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Posts posted by rabidchipmnk

  1. Am I in the minority that I REALLY HATED this finale? 

    1) Liv's hot boyfriend dies. Again.  Like the other two, and like I called from the second it became evident they were going to bone (so like, 12 seconds after he was introduced).  Lazy.  I suspect they're doing it to get to a Liv/Major endgame and I really dislike that, which is probably why I feel so strongly about that.


    3) With the scientist hat still on: okay, so like, if I'm understanding this (really bad medical research) correctly... he had Isabel's brain, and like, put it in blue juice and ran a current through it and then they got a gelatin brain of a different color, by magic.  But you actually literally have no idea how many brains might be immune.  Has anyone ever been scratched and not turned?  Did anyone who got the vaccine not turn? But of course *most* people who die as humans will not have been scratched by zombies, so you have absolutely no idea whether they may have immunity. You have no data!  And if eating the brain cures people, *maybe* start by doing that procedure to *all* brains you come across and see if they turn orange, since *handwaving* Isabel's blood work showed nothing unusual?  Maybe there are more immune/curing brains out there?  How would you even know?

    I'm not even that kind of scientist, but I think I understand biological research well enough to know that this is particularly bad (and has been the whole time with the cure/vaccine/whatever), and for some reason it really really really annoys me, possibly the most ever even though this is a show about zombies.  (Ravi is my favorite though, it's not his fault).

    4) I am completely not understanding how Major is now in charge. Wasn't he in exile like 8 seconds ago and everyone was following Chase's orders and raiding his hotel room? But... he's prom king, so he gets to be the leader? 

    5) Writing your own wedding vows that are 60% "we're getting married but I'm super sad we won't have kids" is weird and dumb.

    6) I *really* hope Clive tactfully broke up with Michelle, then.  ...but still, that's kind of a dick move, in her/your place of work.

    7) (How could zombie babies have nursery rhymes about Blaine and DonE if we just established ad nauseam that apparently zombies cannot have babies. Are we turning that many babies?)

    13 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

    I would have preferred a compromise; Liv gets to keep curing people, but the new zombies have to go into the FG freezers until there's a solution to the food shortage (and I'm not going to buy that Blaine's smuggling operation will bring in enough to do that).

    That's a really good question you bring up: why don't they freeze people?  If there's going to be a brain shortage, why not take volunteers to get frozen?  I'm sure some people would even *want* to be frozen, so they can live forever and see future cars.  It's not actually that dire a situation re: brains, it's really limited by freezer space, isn't it?  And then get the CDC on it to do some *actual* sciencing (/handwaving nonsense).  But at least they'd have access to more brains to study.


    ETA: Don't get me wrong, overall I still enjoy this show, and I only criticize because I care and I know they can do better.

    • Love 15
  2. On 11/4/2017 at 9:27 AM, AnnaRose said:

    What is the 'disorder' for someone who is super selfish and who doesn't care who she hurts to get what she wants?  I think that's the core problem with Rebecca.  She lies and stalks and manipulates in an effort to get what she wants, and her anxiety increases as it becomes more and more difficult to not get caught and found out.  Her lies and bad behavior become this tenuous, fragile house of cards that is constantly in danger of collapse.   I think her extreme self-centeredness is the heart of who she is and the reason for her problems.

    She's not self-centered. She's single-mindedly desperate for affection because she never got it from any adult in her own childhood, is depressive, and has no sense of self-worth (probably also due at least in part to her emotionally-abusive childhood).  I'm a little surprised about all the talk of borderline... I'd definitely pegged her as primarily bipolar, though admittedly I'm not an expert at all.  Hey, looks like other people had the same question though!

    Also: man, this frigging show.  This one and Bojack Horseman.  Damn.

    • Love 1
  3. 1 hour ago, KaleyFirefly said:

    I thought that Shawna made the shirts and was selling them to get back at Major for dumping her. Major seemed annoyed/embarrassed when he saw the t-shirt. (I'm glad he dumped her lame ass though)

    Yes to the latter point (the selfies would have been an immediate dealbreaker though), but his coworker wearing the shirt seemed to have a not-malicious tone, which is not really something I'd expect if it was a product of third-party public shaming.  But then I even less understand why he would have done it himself.

  4. Oh good, I was coming here to say "does anyone think that there is any possibility at all that Logan Echolls is not behind the murders/guns?" but everyone else had that same thought about 3 minutes in, eh? (actually, I had a sneaking suspicion back when the Tuttle-Reid murders first happened and how we were shown Vivian's reaction... something sketch is going on there.) (Also: "failed assassination attempt in which no one is injured but makes the politician look like a super-hero" is also entirely too coincidental to not be staged.)

    I wish I hadn't said out loud in like, the very next scene that "I bet Ravi's girl in this episode is going to be worse than Major's girl," but seriously, is there a reason we can't get either of them a decent love interest?  Also: isn't that some really irresponsible reportering she's doing?  At the very least, they have no corroboration, unless she was recording it, and even then how will she back up the stuff Ravi probably told her?  At worst, Ravi explained to her the whole thing about the zombie island and the murders and WHY they're doing that, and she understood the risks to innocent zombies if they were outed too soon, and she published the story anyway and in the most sensational way possible, which has gotta go against some sort of ethics.  Or maybe she's just a tabloid reporter, in which case who really will believe it?

    I was kind of confused about Major selling the shirts of himself though... at first I thought it was something she would have done to get back at him, but I guess we take the reporters'/radio's word for it that he's embracing it now?

  5. 3 hours ago, Pogojoco said:

    On the subject of Cathy teaching in a public school- if she was thinking about no longer being a nun (perhaps to marry Gerry), she might've been trying to get teaching experience/connections in the public school system, too. It's not clear that's exactly why- but it's a possibility. 

    Yeah, that's another good point.  Even if it wasn't all about Gerry it seemed she was definitely considering de-nunnifying.  It would also be a trial run for HER to be in the real world, since it sounded like she started ...nun seminary(?) pretty young without ever having to be an adult in the world herself.  And I'm sure (or I hope) all the sexual abuse didn't do a lot to convince her to stay inside the church either...

  6. 7 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Well coke girl and rich parents girl weren't in any scenes past the first restaurant, so that was a nice touch.

    Is it actually common to do dinner with the option for drinks as a first date?  If I'd never met the person before I'd usually go for something lower-stakes like coffee or maybe brunch.  ... for that exact reason.  And maybe I'm an overly-cautious lightweight female, but no gracias to drinks either.

    I did also like how they were at the same restaurant too.  Gotta have a designated "first date" restaurant that you don't mind having associated with a lot of crappy experiences.  Or so I'm told.

  7. 8 hours ago, jeansheridan said:

    And unnecessary.   The story is horrific enough.  All that extra flare drives me batty.


    I think it's the faceless face.  ughhhhhhh it's too late for these images to be back in my head I need to google some pictures of kittens now.

    • Love 1
  8. On 6/7/2017 at 5:22 AM, ElleMo said:

    Hmm, that is an interesting take. I never thought of it like that.  But Russell continued to live in the apartment and even got another roommate.

    To continue my speculation: maybe it's like that myth where if your roommate dies you get straight As and everyone treats you nice through the semester?  I did think it was weird that she got another roommate though... like the roommate said, I would have been paranoid every second I was in that parking lot, however irrational I knew those fears to be.

    I wish we'd heard more from Russell.  It sounded like she knew more than most about what was going on, and I don't know what that could mean.

    • Love 1
  9. 11 hours ago, MaryWebGirl said:

    I feel like they never made it clear exactly what happened. I forgot who said it fairly early in the series that Cathy and Russell sort of requested living outside of the convent and working at a public school, but I honestly doubt that. I imagine they did make waves about Maskell, and the move was a compromise their superiors came up with. I'm sure the school wouldn't just let a well-liked, energetic teacher waltz off to the public sector. 

    The story was that Cathy thought she couldn't advise students how to deal with living in the real world when her only experiences were in the cloistered nun-life, so she and Russell requested to do an experiment of teaching at a public high school and living outside. It wasn't a punishment. IIRC TPTB had decided the experiment was not worth continuing beyond the current semester, but Cathy had not yet been told that when she was murdered in November.

    it sounded to me like the whole thing was her idea.  If it was related to the rapes (which I suppose we don't 100% know), it could have served a purpose of her getting an outside perspective on how to deal with it; she had to have known that no one inside the school and possibly in the diocese was going to address it, and the cops were compromised too as we saw.  I could see how she might want to be very deliberate about how to act, since it would be very easy just to transfer him away again. Didn't work out that way, as we know.

    Just speculation on my part.

    • Love 3
  10. 14 hours ago, BoogieBurns said:

    Ghosting is just not responding at all to someone who is interested in you after you two have made a connection or even been out on dates. I suppose you could also ghost your friends by never responding to their texts, and unfollowing them on social media. It's this super passive way of playing games in this digital age of never seeing people face to face. It's childish and pretty mean. But I can't say I've never done it.

    I mean, ghosting can also be just a way to say "hey I'm not digging it" without actually having to SAY it which is awkward and hurty. Most people take the hint, and sometimes it's even mutual... just the other day I said "I was totally not qualified for that job but I wanted it so I applied anyway, I hope the search committee just ghosts me rather than telling me how much I suck!" (For the record, I think they did...yay?).  

    15 hours ago, mmecorday said:

    Perry asking Kimmy "Would you like to donate a dollar to help Dartmouth students learn how to read?" killed me. I love Perry so much more than the ridiculous Dong.

    We saw Hamilton this weekend and the Thomas Jefferson actually did admirably, even though I've had the OST on repeat for two weeks now. I'll think Daveed Diggs is great in anything, I guess is my point, so I may be biased.

    • Love 3
  11. ...please tell me that real humans aren't going around naming their real human babies Khaleesi...

    Re: Reneesme: https://xkcd.com/1011/

    How do you even pronounce Espn?  Like "Aspen" except dumber?

    (I may have a side hobby of judging all my acquaintances' choices in children's names.  My cousins in particular have done a really bad job of it.  You can technically name your child "Maddison," but you do realize you are actually naming her "Maddison-with-two-Ds" because that is how she will have to introduce herself to people FOR.EVER?)

    Ahem.  Topic?  Yeah, not a lot of baby Lindas, but you can do a hell of a lot worse in this day and age... glad that Titus realized it's not really about the Linda.

  12. On 6/2/2017 at 11:04 PM, bilgistic said:

    Eyewitness testimony about a third-person crime is VERY different than one's own recovered memories. Here's some more info about how the brain represses memories of traumatic events, and how memories may recover later: https://www.sidran.org/resources/for-survivors-and-loved-ones/what-are-traumatic-memories/.

    Thanks for the link! It's great to have concrete resources on that (really not-great) topic.

    • Love 1
  13. Nice! Though Phil's death and the S3 finale/Dawn's birth should be separated by at most 8 months (Erica wouldn't have known she was pregnant earlier than that).  

    Maybe Season 3 is more condensed in time? There was a Christmas in Malibu, but I don't recall exactly when.

    of course, we can always fan-wank it in that do we REALLY think these people have a 100% accurate calendar? They're not astronomers, and Tandy messes up a few "30 days has September" and suddenly your February is actually March...

  14. On 5/31/2017 at 7:33 PM, Frisson said:

    As a Linda in my 30s who is not in HR, I found this episode very objectionable. Unless I take the show's stance that being Latina exempts me from all the Linda stereotypes?

    Either way, I never had a nickname and am pleasant! (Is that something a Linda would say?)

    I think it does, for some reason I categorize Leen-da as different from Lin-duh.  Maybe because "linda" is actually a commonly-used word in Spanish?

    I'm too lazy to find a source, but don't names go in cycles, so we think of the Debs and Barbs and Lindas as middle-aged since those were popular 40-50 years ago.? Just think, in 40 years everyone will think of McKenna and Madison as the Lady-in-HR names... and maybe Linda will come back in style for being classic and retro.  

    (I have high school acquaintances who named their baby Edith... maybe they're at the leading edge of a wave of Ediths and Roses, but that still sounds old-lady to me, I don't care it was on that one show. ABOUT OLD-TYMIE PEOPLE.)

  15. 10 hours ago, Captanne said:

    Imonrey, I agree about recovered memories.  I'm 56 and my "eyewitness" memories are convoluted at best with time. However (full disclosure, I used to be a litigator -- got my law degree in 1996 and practiced until I was activated in the National Guard on 9/11) when we are talking about such vivid memories of a crime from factual circumstances like Maskell's it is our bounden duty to find what is accurate and what isn't. These memories are of grievous criminal allegations about a man whose depravity is corroborated and who was moved around by the church as well as put in an asylum.  Plenty to go on there. (You can infer what I think of Mrs. May.)

    I liked how they made it an explicit point how she recovered the memories on her own (which is more reliable), and did not talk to any of the other survivors until I guess we saw them meet in the second to last episode.  And Teresa and the other victims never had repressed their memories, but they were consistent between each other.  Of course eyewitness testimony is like, the most unreliable type of evidence, but these are points in her favor.  I'd agree that if anything is suspect, it would be the "seeing the body" part; seems almost like symbolism for the other role Sister Cathy had in the story (and maggots are what you'd think of on a dead person).

    Murder or no, those guys should all have rotted just ("just") for the abuse.

    • Love 7
  16. On 5/31/2017 at 11:11 AM, ChicksDigScars said:

    Jesus Christ, the one line that I keep coming back to, was that bastard Maskell WATCHING while his friends took turns on these girls, and (I hope I have the right episode), when his friend "Brother Bob," whose identity is still a mystery, climaxed without pulling out, that Maskell told him, "She's a pup from a large litter. We can't have that." So, she was a dog to him. A dog from a large family of fertile Catholics, and we have to be careful not to get her pregnant. Fuck you, Father. Seriously, you fucking pig. 

    Honestly I was surprised we didn't hear about any of them getting pregnant.  Statistically I'd think that would have to have happened... or was he spiking the cokes with birth control too?  Or we just have a 40-years-late sampling bias.

    On 5/31/2017 at 11:11 AM, ChicksDigScars said:

    And THAT'S IT. That's who Jean reminds me of. Glenn Close.

    ...nah, that's not it.  She does remind me of someone, though.  Anyway she's totally badass.

  17. 5 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

    I am not at all religious, but I was raised Catholic and this episode ... killed me. I would love ... love to hear a story in which the church actually defends the victims rather than covers up for the priest. I suspect I will never hear that story.

    It really is disgustingly mind-boggling how universal this same damn story is over and over and over.  I was just browsing elsewhere on the interwebs last night and oh look, another one, but this was in Australia and in the 90s.

    Jean was one of the lucky ones, truly...

    • Love 2
  18. 57 minutes ago, mahree said:

    I don't know if you've watched the whole thing, but 

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    the Church HAD corroboration - that kid whose mom went to the diocese and demanded action after he reported Maskell's abuse to her.  What did they do?  Move him to Keough, where he was free to molest all those girls, including Jean.

    Yes. This. Those fuckers.

    On May 28, 2017 at 9:03 AM, iMonrey said:

    As horrific as it is to go through what Jean went through, I completely understand why authorities (whether police or the diocese) were telling her they needed corroboration from other witnesses. I mean, I totally believe her and they probably did too, but the cold fact of the matter is you can't just get someone fired or arrested on your say-so. Otherwise, anybody in the world could just go to the cops, or the church hierarchy, or their boss, make an accusation against someone and get them suspended or fired by making up a story about them because they had some kind of beef against them. 

    Obviously I'm not saying that's what Jean was doing, but if you think of the ramifications of it, there's a reason why hard evidence is needed to take action against someone. 

    The problem with this is, even independent of the revelation above, is that it puts the onus on the VICTIM to get things done. Nuh uh. You have diocese resources, YOU find the corroboration, if you actually care about doing the right thing and helping the victim(s). But we all know that has NEVER been their priority. Ugh, I'm getting angry all over again now.

    • Love 12
  19. First: FUCK the FUCKING catholic church, GODDAMN.  I don't have enough caps for this rage.

    On 5/21/2017 at 4:45 PM, kieyra said:

    ...and I'm annoyed that we all know this case will never be considered as desperately important as the case of what's his name from Making a Murderer, or Adnan. The outrage won't be there. You know, it's just raped and murdered women. 

    But all of these cases dealt with murdered women...?

    On 5/22/2017 at 6:14 PM, kieyra said:

    I find the scenes with Edgar frustrating to watch. Since he's obviously non compos mentis, I don't understand the point. I'm also surprised they included those scenes after the outrage about the way the kid in Making a Murderer was interrogated. It often seemed like Edgar was just agreeing with whatever the dude said and not paying attention. If someone has a different read on this, I'd be interested.

    I definitely read at least part of his responses like that.  He seems not totally there anymore, and I'm not sure what they were hoping to convey with a line of questioning which was basically "So we think the murderer drove with two feet. Did you drive using two feet?"

    On 5/22/2017 at 6:54 PM, Lord Donia said:

    So true and despairingly sad. Makes me wonder how different Jean's life might have been if her mind hadn't stepped in to repress the horror and safeguard her.

    She was one of the lucky ones, though.  I was really happy that we got to see how her husband was all "no, you're not an evil slutty person, this was abuse that you didn't choose to have happen to you and of course I love you anyway."  Awww.  (which just made it more obvious that he had died since he was in none of the talking heads)

    9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I wonder if maybe Edgar Davidson killed Joyce Malecki and there's no real connection between that murder and Sister Cathy's. The necklace might be nothing more than a red herring (I tend to agree with the recap that the green stone being Marilyn Cesnik's fiancé's birthstone was a stretch). I find Billy Schmidt the most plausible suspect, especially since his nephew had such a definite memory of having been there when they dumped her body. I'm frustrated they were unable to make a connection between Fr. Maskell and the Schmidt family, though. And that the eldest Schmidt son was named Bobby but they never drew a connection between that name and "Father Bob."

    Sadly I don't think this case will ever be solved. And much like "Making A Murderer," it basically just made me want to reach into the TV and punch a lot of people. 

    That's the part I can't figure out... if Billy was gay (and never catholic, so probably not a gay conversion "therapy" sort of thing), then why would he have been involved with Maskell?  Unless it was through his friend Skippy?  When did they start hating on the church and storing creepy attic mannequins, was it since always or after a triggering event?  If the former I can't see how he would have had anything to do with the murder.  I have a hard time believing the nephew's memory, since that seems completely contradictory to the other evidence.  Too many holes here...

    2 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

    I will say that I found the evidence put forth in the show that the murders of Sister Cathy and Joyce Malecki were related to be tenuous at best.  As far as I could tell, that theory is based on only 2 things: that the two women disappeared within days of each other and that Joyce's family received a condolence card from Father Maskell.

    Baltimore is a good sized city and I think that 2 women disappearing within days of each other, while worth a look, is not damning evidence.  Also, didn't the Maleckis live close to Keogh?  If so, it seems completely reasonable that Father Maskell would have had at least a passing acquaintance with the family and a religious leader sending a condolence card to someone they every vaguely know is hardly unheard of.

    I'm not saying I do NOT think that the two cases are related--only that I don't see conclusive evidence that they are.

    Also there was the thing that their cars were both obviously dumped in the same prominent fashion.  I think they were both last seen at malls, too.  If I was a conspiracy theorist*, I'd say they killed Cathy to shut her up, then killed Joyce to just make sure it looked like a random serial killer or something and she ended up as the collateral damage.  

    *(present OBVIOUS conspiratorial coverups of child sex abuse notwithstanding, obvs.  Ugh, fuck the church.)

    • Love 4
  20. On 5/23/2017 at 5:28 PM, CherryMalotte said:

    That letter...I wonder about that.  I don't think Cathy would have written to her sister about any of the abuse, she was happy about her sister's engagement and wouldn't have dimmed it with her own concerns.  But I do wonder if there was something in there about her leaving the motherhouse, and her vows.  If some wrong sided officer read that and passed the information on there would be a reason to 'lose' it.  Or is it there in a folder somewhere and it's just been overlooked?  Something is up with that.  

    Re: the letter: just because it was postmarked the day (right?) after she disappeared, couldn't that mean she dropped it in the mailbox while she was running errands, but it wasn't actually picked up until rounds on the next day, thus the postmark?  I didn't see how that would definitely be evidence then.  But also ugh, gloves! Open it!

    5 hours ago, lucindabelle said:

    I thought we learned about the love letter in the past episode. I'm so confused by her love letter. Didn't he say she had turned him down?

    I thought that's what he said too, re: their conversation 3 days earlier... but also it looked like they actually had the letter there?  With late periods and "I want to have your babies" and everything... Maybe he was conflating different conversations? 

    The vagina thing was fucking weird though.  How would you even remove a vagina in one piece??

    From the recap:


    The now-ancient McKeon confirms to Cathy's sister by phone Koob's version, but apparently he said at the time that he drove up from Beltsville, not from Annapolis with Koob. This is probably nothing, just a slip of the tongue by McKeon, but if it is something, what is it? 

    I froze it on the newspaper clipping-- it seemed to me that it was plausibly a case of "he told the reporter they drove up to the nuns' apartment, the reporter put down where he lived, sentence structure or reporter assumptions left the clauses ambiguous" rather than he actually did say Beltsville and not Annapolis.

    ETA: e.g. this one: http://www.baltimoresun.com/features/retro-baltimore/catherine-cesnik/bal-timeline-the-sister-catherine-cesnik-case-20170518-story.html cites them as both driving up from Beltsville.  So that inconsistency is far from a smoking gun, IMO. (and overall this is a pretty crappy summary)

    • Love 2
  21. 22 hours ago, Eliz said:

    And one of these stories  -- I think my uncle killed her and carried her out in a rug -- doesn't match up AT ALL with any of the facts of her murder. Of all the things that are unknown about the night she died, there's no suggestion by anyone ever that she was murdered in her apartment.

    Right?  Wasn't her roommate at home that whole time, if I'm remembering correctly?  The degree to which this whole thing relies on the notoriously fallible human memory is really frustrating (although that's not to say that I disbelieve the victims).

    On 5/23/2017 at 7:12 AM, teddysmom said:

    And if they used her car to transport her to wherever they did kill her, and went to all the trouble to bring it back, why not go ahead and park it legally.

    The theory I got out of that was that it was to send a message/make sure the car was found and obvious that something had happened (as opposed to her just wandering off, I guess?)

  22. On 5/26/2017 at 10:06 PM, theatremouse said:

    He wants her to talk to the humans so he doesn't have to. 

    I got the impression he was supposed to be on the spectrum (I think he's the same student who really wanted to know what kind of trolley it was, and... had another line in a previous episode which pinged my 'dar, right?  Counting people when entering the room, or something?)

    I guess I'm in the minority, but I was kind of meh on this season.  Really meh.  Did all of the writers just super hate college?  Are they just lazy, and that's why they just pull out every single trope in the book (academics being bullied by the coaches; professors are all vegan lesbians who treat chickens as children; hahahah consent, what a ridiculous concept, kids today are so dumb and definitely go overboard on that and there are definitely no real-world current event examples of how sexual assault is very much not taken seriously even in frigging 2017; "ugly" David Cross turns into a hot dude and immediately becomes a shallow asshat because you can only have one or the other we all know that)?  

    I don't know.  I guess I just wish I had enjoyed it more than I actually did.  Like, it's one thing to be COMPLETELY in the realm of caricature, but they aren't totally in that zone, I don't think, so when they do storylines like those it just strikes me as lazy.  It is possible to tackle these topics in comedic yet intelligent ways (e.g. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend).  Just disappointing.

    "Boobs in California" is REALLY catchy though.

    • Love 6
  23. Ha, yeah.  Or *cringe* was evangelizing about his new religion that is definitely the right religion PLEASE LISTEN IT'S IMPORTANT FOR YOUR LIVES. (...I may be a bit sensitive to those who equate "trust in the scientific process" with "oh that's just another kind of religion" /sigh  Representations like this don't help.)

    • Love 1
  24. On 4/28/2017 at 1:03 PM, iMonrey said:

    Hard to tell . . . the international space station does look kind of like a satellite. 

    <pushes glasses up bridge of nose>Actually, the ISS, by virtue of its orbiting the Earth, is a satellite.

    Seeing as nothing came of it, I think it's probably not important which piece of space junk it was, just to indicate that things are failing (though, again, how does gas still work????).  Though by virtue of its size, the ISS might be a good bet if we're sticking with the rules of physics... smaller satellites would likely burn up in beautiful "shooting star"-like debris trails before hitting the ground.

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