Interesting episode. Neither Miguel nor Lindy came off well to me. Lindy sounded a little nutty with the f-bombs, while Miguel came off badly with, “I dont like this version of you.” A little nasty. I understand why women are protective of their names, but my wife, whose been published in her field for decades, immediately took my name because she was proud of being married to me. It felt good. Miguel wants that but he shouldnt force it or made it a quid quo pro.
However, I dont understand why he wouldn’t put her on his insurance immediately. Maybe there’s more premium. Maybe she should have covered this sooner. But fact is, they are MARRIED now and if she lands in a catastrophic financial medical emergency the fallout is going to get all over him whether he likes it or not. Smarten up, M. You can always drop it after the divorce.
I think Kristen is the home run of the season. She pleasant, pretty, sexy, incredibly compromising, intelligent, positive and she didnt blink when he bombed her with the “Im not feelin’ it” speech. Her gymnastics in working around Mitch’s demands are unbelievable. She’s a damn star.
I dont understand why the fiance story would be something to withhold. It wasnt her fault.
Mitch? Ugh, lefties bug me anyway, so a radical enviro whack job? Go away.
I still think Nate’s a scammer, and he’s hanging in to cash in on Wifey’s nest egg. I didnt like her at first, but shes sweet and seems like she wants it to work.
The insufferable Justine/Alexis union is as obnoxious now that she hates him as it was when they were blissful. His teary act is creepy and he is 100% to blame for his aggressive dogs behavior. She really should have been watching though… is this the first time shes seen 2 animals introduced to each other? And she does love to argue, although Justine is ready to dust her off during an argument, just like he did with his brother.
I have no use for either Morgan or Bihn. His glassy-eyed smile and psychotic cheapness is impossible and shes just not all that at all, at any level.