzie's skills, why did she have to kick the poor student who was playing a video game, not bothering anyone, when she and Ressler came searching for Creel's last patient.


    Blacklisters have a purpose for Red; their takedown gives him information, eliminates a rival, etc. What was the purpose for removing Creel? Was it so Liz would gain her super-special medical records?


    That's what I got from it, too. Come to think of it though, if Lizzie was curious about her DNA test, what was stopping her from having it done on her own? 


    What exactly is Red's problem with Solvang?

  9. Yes, they're supposed to live in the LA area. I know there have been a few specific references to it in the dialogue but I don't remember them off the top of my head - sorry I can't give you any concrete examples!


    Dre was indignant that he had to drive all the way to Azusa to get the grass for Junior's project that wasn't even for extra credit. I think there was something else, too.

  10. When Shaw suggested blowing up the facility in New Jersey, Root said it was only one of many server farms. And since it housed the crucial servers that are now protecting them, it needed to remain intact.


    Not a problem, that particular facility can stay. Why not cripple Samaritan by blowing up a few of the other server farms if the Machine can locate them? Which it appears it can since the Machine knew about the facility in New Jersey. I say keep stockpiling those rocket launchers, blunt force is the way to go.

    • Love 1
  11. I had an idea when Finch asked root what are they going to do with a rocket launcher? Well firing it into Samaritans facility would work. lol


    It most certainly would help, wouldn't it? I wonder if the Machine should be able to figure out Samaritan's physical location. I forgot, does Samaritan know about the Machine? If it does, it should probably make sure that its servers are housed somewhere at a very remote location with no cameras for miles around and no satellites trained on it. And that people servicing it never leave the site and get resupplied in a different way every time. 

  12. Although I certainly agree, that his answer seemed like the kindest insult one person can give another.


    I'm not sure it's all that kind, actually. "Our relationship is a function of the relationship of the characters in the show. So it works pretty well for both of us" reads to me as "I only talk to her when the script makes me, and I think it's best because otherwise I would have said to her things we'd both regret."  I hope it's not what he meant, it is pretty insulting and he didn't have to say it, he could have just gone with "it's all good, we make it work." Even if she is, in fact, that irritating, and Spader is now requesting less screen time with her to minimize even the "relationship of the characters in the show." Hey, wait a minute, maybe that's what the dog is doing now, too...

    • Love 3
  13. Was I the only one who thought they were trying for creepily shippy with that little scene of Red at Lizzie's bedside asking what she really wants? Because it made me want to scrub my frontal lobes with Brill-O™, just in case.


    Also, they stole the plot about the transplant surgeon making patients pay maintenance fees for illegal hearts from Almost Human, down to the opening with a desperate businessman trying to flee.


    My mind went there, too, with Lizzie's dream about Red. If that was intentional on the writers' part, that is, if that is where Lizzie's subconscious is, then I say we have finally got some complexity right there. Not sure I want to watch that though.


    I liked that Aram asked the obvious question whether it is, in fact, possible to reuse a transplant after "repossessing" it. I had a little problem with the answer that it's not the point and that the doctor just wanted to instill fear into those still paying the fee. There is no reason to be gruesome like that to instill fear, simply killing the guy could suffice, I would think. Besides, since this "business model" only makes sense if his other patients know about it, what is there to prevent these criminals from simply getting rid of the doctor after they got their hearts and lungs? Lizzie and Ressler found him and barged in easily enough. I didn't see Almost Human, was this handled with more sense there?


    Pee Wee Herman was really unsettling and weird.

  14. Also CalTech is the employer of Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj.  It is not enough that Modern Family wins the Emmy every year over The Big Bang Theory, not they have to move in on BBT's home turf?  I had always assumed that the Modern Family houses were on the west side of LA so UCLA would be a much more convenient choice for them, is CalTech funding their experiments but allowing Hollywood on their campus?  I can tell you one thing, they have not need to do this as a recruiting tool.



    I don't know if it is a significant income source for Caltech, but they have TV shows filmed there all the time. Numb3rs was filmed there a few times, too, when my wife was working at Caltech. It may be a very difficult school, but it's an absolutely awesome place to work at, I can tell you that. I myself used to work at a company with close ties to Caltech - it was founded by the "one of our five Nobel laureates, who is currently teaching there."  In fact, he got his Nobel prize while I was working there and we all had a great party to celebrate. Ah, nostalgia...


    Speaking of children and awkward growth spurts, Alex seems to be busting out of her clothes.  Is that why she had a clipboard in front of her chest for most of the episode?  My suggestion is that the powers do an episode centered on Alex dealing with the unwanted attention she much be getting from boys, and Hayley's mentoring support (and possible jealously.)



    Shoot, the first time I read this, I took the word "support" completely the wrong way. Was thinking "Haley looks great, why would she be jealous of Alex's new-found need for support? Oh wait, it's not that kind of support... "


    Now that he is a teenager and not a goofy little boy, it’s becoming clear that Nolan Gould could use some speech therapy and acting lessons. If he's such an alleged genius, you would think he could figure out how to naturally deliver his lines.



    Well, to be fair, not every problem has a solution. Even a genius cannot figure out a solution where none exists.

  15. Did she get an e-mail soon after her parents' death that said, "Drop out of college, get a gun, and go look at some nautilus shells"? If she was following the orders of a particularly charismatic human, that's one thing. But Samaritan can't make a human connection to her. Unless I missed it, this episode never explained how she got into this silly game in the first place and why she would believe it's going to give any meaning to her parents' death.



    I especially did not get the gun part. It's one thing to get a gun if you believe the prize is something material, something that can be stolen from you. I believe Claire actually accused Finch of wanting to steal it the first time she spotted him and pointed the gun at him, didn't she? But if she is after "meaning" and knows it, does it really make sense to speak about "stealing it"?


    Here's a stupid question but did that number come from the machine or does Samaritan know exactly who these people are and somehow found a way to make the girl a number. If you think about it, the only reason why the girl made it to the end was because of them. They protected her and they got rid of her number one competitor.



    Oh man, that would be awesome! Samaritan, far from underestimating the Machine, feeds it the numbers without the Machine realizing it? And our heroes actually work for Samaritan while believing they are its enemies? There is a lot of potential in this idea.


    Also, I am really liking the aesthetics of how Samaritan communicates with humans. The crispness of the font, the colors, even the timing of the words popping up and disappearing - it's perfect.


    Favorite exchange of the episode:

    Finch:"John, don't let your frustration with me compromise your judgement."

    Shaw: "Oh, he is going to let his frustration with you compromise his judgement!"

    • Love 1
  16. The only reason anyone pays attention to her is because of Redd.


    How true, and how very, very sad. I haven't thought of this until now, but seriously, is there anyone at all who is talking or paying any attention to Lizzie unless they have something to do with Red? I can't think of anyone. Even her dog ignores her because, naturally, the dog doesn't give a crap about Red. You'd think decent writers could write some complexity and layering around that.

    • Love 1
  17. So the photographic memory lady was carrying the only copy of all the accounts and transactions and whatnot? No backup? Okay. It's not like a person can get sick with pneumonia and die, or slip in the shower and die, or simply lose this photographic memory. Do scientists really know that it's impossible to lose it? Is it really something that can be known?


    So, if I got this correctly, the entire bank job was all Red, because he needed Berlin's money to get his wife back.  Lizzie finds out, freezes the accounts, so Red's basically like "Fine, I'll try still, and if I die, I die!"  So, of course, Lizzie folds at the end.



    I thought at first that Red was giving Berlin accounts funded with his, Red's, own money after he lost access to Berlin's due to Lizzie's heroics. That would have had a hint of romantic sacrifice, if you will. It would be stupid for Red go there without a plan. Come to think of it, Red could have simply tricked Berlin. I mean, how would Berlin (or his henchman) know? He shows up at the rendezvous point, gets some numbers that Red claims are accounts and passcodes, punches them in and sees more numbers with dollar signs in front of them. Yeah, that all proves he got his money back.


    And if she's his daughter why the hell isn't she smarter?



    And the nature vs nurture debate continues...

    • Love 3
  18. When I was growing up, the word "hero" was reserved for ordinary people who performed extraordinary feats of bravery or self-sacrifice above and beyond the limits of their  everyday existence.  Google "Lenny Skutnik."   That's what being a hero used to mean.   Now, if you're a firefighter or a policeman or a soldier and your inherently dangerous job puts you in a dangerous situation heavily covered by the media, you're suddenly a hero.   But isn't that the job they signed on to do in the first place


    Yes, but the very act of choosing to become (and remain) a firefighter is a bit more heroic than picking most other professions, wouldn't you say?


    Regarding the Save, I wonder what having it may do to its holders' motivation. At the very least, they now have no need to Lena-and-Kristy the last task of the day, they can quit it any time. If they can figure that the task is the last one before the pit stop, they can even skip it altogether, go sit out their penalty and if they happen to be last team after that (which is not a given), then so what, they use the Save. And if they are still ahead of someone after sitting out the penalty, they don't even need the Save on that leg.

    • Love 2

    I actually kind of like the orange dentists (but not enough to learn their names yet). His face in race mode is a super freaky orange stare of death, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy.


    I just can't figure out how this guy gets patients. If I were looking for a new dentist, came in for a visit, say, a cleaning and an exam, and saw the Thing, my thought would probably be "Umm, this is the guy I should trust to do delicate manipulations with my teeth? I don't know about that..." Maybe she is the dentist on the team, and he is there just for tooth extractions?

    • Love 1

    I totally have to believe The Machine was trolling Shaw.  Reese and Finch got jobs that might have been boring, but manageable to them.  But, to stick freaking Shaw in a customer service job?!  Ha!


    My question is - how would the Machine get the store manager to go along with Shaw's appointment? The guy comes to work, finds some paperwork saying that Sameen So-and-so is now working for him there - fine, so far so good, maybe he was sick the day his new employee was interviewed, I suppose. But then, when he actually sees her "performance", why does he not fire her on the spot? Or are we to think she has only had the job for a few days? And it wasn't working out (duh!), so the Machine is now sticking her into that criminal enterprise or whatever it is this Romeo person is doing?


    I don't know what to think of the glance Reese exchanged with Scarface after the latter took care of business. I'm not sure Reese would respectfully acknowledge Scarface like that, just because of who Scarface is, even if Scarface is doing Reese's bidding now. Just look at how long it took Reese to stop treating Fusco like crap.

  21. I don't think Lester had to be "Mr. Suave" in that situation.  The Widow Hess was so blinded by her greed that any doofus bearing a check or a promise of a check was "in".  Lester was able to be bold in his lechery because he knew that she would do anything to get that insurance money...



    Oh, he definitely knew, and not because he is such a judge of character or anything. She already came on to him when he visited her the first time. That caused one of her stupid boys to shoot the other, remember? Speaking of the sons, I liked her line about drinking herself to numbness by the time they'd get home.


    Question - does nobody in Bemiji know that Lester stayed with his brother for some time after his wife and Verne were killed? Does that really square with his story that he was so afraid of Chaz?

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