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  1. I agree with the poster who does not want to hear the word bitches. It is overused and is completely classless. If Chelsea wants to call women bitches she can start with her daughter, mother and herself. Chelsea is so proud of her boobs but they really are saggy. In some of the really low cut tops you could see her stretch marks. next season less cattiness and more houses
  2. Chelsea goes on and on about how great her boobs are. At the dinner weigh Mary and Jason her Chelsea’s boobs were hanging out of her top and the camera focused on the stretch marks. Yikes it was not attractive. Chelsea kept demanding respect and Divina just walked away. I worked with a woman who always said she deserved respect. I told her you need to earn it. I just don’t like Chelsea. Christine’s poor me attitude is also getting old. more house porn. I love the homes.
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